Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 82: "trouble"

Chapter 82—“Trouble”

"Look at the look of the mother, this fairy must be taken by the dog girl! But... although the dogwoman is only five years old, it is also a matter of affairs. In the case of giving her grandmother no results, she will hand over the fairy to her. Mother-in-law, I have to take it inside..." Fan Xi took a look at Xiao Hua and went on.

"Hey? That's... Mrs. Zun... is there a body?" Xiao Hua is stunned.

"No, no, it’s only twenty-four years old, and it’s not awkward!" I know that Fan Riguan is again and again.

"Oddly~" Xiao Hua smiled and said: "The medicinal herbs given by the poor road... Although it is... the medicinal herbs used by the people who cultivated me, but ... not the real elixir, it can not be used, it is not old. Can't prolong life, what do you push in your family?"

"This..." Fan Riguan hesitated, or lost a smile: "Xiao Zhenren, the small knows that the immortals are comprehending the truth, are cutting off the grievances of the world, paying attention to the desires of the heart, the feelings of these relatives." May not understand, specific things, small will not say much, Xiaozhen people should be listening to the story!"

“Oh?” Xiaohua’s mouth smiled and nodded slightly: “That.....please continue!”

"Well, I know that I know how to take this elixir. I naturally pushed it to a small mother, but I didn’t take it. This was pushed and pushed... I finally thought of a way to catch it. However, when the small group is to be a paper group, the mother and the baboon are looking for small ones, respectively, and give the same idea to the small one!"

"What is the idea?" Xiao Hua was amazed, but his heart was also moved by the family's love and affection.

"Oh, it's very simple. Just do three words with the same words. Whoever takes the person will take the elixir, but the mother is the first to let the dog girl catch it first, and the inside is let the mother first catch it!"

"Well, the poor road understands!" Xiao Huaqi said: "How did you deal with it?"

"Small can't, use an ordinary pill as an elixir, and finally let the dog girl take it!" Fan Riguan said with apologetic: "After all, the mother is not much time, and the girl is still young!"

"Later... How do you give the remedy to your mother?" Xiao Huaqi said.

"In fact, it is very simple. The small medicinal herbs are placed in the herbs taken by the mother-in-law, and the sputum is fed to the mother-in-law!" Fan Riguan said with a smile: "I have known such troubles, small first-time Don't tell them!"

"Trouble???" Xiao Hua said: "This is a problem... I hope the world is all right!"

"Xiao Zhenren is really different from the fairy grows!" Fan Fanguan praised: "If it is a neighbor, these small words are not too annoying!"

"Oh, so the poor road said that the poor road repair is shallow!" Xiao Hua did not agree.

"It is only now that it is shallow, and it is a matter of morning and evening to promote the distraction of Xiao Zhenren's mind." Fan Riguan complimented.

"Distraction?" Xiao Huaqi said: "What is that realm?"

"The realm?" Fan Riguan immediately turned red on the face: "Small sly said, the small one only listened to the fairy tales inside the inn, and listened to it, saying that it was higher than the repair of the Liucheng master of Jingbo City. Let's go!"

"Oh, is it a god?" Xiao Hua suddenly thought of Zhang Qingxiao’s occasional statement.

"Yes, yes, it is the **** of the gods. There is a fairy saying that Jin Dan is said to be a god. What is the meaning of the baby, what is the **** of the gods, can be a distraction, it is called a **** or distraction!" Fan Riguan Quickly explained, he did not understand the mess of natural interpretation, but also let Xiaohua know that the distraction period is the magic period!

"Oh, the little brother actually knows more than the poor road!" Xiao Hua smiled.

"Where is the small in the inn for a long time, listen to it!" Fan Riguan immediately said: "Oh, yes, Xiaozheng's immortal is really powerful, the little mother has just eaten herbs, immediately abdominal pain Such as the knife twist, and then the whole body is pain, the face of the mother is white, seven 窍 ... are out of the blood ..."

"Oh, no..." Xiao Hua said: "Yu Dan is the remedy used by the people who cultivated the truth. The warriors of the world are weak, and of course they can't stand it. The white predecessors said that it is right!"

"I don't want Xiao Xiaoren, the small is scared at the time, and I still blame Xiaozhenren in my heart..." Fan Xi watched Xiao Hua, and said with embarrassment: "But... Little know that Xiaozhen is a great compassion. People, will certainly not lie to the small, so ... still believe that Xiaozhen people ... Oh, it is half a cup of tea, just a few mouthfuls of blood spit, when seeing no strength, suddenly is the face It’s rosy, it’s just that the body is so comfortable, it’s effortless to get up and let the soup prepare for the soup!”

"Ah? The body is very comfortable?" Xiao Huaqi, he did not understand the meaning of this sentence!

"Well, the little sister asked her later, and the mother said that there is a little mouse in the body, and she came and went!" Fan Riguan replied.

"哎哟" Xiao Hua suddenly wakes up: "This... Isn't this the kind of strange thing that the head says about in Dan Dan? It is this thing... Let Qidan become the best medicine!"

I remember that the best 梧楬丹s that Xiao Yuehong refined were Xiao Yuehong who kept them and did not give them! Xiao Hua went to his own mind space, and when Xiao Xianrui gave a few jade bottles in the jade bottle, he immediately understood the original reason!

Suddenly, Xiao Hua’s tears are raining...

"Trouble" is not only the world of ordinary people, but also the cold and ruthless realm of comprehension! ! !

"Xiao Zhenren, Xiao Zhenren!" Fan Riguan saw it, shocked, and quickly waved his hand: "This is such a fairy... small... small... not afraid of greed!"

"Dog ~" Xiao Hua immediately jumped his feet, and he will rise up, pointing his finger at Fan Riguan, and said: "Your family can know how to make the medicinal herbs to the mother, how can the poor roads lick this area? You are so embarrassed... It’s really the heart of a gentleman!”

Look at the look of anger and ruin, where is still like a real fairy!

Seeing Xiao Hua angry, Fan Riguan was scared to immediately fall down: "Xiao Zhenren is anxious, Xiao Zhenren is anxious!"

"I...who am I anxious? Do I need to be anxious with you?" Xiao Hua suddenly fell grief and looked up at the sky, angered: "God is not fair!!!"

"Who is upset!" An angry drink descended from the sky, a very strange figure, just like the real shadow, fluttering from the hustle and bustle of the lake next to it, flying to the place where Xiao Hua stood.

Xiao Hua was shocked and immediately received some frantic emotions. He looked at it with a look of a hook. The figure was dressed like the one he saw in the light curtain in the city of Jingbo!

Not waiting for Xiao Hua to open, Fan Riguan immediately stepped forward, and he was very respectful and shouted: "The small flying fish inn Fan Day view has seen adults!"

"Well, what happened here? How do you yell and shout?" The shadow's figure is still curved, just like a ribbon flying in the air!

"Oh, it’s a small one that just angered the fairy, and the fairy grows small, and the small is paying guilty to the fairy, not in the way!" Fan Riguan slightly stunned Xiaohua, making a look!

Xiao Hua took a deep breath and wiped the tears from his face. He said: "The younger generation... some reckless, please forgive me!"

"Oh," the shadow floated in the air for a moment, and a sound of wood sounded: "Fan Riguan is a common man, but he is also a servant in Jingbo City. The security is protected. The Taoist friends can't easily decide and hurt people!"

"The poor road does not dare..."

"Well, I don't dare to say it. I don't want to scream loudly. However, Zhao Chengzhu is currently receiving VIPs and visiting Jingbo City. If you are disturbed, it is... the sin of death, or a little bit good! ”

“The younger generation knows!” Xiao Hua’s heart glimpsed, thinking of the Yuan Ying monk who met outside the city the day before!

"Be good!" The shadow is like a flying ribbon, gradually drifting away and falling into the lake!

After a long while, Fan Riguan got up and whispered: "Xiao Zhenren, don't talk loudly, please go to the Flying Fish Inn!"

Xiao Hua nodded, just want to step, but also thought of something, shaking his head: "Poor road ... or another investment in the inn, Fei Yu Inn is afraid can not live!"

“Why?” Fan Yiguan asked, and immediately asked.

"Oh, yesterday, there was a small shop asking the poor to ask for the so-called fairy road. The poor road will go back with you. Can't you be sighed by death?" Xiao Hua sighed, but he was still afraid that the person who found the door would find him scattered. Repair!

"This way~" Fan Riguan immediately understood, very embarrassed: "Small things are smashing, I did not expect that suddenly leaving will bring such trouble to Xiaozhen people, it is really shame!"

"No need to do this, it is not your fault!" Xiao Hua looked at the sky and smiled: "The poor road is with you. If you have nothing, the poor road will find another inn, let's not let it go." !"

Xiao Hua made it clear that Fan Nien's mother's condition was cured. It was the role of his best 梧楬丹, and naturally he knew the use of 梧楬丹 within the space. The most crucial thing is that Xiao Yuehong The refining system, Fan Riguan's insiders and daughters, since there is no incurable illness, he certainly is not willing to waste these remedies!

Fan Riguan listened, anxious, pulled forward Xiaohua's sleeves, and smiled and said: "Xiao Zhenren...small, there is a ruthless invitation, I don't know if it's not said properly!"

"Hey, since it is a ruthless request, of course, it is not to talk!" Xiao Hua shook his head.

"Yes, Xiaozhen people said it is very!" Fan Riguan respectfully said: "However, the little girl knows that it is the elixir given by Xiaozhen people. I want to thank you in person, just... I can only stay in the local people. The land of the city west of Jingbo City cannot be freely come here, so the small rush comes, please... Xiaozhen people have a sigh, come to the land of my city, accept the thanks of the small family!"

"No need~" Xiao Hua waved his hand and shook his head. "If you don't want to thank you, if you have the heart, you should be loyal to your mother!"

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