Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1195: Up-and-coming

The first one hundred and ninety-five chapters are emerging

Zhang Xiaohua’s Beidou School is newly built. There are only a few sisters and apprentices. It is far from scale. Of course, I don’t know about this news on the rivers and lakes. While appreciating the apprentices, I also hope that the Jianghu factions can work together to attack the Tianlong religion!

Saying that Lushan Xianfu, the palace of the phoenix nirvana, was used by Zhang Xiaohua to make a gathering method using the town’s spiritual monument, to free the heaven and earth in the fairy tales, and the heaven and earth in the sky above the mountain. It is gathered together, and the concentration of the heavens and the earth within the palace is increasing daily.

The time of the month is not long, and the short is not short.

For the sects, it is just a short-lived rehearsal.

But this time of the month is definitely a crucial process for the Beidou faction, a change that has turned upside down.

For the Jianghu people, Xiandao is an ethereal and wonderful expectation. There is an insurmountable gap between Wudao and Xiandao. For this gap, the rivers and lakes have tried their best to find the way to Xiandao. The preaching of the sacred sects of the sacred sects, the Dalin Temple and the martial arts are abandoning their respective grievances, and together they are preparing to explore the secrets, and the way to find the inheritance of the immortals in the secrets!

This ... all things, the reason is the strength of heaven and earth, the lack of heaven and earth is also the chief culprit of immortality thousands of years ago.

The Beidou faction of Lushan Xianfu, with the support of Zhang Xiaohua and the spiritual array, has gradually recovered from the heavens and the earth, and it is the first opportunity to take up the rise of Xiandao! In particular, with the discovery of Pei Yuandan, it is directly like Zhang Xiaohu’s Dan Tian’s inside, and the Beidou faction’s initial practice in the cultivation of the worry-free heart. Qi, in the first time, can perceive what is the strength of heaven and earth. It is too simple for them to get into the air. For them, it’s a bit too simple!

"Is it not... When I was in ancient times, it was extremely simple to set foot on the fairy... Is it that the six disciples in my Beidou faction are all qualified in the world?" Zhang Xiaohua looked at the gathering of the spirits. The disciples sitting cross-legged, holding a little beard that had already drilled their chin, thought about it.

Under the five elements of the gathering, Zhang Xiaohua's disciples, um, in addition to Zhang Bairen still lying there to sleep, the other disciples are sitting cross-legged, there is a practice of cultivation!

Nie Qianxi was the first disciple of Zhang Xiaohua to teach the first layer of the "Worry-free Heart Sutra". As early as Zhang Xiaohua was teaching the evils of the fragrant teaching, Nie Qianxi had begun to practice hard, just... rejuvenation The strength of the heavens and the earth is still limited. Although Nie Qianyu can perceive the vitality of the heavens and the earth, it may be very small, and it is far from being able to reach the point of tempering. By the time of this gathering, there is plenty of heaven and earth to be able to pull, and there is a hint of infuriating formed by Zhong Dan Tian Zhong Pei Yuan Dan. Under such circumstances, Nie Qianxi is extremely easy to be in the world of law. Introducing vitality into the body, tempering becomes the first infuriating! Prior to this, Zhang Xiaohua gave Nie Qianxi a Runmai, and refined the meridian's meridians perfectly. This is exactly the same. Nie Qianyu became the first of the Beidou faction. A person who has set foot on the fairy road, and this... only used Nie Qian’s two days!

The second disciple who set foot on Xiandao was out of Zhang Xiaohua's expectation. Zhang Xiaohua thought that this person should be water every day. Unexpectedly, it is not amazing. He has never practiced martial arts, has never touched internal strength, and has not Ji Xiaohua, who was placed in high hopes, was 15 days later than Nie Qian, and he was on the road three days earlier than the water! This is to make Zhang Xiaohua ecstatic, how to say... This is also called a small flower, he can have such an achievement, Zhang Xiaohua is also happy to think.

I saw that Ji Xiaohua, who had no basis in martial arts, actually stepped on the fairy tales earlier than himself. He always tried his best to make a life with Ji Xiaohua, and he was more energetic, but he still used it after three days. In the 20 days, I was able to create my first instinct in Zhongdantian.

In comparison, Qu Jinger is not ignorant, flat, and on the head of the twenty-second day, set foot on the fairy road. The grandmother of Qu Zhigao and Qu Jinger learned about the incident and ran to the corner of the lake. She made a small circle and burned some paper. The tearful face of the girl seemed to be comforting the composer in the heavens.

After several young disciples stepped on the fairy tales, Ouyan and Zhang Pinger did not have any signs of breakthrough. They only waited for another five days. At the twenty-seventh day, Ou Yan did not have any martial arts foundation. Zhang Pinger set foot on the fairy road, and Zhang Pinger used it for twenty-nine days, and the first instinct in his middle dantian!

When I think of my own eyes, the disciples are all qualified. Zhang Xiaohua doesn’t think that the little tail should be tilted up. If he knows... The deadline of the 18th, and the three are also within the deadline to step on the fairy road, I do not know how he will think? According to the rules of the sacred religion, these six disciples, fear that it is not only Nie Qianxi and Ji Xiaohua... can it be truly passed down? And the other four are going to be eliminated?

And... the gathers of the Beidou faction... are the sects of the sacred sects... are they stronger?

From this, we know that this Xianfu... is very important for the three schools of Xiandao. It can also understand the masters of Tianzhu, Shuqing Shitai and Haoyun real people, even if they have sacrificed their lives... they have to earn that line. First opportunity, I want to put Xianfu... in my own hands.

This... If Xianfu is in the hands of the fragrant sects.... I am afraid that within a very short period of time, a lot of disciples will be created. How can Jingyi Shi still worry about his inheritance?

And for the sacred sects, the sects, and the sacred gates, what is the origin of the three sects of the sect?-------? The scented scented religion lost the sacred mountain of Fushan, how can you not put all your energy here?

Just as Zhang Xiaohua was happy to see the six disciples concentrating into the body, watching Zhang Bairen screaming and sleeping, and the heaven and earth vitality gradually inhaled with the breathing of others, and Xiaohei and Xiaohuang were also nearby. In a strange posture, when the heavens and the earth are slowly being squandered by two small things, in the village of Nanzhao, which is a hundred miles away from the dense land, in the courtyard of a large family, the quiet teacher is sitting too In a rather large hall, talking to Shu Qing Shi Tai, Xue Zhen Shi Tai, and Peacock, Chen Chen and Yu Yan.

Just listening to Jing Yi Shi’s brows and wrinkles, whispered: “Yu Shan... Is there no movement in Xianfu?”

"The master of the martyrdom, from the day when he took the steps of the Xianfu, he never took it down...and no one came down from the mountain..." Xue Zhenshi was too arched.

"Hey? That's it... actually shutting down and practicing?" Chen Chen called.

"Not necessarily..." Jing Yi Shi shook his head too: "The steps of the Xianfu are used once. The heavens and the earth used are very powerful. The teacher thinks that if you want to go in and out of Xianfu... there must be another simple way. ...what is the way, but it’s not that I can guess it!"

"Teacher, adults, isn't it a warning? Do you want to keep people near Mount Lushan? I am going to teach my disciples to explore in the left, I am afraid that I will not cause him... I am not happy!" Peacock worried.

"Oh, not afraid, it is not only my disciples who are sects of the sects. Which one of Dalin Temple, Shuiyun and Zhengdao League did not send a spy?" Jing Yi Shiyi smiled and said: "Even if I was discovered by Ren Xiaoyao, I I can say that this disciple is a disciple of my scented sect, and as early as when he discovered it, he had already squandered the sacred religion. Her actions in Lushan were her personal actions. Nothing!"

"Hey, the teacher is wise!" Chen Chen listened, first smiled: "There must be nothing to say!"

"Forget it, forget it, Moti Lushan and Beidou sent, I waited under the Lushan Mountain, and I was so angry that I tore my face and lost my life. I didn't take advantage of it. Was robbed by a nameless boy, I really don't know how he controls the entire Xianfu!" Shuqing Shitai is also a hand.

"Then I will step on the shit!" Chen Chen made a conclusion.

"Right, Xuezhen Shimei, Dalin Temple can have any news?"

"The master of the martyrdom, the monk of Dalin Temple has never found a trace since he entered Baozhen. I did not dare to go too far, and inquired for dozens of days, and there is no news!"

"Oh, it’s no big deal. Who can think that my sacred disciples have returned to Dianchi in a big way, and I can stay in this Nanzhao town? Wait until tomorrow night, Dalin Temple can appear on the Claws Peak on time, that is It!"

"Teachers are wise, big hidden in the city, this is the case, the subordinates still want to find a remote mountain village!"

"Is it right?" Jing Yi is too smiling.

"The evil tigers in this area seem to be a small branch of the Zhengdao League. Isn't Zhang Sanmeng here a fisherman? I haven't seen the traces for a long time!" Xue Zhenshi laughed too.

"That... is the sect, what is Zhang Xiaohu doing?"

"The sect of the lord is very embarrassed." Xue Zhenshi was too confused: "The disciples sent their disciples to inform the Ming and Qing Dynasties, but both of them are convinced that the affairs of the party are busy and cannot come in person. This is also Down, the subordinates also have some fine works in the disciples of Wu Mingtang, but... they are actually like mud cows in the sea, there is no news of a little bit!"

"It's really strange, then... what about the prestigious predecessors who have a very close relationship? Can you have news?"

"No, my disciples didn't find anything useful. If they didn't care about it... When they were in the dense place, they really wanted to take Li Jian and others and ask what happened to the sect!"

"Don't..." Jing Yi Shi quickly hurriedly said: "The internal strengths of Li Jian and other thousands of disciples can be restored... This is a repair, fear that Dalin Temple Tianzhu masters can't keep up. At this festival, let's avoid it first!"

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