Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1180: Ling Xiao Bao Temple

The first thousand one hundred and eighty chapters

Chen Chen is most restless. He holds the small parcel in his hand and shows off in front of Jing Shi’s eyes. She also knows that it is Xianfu. Everyone is looking for ways to control Xianfu. Just whispered.

When Chen Chen finished, Jing Yi was too slightly moving, bowed his head and thought a little, and opened the Jinpa to see, laughing: "If it is really nine days of Xuan Lian, needless to say that it is made into a remedy, even if it is taken directly, too The injury can also be healed. Not to mention that you have two soft swords... there are many...the seven hundred and eight broken things! This trip to Xianfu, you are the first one!"

Chen Chen smiled so sweetly, but then the quiet teacher was too sighed and said: "Unfortunately... I am too shallow to repair, just touch the threshold of the fairy, even the threshold is not seen, this Xianfu has hidden A lot of babies, if... can't take this central throne down, control the entire Xianfu... I am afraid that it is really empty in Baoshan!"

I saw Chen Chen’s incomprehensibility. Jing Yi’s teacher looked at the throne that was still hot in front of him. He explained to Chen Chen: “Chen Chen, you don’t see that you have got a lot of good things, that is, this Jinpa is rare in the world. ...where you go...just the most junior disciple in this fairy house, um, or the place where the lowest commissar can go, the pavilion you went to... I’m afraid...the place where the chores are living! ”

"Ah?" is not only Chen Chen, but also a peacock and a Swift, and his face is incredible.

"Teacher Master...Impossible! In the pavilion...a lot of jade and implements...that is, Taishang and Chang Geng masters can't be broken...Is there a repair in Xianfu?" Chen Chenyi The baby that I got was actually the servant of the funeral house. I don’t think it is a big rush.

"Hey, the ancient immortals... oh, can I speculate?" Jing Yi Shi is sighing again, with the seven-color cloud under his finger, saying: "You look inside the hall, seven colors, this black and white At the very edge, the farthest from the throne of the center, even if there is anything, do not say loudly, the people above the throne may not be able to hear it! Look again... the jade passage of seven colors, black and white The color is at the far side, and the entrance to the temple is also on the far side. If it is not the chores... it is also the most low-order person!"

Peacock and others don’t feel awkward...

"And, just listen to what you said, in the white pavilion, there are lakes, lotus ponds, and dozens of small pavilions that are gathered together. If they are not chores... can they live so close? And... One side is a man and the other is a woman. Is this not the place where the next person lives?"

"Yes..." Chen Chen was speechless, thinking for a while, saying: "If it is a chores, inside the hall of the White Pavilion, why are there jade and implements?"

"The funeral of Xianfu should also be repaired. Can ordinary people do the chores of Xianfu?" Jing Yi teacher laughed too.

The peacock nods slightly, but the black and white jade passage can pass even the martial arts masters on the rivers and lakes. It is not used by the commissars. Who is it used?

Chen Chen grinned, some unhappy, and found a word, said: "That... the master of the church, the Dalin Temple... also find the residence of the servant?"

"Oh, no, where do they have your luck?" Jing Yi teacher laughed too: "When the monk of Dalin Temple came out of the temple, he found a hall. However, there was nothing inside. They had to go out and look for another. Finally, I found a room like a Buddhist temple, blocking the middle of the road, unable to travel. Their so-called guardian disciples went in one by one, and they were all brought back by infinite pressure. No one passed!"

Then, look at the long-lived master in the distance, whispered: "Later, the teacher also sent inside disciples, first out of this hall, back to the gate of Xianfu, and then go out from the Dalin Temple, huh, they also want From that room, it can be blocked by the monk of Dalin Temple!"

"However, as you said, the monks of Dalin Temple also went to the white pavilions, presumably... they also have passages over there!"

Having said that, Jingyi Shi took a look at the heights of the main hall and said: "I am afraid that it is not necessary to light up. The center of this Xianfu... is still not under control. I can’t say... the three schools of Xiandao still have to... Method!"

Then I looked at the people in the halls and many rivers and lakes. I frowned. "The killings under the mountains don't know whether they have stopped. If you look at this situation, even if you put the people down the mountain, you can enter the hall. many!"

"The master of the martyrdom..." A disciple whispered to the side: "The disciple just passed through the gate of Xianfu and went out to look at it. Under the mountains, the death and injury were very serious. My outside disciples also suffered a lot. The key is... ...The last four disciples were all messed up. When the disciples saw it, there were four disciples killing each other!"

“Hey? Why is this?” Jing Yi is too surprised.

"Teacher adults... Since the Dalin Temple monk can go to the White House, the disciple... I also want to go to the Buddha to see, if it can pass, maybe there is still a hole in the back!" Peacock whispered.

"Well, wait until you go, maybe you still have an organic relationship!" Jing Yi teacher nodded too much: "Chen Chen, give Jinpa to the teacher, after this matter, the teacher will reward!"

"Yes, the disciple understands!" Chen Chen handed the things wrapped in Jinpa to Jingyi Shitai, and the three will go out...

At this time, outside the Lushan Mountain, the skylight has been brightened, and the killing of the disciples in the inner door of the fragrant teaching has stopped. The faint blackness that emerges from the ground is also gone. There are only countless bodies that have run out of blood, lying there quietly!

Above the steps, there are still many disciples who are still climbing to Xianfu, and occasionally there are several from the top. The three schools of Xiandao also have disciples who are responsible for defense. At this time, they are all exhausted. They hold the weapons and stop them. They just want to kill each other just like losing their senses. Everyone is worried and they are very close to each other. far!

At this time, the bang of the "Rumble", the top of the Xianfu is lightning and thunder, and the brilliance of the seven colors gradually merges, and between them, it forms a huge image of a person!

I saw this person with his head in his head, his robes on his body, his nose straight and his eyes slender, his face looking very young, about fifteen or six years old!

"The monk of Dalin Temple?" Chuanxiangjiao, Shuiyunjian and Zhengdaomeng disciples didn't feel stunned. At this time, the words were spoken, and the voice seemed to be the thunder of heaven!

On the upper floor of the Xianfu Hall, everyone saw another scene!

Just when the peacock, Chen Chen, and Swift were going out, on the main hall, an unknown door of the martial art took out a rope-like thing, and wanted to cover the central throne, but when the rope was over the throne, the throne Suddenly burst into a strong colorful light...

"Ah?" The head was overjoyed and smiled: "This throne is me..."

Not waiting for him to finish, a human figure like the one outside the mountain is on the throne!

"Ren Xiaoyao?" Jing Yi Shi was the first to recognize it, blurted out, the tone filled with hate!

Master Changsheng, Master of Heaven, and Bai Yanqiu Baishou, who are on the main hall, are also called out in unison!

"Ah?" Peacock and Chen Chen are also attracted by the vision of the throne, almost whispering in general: "Ren Xiaoyao?"


Immediately, Chen Chen wakes up: "Is it wrong? How long does this nose become tall and straight? Eyes... is also slender? This is not a happy!"

But... Peacock and Chen Chen are so familiar with Ren Xiaoyao, and they are as familiar as they are, so it is very certain that this person is Ren Xiaoyao, although this person has no hair, no eyebrows!

On the main hall, on the central throne, Zhang Xiaohua slowly sat down and looked down at the crowd. He smiled and said: "Hello, everyone!"

And his voice is also in the sky above Xianfu, like a thundering rush, talking to everyone under the mountain!

"You...who are you?" I just thought that the head of my throne was in ruin.

"Who am I?" Zhang Xiaohua touched her nose and chuckled.

"That's what...what's right!" Chen Chen almost bit his teeth and said: "This nose... I'm afraid I won't be touched by his hand."

"The poor road is the Beidou faction, happy... I have already seen it. The poor road has already sat on the throne of this Lingbao Hall. What does this mean? You don't have to teach everyone, this Xianfu... ...now it’s my Beidou faction..."

"You... you are nonsense, why do you say that this is the Lingbao Hall, you... Why do you say that this Xianfu is your Beidou faction? Xianfu is the gift of heaven, only the Germans live, You...what can you do? How dare you live here?" The head seems to reminisce in the brilliance of the throne!

Only Chuanxiang teaches Jingyi Shitai, Dalin Temple Changsheng Master, Shuiyunjian Baiyanqiu, Zhengdao League Zhang Sanmeng, the face is gloomy, a word is not said!

Zhang Xiaohua smiled and pointed her hand up and said, "You see, what are the two words on this throne? You don't even know the name of Xianfu. I really don't know who you taught this enlightenment. If it is not, the poor road will know a gentleman who is the most enlightened, and the charges are reasonable, but I can introduce it to you!"

"You..." The head was almost angry and would jump.

Immediately, Zhang Xiaohua took a smile and coldened his face. He said: "Xianfu is naturally a thing of heaven. I am carrying the Beidou faction to carry it. It is precisely because of this that the Lushan Xianfu School is the most ethical! If you say that the poor road is devoid of morality, do you have a virtue? Is this the poor road of Xianshan Xianfu to be handed over to you? Only when you sit, is the most natural thing in the world?"

"But it, stop, what do you say to you, etc.? Go and go, don't appear again near my mountain, otherwise the poor road... can't help yourself!"

Said, Zhang Xiaohua waved his sleeves, flashed a brilliance, and held the door to fly out of the hall, and sent it straight out of Mount Lushan!

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