Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1174: Rushing on Xianfu

The first one hundred and seventy-four chapters rushed to Xianfu

When it comes to grabbing the steps, naturally "Ginger is old and spicy", as early as when the peacocks "three", the longevity masters, Jing Yi Shi Tai and Bai Yanqiu started at the same time, each performing a floating technique, going to the steps Flying, no longer regret the instinct of your meridians!

Only at the beginning of desperate use of floating techniques, the repair of the three is immediately a high judgment.

Needless to say, Bai Yanqiu has just taken a few steps, and has fallen behind the Master of Life and Jing Yi Shi Tai, and the Master of Changsheng and Jing Shi Shi are just starting to go hand in hand, and the distance is generally far and near.

However, there are still about two feet away from the stairs. I saw that the quiet teacher was taking a deep breath, and the esoteric esoteric teaching method was a sneak peek. The figure was a quick three-pointer, and before the longevity master, stepped on the steps!

Just as Jingyi’s Taiji stepped on the steps, a loud bang from the rumbling came out from the steps. The quiet teacher was too sinking in his heart, looked up and immediately realized that he saw the mountain above, just tightened. The closed palace door, at this time, it made a fierce ringing, slowly opened, and a ray of light shot from the fairy house!

"Well~ It is the style of the fairy family!" Jing Yi teacher thought too much, the feet did not stagnate, the steps in the eyes, they must fly up! I know that when her feet stepped on the steps, the infuriating body of the body can still be mobilized, but the floating technique can no longer be used.

"Prohibition ~" Jing Yi teacher is too stunned, and then it is a big joy, her scent teaching other exercises may be comparable to Dalin Temple, but this light body exercises ..... is a woman's special, here Can not use the floating technique, can only use the light to climb up, where she still does not leave the longevity master behind?

Without thinking, the quiet teacher is too light to perform the best, like an old swallow, to the top of the steps, the hole opened at the palace gate.

Seeing that the quiet teacher suddenly abandoned the floating technique, the master of the longevity behind her was also a slight encounter, but he immediately followed the footsteps, and immediately realized the realization of the light body of the Dalin Temple esoteric "One River Crossing the River" Come, follow the quiet teacher too is the end of the title, just as Jingyi teacher too expected, the longevity master really is better than her in terms of light work, but for a long time, it was smashed a distance!

Behind the longevity master, of course, Bai Yanqiu.

At this time, Bai Yanqiu was extremely depressed. She slowed down a lot of people in the floating technique, but on the steps, her light work was a little higher than the Changsheng Master. When she climbed to the half of the steps, she had already caught up. Behind the longevity master, seeing the foremost quiet teacher too has gone 80%, gradually approaching the palace gate, her heart is anxious, the foot is hard, the body will be crossed from the head of the longevity master.

Bai Yanqiu chased behind him, how can the master of Changsheng master not know, Bai Yanqiu's body shape just leaped, and the sleeves of the longevity masters squatted backwards. A huge force surged from the sleeves of the sleeves, it was hitting Bai Yanqiu... ...

"You..." Bai Yanqiu saw it, and he was shocked. He took a shot with his hands and held the sleeves. He slammed the two arms together and Bai Yanqiu felt his hands. It seems to be shot on cotton. The cotton has endless power, but it is all intrinsic, not inspiring. Suddenly, when Bai Yanqiu’s power is exhausted, it is issued from the longevity master’s sleeves and hits Bai Yanqiu. Above the palm, Bai Yanqiu has a shape, and it is falling outside the steps. "Hey..." Bai Yanqiu is like earthy color, but at this time, "Amitabha" is a Buddha, a longevity master sleeves, a hand of Bai Yanqiu Pulling, Bai Yanqiu borrows strength to float his body, and the light and heavy falls on the steps!

The long-lived master did not look at Bai Yanqiu, who was screaming in his heart. Shen Sheng said: "White head, be a man... must be in a good position, not to be overtaken!"

"I am... I know..." Bai Yanqiu did not care, can only answer this question, although my heart secretly from the abdomen, why not just said that I have to rely on the ability to grab Xianfu, why come here, we must stop ourselves?

Changsheng Master and Bai Yanqiu have been so delayed, Jingyi Shitai is almost coming to the palace gate, and behind them, Chang Geng Master and Chang Xing Master are also close by!

Bai Yanqiu has some big regrets, he is weak, no reason... fight with the most powerful Dalin Temple! Fortunately, the longevity master is still merciful, did not hit himself down the steps!

Under the steps, the Zhengdao League Zhang Sanmeng took the steps, and then the Dafa Temple’s guardian disciples held a few masters of the Tianzhu Master, the Yuandao Master, and the Yuanming Master, all of which were step by step, and they were all powerful. The old skeleton is skinny, almost... not much feeling!

Behind it is a sacred disciple, the peacock holds Shu Qing Shi Tai, Chen Chen and Yu Yan, Xue Zhen Shi Tai and others follow suit...

Later, the disciples such as Liang Yunxu and Shui Xu are holding three real people like Hao Yun, followed by...

Of course, it is not the right way of the immortality of the immortality. At this time, it is at the end. The vice-minister of the firewood, and other people, the face is blue, and behind the dozens of young people... stepped up!

When they just stepped on the steps, they heard the sound of sharp humming sounds in the fairy house. In midair, the colorful brilliance was replaced with the brilliance of blood. This time, the glory is still somewhat different. The faint flame is burning! The snow fluttering in the sky is also turned into raindrops, dripping!

The rain is so awake, but this rain falls on the person's face, and it actually gives people a crazy look. Looking at the ground again, I don't know how many people infiltrate the blood, and... as more blood infiltrates, then The original ordinary soil... gradually emits a glimpse of black gas, which is extremely thin and can not be seen clearly. Now it is nighttime, and it is unconscious. This black gas is also strange, only a few inches of soil. , does not spread, does not condense...

It’s also a bag of cigarettes. The three disciples of the Xiandao and the disciples who are qualified to go up the steps have already gone up. The disciples who are desperately guarded under the steps are somewhat slack, and they are prepared to withdraw a little bit, according to the heads of the factions. When he left, he told me to withdraw to the steps!

At this moment, a knife light was sent out from the disciples of the water cloud, and the direction of the blade was the disciple of Dalin Temple!

"You..." The Dalin Temple disciple couldn't wait to prevent it. All of a sudden, he made a very deep mouth under the armpit. The blood brushed it was dripping. It was where the black gas fell under his feet. The black gas got blood, suddenly it was fierce. Ascending, along the blood drops, it infiltrated into the blood of the disciple. Suddenly, the face of the disciple of Dalin Temple was slightly stagnation, and the words of the martial arts were lifted to the water cloud. Disciple, the disciple of Shuiyun, of course, had prepared for it, and greeted him with a simple knife.

In a few rounds, the disciple of Shuiyun was not the opponent of the disciple of Dalin Temple. The sound of "噗嗤" sounded, the whole head was broken by the stick of the Dalin Temple monk, and the body fell on the ground, all of which were swayed by invisible black air, but for a long time Blood is sucked out!

"You are a monk! You dare to kill my brother!" The other disciples in the water cloud did not do it. They armed with weapons to attack the monk of the Dalin Temple. The monk of the Dalin Temple did not speak, and the dance was 劈. Another disciple in the water cloud!

As a result, the disciples of Shuiyun and the disciples of Dalin Temple sang together, but for a long time, the disciples of the fragrant sects and the disciples of the Orthodox all were also blended in. Under the time of the stairs, the scene was chaotic, everyone madly slashed, no matter what. Is it a fairy school, or other rivers and lakes!

Of course, in the midst of chaos, there are also a lot of powerful disciples who take the time to step on the steps and go straight to the fairy house above Mount Lushan!

And said that Jing Yi Shi is the first to finish the steps, look back at the longevity master who has just left the 70-step step and Bai Yanqiu mouth to reveal a sneer, then look up and quickly glance at the huge incomparable palace gate, then go inside the palace gate Look, just a piece of nothingness, nothing can be seen!

"Palace Gate... After... Nothing great!" The quiet teacher was too hesitant, and then he regretted it. He came here. It is easy to get to the gate of the palace. How can he hesitate? Even if there is a Longtan Tiger Cave inside the palace gate, can you not succeed in it?

Immediately, Jing Yi Shi took out a soft sword from the waist, and his body shape was vertical, which was rushed into the empty palace gate!

Needless to say, entering the palace gate, Jing Yi Shi is also like Zhang Xiaohua, shocked by the huge palace in the distance!

Jing Yi Shi Tai is the lord of the sacred sacred Taoist inheritance. It is not Zhang Xiaohua that can be compared with the earthen buns. When she is shocked, she thinks more about the origin of this Xianfu. I think that if I got the Xianfu, this Xianfuzhong There is something that can be used for the inheritance of the sacred religion!

When she came back, her figure was immediately raised, and one foot was on the purple jade channel...

A burst of giant force suddenly appeared, and the posture of Jing Yi Shi Tai was suddenly returned to the air!

"This... what is the ban?" The quiet teacher is too small, look around, look at the body, rush to the left, like Zhang Xiaohua, Jingyi teacher too look at the water flow of the dead water, where not Know the dangers? I didn’t dare to spend it, I rushed to the blue jade passage. I know... the strength here is also very strong. The quiet teacher suddenly understands that the figure is no longer staying, and the colors in the middle are not seen. Go straight to the outermost black and white jade passage!

I have to say that in this respect, Zhang Xiaohua is far worse than others.

When the Jingyi Master ran too far above the black and white passage, the Changsheng Master and Bai Yanqiu also went up the steps. However, they did not have to consider the prohibition of the palace gate, and they slammed into it. Similarly, the two were also taken by the palace in the distance. Shock!

"This..." Bai Yanqiu screamed and turned to look at the longevity master, and the longevity master seemed to be some alert. He turned to look at Bai Yanqiu. The two men’s eyes touched and they all flashed away. To the purple jade channel...

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