Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 110: Hatsune Mikaya

Chapter 110, the first chapter of the Royal Valley

Xiao Xianrui is a "gage" chuckle and said: "I have been together, I am already together, the peacock illusion is in my hands, and I still feel the days before, but it is better to let it go with Xiaohua." I don't know how Xiao Hua is now!"

"Enough, from the Huanhua faction, Xiao Hua did not appear around the Huanhua School. He was a refining two-tier monk, and he did not have experience in the outside. Where can he go? I am afraid not being The beast is eaten and is destroyed by other scattered repairs!" Jiang Fan whispered in the whisper: "It's a pity... that peacock illusion! Oh, if Ruimei is worried, wait for the market to return, I will send disciples to find Trace of Xiao Hua?"

"Don't... find him to do?" Xiao Xianrui shook his head and was about to talk. He was dressed in a confused Xiao Hua, slightly sideways, his eyes swept away, and a low voice coughed.

The familiar cough sounded, Xiao Xianrui had a big earthquake, but looked up at Xiao Hua, and immediately it was disappointing, and Jiang Fan quickly went to salute: "The poor road is abrupt, please ask the friend forgive me!"

Xiao Hua didn't answer, turned his head, and all eyes were just seeing Xiao Xianrui's delicate face. At this time, Xiao Xianrui was much thinner than the day, and the brow was also slightly stunned. The big eyes were a little confused and with a trace of sorrow.

In front of the crowd, the three base-building monks have become hot, and all three are red-faced, and the monks around are also happy to see who is in the process of refining the fire. Two people are different from others!

Although Xiao Hua looked at the front, all the attention was placed behind, and the three monks were ignored. Xiao Xianrui’s eyes looked forward, but her eyes and eyes looked at her from low to low. Jiner’s thoughts: “The coughing statement is obviously Xiaohua’s, but... How can Xiaohua be confused? In the past, only when I was ruined, I could change my mind. Xiaohua can't be confused in this short period of time! But if it weren't for him, why is this sound so similar? Even if the confusion can change the sound, it can't be.... completely replaced by another one. The voice of man!"

However, for a long time, the competition in front of the crowd will have the result. The Yanliu Yingcai of the Ming Dynasty is rich in the atmosphere, and the price of the fire snake symbol is directly taken down by the price of the four hundred fine stones. The other Mengtian and Zhanyu are slightly depressed!

When Yan Liuying passed the law of the system into the storage bag, he handed the Lingshi to the old man. This was enough to satisfy the Mengtian and Zhanyu arches, and he went away. Mengtian and Zhanyu also smiled and parted ways. .

Seeing that the three of them have gone, the crowds are all scattered. Xiao Hua sighs in the bottom of his heart, and then looks back at Xiao Xianrui, and disappears as the flow of people disappears!

"Let's go, Ruimei, go there and see, maybe there is something similar to the peacock illusion!" Jiang Fan apparently did not pay attention to the look of Xiao Xianrui's gods, and pulled the sleeves of Xiao Xianrui in the opposite direction. Xiao Xianrui looked at it. Looking at Xiao Hua, who has disappeared, he also sighed from the bottom of his heart and turned away!

Xiao Xianrui knows clearly that even if this person who is confused is Xiao Hua, can this person who is equally confused in the market be more than a hundred? As long as Xiao Hua disappears and appears again, who knows that these two confused people are the same person? She may... can't find Xiao Hua anymore!

In fact, Xiao Hua is also the same thought. After leaving, he turned a corner and wanted to walk back to Xiao Xianrui. But he only stopped a few steps and asked, "I am going back now." What?"

Yes, what can Xiao Hua do? Be a spectator? Look at the sweetness of Jiang Fan and Xiao Xianrui? If you look less, you can see it. If you look too much, can you not cause Jiang Fan’s suspicion?

"But it, it's gone, has embarked on a different road, why bother to think about gathering together?" Xiao Hua sent a bitter smile from the bottom of his heart, slipping his footsteps, is to deviate from the direction, went to another place!

After walking for a long time, Xiao Hua did not encounter any suitable things. When he was depressed, he saw that the monks in front were much more than other places. "Hey, isn’t this the last time I encountered a nameless place? It seems to be Why are there more people selling scarves today?"

As a result of trying to reach the magic point, Xiao Hua was also curious about this magic weapon. He took a few steps and entered the area. Today, like that day, some monks sit on the knees and some dark magic weapons. Placed in front of them, like other places, this magic weapon is a lot more, and there are more people watching the magic device.

Xiao Hua followed some people to the front of a booth. Like everyone else, first look at the magic device on the booth. This magic weapon is also strange and has different shapes. It can't be seen what it is. See others. The magic device touched by hand and watched it with the naked eye. Xiao Hua also took a gourd painting and picked up a magical device similar to the five-star. He knew that the magic gun tip was very heavy, thinking that the five stars were also heavy, not aware of it in his hand. Used a lot of strength.

However, the five-star is extremely light. It seems that there is no weight. Xiao Hua used enough strength to almost flip it. The figure was slightly embarrassed. The stall owner seemed to see Xiaohua’s anomaly, and glanced at it coldly. .

Xiao Hua’s heart suddenly broke out, um, okay, this confusion is really real, the stall owner did not see through Xiaohua’s confusion, the stall owner whispered: “Dao friends... Be careful!”

"Well! The poor road knows!" Xiao Hua replied, the voice is very old, obviously Xiaohua changed his voice through confusion.

The five stars started with extremely cold, cold and icy bones, but Xiao Hua was around, and I saw a pass from top to bottom. I didn't find anything strange. The five-pointed five-corner was not sharp, and there was no such thing as the magic gun tip.

"This friend..." Xiao Hua thought for a moment, put the five stars on the booth, and asked him: "Is this magic device... Where is the friend from?"

The stall owner was slightly stunned, and then some dissatisfied: "This magic device is of course in the Magic Valley! As for how to fall into the hands of the poor, the Taoist friends should not be interested! If the Taoist friends like this magic device, The poor road will let you take some of the best spiritual stones, and this magic weapon will be your friend!"

"Ah? Ten best spirits??" Xiao Hua immediately denied, secretly said: "How is it so expensive? It is better to go to robbery!" However, Xiao Hua immediately thought of the power of the magic gun tip, a life with ten The best price of Lingshi, then the price is not expensive!

"Let's pick another poor road!" Xiao Hua smiled.

"Well, the Taoist friends are free." The stall owner nodded, and then reminded: "The devil is the battle of the Royal Valley three years ago, absolutely the latest, the last Yi market has sold There are so many, only a little bit left, if it is a Taoist friend... I don’t decide today, I’m afraid that it’s the next easy market... I can’t see the magic weapon, and I can’t see the magic weapon area!”

"The Battle of the Royal Valley??" Xiao Hua said: "Is it a battle for the devil?"

What is the battle of the fairy magic, Xiao Hua is not clear, he just listened to Zhang Qingxiao in his ear.

"The poor road is to try to shoot ... can not find anything suitable!" Xiao Hua thought for a moment, screaming.

"Well, the poor road knows the friend's scruples. This magic device can't be controlled by God, nor can it be urged by force. Their specific effects can only be explored by themselves, but you must understand the Taoist friends. If the Taoist friend does not shoot as early as possible, it will not be available today. And if the Taoist friend is lucky, he may encounter the magic weapon that the Taoist special magical power can use, and the friend can make a fortune! It is the remnant of the real magical device of the demon world. It is more powerful than the magical instruments and magic weapons of my rainy continent!"

"That... Do you have any kind of sharper friends, just plug it into someone else's body, you can kill the magic weapon?" Xiao Hua asked.

"Hey, the friend of the road is really an expert, and look at this!" said the monk took a shot of the storage bag, took a black-painted dagger and handed it over.

Xiao Hua took over, and your beheading was extremely light. The blade and the tip of the dagger were slightly cold and extremely sharp.

"Well, good things!" Xiao Hua praised without hesitation.

"Really, this magic weapon is also a perfect one in the poor road. It is not only sharp, but also the blood-sucking power that the Taoist friend said. Just insert this magic weapon into the body, the monk in the comprehension world, in the heart. The real blood will be sucked away by the magical device, thus killing the monk; if it is the demon of the demon world, the eukaryotic core in the heart will be broken by him and inhaled into the magical device!"

"Blood blood?" Xiao Hua nodded secretly and asked; "So good things, a few Lingshi?"

"The poor road is so much with you, give 15 best spirits!"

"So many?" Xiao Hua once again stunned. At this time, the hateful face of Xi’s name is already very kind in Xiao Hua’s mind. People have lowered the price of ten elite stone guns to a superb stone. Ah, and myself, I have not paid so many spiritual stones to get the magic gun tip into my hands!

Xiao Hua looked at the main arch and did not speak, then went to another booth.

This booth is similar to the one just above, but there are only a few more people. These people can't squeeze in, they are no longer crowded, standing there and watching only quietly.

"This Taoist friend..." Xiao Hua's courage was a lot bigger. He came to the front of a refining eleventh-level monk and asked: "The magic devices on this stall are all three years ago?"

The monk took a look at Xiao Hua and said: "The stall owner said so, how can we know? Unless we are there outside the Yumo Valley, as long as there are monks coming out of the Royal Valley, we will ask for a deal. That will ensure that we get the magic weapon of real price!"

"These magic weapons are from the Magic Valley?" Xiao Hua looked up at the stall in the distance, asked in a very casual tone.

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