Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1168: 氤氲紫气

The first one hundred and sixty-eight chapters

I don't know how long it took. It seems that Zhang Xiaohua couldn't feel the passage of time on this gray passage. Maybe it was a cup of tea, maybe a meal, maybe... it was a few hours, and the scenery next to it kept going. The change, I didn't take a step and felt like I came to a new place. After a long time, Zhang Xiaohua wouldn't bother to look at both sides...

Until the front of the ordinary stone steps, the top of the stone steps is a diamond-shaped cabin similar to the Buddha! Moreover, the hut... there is actually an open door!

Seeing this, Zhang Xiaohua feels stunned. This fairy is full of ecstasy of Zhang Xiaohua. Suddenly there is a normal thing, the same as the usual house... How can I not be surprised?

Left hand squatting dreams, Zhang Xiaohua tried to step on the steps, the steps did not react, the cabin did not move, Zhang Xiaohua took the second foot... I waited for him to go to the door of the hut, no see There is any reaction.

Looking at the empty door, it was darkened, and nothing could be seen. Waiting for Zhang Xiaohua to release the knowledge slightly, sure enough, the seemingly ordinary door also had a ban, blocking Zhang Xiaohua's knowledge!

However, the gods did not realize that there was any special eccentricity in this ban. Like the ban that had been seen elsewhere, Zhang Xiaohua would first enter the dream-seeking, and there was no abnormality.

Sure enough, there was no change in the ban, and Zhang Xiaohua was not stopped at all.

However, when Zhang Xiaohua entered the hut, waiting for him to see what was inside, a huge and unrivalled force was pressed from all sides! It’s more than a hundred times more powerful than what I’ve encountered on the black and white channel!

"Bad, I know..." Zhang Xiaohua’s thought just emerged, and his body shape did not feel stagnation. He felt that there were countless mountains under the whole body, and the whole body could not move. It was Zhang Xiaohua. If it is a neighbor, is it not too early to be crushed into meat?

The sound of "嘎嘣蹦" is the sound of the bones that hold the whole body of Zhang Xiaohua!

At this time, the infuriating in Zhang Xiaohua's meridians seems to be imprisoned, and nothing can be mobilized!

Difficult to look up, Zhang Xiaohua's eyes are also extremely difficult to turn, this will see everything in this cottage clearly!

The cabin is empty and there is nothing inside. Only a similar door in front is faintly visible.

On the diamond-shaped walls and on the pointed roofs, there are extremely strange patterns that emerge. The pattern is extremely simple, Zhang Xiaohua has never seen it, and the pattern around the mirror is quite similar!

However, there is no brilliance in the pattern, and there is no direct relationship with this heavy force. Therefore, Zhang Xiaohua frowns and wants to let the gods out and see what the pattern is. Zhang Xiaohua discovered that the knowledge of the gods was also tightly pressed in the mud pill palace, and half of the points could not be released!

"Weird~" Zhang Xiaohua only has these two words in his mind. He really doesn't know the empty room. How can there be such a heavy force? Is it difficult to make the ground in this room the same as the jade passage outside?

Thinking, Zhang Xiaohua is bowing, the ground is also gray, similar to the passage outside the cabin, can not see anything different. Zhang Xiaohua barely lifted his leg and tried to go forward, but when his leg just lifted up, a force that was heavier than the previous one was pressed, and he wanted to stop him from lifting his leg. Zhang Xiaohua gritted his teeth and forced it up. As soon as he lifted, the bones in his body, the jade-like bones, the red lines of the silk slightly emitted some almost invisible brilliance, and the thin red lines were a few more lines.

Zhang Xiaohua finally lifted her leg up and stepped forward, and then a loud bang of "Peng" fell heavily on the ground.

"Hey? This is...what?" Just in the place where Zhang Xiaohua settled, a purple thing suddenly flashed from the gray ground, and then it seemed like a dexterous fish, and it disappeared without a twist.

"Is it a good thing?" Zhang Xiaohua thought about it, and lifted his leg. He took a step toward where the purple thing disappeared. This step is the same hardship. Zhang Xiaohua feels like...just a little more than just now. Silk is easy!

Suddenly, Zhang Xiaohuafu is in the heart, and will be dreaming of a difficult income in his arms, holding the posture, and even showing the Beidou Shenquan! Today, Zhang Xiaohua is in a hurry. When he woke up in the morning, there was no continuity. At this time, he saw such a heavy force and oppression. Zhang Xiaohua himself did not know the idea of ​​a continuous Beidou Shenquan!

Sure enough, under the pressure of the whole body and the thousands of powers, this Beidou Shenquan is not generally laborious. If Zhang Xiaohua is extremely skilled in the positive and negative one hundred and eight strokes, this boxing method may be wrong!

The Beidou Shenquan is extremely difficult to display, but its effect is also remarkable. The life of the cool stream born from the left foot is not so slow, and it is not so thick. A set of Beidou Shenquan is finished, Zhang Xiaohua is tired of forehead. Seeing the sweat, but the bones of the whole body are comfortable and tight, and the mouth is open, almost ***.

Then, Zhang Xiaohua started again for the second time. At the beginning of the second pass, Zhang Xiaohua found that his fists seemed to be light, and the flow of the cool stream was also a quick one. "Hey? It’s hard... It’s really useful. "Zhang Xiaohua thought about it, concentrated on the bones of the gods, and Zhang Xiaohua did not know that with the flow of the cool stream, the red on his bones became more and more!"

After playing the Beidou Shenquan, Zhang Xiaohua played it again as usual. As a result, the surprise finally came. Zhang Xiaohua’s long-time Beidou Shenquan was promoted again, and a new round of quenching cold flow rose again from the soles of the feet! ! !

"Ha ha ha" Zhang Xiaohua smiled from the bottom of my heart, said: "Don't say anything, how long have I been doing this Beidou Shenquan, and I can progress in this inexplicable place, it is no white." !"

Zhang Xiaohua has been playing four times more, and the cool stream has appeared four times. I know that the fifth time, the cool stream did not appear. However, during the fifth time, Zhang Xiaohua’s Beidou Shenquan has already been shown. The wind is more flat and there is no difference in it. Just like the strength of the millennium, it is a lot smaller at this time. Although Zhang Xiaohua’s actions are still a bit sluggish, it can’t be compared with the previous one. Language!

"Hey? Come out again!" Zhang Xiaohua just got a fist, and the purple thing flashed from his ear!

"Hey? Is it purple?" Zhang Xiaohua saw it somewhat clearly. This is a sigh of purple, similar to the purple gas he saw when he was born. "This is a good thing, how can it appear? Here?" Zhang Xiaohua thought of using the dream to absorb the purple gas, and then use the dream to break the battle. He has not flowed out of the nameless name of his left arm, and he has no way to deal with many of the formations. If he can take this purple gas, Zhang Xiaohua is not sure how much he has grasped this Xianfu method.

Thinking, Zhang Xiaohua explorer took out the dream, looking around the eyes.

The purple gas was extremely flexible, and it appeared in different places of the house from time to time. There was no law at all. Zhang Xiaohua held this dream for a moment and stopped. He only stood quietly in the middle of the hut. Rushing and swaying, waiting for the rabbit!

Sure enough, but for a long time, the purple gas passed through the eyes of Zhang Xiaohua, Zhang Xiaohua dreamed of a dream, the nameless sword method made it out of the purple gas. Although this purple gas is extremely flexible, it can be a dead object. How do you know how to dodge? Zhang Xiaohua's sword is stabbing, and the purple gas is as absorbed by the dream, sucking into the small sword, and then the left arm that flows along the small flower of Zhang Xiaohua disappears in the nameless place!

"嘿嘿" Zhang Xiaohua laughed and took back his dreams. He looked around and saw no other purple gas. Then he walked to the opposite door and walked over. The opposite door was also open, similar to the door that Zhang Xiaohua came in. There is only one layer of ban on the ignorance of the gods, waiting for Zhang Xiaohua to go out of the door, head-on, a **** face, a gray passage is leading to a round palace, the palace is just the Xianfu just revealed The first one to show out!

Only at this time, the palace of the Bird's Nest is more red!

Zhang Xiaohua has always been quiet and infuriating. She just came from the hut and immediately began to boil again. The rapid flow seems to be... there is a kind of challenge, and urged Zhang Xiaohua to go forward, always through the gray Passage, go to the round palace!

"Odd, what will be in the palace? Is it a fairy who has previously issued a strong temperament?" Zhang Xiaohua was very hesitant. After coming in for so long, he did not encounter any immortals. If there is any immortal, it must be here. Inside the round palace!

"Will or not?" Zhang Xiaohua didn't hesitate, just then, suddenly a very loud bird's voice rang from the round palace, and immediately, there was no movement inside the palace. Even the red light is not seen!

The infuriating inside the small flower meridians is still so urging, as if to perceive the hesitation of Zhang Xiaohua!

"The character of the poor road has always been good, it is better to go and see?" Zhang Xiaohua thought: "Just look at the door, if there is any danger, the poor road will run, it should be nothing!"

Thinking, Zhang Xiaohua lifted his legs and went to the round palace. The gray path from the diamond-shaped hut to the round palace was extremely long. Zhang Xiaohua felt that it took a long time to walk to the front of the palace. Only when I walked to the front of the palace, Zhang Xiaohua discovered that... This round palace like the bird's nest is actually bigger than the big palace at the entrance to Xianfu. ! !

Moreover, this palace is not a step, a big red light curtain stands in front of Zhang Xiaohua, smooth and abnormal, obviously... this is the only entrance to the palace!

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