Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1185: Each has its own

The first one hundred and eighty-five chapters have their own

"White Palm Gate... You are a knife door... Oh, can you see such weird things in the water cloud?" Changsheng Master turned and asked.

Bai Yanqiu shook his head and replied: "I sent three real people to check it carefully. It seems that there is no such precedent in the records in the door. But... I remember in the Songshan Xianfu, Ren Xiaoyao said whether there is any black in your temple. The banner, and then... mentioning the Tianlong teaching, I thought that this thing is probably related to the Tianlong religion!"

"Hey, Amitabha, good, good!" Master Changsheng put his hands together, Shen Sheng said: "What black banner is said by the donor, I did not have Dalin Temple, but the records in the school are not recorded. I sent the Master of Heaven to the Tibetan Through the cabinet, all the books in the school are all over the eyes. He does not know the old man, and that is not."

"And, the old man has sent hundreds of disciples, and all the corpse capitals in the ten counties of Lushan have been inspected. There is no corpse exception. They are all blood in the body. If it is really a Tianlong church... I’m so big, I’m afraid... I’m waiting for a group to deal with it!”

"Exactly, I don't know where the blood of these tens of thousands of people has flowed. In the past, there were killings on the rivers and lakes. There must be a **** atmosphere in the air. It will not be scattered for a long time. But today, Lushan, a little bloody. No, it’s strange to ask for a fresh exception!”

"This matter still needs to be planned... Can you have any thoughts?" Master Changsheng sighed.

I can't attack Tianlong teach now, so everyone, look at me, I see you, and there is no real idea!

"Oh, this way, now the whole rivers and lakes are only here." This weird thing is the tens of thousands of things that Tianlong teaches. I will go back and think about how to deal with it, wait until tomorrow... How?" Bai Yanqiu whispered.

"Dashan" Master of Longevity agrees: "I have been battling for a few days in my life, and I will not blame Beidou for being the head!"

"Should not!" Jing Yi teacher laughed too.

When the martial arts were gone, Zhang Sanmeng called the Jing Yi Shi Taidao: "Teacher is too, there is something... I want to talk to the teacher too... feelings!"

Jingyi is too glanced to see the longevity master next to him, laughing: "Zhang Dameng... What is this?"

"Can the teacher talk in one step?" Zhang Sanmeng has some blush.

"Amitabha, the old man went to look elsewhere, you wait for yourself!" The longevity master mouth Xuanfo Buddha walked away, and the water cloud between Bai Yanqiu saw it, and also left.

Seeing that the two left, Zhang Sanmeng’s main face squinted and said what he wanted to talk to Jing Yi Shi. Finally, he added: “I’m doing this after thousands of disciples, and these thousands of disciples have already played a very important role. Returning, I am arguing with the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect, and will not cooperate with each other in the future! How does the teacher think?"

Jing Yi Shi began to think that it was something, but in the end, the face was a smile.

"How? The teacher is too unhappy?" Seeing that the quiet teacher is so, Zhang Sanmeng’s face is sneer, saying: "The teacher is too forgotten, Dalin Temple, Chuanxiangjiao and I are in the right way...but there is an agreement, If there is no map of my righteous alliance... densely..."

"Hey, Zhang Dameng, you can say something like this... you are forced to do it." Jing Yi is too uncomfortable: "If it is not the agreement between the three factions, if it is because of the map of the dense land, Dalin Temple and me How can the sacred religion teach you in the Songshan Xianfu? Moreover, the teacher also knows that after the Songshan Xianfu has fallen into the hands of the Beidou faction, the secret land is the most important for you and me, without you. The piece of sheepskin of Zhengdao League, I can not enter the dense land of the fragrant church and Dalin Temple."

"Since the teacher knows too much..." Zhang Dameng has some nahans.

"Hey, Zhang Dameng has some ignorance. The pattern that the lord wants to send at this time is exactly what the sect of the sect is planning. It is the wing of the sect, but this is only what the lord thinks, not the real fact. Now the real The facts should be like this..." Jing Yi Shi is not concealing any more, and he said everything he knew with Zhang Sanmeng.

"Ah! How could this be the case?" Zhang Sanmeng master was shocked:

"How is it possible that if the teachings send out the masters of the immortals, it is better to let the inner disciples help them directly, why should they cover up?" Jing Yi Shi shook his head too.

"The most critical thing is that this school has trapped Ou Yan in the beginning of the letter for several years. No matter what means, it is impossible to find out where the sheepskin belongs to the school. If you can't find the piece of sheepskin, I have three factions. ......Is it impossible to do so? So... letting go of the faction is not only good for me, but also for the Dalin Temple and the Zhengdao League. The sheepskin came out to cooperate with the three factions. condition!"

"Teacher too, that is to say, if you don't let me be a disciple of the right way, I will wait... there is no way?" Listening to the analysis of Jing Yi Shi Tai, Zhang Sanmeng master knows that he is a barrier to the door, There are also sects, and... 缥缈 也 也 也 也 也 也 也 也 也 也 也 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... 极 极 极 极 极 极”

Jingyi Shitai is a bitter smile: "Zhang Dameng, this... is also the place where the teacher of Nahan is. If the tiger is a chess piece that can be controlled, do you think that this teaching is going crazy? Will this burden be on this? On the body?"

"This... how can this be good?" Zhang Sanmeng felt a little panic for the first time.

Jing Yi Shi looked at him too much and thought about it: "There is no more than a month from the first month of this month. Zhang Dameng does not have to worry. When I join the four factions, Zhang Dameng can talk to the school. Will the interests of the Midi be given to the sects, and maybe the sects will send back your thousands of disciples?"

"Oh, that's the only way!" Zhang Dameng was depressed: "The matter of the jungle... Can you send someone to inform the party?"

"I don't care about Zhang Dameng's mind. I have already informed Zhang Xiaohu at this time before the Lushan Mountain. It is just... the defense is careful, I don't know if the news is delivered!"

"Mi Mi is the key to stepping on the fairy tales. It is also... oh, you are the key to the renaissance of the sect of the sect of the sect. How can the sects not be able to go to the heart? The teacher is too reassured, as long as Zhang Xiaohu gets the news, he must come in time!" Zhang Sanmeng snorted from his nose and hated: "Oh, yes, Bai Yanqiu in the water cloud looks very savvy, so things can make her know!"

"Hey, the big league leader is assured that there are no sheepskin rolls between the water clouds, and the sects that appeared after the secret events. How could they know the secret land?"

"The water cloud is born out of the door of the **** knife, it should also be the inheritor of the immortality... How could you not know the secret land?"

"The big allies don't know. This secret land has long been annihilated in history. If there is a sheepskin roll, I will not think of the fragrant teachings and the Dalin Temple. The water clouds have been extinguished for a long time, and they are committed to the reunion. Where else will you know about these things?" Jing Yi is too disdainful.

"That... this seat is relieved!" Zhang Sanmeng nodded, but he suddenly thought of what it was like, and hurriedly said: "This is very close to Mount Lu, and the Lushan Beidou faction is new, afraid... Will cause attention to any of you!"

"Well, the big league owners are worried about the truth. However, the teachings also think about it. Xianfu... is a great fairy. The Beidou faction has already got this fairy edge. If it is secretly, it will be condemned. Moreover, the Beidou faction is new, and within a few days, I am afraid that I will not have the strength to consider other things!"

"Teacher said that it is very reasonable, but we still have to be careful, we must let others know!" Zhang Sanmeng once again stunned.

"This school knows!" Jing Yi is too sneer: "The old man is back in the empty house of Lushan Xianfu, and the secret land is naturally determined to win. The urgent heart is not inferior to the Zhang Dameng!"

"That's good, then it's good!" Zhang Sanmeng smiled and said goodbye.

Jing Yi Shi and the longevity master have been talking for a long time, always can be sure that the bad thing behind is the Tianlong teaching, not sighing, they go back!

And Zhang Xiaohua hides his body shape and flies in the air. It seems to be like a fish. If the dragon enters the sea freely, he does not know how to say: "I don't know why this is in the mountain of Xianshan. I have encountered something, not only not burned by fire. And... The cultivation of Xiandao is also a thousand miles. The light and worry-free heart is directly cultivated to the first sixteenth floor. It is regarded as a monk in the late stage of refining. There are two more layers, and the worry-free heart can be achieved! The Dan heart in the mud pill palace is also several times larger, the scope of the gods, and the quality of the gods have also made a new leap, and the gods also entered the second layer."

"Not only that, this is a fascination... It seems that it has not come to an end, and it feels that it is progressing all the time. There is also this flight technique, which seems to be twice as fast as yesterday. It is difficult... I am in Lushan Xianfu... The phoenix sucked a lot of heaven and earth used by the phoenix?"

"Right, what about the phoenix? When the phoenix appeared, the basin suddenly began to ignite a flame? The phoenix is ​​not afraid of fire? Is the phoenix saved me? Where did the phoenix go?" Zhang Xiaohua has a series of There is no definitive answer to the question. All he can know is that he has not been burned to death. The phoenix has disappeared. He has obtained nine magic weapons like the celestial mirror, and he also got the township spiritual monument of Lushan Xianfu. The most important thing is that he inadvertently got the Lushan Xianfu, and he also prefaced the entire martial arts sects... announced that the Beidou faction was open! ! !

"Ha ha ha" thought of this, Zhang Xiaohua did not feel that it was straight in the air, it seems like doing something extremely interesting!

However, for a long time, Zhang Xiaohua can already see Pingyang City, and can also see the small courtyard in Tunxi Mountain Villa outside Pingyang City!

At this time, Zhang Bairen was playing with Xiaohei and Xiaohuang in the yard. Suddenly, Zhang Bairen’s brow wrinkled, and he looked at the sky, and Xiaohuang and Xiaohei immediately trembled, and they squatted on the ground... Do not dare to move!

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