Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1155: Hands-on

The first one hundred and fifty-five chapters

The master of the far road also crossed the master of Yuanwu and flew to the front of Shuqing Shitai. Shi Lidao said: "Fortunately, the two teachers are too good!"

"Fortunately, just... the heavens and the earth are exhausted, I am waiting for the lingering, not peaceful, and now there is such a fairy, have to come and see! Could it be... three masters... also have this intention?"

"Amitabha, the old man and so on are also ordinary people, but also lingering, but also not peaceful, the teacher is too here to do this, the old man and so on are also here!"

"Oh, I can’t think of the sorghum of Dalin Temple. I wonder, no wonder!"

The faraway master glimpsed, "I wonder what?"

"It’s no wonder that when I was waiting for my family, I deliberately wanted to focus on the overall situation. I have always been in Nahan, and I will see the master and others, and understand!"

"Teacher is just talking about the old man's heart, my parents' abbot is also so embarrassed, really no help!" Next to the master of Yuanwu returned to Shuqing Shitai with the original words.

Shuqing’s teacher didn’t take it for granted. He turned to look at Haoyun’s real person and said: “I’m waiting to see you cold, it seems to have left the Taoist door’s friends!”

Haoyun saw the real thing, his body was slightly moving, flying over half a foot from the air, he said: "Under the next...The clouds have seen several friends!"

"Shuiyunjian?" Shu robbing a teacher too, immediately laughed: "The old body thought it was the old man, it turned out to be an unknown water cloud, it is really funny!"

The face of Haoyun’s real person is also not good-looking. It is slightly annoyed. After the finger is slightly moved, it is loosened again. The skin smiles and laughs: “There was a so-called **** knife door, but... it was by the immortal allies. It’s gone, it’s not there anymore, now it’s only in the water!”

"Hey, the rivers and lakes are on the door, the life is normal, who will still think of who is destroyed? Look at the people's school, now it is different and re-entered the rivers and lakes, but also set foot on the fairy road?"

"What? There are people who have set foot on the fairy road? Is it Junhui?" Hao Feng was shocked.

"Jun Hui has long fallen, I don't know what year of the year, how could it be him?" Shu Qing teacher said with disdain, then turned around and asked Shu Shuo teacher too: "Sister, it seems... ... When Junhui fell, the Master of Heaven has already passed away!"

The sorcerer thought too much, nodded and said: "Whether... the far-off master is dead early, he is injured and died. Junhui is forcibly breaking through the martial arts, accidentally taking the fire and entering the magic, will be within the dantian The real fire is ignited, and the five insides are burned and died!"

"Unfortunately... Dalin Temple has so far... It seems that none of the murderers who killed the Master of Heaven have found the murderer under the Jiuquan!"

"Amitabha, the teacher is too misunderstood, my far-off brothers and brothers are profound in Dharma, and the merits are complete. It is the Western bliss, but it is not under Jiuquan!" Master Yuanwu snarled.

"If you are dying, you can go... Western bliss?" The sorcerer is too curious: "This...the old body still doesn't know, the troubled master knows!"

"You..." Master Yuan Wu was furious and shook his shoulders. A brilliance flew behind him. After flying to a few feet, he fell again. He hung over the head of Haofeng Master. It was a shot that was wider than the ordinary sword. Double the wide sword!

"How? Do you want to say it?" The sorcerer was too sneer, waving a long whip in his hand, and the delicate petals were born with the whip, surrounded by the sorcerer: "There was much more in the past." The man was saved, causing him to be unhappy, and he was chased for three thousand miles before he killed the man. This also allowed the old man to wander outside for several years, and returned to the fragrant peak to be punished by the teachings. Now he saw it. It is to say this to your vulture!"

"Ignorance of the enchantress, this is your fault, but also depends on others. If you don't tell the old man to hurt, the old Buddha's mind can be late for the brothers for so many years? Come here, it is to see you Xiangjiao Town teaches the power of peach blossom whip!"

"It is said that this scorpion sword is also a famous instrument in Dalin Temple. The old body is to be taught!" The sorcerer’s voice is not necessarily too, the long whip is shaking, countless peach blossoms are shining with glamorous red light, and one brain goes far away. Master Wu hits.

“Sister...” Shuqing’s teacher Zhang Zhangkou, can see that the peach blossom has already flashed, and then sighed: “Sister, don’t move the real anger, don’t forget the words of the head teacher, our focus is still on Xianfu. !"

"You come really ???" Yuan Wu did not expect that the sorcerer would say that it was easy to do it, some were caught off guard, and when the figure flew back, the detective went to the arms and saw a big fist and took out. The shaking hand is throwing into the air, then the cockroach turned over a few turns in the air, it is the mouth down, far from the master of the law, hitting the raft, the sound of "brushing", a thin layer The thin Buddha light was sent out from the shackles, and the masters of Yuanwu were rigorously covered!

At this time, countless tiny, peach-like masses hit the Buddha's light, and a burst of "噗噗" smashed out countless beautiful brilliance, and then annihilated, and the Buddha's light was slightly weakened.

Seeing that the defense of the cockroach is effective, the understanding of the heart is great, and the index finger and the **** are close together. One finger on the head, the wide sword is trembling, the tip of the sword is forward, and the door is straight to the door of the thief.

"Come on!" The sorcerer was too clear in the mouth, and the long whip in his hand ran a circle in his hand. The long whip immediately turned into a filament and wrapped around the broad sword. "Hey, you are really dare. "The master of Yuanwu sneered, and the index finger and the **** are fretting. It seems that the **** are used to incite what is the law. Then, it is a little forward. The sound of "Bi" sounds, and the wide sword suddenly gives a long finger. Guanghua, flying fast to the long whip.

When it was said that it was too late, the Guanghua of the wide sword just flashed, and the long whip of the sorcerer’s sorcerer was rolled up, and “劈啪啪” was smashed in a row, and the brilliance of the wide sword was bleak, and the long whip would be Wide sword entangled.

"Not good" Yuanwu master was shocked, the finger was a song, the wide sword was like a clever snake, the whole sword body trembled slightly, then immediately flew back and returned...

"Ha ha ha, far from the vulture, know that I have passed the fragrant teaching, and eat me a whip!" Shu robes too hard to soften, the long whip turned into a filament does not retract, but a wrist Shake, a small number of small peaches generated in succession is generated, with the direction of the whip, spinning rapidly, rushing to the master of Yuanwu!

"How can the old lady be afraid of you?" The master of Yuanwu was shocked, and the law was inciting. At the same time, he spit out a few words of truth. Protected, all the "peach blossoms" only hit the light curtain, like the pebbles hitting the surface of the water, the smashing sputum, and then turned into invisible!

"A good vulture, there are such means, the old body is a small look at you!" Shu robes too seems to have just played a real fire, long whip waving, but also countless tiny peaches around, just this time and Did not take off the long whip, but with the long whip "啪" slammed the brilliance of the glory.

Although it is the glory of the glory, it can be the same as the body of the scorpion, the whole brilliance and the swaying a few times, a few desires to extinguish, "disorder", at this time, the masters of Yuanwu screamed like a spring thunder. The wide sword that was still hovering in the air just now, with the finger of his finger, "brushed", and it was soaring, and stabbed to the sorcerer's throat.

The wide sword was extremely fast, and the sorcerer was too shocked. When he was dodging, the long whip was shaken again, and he circled around him. Countless peach blossoms appeared in the sorcerer’s body, and she protected her. ......

Shu Qing is too standing next to him. When he sees that the sorcerer is too aggressive in attack and defense, he knows that there is no serious problem, and he will cast his gaze on the distant master.

The far-distance master saw it and put his hand on it: "Amitabha, Shu Qing Shi Tai, do you have to reach out and test the repair of the old man?"

"Where, the old man is far from your Dalin Temple, no complaints, no hatred, no reason to start here." Shu Qing teacher said coldly.

"So very good!" The master of the far road was relieved and smiled. "At this time, the old man still has some questions to ask the knife door. Oh, no, it’s the friend of the clouds between the clouds. The teacher may wish to give me a big deal. Lin Temple is a witness!"

"Ha ha ha, the old body is doing this, please..." Shu Qing Shi is too ambiguous, immediately said.

The far-distance master nodded and flew to the side. It was in front of the real people of Haoyun, and his hands were together. The big voice: "The old man has a question and wants to ask Haoyun Daoyou."

"Masters please tell, the poor road knows everything!" Hao Yun real people also courtesy.

"Is it?" The far-distance master frowned and opened his mouth; "I don't know.... Can a friend of the Tao have seen the old master of the old man?"

"The Master of Heaven is the abbot of the Dalin Temple. How can I not know?" Hao Yun said: "If you say that you have seen it, there is no such thing as a poor road. The poor road has always been in the water. Repair, rarely ask about the things in the party and things on the rivers and lakes!"

"Oh? Really?" said the master of the far road: "The old man seems to have seen the instrument of the Taoist friend from a distance. It seems to be very similar to the weapon that hits my distant brother. I don't know if the friend can come up with one. What about it?"

Hao Yun really smirked: "How difficult is this?"

When he said that he would stretch his hand and take out a thing from his arms, he would spread his palm and seemed to be waiting for the distant master to watch.

However, just as the masters of the distant roads clasped their hands together and their eyes went forward, they saw that the hands of Hao Yun’s real hand waved, and the face of the far-away master was sprinkled! With the gesture of Haoyun's real people, a fiery brilliance quickly smashed the face of the far-away master...

It is a pity that at the same time as the red spurs of the far-distance masters, the far-distance masters walked to the side of the scoop, avoiding the brilliance in the electric light and flint...

Looking at Haoyun’s real people, it’s not surprising to see Guanghua’s fall. The backhand is pulled at the waist, and a reddish jade flute appears in the hand. Then, shouted: “Up!”

With the order of Haoyun real people, Haoyue Zhenren and Haofeng real people are also talking about it. Haoyue took out a small hammer, Haofeng picked up his thunder cone and pounced from the other two sides to the distant master...

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