Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 108: Confused gold foil

Chapter 108, Lost Gold Foil

"Perhaps... only improve the cultivation, and use the five-layer refining of the refining to kill Zhang Zhihao, and it will be a real success!" Xiao Hua bit his lip, his eyes almost smashed, for a time. There is an unparalleled desire for strength in my heart!

"There is no accumulation of steps, and I am slow to grow. But after all, it is also growth. As long as you work hard, you will always have a good day. Nowadays, there is only one mental cultivation, and the mana is the king!" The idea, sitting cross-legged, for a few days, is not to calmly understand the heavens, is to practice the Huaihua method, and then to refine the fireball and imprisonment, and with the slight increase of mana, there is also the refining of Huang Fuxin The increase slowly, Xiao Hua used the pen to draw the fireball character has actually made a breakthrough progress, has been able to barely draw the fireball character!

Looking at the freshly baked fireballs, Xiao Hua’s own heart is awkward, not to mention the side, look at the uneven lines on the yellow mark, the slightly distorted runes are all indicating that the fireball is just The training of the hand-picked goods can be biased. The power of the fireball is not a primary commodity. It can be easily judged by the experience of Xiaohua refining the fireball. This looks like a fireball for the melons. It is the quality of Chinese products!

Xiao Hua thought unsuccessfully, can only attribute this strange phenomenon to himself is a fire physique!

On this day, Xiao Hua will refine a fireball, and his heart will move. He said: "Cultivating for a few days, today should be the day of the Yishang City of Jingbo City. Many sects of the Xi State must come to Jingbo City Interchange. There are no, what kind of rare spirit grass, what scarce materials will show up, maybe you can also encounter what exercises? Well, let alone the exercises, that is, Dan Fang, the method of making the characters can also get one Maybe, if you don't look at it, isn't it regret?"

Xiao Hua has already refined the fireball, and it’s a foregone conclusion when he enters the sky, and his mind is moving!

Putting the mind into the space, and sorting out the yellow characters of refining in recent days. After the last Zhang Zhihao's affairs, Xiao Hua put all the things in the space, only put some refining in the storage bag. The simple thing that the second-level identity matches.

"Hey? I forgot. Last time I killed Zhang Zhihao, I took some things from his storage bag. I don't know what it is!" Thinking, Xiao Hua began to clean up Zhang Zhihao's things.

On the same day, Xiao Hua moved all the things in Zhang Zhihao’s storage bag into his own space, but most of the things were Xiao Hua’s own, so he was too lazy to look at it. Poor ghosts, also sighed Zhang Zhihao as a catastrophe!

Zhang Zhihao's things are really not many, only dozens of Chinese spirits, and some yellow characters, and then there are some books and a few robes and other things.

"Hey, Xiaoye forgot, this product is a monk with four layers of refining, maybe there is a practice of cultivation!" Xiao Hua suddenly remembered, quite a bit of hindsight, and at first glance, there is no experience of robbery. !

“Ice thorns?” Xiao Hua took out the first booklet and took a closer look. I didn’t feel a little disappointed: “This product will not refine the scorpion, where is the ice thorn? It must be grabbed from where! "If it was before, Xiao Hua would be happy to get this ice thorn, but at this time, I hope that the practice of cultivation, although it is happy, but also a lot.

Then, the latter few are not some travel notes, that is, some broken, see what is the silkworm, and finally, there is actually a double repair cheats, so that Xiao Hua can not laugh, it is even more disappointing.

"Sure enough, it is a poor ghost. Not only is there no spiritual stone, but even the practice is not left in the storage bag. Really... I don't know what to say about you! You can't be a little bit of meditation? Take everything together. On the body?" Xiao Hua groaned and threw things into the space. Zhang Zhihao’s robes Xiao Hua were a bit lacking in interest, just wanted to take a look, but when he saw one of them, the eyes were It’s all big...

"This... is it lost? Is the real price of the real thing lost?"

No, Xiao Hua’s hands, from the space to take out the robes, one of them is exactly the same as Xiao Hua’s confusion, it is actually the authenticity of Qiqiaomen! Xiao Hua’s mood suddenly became excited. He couldn’t help but swear: “I’ll say it, at first glance, there’s no less robbing. How could there be no good things? Presumably... all the Lingshi and Lingcao, etc. Things are all folded into the best spiritual stone, change this confusion! Oh, it is even more unnecessary, this is to wear this confused behind the little man, so that the young master has not been aware! This is good Yes, there is a lingering death, and there is death and embarrassment, um, but also with the stealing chicken does not erode the rice! Cheaper in the white!"

"Well, what's the old saying? Is there always a wet shoe on the river?" Xiaohua's mouth is screaming at the unknown little song, and he will be lost in the income space, thinking about using it himself later.

Then look at the other robes are ordinary, Xiao Hua did not wear the habit of the robes, a fireball that has just been refining, throwing those robes, Xiao Hua, which uses the pen to draw the fireball, although the sale Very poor, but the power is also good. Although Xiaohua has already controlled the mana, there is not much apocalypse in the inn room. It can still make a burst of noise, which makes Xiaohua have some accidents. "The store will not come to trouble? "Xiao Hua thought about the big sleeves and scattered the ashes of the robe to the ground."

"Hey? What is this?" Xiao Hua's eyes are very keen to see the ash, there is something like gold foil.

The gold foil is thin, and the book page is general. Xiao Hua’s hand is slightly hard, and the gold foil can be folded. Just the hand is released, the gold foil is bounced off, and Xiao Hua gently bounces with his fingers. The gold foil is still Will be a slight vibration! However, Xiao Hua looked and looked at it with his eyes. The gold foil was gold foil, and there was nothing strange about it.

"Since the gold foil is found in the ashes of the robe, it must be that Zhang Zhihao is hiding in the robe. It is so serious that it is not left in the storage bag. It is definitely an extremely important thing, but... what is this? Something? Or... This robe is also robbed, Zhang Zhihao himself does not know?" Xiao Hua looked at the gold foil in his hand, some thoughtful.

At this moment, the room's ban was slightly brightened, and Xiao Hua was a glimpse. This situation was the first time. He didn't know how to deal with it. After a while, the room shook and Xiaohua realized that he would hurry. Stick on the door and put the gold foil in the hand into the space, ready to escape...

"This friend..." But when Xiao Hua removed the ban in the room, a gentle voice came out from the outside. Xiao Hua glanced, and looked at it. I saw a brow of a monk in the base period and looked at himself.

"Predecessors..." Xiao Hua did not worry, and quickly jumped out of the room and went out. He was afraid to look at it. He said, "What are the predecessors?"

"Oh, the poor road is the treasurer of this Yuyang Inn..." The monk smiled and said courtesy.

"Ah, the treasurer? You... Why did you suddenly sway in this inn room? Are you afraid that it will collapse?" Xiao Hua quickly asked, saying, and he was walking a few steps away from the room.

"Dao friends are flustered, this is not a problem with the hotel room, but the poor road calls for friends!" The treasurer looked at Xiao Hua's cultivation and laughed.

"The treasurer is looking for a poor road... What?" Xiao Hua was born with vigilance!

"Without him, without him, the room of the Taoist friend has made a huge roar. The poor road is afraid of any accidents of the Taoist friends. I have come over to see it. The first time I have already called, but the Taoist friend has not responded, so the poor road is the first. Call twice!"

When Xiao Hua’s eyes turned, he still couldn’t understand the name of the shopkeeper. He quickly blushes and swears: “The younger generation did not give up a fireball, it’s really a treasurer!”

"This way!" The shopkeeper looked inside the room, and it was really full of fire aura. He laughed: "I was in the inn of the inn, I couldn’t help the friend to test the Huang Fu, but the Taoist friends should pay attention to it. It is the day of Yishang City. Apart from the Taoist friends, there is no one else in the hotel. Otherwise, the Taoyou can greatly offend others!"

"Ah? Have you already gone to the city?" Xiao Hua yelled, and quickly handed it to him: "The treasurer, borrowing light, the younger generation has to hurry to the city, and accidentally missed the hour!"

The shopkeeper smiled: "No hurry, this is just noon, there are still many hours when the market closes in the evening, the Taoist friends can go shopping! Oh, yes, the room of the Taoist friend expires today, but continue to rent What?"

When I heard the shopkeeper said that he went to Yi City to stroll, Xiao Hua was not happy, and waved: "Thank you for reminding the seniors that the younger generation will go back to the city after going to the city, this mirror will never come again!"

"Well, Daoyou please, I hope that the next time Daoyou will come to Jingbo City and stay at Yuyang Inn!" The smiling hand of the treasurer gave a gift, and Xiao Hua did not return after the ceremony.

Not long after the inn, Xiao Hua first searched for a secluded place, and he would have to wear Zhang Zhihao's real-life merchandise on his body, concealing the cultivation, and even concealing the height of Xiao Hua from others! Xiao Hua is trying to understand, but anyone who is likely to be seen, he must wear this confusion, and can no longer repeat the mistakes that Zhang Zhihao is eyeing, and Yi Shi, not only the Baicao will come, but also many wants It is also necessary to have some cheaper smalls, and Xiao Hua has to be careful.

Yishang and Yiji are in the same place. Xiaohua has come to Yishi where he is familiar with the road. Today, it is obviously different from usual. He can hear the noise of Yishang in the old city. Xiaohua knows that the disciples of Jingbocheng are here again to check the colorful brilliance in the sky!

Sure enough, when Xiao Hua went to the entrance of Yi City, a disciple of Jingbo City, who was about ten layers of refining, stopped him. This did not exist in the previous Yi Ji. Xiao Hua said: "Why does the Taoist friend not let the poor road enter?"

The disciple looked at Xiao Hua’s confusion and apparently did not know Xiao Hua’s cultivation. He smiled and said: “Dao You are afraid to come to Yi City for the first time?”

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