Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1198: Cooperation between the Beidou School and the Sui School (2)

The 1st, 119th chapter of the cooperation between the Beidou School and the Sui School (2)

Seeing that Ou Yan is somewhat puzzled, Hu Yunyi went on to say: "The Beidou School is newly built. There are only Zhang Zhangmen and seven disciples in the party. This is really inconsistent with the name of the Beidou School. I don’t have any congratulations on this. Three hundred and two disciples were sent to the Beidou faction as ordinary disciples, one as a gift, and the other was a reward for Zhang Zhangmen’s sentiment to me!”

"Oh?" Ou Yan stunned, his face immediately showed a happy color, and he said: "Hu Changlao sent this gift very well. It is really a charcoal in the snow. However, this young priest disciple is a sect of the sect. All of a sudden, let me give the Beidou faction, Hu Elder... Don’t you feel bad?”

"Oh, the swallow said that the three hundred and two disciples are the people that the old husband had taken away from the village. This has been a long time, and the feelings are quite deep. They really have high hopes for them. However, these If the disciples are with the Beidou Party for the great grace of our school, it is really far from the difference. Only by sending these disciples to the Beidou faction and expanding the strength of the Beidou faction can we express our grateful heart!"

"Right, Hu Elder, these three hundred and two young priests and disciples are all cultivated since childhood. Since childhood, they have been regarded as their own teachers. This time they went to the Beidou faction, fearing that... no So constrained!" Ou Yan asked calmly.

Hu Yunyi nodded: "The swallows are really good at asking this question. However, these disciples are still young, most of them are similar to the water every day. In the past few years, they have lived outside the village, and they are fascinating...the feelings are lighter than the ordinary disciples. A lot, of course, the old man is not saying that they have no sects in their hearts, but that people go to the heights and the water flows to the lower places. The Beidou faction is the head of the fairy road, occupying the Songshan Xianfu, if they know that they can go to the fairy Fuchu cultivation, afraid...not everyone has to break his head!"

Ou Yan listened slightly and nodded.

"And... I have sent a big gang to the relationship between your boss and your boss, and they must be able to accept it from the shackles to the Beidou faction!" Elder Hu laughed.

"Zhang Zhangmen, send young disciples to come over... This kind of thing, to tell the truth, some ills, if other sects, I would never dare to do this, it is easy to cause misunderstanding!" Wen Wenhai is next to the hand: " However, in the following, it is also considered with the elders of Hu. The Beidou faction is lacking now, and it is the lack of people. The development of the Beidou faction depends solely on Miss Ou, Miss Nie and Shui Tiantian... I am afraid that it has not been for more than ten years. The method developed a little, and Elder Hu made this suggestion, and... Zhang Da’s lord was also acquiescent, and he felt that it was practical and feasible, so he proposed it!”

Zhang Xiaohua looks at Zhang Xiaohu's smile and knows that he must know that he has a dementor, and he is not afraid of any careful work, so he agrees. Of course, Zhang Xiaohua does not care about what kind of hands and feet to send. After all, in this Xianfu, there is a township monument in the hands of everyone, and everyone can only be the ending of being shackled and manipulated.

For Wen Wenhai, Zhang Xiaohua still has great trust. When he saw Wen Wenhai's explanation, he nodded slightly: "Wen Daxia said, the poor road understands that since it is a good intention, the poor road... but it is disrespectful!"

"Oh, this is so good!" Wen Wenhai laughed.

"How to transfer the three hundred and two disciples, after the secret, let Ou Yan be responsible for it!" Zhang Xiaohua laughed.

“Thanks to Zhang’s head for trust!” Hu Changlao said, “There are only three hundred and two disciples who have taken the door and Zhang, and I have some face to discuss the second thing with Zhang Zhangmen!”

"Hu Elder, this... What is the second thing? Please also express it!" Ou Yan nodded.

"Speaking of this second thing, it is also related to the return of the Niegu master of Chungu!" Hu Changsong glanced at Nie Qian and smiled.

"What happened to Huichun Valley?" Nie Qian said.

"A month ago, Huichun Valley visited me and sent me to form an alliance with me. Oh, of course, my sect is not a jade alliance, but a mutual support relationship!" Hu Yunyi explained: "Listen to Nie The owner of the valley said that the relationship between Chungu and Chuanxiangjiao, the old man suddenly had some experience, and wanted to follow the Beidou faction...like Huichungu and Chuanxiangjiao, forming a similar complementary relationship!"

Zhang Xiaohua’s brow was picked. The eyebrow that had just grown up jumped and he listened to Nie Qianyu and asked: “Hu Changla... What is the plan?”

"Oh, it’s also simple to say. I can help the Beidou faction to select young disciples with excellent qualifications every year and send them to the Beidou faction until the Beidou faction has its own strength to select disciples..."

"What do I do with the Beidou faction?" Ou Yan thought thoughtfully, then asked

"Your faction... needs every year... help me send... raise five disciples... step on the fairy road!"

"Five disciples?" Ouyan shook his head: "There are only a few disciples in the whole rivers and lakes? You send my Beidou faction to promote five disciples every year... This means impossible."

Ou Yan did not sue Zhang Xiaohua, but directly denied it.

"This..." Hu Yunyi thought for a moment, smiled bitterly: "Actually, there are too few things that I can help the Beidou faction, that is, these years can highlight the power of my school, and wait for the wings of the young disciples of the Beidou school. They are full, and I am afraid that it will be difficult to enter the eyes of the Beidou faction. So... I have to look at it, I am afraid that there will not be too many masters of immortality!"

Zhang Xiaohua’s heart was moving, and he was about to open his mouth. Ouyan said: “Hu Chang, this difference is different, the saying goes well, the water is flowing, my Beidou school disciples are quietly practicing, and the secular thing is afraid of little interference. If the 缥缈 缥缈 派 is done very well, it is not necessary to hand over the future things to the sects!"

Elder Hu heard the big smile on his face and smiled: "If this is the case... the number of people per year can be reduced to four."

"Two!" Ou Yan said: "My Beidou faction has its own disciple!"

“The two are really too few, how about the three?” said Elder Hu.

"This..." Ouyan looked back at Zhang Xiaohua and looked at it. It should be satisfactory. Zhang Xiaohua needs to be determined.

"Hehe" Zhang Xiaohua nodded: "The matter is in the hands of the door, but there are still some other conditions!"

"Ah? Quasi?" Hu Yunyi stunned, and then his face was overjoyed, Xiandao disciple, how many rivers and lakes can there be? The Beidou faction can let three deaf disciples set foot on the fairy road every year. Not to mention five years. In just three years, there will be nine disciples who will set foot on the fairy road. This...but it can be compared with the fragrant teaching! Hu Yunyi’s bottom line, Zhang Xiaohu, did not disclose it in advance. He could hear his surprise, obviously... beyond expectations.

"Yes, the poor road is accurate." Zhang Xiaohua said with a smile: "Not only that, the inside of the hall will be sent to you, as long as there is a possibility that the poor road can help you set foot on the fairy road!"

"Ah?" Wen Wenhai, Lu Yueming and Xue Qing are all flushed on the face. They know that Zhang Xiaohu is about the same age as them. Since Zhang Xiaohu can set foot on Xiandao, they are also the same; Li Jian and others are old, Zhang Of course, Xiaohua said mainly to them.

Hu Yunyi, Li Jian and Liu Qingyang, as well as Qin Auntie are also delighted. There are methods to pass the martial arts between the fragrant teaching and the water cloud. I want to come to the Beidou faction... there must be some means!

"Thank you for your head!" The people were all praying.

"Don't be busy, thank you, the poor road is not unconditional for you." Zhang Xiaohua waved: "The things that you will be promoted to the cultivation of Xiandao must be provided by you, and...the three The exercises, medicinal herbs, etc. used by disciples must also be provided by you!"

"This..." Hu Yunyi and Li Jian have some conclusions. They don't know that they need three disciples to enter the fairy road. They need three things, so they all turn to look at Zhang Xiaohu.

Zhang Xiaohu nodded: "This condition... I agreed to send it, after all... these things are very big, there is no reason to send Beidou to send for me!"

"Since Zhang Dagang agreed, it would be easier!" Zhang Xiaohua smiled.

Zhang Xiaohu glanced at him and did not speak.

Seeing the agreement between the two factions, Ou Yan was also happy, and asked: "What is the third proposal of the elder Hu?"

"Oh, this third proposal is nothing, but it is a supplement to the first two proposals. It is a icing on the cake." Hu Yunyi thought for a moment and said: "If the first two agreements have no opinion, I want to follow The Beidou faction has further alliances. Under the premise of complementarity, it is possible to advance and retreat in the rivers and lakes.

Zhang Xiaohua listened, and did not feel a brow. He had previously said this relationship with Zhang Xiaohu. He hoped that the Beidou School and the Sui School could become extremely good brothers. Just like him and his second brother, just that day. He is casual, and the Beidou faction has not been created. However, he stood and talked without hurting. He did not think about the consequences of this sentence. Now he listened to Hu Yunyi’s bargaining with Ou Yan. Zhang Xiaohua knew himself. The previous thoughts may be too simple!

When I saw Zhang Xiaohua frowning, Ouyan could not be the master. The contemplation said: "Can Hu elder further elaborate?"

Hu Yunyi also said with caution: "In fact, this third suggestion... is also a sudden thought when I came here. Since I sent Zhang Dabang to the sect of the Guipai sect, it is a brethren, so... If you are careful, the old man can't say it. Just think that if I don't have the danger of helping out, I will ask your head to help, and all the trivial things that you have on the rivers and lakes, I Everyone should bear the responsibility..."

Ou Yan listened to some frowns, and the exchange conditions that come and go seem to be extremely disproportionate! What the gangs sent to help the Beidou faction was a simple matter, and what was exchanged was the help of the Beidou faction at the time of their own death... This is really impossible to say!

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