Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 95: Cao Lingzong Ling Zongyu

Chapter 95—Grass Lingzong Ling Zongyu

"Ah? Is there such a change?" Xiao Hua listened to the monk's words, and did not feel the Russian smile. He said: "Daoyou, there are some things in the poor road... I want to talk to my friends!"

The monk was very impatient to put down the book and pointed his finger at the small booth. "This friend, the poor road has already said that the poor grass is here. If the Taoist wants it, take the stone." If you don't want to go to other places, the Taoist friends have to disturb the poor roads to practice, this sin is big!"

Xiao Hua smiled and said: "You need to be poor, you don't have this booth..."

"Noisy, no you say a hair, just go away!" The monk said, and he would pick up the book.

"This ... poor road is to discuss with the Taoist friends, buy some seeds of Lingcao from the Taoist friends?" Xiao Hua whispered his own thoughts!

"Buy the seeds?" The monk sneaked, and the book was laid down again. The face showed curiosity: "What do you want the seeds to do? Are these grasses not enough for you to use?"

When the monk’s words came out, Xiao Hua was embarrassed. He said: "If you want to sell, if you want to sell, you can say yes to the poor road. If you don't want to sell, you can say no to the poor road. You can Why do I buy seeds?"

Xiao Hua’s words are very similar to what the monk said just now. Xiao Hua is also ready. The monk just turned his face and turned away. The Yiji is so big that you can’t buy the seeds of the grass.

It is also strange, Xiao Hua said, the monk is a smile, he said: "The poor road grass Lingzong Ling Zongyu, do not know how friends call it?"

"Oddly, this person's temper is really quirky. You say good things to him, he ignores it. If you marry him, he will learn it!" Xiao Hua thought in his heart, but also handed it: "The poor road Xiaohua."

"Oh, Xiao Daoyou, don't blame the poor roads, the poor roads are also on the basis of this collection for some years, but people have always come to buy Lingcao, and have never heard of buying seeds, so I was curious... Ling Zongyu said with a smile: "When I saw the fake friend of the Taoist friend, I also disguised the repair. The poor road thinks that Xiao Daoyou is also similar to the poor road. Perhaps... Xiao Daoyou is generally the same person with the poor road. ?"

Xiao Hua Daxie: "Which is the same?"

"Oh, what else do you want to use? If you want to buy seeds, you don't want to study the grass, what can you do?" Ling Zongyu will throw it away in the book, and shake it again. Xiaohua’s eyes are clear, and the two are A big word "Grass Code", "Hey, this is a good thing!" Xiao Hua jumped in his heart, and then said: "Daoyou... It’s really the same person, hey, because of the grass, the repair of the poor road is also delayed. Can the Taoist priests make the poor road look?"

"Of course," Ling Zongyu carefully handed over the "Grass Code" and smiled: "The same is true of the poor road. Master said that if the poor road is too much in the spirit grass, it can be repaired several layers!"

Seeing Ling Zongyu did not hesitate to hand over the "Grass Code", Xiao Hua is very hot in his heart, look around with a few eyes...

"Hey, this... is... Liyang grass?" A fiery red grass shaped like a fire was turned over by him inadvertently. Xiaohua brows, a name jumps out of his mind: "Sun grass? This... Liyang grass should be called sunny grass?"

"But... I don't seem to have seen the image of this scented grass in 殇华冥? How do I know that it should be called yangyang grass?" Xiao Hua Nahan, handed over the "Grass Code" and asked : "Ling Daoyou, this Liyang grass... Is there a specific name for the sun grass?"

"What? Alias?" Ling Zongyu took a look at the "Grass Code" and immediately denied: "There is no alias for Lieyangcao, and the poor road has not heard of any sungrass! It is hard to be...There are suns in your classics. grass?"

Having said that, Ling Zongyu’s eyes are eager.

Xiao Hua smiled and shook his head and said: "The poor road is only seen from a broken book page. The book page has long been lost. Even if it is a poor road, it is impossible to give it to a Taoist friend!"

"So... what else on the page?" Ling Zongyu asked after disappointment.

After listening to this, in Xiao Hua’s mind, there are some appearances and names of the spirit grass, what dragon scales, what iron-bone grass, are strange spirit grass.

"Oh, there are some strange spirits, and there is no record in the usual drafts!" Xiao Hua smiled.

"Oh, unfortunately... the poor road can't be seen!" Ling Zongyu was quite lost. It seems that she is really obsessed with studying grass.

"Right, Ling Daoyou, just said in a poor way, how do Taoists plan?" Xiao Hua opened the topic.

"Do you say the seed is the seed?" Ling Zongyu asked God.

"Exactly! Don't you know if a friend can cut love?"

"The seeds of Lingcao... In other sects, such as Wanhua Valley or Baicaomen, perhaps it would not be so easy to promise friends. Even if they promised, they would not find much seeds! But for me grass Lingzong? Hey, it’s not a big deal. My grass spirits are specializing in planting grass!”

Xiao Hua listened to the big joy and said, "That Ling Daoyou... How do you exchange this kind of thing? Is it a Lingshi? Or is it... other things?"

"Lingshi is of course the best!" Ling Zongyu said with a smile: "If there is no Lingshi, Xiaodaoyou can also be a panacea!"

"What about the 100-year-old Lingcao? Or the Huangfu of the Chinese product?" Xiaohua hesitated.

"This... is still Lingshi and Lingdan, and other grasses are not lacking!" Ling Zongyu laughed.

"That... okay~" Although Xiao Hua wants to use the fireball to meet the Lingshi, but people do not lack this, and can only be exchanged with the genuine price of real goods.

Perhaps it is in the case that Xiao Hua also likes Lingcao, the price quoted by Ling Zongyu is very cheap, far more than Xiao Hua’s expectation, Xiao Hua is very satisfied, but when Xiao Hua is about to come up with Lingshi However, it was stopped by Ling Zongyu: "Xiao Daoyou, the poor road to the collection is to sell the grass, where will bring these seeds? The poor road today told the Taoist friends, after returning to the mountain, you still have to prove Master, if not Accident, after three days, when you can bring the seeds you need!"

"Ah? After three days!" Xiao Hua Wei Wei, can think about it, people say it is also very right, who is okay with so many seeds?

"That... since the Taoist friends have to go back to the mountains, I don't know... Can you put the seeds of the spirit grass of yours? Oh, or the seeds that have not been germinated, and the seeds that have not been used are also brought to the poor road?" Some of the lions have opened their mouths.

"This..." Ling Zongyu frowned, thinking about it, nodding his head: "The poor road is to understand the mind of the Taoist friend, to see the grass code, just want to plant all the recorded spirit grass, then it can be enjoyable. Can... ...I just don't know if Master can agree."

"Hey, then please Lingdaoyou a lot of beautiful words!" Xiao Hua arched.

"Oh, good, since the poor road promised, naturally will do it with all your heart! Daoyou and rest assured, please ask your friends after three days!" Ling Zongyu said with a smile.

"Xie Lingdao friends help!" Xiao Hua thanked him. When he walked two steps, he stopped and looked a little hesitant. Ling Zongyu was very fond of Xiao Hua. Seeing him stunned and actively laughed: "Xiao Daoyou, is it... what else is wrong?"

Xiao Hua looked at him, and looked around. He took a word and asked: "Hey, Ling Daoyou, in fact, the poor road is just like yours. I want to get some spiritual life, but... the spirit above the set. Grass... The price is too low, it is not easy to live!"

After listening to this, Ling Zongyu has the same feelings, a look of sympathy, almost to embrace with Xiaohua, and he said: "Xiao Daoyou said that it is very ah, the decades of life, the centuries-old spirits are less That's it, it can't be compared with what Huang Fu, what is the flow of the remedy. Because the method of making alchemy, the method of making notes is really a secret, few people will, and planting herbs, it is Simple, who wouldn't? It's just that the planting is good or bad! Even if it doesn't, go to the place where the heavens and the earth are very rich, and you can find it many times. It's no wonder that the price of the grass is low!"

"The so-called ... technology has expertise, things are rare!" Xiao Hua shouted.

“Yes, it is!” Ling Zongyu nodded. “Would you like... the monks who are studying the grasses like you and me are much less?”

The two said for a moment, Xiao Hua left. Xiaohua is in a good mood to get the seeds. The retrospective in his mind space is spinning every day. The light is shining all the time. There are many kinds of spirit grass and less kind of spirit grass. It seems that there is nothing. There are still a lot of cadres in the space, and there are still a lot of vacant places in the space. Where Xiaohua puts things in, as long as there is enough for a foot or so, Xiao Hua wants to plant the grass in the space, but... Can be two years of growth, just take a come out, are able to change the Lingshi, for the Ling Dan!

Look at the sky, and then look at the place where you have just turned a little, Xiao Hua knows that this collection is not something that you can walk around in a day, and... in addition to the top-notch fireball and two hundred years Lingcao, there is really nothing else to exchange. If you take out two hundred years of spirit grass in a day, isn’t it easy to be stared at by others? Xiao Hua’s repair is too low for Haihuasi, he can’t take the risk!

Generated a sense of vigilance, Xiao Hua will no longer stroll, left and right to see the easy set, in a secluded place to win the fans! Look at the hands of the exquisite confusion, Xiao Hua did not laugh, this confused wearing on the body is very comfortable, although only cover the face, but Xiao Hua feels that several top grades of fireballs are really worthwhile.

"Well, this young monk is also a disrepair. It seems to be quite different from the indigo double bears. It is self-reliant to make self-reliance and self-reliance. I don’t know where to practice. If I can make one or two, it is also a blessing. "Xiao Hua didn't even look at the booth before noon, but at this time, where is it empty, I don't know if it is sold out?" Or did the young monk leave early?

"Oh, yes, how is this confused? How can it change the face? It’s really amazing..." Xiao Hua thought again, only when he was confused for a long time, he didn’t see it. This is the income in the storage bag, and quickly returned to the inn!

Since it was decided to go to the collection, Xiao Hua would no longer change the inn, throwing a Chinese spirit stone on the cabinet, and booked the room for five days! Take the shopkeeper's Huang Fu, Xiao Hua did not let the store Xiao Er followed, he returned to the room, now Xiao Hua has some understanding, in the inn, are using Ling Shi delivery, seems to come up with one or two pieces of Chinese stone Not to be noticed, so he no longer hides anything.

After returning to the guest room, Xiao Hua did not rest. He knew that the fireball symbol used to draw the next product was the condition for him to enter the desert. He had to draw the fireball symbol quickly, but he did not know when he could refine the top grade. The fireball character, but can not join the day to abandon, put a white practice can not be enlightened! Isn't that something that has been hated by the ages?

As before, Xiao Hua will be ready to use Fu Mo and Fu paper, because knowing that he is not sure, Xiao Hua will take out the fumes from the Yi Ji. Xiao Hua closed his eyes for a moment, still meditation on the runes of the fireball in his heart, then grabbed the pen with his hand, stained with ink, and went through the flow of water on the paper...

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