Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1176: Various pavilions

The first one hundred and seventy-six chapters

Bai Yanqiu is not a fool. She took out the refining pot and her eyes sneaked at the quiet teacher too, and the remorse of the quiet teacher’s face made her feel great!

I saw her innocent innocence, the law in the hands of a smash, the refining pots vacated, straight is flying over many barriers, gradually approaching the central throne...

Seeing this, Jing Yi’s eyes flashed in the eyes, and the left hand did not feel that he was touching his arms...

The longevity master is also the same, the beads held in the hands are also very fast...

But at this time, the abnormal protrusions, not waiting for Bai Yanqiu to open the lid of the refining pot, inhaling the central throne into the refining pot, and seeing the high hanging plaque on the throne, A very fine purple lightning came out of nowhere, hitting the refining pot in the midair!

The sound of "Zi La La" is regarded as the refining demon pot of the town's sentimental treasure by the **** knife door. In the purple lightning, there is no insistence on one finger, it becomes a black!

"Ah~" Bai Yanqiu, who controlled the refining pot in the distance, did not appreciate the slightest joy. A scream was heard in her mouth. Two bloods flowed from her mouth. I saw her holding her heart, soft in the depths of the clouds. !

Seeing this, Jingyi Shitai and Changsheng Master are both long and sigh of relief, and their hearts are also fortunate. Looking at Bai Yanqiu’s appearance, not only the town’s sentimental treasures are destroyed, but their heart and lungs are also suffering from extremely serious internal injuries. I am afraid that there is nothing in this fairy house... as it is!

"Fortunately..." Jing Yi Shi is even more afraid. If she comes in, she will use the magical power of Xiandao. I am afraid that she is not lying down on the ground now. Is it her own?

"Can... The refining pot is an ancient artifact. How could it be so easily destroyed by lightning? It’s hard... This central throne is more important than the ancient artifacts. This is the fairy...and not even more Known... secret?" Jing Yi Shi was too thought of.

At this time, in the distance to the entrance of Xianfu, several brilliance flashed, and other disciples of the Three Schools of the Immortal Road and the Orthodox League Zhang Sanmeng also followed the hall!

Everyone was stunned by the spectacular sights in front of them and stood at the door.

"Abbot..." After Master Chang Geng and Master Chang Xing awakened, they immediately lifted their feet, and the white clouds automatically sent them to the Changsheng Master.

"Well, the two younger brothers, and take a look at it first, you can't use the instrument and the magical powers here. Can you have any way to get the central throne?" The longevity master looked at the two huge ancient texts whispering over the throne. Said.

"Teacher..." Peacock, Chen Chen and Swift, and Xuezhen Shitai, Xue Zhenshi too held the Shuqing Shitai who had already awakened and took the fragrant teaching secret medicine.

"Well, you are waiting!" Jing Yi teacher saw the peacock and other people come over, and his eyes lit up, he told me.

When the peacock approaches, the quiet teacher is too low: "You don't have to stay here, take a chance for a while, first pass the black light curtain behind the throne, and look behind to see what is going on here. The center, and the teachings have already tried, I am afraid that there are still many twists and turns, even if you succeed, you have to pay a lot. If not... or you can get it first!"

"Yes, teach the Lord!" Peacock nodded.

"Teacher... Did you see that **** slain?" Chen Chen looked around and whispered.

Jing Yi Shi’s face is a big hate: “Who knows where the cockroaches went? I’m afraid I haven’t already entered? He doesn’t know the importance of this throne, or is afraid of meeting me, it’s estimated that it’s a chance to enter it!”

"Well~" Chen Chen's eyes were a few times, whispering.

At this time, the Zhang Sanmeng master also went to the throne in front of him, his eyes flashed eagerly, look around, jumped up, and rushed to the throne.

Looking at the eyes of everyone, Zhang Sanmeng, the peacock three quietly stepped, silent... After the throne, they flew!

Without the expectation of being quiet and growing up, the three allies were blocked by the ban between black and red clouds, and they fell very boringly.

At this time, there were several groups of brilliance, and more disciples of the various factions and deputy leaders of the Zhengdao League came in.

"Longevity, but once... what is the eyebrow?" The master of the scorpion, who has already awakened, also took the medicinal herbs of Dalin Temple and was able to move around!

"Master, you haven't..." The Master of Changsheng has a twilight: "Master's injury... How?"

"Nothing..." Although the Tianzhu masters can do anything, they can look at the Shuqing teacher in the distance, and they have a lot of hate. However, the master of Tianzhu looked at Shuqing Shitai, and the lingering eyes of the eyes found peacocks. The three people have gone away from the back, do not feel awkward, and then they are also quiet, turn to the side of the empty Zen and other people, the longevity master sees the situation, but also aware of the abnormal, very deep look at the quiet Shi Tai, but seeing that the quiet teacher is too strolling, standing next to the Zhang Sanmeng, and listening to the things of the Dao League with interest!

"What? The vice president of Chai... fell into the water?" Zhang Sanmeng's main face was gloomy again.

"Yes, the vice president of Chai...there is only one arm. When passing through the jade avenue, it was finally oppressed by the giant force. It failed to master the figure and fell from the side of the road." Yan’s deputy leader said: The water is really weird, the firewood deputy lord has just fallen... it seems to melt in general... there is no trace! Zhang Dameng, also expects Zhang Dameng to punish, the subordinates did not take care of the firewood vice-owner!"

"Oh, don't blame, the lord... I almost ate at the time, how can I blame you?" Zhang Sanmeng swayed his hand and whispered: "What about other sects?"

Yan, the vice-president, sneaked a peek at the quiet teacher, and left the left side. In addition to the Zhengdao League, of course, it was a sacred religion. The question asked by Zhang Sanmeng was of course the casualties of the sect.

"The arrogant Zhang Mengmeng, I sent disciples... Many of them have limited skills... They can't pass the jade avenue, especially the rice sub-leaders, and they are on the same level as the next one. When they pass the jade avenue, they also encounter difficulties. He... Just stayed outside and didn't come in!” Yan deputy lord whispered: “However, other sects are no better than us, that is, the disciples who passed at the beginning have passed quite a lot, and later... are also blocked. Beyond the passage, even... many disciples are falling into the water..."

"Well~" After listening to these news, Zhang Sanmeng’s face was slightly relaxed!

Looking up is a look at the central throne, whispering: "Let's wait and see, how can you get the central throne, or... can pass... it's good!"

"Yes, this is the command of the subordinates." Yan deputy leader smiled and nodded.

Compared with the Zhengdao League, the water cloud... The situation is better than that. The three real people such as Hao Yun also woke up, and each of them was helped by the disciples between the water and clouds. As a result, they just entered the hall and saw Bai Yanqiu. Stumbled on the ground, the blood flowing out of the corner of the mouth...

Liang Cangxu and others will support Bai Yanqiu and feed the secret medicine. The face of Bai Yanqiu is gradually rosy! Looking at my own martial art, there are actually four people who are seriously injured. Bai Yanqiu is not surprised! See also the people in Dalin Temple, who are arrogant and arrogant, and they are talking about each other. They want to get the central throne and know that it is very unlikely that they can get this throne. So, look at other places.

When she saw the back of the empty meditation and other people, it was a slight shock. Immediately, she rushed to Liang Cangxu and others to make a look. After the mouth of Nunu, the Liang Cangxu and others turned around, and finally found the empty. The backs of Zen and others, slightly white and nodded, and the footsteps are lifted, and they sneak into the back of the throne!

The heads of the three schools of Xiandao and the elders and other elders stayed in this hall. The outstanding disciples under the door all quietly left. Only the right way of the martial arts took advantage of their own martial arts. They stayed on the main hall and did not pay attention to anyone. Secretly leave!

And said that Peacock, Chen Chen and Swift joined hands to sneak out of the hall, through the light curtain with a faint black light, to the corridor, the corridor is very short, but about a foot, at the end of the corridor is a light curtain with a milky white glow On the ground of the corridor, there are six different color passages that lead to the light curtain!

"Let's go~" The peacock glanced at it and said: "It seems that the inside of the fairy house is graded according to color. I am going to be low and can only walk in black and white."

When he said that he was leaving, Chen Chen did not agree with the back. He secretly stretched his foot and kicked the place between the two passages. The sound of "砰" seemed to mention the iron plate. "Oh, yeah," Chen Chen shouted. Holding your feet is jumping!

"Whoever makes you okay, provokes the prohibition of Xianfu? Didn’t see the white palm of the water cloud being hit by the prohibition of Xianfu?" The peacock gave her a sigh of relief!

"I try it!" Chen Chen did not care, but also stunned the ban on what she could not see.

Walking through the short corridor and passing through the milky white light curtain, the three people just looked up and were immediately shocked by the sight!

I saw that they are standing on the top of a sea of ​​clouds. There are infinite clouds of celestial clouds in the sea of ​​clouds. In the fairy clouds, there are faint appointments to see several palaces and buildings, or to expose the roof or expose the sides. The shape of each palace is different, and each palace is gorgeous and spectacular!

In front of them, there are more than a dozen futons of different colors floating in the Yuanhai!

"Sister... Are we... Going back to inform the Master?" Swift woke up from the shock, the first to ask the peacock.

The peacock was slightly sinking and shook his head. "There are many disciples on the main hall, all of which are attracted by the central throne. The master of the church sent me to come in, that is, to quickly find the treasures of the fairy tales. If you look back at this time, you must disturb others, if they cause them. Note, aren't we less opportunities?"

"Yes, listen to the hole sister!" Yu Yan nodded.

"Come on, go, I want to see... Tian Yu teaches Yu Yu... In the end, in the pavilion!" Chen Chen yelled, and set foot on a black and white futon!

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