The first thousand one hundred and seventy-eight chapters

The door of the small building is hidden. I can't see what is inside from the outside. I don't know if there is anyone inside. Although I know that there is no such thing in this small building, the peacock is very careful to shout a few times at the door. Raise your hand and push the door.

"Yes, Shijie..." Chen Chen suddenly opened his mouth!

"Ah!!!" The peacock was caught off guard and was shocked. He quickly shrunk his hand back and said: "What is it?"

"Oh, Sister... I want to ask... How long have we been in Xianfu? What time is it?" Chen Chen scared the peacock and jumped his tongue and asked.

"You..." The peacock was long and angry, and it was not good: "We came in after midnight, and now I am afraid that it is not ugly, how come... suddenly ask the hour?"

"Oh, I suddenly thought of it... When I entered Xianfu, it was a dark piece outside, to the fairy house... a piece of light, I really don't know this... Where is the light coming from! Heaven... no sun! Chen Chen arrived at this time, actually still have the time to think about it, it is really... interesting!

No, the peacock and the Swift listened, but also awakened, looking up at the gray sky, although there is no sun, but it is also bright, but it does not see where the light comes from.

"If it is... Let's live in this fairy house, there is no difference between night and day... How can I sleep?" Chen Chen said that he was worried.

"Sister... I think so much." Yu Yan smiled and said: "We are all tempered in the evening. If it is all day, isn’t the time of cultivation long? It’s too late to be happy, where will you sleep? ?"

"Ah, Shimei... don't sleep!" Chen Chen stunned.

"How? Sister... I still have to rest in the evening?" The Swift is even more awkward.

The peacock listened, not very airy: "Chen Chen sleeps two hours a day!!!"

"Sister Gao Ming!" Yu Yan smiled and extended her thumb...

I don’t know if it’s a matter of sleeping at the door of a small building. When the peacocks entered the small building, it’s only to be found... In this small building, everything is displayed... things show that it’s just The place to live!

The peacock head led the way, and the three floors of the small building were all seen over and over again. During this time, Chen Chenbai’s eyes were smashed more than once!

Chen Chen is also innocent, just pouting, whispering...

As for what to say, Chen Chen can understand it!

Waiting for the three people to find the entire small building like a robber, there is nothing useful.

The three did not dare to delay, immediately went downstairs and went straight to the small building next to it. The style of the small building next to it was different, but the decoration inside was also normal!

"Chen Chen, Yu Yan, I am still divided, one person to find one!" Peacock from the small building pushed open the window, looking at the high palace in the distance, anxious to say.

"Yes, Sister!" Chen Chen and the two should have gone out.

"Right, but what can be taken... In addition to what tables and chairs, they are all taken..." The peacock did not forget to say: "Especially what jade, Zhu Xi and so on..."

"Do not worry, let's pass on the fragrant teaching, there is purple phoenix, if I don't even know this... how can I spread the fragrant teaching?" Chen Chen took a picture of the chest.

The peacock heard the word "mixed", extremely speechless, and waved his hand: "Go ahead, and the disciples between Dalin Temple and Shuiyun will come for a while!"

The trio acted separately and waited for nearly an hour. The trio searched all the small buildings, and the disciples between Dalin Temple and Shuiyun did not come.

The three gathered at the pond, and the peacock smiled and said, "How? What can you harvest?"

"Hey, sister, look at me!" Chen Chen also smiled, holding a large jinpa in his hand, wrapped in a pile of bulging objects, like a treasure to show off in front of the peacock!

The peacock said with no anger: "Open it and see..."

Sure enough, Chen Chen’s harvest was very rich. He spread it in the Jinpai on the ground. There was a jade slip, two jade, three beads, and several other ornaments. The peacock himself could not tell the difference!

"What is this?" The peacock pointed at a few of them and asked inexplicably.

"The rattle, the dry cigarette bag, and this... seems to be... a small jade bottle..." Chen Chen said with great enthusiasm.

"Why do you take the ... cigarette bag?" Peacock can see at a glance that this so-called cigarette bag... is different from the use of the world, but... obviously it is ordinary thing!

"Sister, don't you say it? You can take it, I... I can easily find this big jinpa, and I took these things!" Chen Chen was wronged.

"Okay, okay, very good, very good!" Peacock said with a smile: "Is it a good thing, take it back and let the master and the boss look up and know!"

Afterwards, Swift took out the things. There were not many things in Swift, but there were two jade slips, a few gold plaques, a jade wishfulness, and seven or eight small beads.

After watching the things of Swift, Chen Chen said in a hurry: "Sister, what about you? What good things have you found?"

"Oh, you guys!" Peacock also took out the things in his arms, also a few jade, a plate-like thing, a jade flute, a string of beads, and two small mirrors.

"There is nothing!" Chen Chenqi said: "Look at the teacher's sister... It seems that I have got what baby, these... look is normal!"

"Oh, these are the things we don't know." Peacock smiled. "I fell on the case of a small building and found this..."

"Which? Where?" Chen Chen widened his eyes and looked at the peacock.

The peacock smiled and collected the things, and the right hand explored and pulled a soft sword from the waist.

"Soft Sword?" Swift is also a glimpse, and there are some embarrassment in the eyes, said: "Sister... you... luck is not really good, these good things can make you get!"

"Oh, it’s also accidental!" The peacock disguised himself and smiled. "I can feel strange when I throw a straight rope at random. I can get a soft sword with a sheath in my hand. A big idea, isn't it leaked?"

"Hey, Sister..." Chen Chen listened, turned and ran, yelling and yelling: "You and wait a minute, I... I also saw a rope!"

"Really... there are!" Peacock and Swift.

However, for a long time, Chen Chen’s hand waved a soft sword, and smiled and ran over!

"No.......wrong! It's really ah?" This time the peacock and Swift are completely petrified! ! !

"Hey, this soft sword is thrown on the dresser at random, I... I thought it was a rope!" Chen Chen said embarrassedly.

Peacock and Swift look at each other and agree: "No one is coming or not, let's find it again!"

Chen Chen was of course happy, so the three men crossed and searched again.

Sure enough, after half an hour, when the three met at the pond, there were more than a dozen things in their hands.

"Hey, someone has come over!" Chen Chen’s eyes pointed out that he had seen several figures from the palace and quickly jumped down. He couldn’t see the face far away, but it should not be the monk of Dalin Temple.

"There are some people, there are small boats, like the monks of Dalin Temple!" Peacock pointed with a finger, but in the distance, in another direction of the lake, there are also two-leaf boat, coming to the shore. !

"Come on!" Peacock urged: "There are a lot of monks in Dalin Temple. I am afraid that I am not an adversary. If they are happy, it is trouble..."

Chen Chen waved the soft kennel in his hand: "It is just let them **** power!"

The peacock has been moving two steps fast. At this time, he turned back and said: "Come on, take care to clean up and pack you!"

But when she turned back, the afterglow of the eye saw the lotus leaf in the pond. The edge of the lotus leaf was covered with a faint gold thread, and the edge of the lotus flower to be placed was also a faint gold silk flash. Take a closer look, the fragrance... isn't it from the lotus in the pond?

The peacock immediately awakened, turned to look at the closer boat, and the figure that had just rushed to the side of the boat. He bite the tooth and pumped the soft sword. He whispered: "The two sisters, we are all looking away!" Soon, take the lotus in the lotus pond away!"

"Ah?" Chen Chen and Yu Yan listened, but also turned back, suddenly realized, did not dare to neglect, immediately cast a light body to jump over the pond...

The lotus flower is really flawed. The peacocks are picked together. The soft sword of the scented scent in the hands of the Swift can't break the stem of the lotus. Only the peacock and Chen Chen have just got the soft sword from the small building. Taking the lotus flower down, Swift tried it a few times and went back to the shore, looking at the two very envious!

There are more than a dozen lotus flowers in the lotus pond. The two peacocks took a lot of effort to take these lotus flowers. Chen Chen did not forget to pick up a few large lotus leaves to hold these lotus flowers.

When the peacock went up to the shore, looked up, the monk of Dalin Temple, and the disciple of Shuiyun had already rushed to the shore, and at the palace, there were also many disciples gathered at the same time. There are also a lot of dresses for the palace, and it must be a disciple!

"Go!" The peacock did not hesitate to go out and go deep into the woods!

Chen Chen and others also know that it is powerful, not words, and followed the peacock, several undulations disappeared into the woods.

The peacocks were dressed in palace costumes. They were already seen by the empty meditation of Dalin Temple and Liang Cangxu between the water clouds. They all reminded them of the boat and wanted to hurry up to the shore to see what opportunities there are!

When they came to the shore, the peacock three had disappeared, and their eyes were immediately attracted by more than a dozen small buildings. The two people were also acquainted, and they went away and looked for each small building!

When they were just entering the small building, in the distance in the woods, the peacock and other three people quickly showed their efforts to the shore, hurriedly took a small boat, and there was not much instinct in the meridians. It is also the place where the arrow of the string is drawn straight to the palace...

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