Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 120: action

Chapter 120 Action

Registration is of course the necessary process to join the abandonment, just like the previous Zhang Zhihao with Han Fei and Qiao Fengyue. However, Xiao Hua joined as a clerk. There must be evidence from Cheng Hao, Li Yuwen and Zhou Zengheng. When three people left dictation and mana traces, Xiao Hua was officially a disbanded official.

"Oh, congratulations to Xiao Daoyou." Zhou Zengheng and Cheng Hao finished the matter, did not stop, slightly nodded, that is, left, only Li Xiaowen smiled and handed over to Xiao Huadao: "Xiao Daoyou became my abandonment One member, you and I will be under the banner of the day, and support each other!"

Xiao Hua was happy in his heart and replied: "Li Daoyou is a predecessor. Whether it is cultivation or tidbit, the younger generation is difficult to carry back. In the future, there will be a lot of support from Li's predecessors!"

"Haha, let's talk about it and discuss common progress together!" Li Yuwen arched his hand and left.

When Xiao Hua returned to the house with the horse, Ma Rong asked: "Xiao Daoyou, now you are already a member of the desert, and the poor road will not deny you. I will abandon the next two days. A big event, Daoyou is eligible to participate!"

“Big activity?” Xiao Hua stunned and suddenly realized: “Is it a black forest?”

"Ink and Black Forest?" Ma Wei and Xiao Hua, like a slight glimpse, immediately shook his head: "Isn't that the poor road in that place? If you don't have five layers of refining, don't go, if you want to If you want to get inside, there is no refining ten-layer repair, don’t think about it!"

"Where is this specific activity, the poor road is not known." Ma Rong continued: "Because this opportunity is great, if there is no accident, there are many opportunities to get some exercises and implements. Something like that, so for the sake of confidentiality, only a few people in the desert know where to go, and most people can only obey the arrangements!"

"Working?" Xiao Hua listened to the light! Then he smiled: "The poor road is shallow, just look at it, I am afraid there is no hope!"

"Not necessarily, based on the experience of the past three years, getting the exercises or the instruments and the medicines is based on the opportunity, and there is not much to do with the cultivation of each person!" Ma Wei shook his head: "If Xiao Daoyou goes here, I got the chance, maybe this repair will be a thousand miles away, leaving behind the poor and others!"

"So a fairy, the poor road has never dared to think!" Xiao Hua shook his head slightly.

"Right, Xiao Daoyou, there is something to talk to the Taoist friends, because these days to prepare for the abandonment of this activity, so Huayunyuan's extensive training, afraid that there is no place to arrange friends... ..." Ma Ying suddenly said.

"Oh, it doesn't matter, the poor road has an inn in the south of the city. When the departure of the next two days, the poor road will come to Huayunyuan!" Xiao Hua said quickly.

"Also, when the time is poor, send a message to the Taoist!" Ma Wei nodded slightly.

Xiao Hua saw the vault: "That... the poor road will be retired first, and the two days will be followed by the message of Ma Daoyou!"

Said to pass a message to the past.

"Well, the poor road is also prepared here, so you don't leave Xiaodaoyou!" Ma Wei took the message and smiled: "Yes, Xiao Daoyou also went to buy more Huang Fu and so on. Opportunity, but... there are risks, and when there is some self-protection power!"

Then he hesitated and said: "In fact, the cultivation of Xiao Daoyou is ... this should not go to the original, but the poor road thinks... Xiao Daoyou should still go, of course, if Xiao Daoyou does not go... it is ok!"

"Of course, the poor road is going!" Xiao Hua said, "Ma Daoyou thinks of the poor road, and the poor road is too late to be grateful!"

The two said a few more words, Xiao Hua quit the Huayun Court, look at the sky is still early, and came to the easy set, Daxu purchased some things, and this quickly returned to the inn.

In the next two days, Xiao Hua did not rest, only one thought of refining fireballs and imperfections, plus the previous Xiaohua’s inventory, the fireballs and the imprisonment were all over a thousand, and they saw that they had run out of ink. Xiao Hua stopped her hand and felt a little embarrassed in her heart: "Is it right... Don't take it with yourself?"

Just thinking, the inn of the hotel house is a bit of a change, "transportation" Xiao Hua heart moved, opened the house's ban, a red brilliance flew to the front, waiting for Xiao Hua to hold the message in his hand, the sound of the horse It’s coming: “Xiao Daoyou, the plan of abandoning the day has changed, and the time has been postponed for some days. In the early morning after the 10th, Xiao Daoyou went to the west gate of Jingbo City, where the poor road is waiting for the friend!”

"After ten days?" Xiao Hua frowned and squeezed his chin by hand. It was very puzzled: "Is it a day to give up...what is it going to do? How is it so mysterious? So many scattered repairs are Go, how can it not attract the attention of others?"

"Well, there are still ten days, or take the time to refine some fireballs. How much can be refining? Although the fireballs are lower than the impediments, but the number is more, the power is also great, but it is good. means!"

Subsequently, Xiao Hua did not delay, and went to an easy collection. This time he wore confusion and changed some impediments and fireballs to the material of the system, and did not spend a piece of Lingshi.

In the next ten days, Xiao Huamen did not come out. A refining fireball symbol of a mind, nearly 200 refinings per day, refining more than 2,000 roads, not only that, but his cultivation is also in this tenth day. There have been some progress in this. Of course, this kind of progress is still insignificant in the eyes of others. It can be placed in Xiao Hua’s eyes and is extremely satisfied!

On the morning of the tenth day, Xiao Hua completed the cultivation and went out of the house. He took the surplus Lingshi on the cabinet of the inn and asked about the location of Xiqiaomen. Walking to the streets of Jingbo City, although there are quite a few monks coming and going, most of them come from outside the city of Jingbo. It is still very rare to go out like Xiaohua.

Xiao Hua walked for a while, feeling a little confused, looking up at the front, it was a monk who walked slowly in front, Xiao Hua wanted to ask the way in the past, not waiting for him to lift his foot, suddenly saw the monk listened Steps, respectfully standing there, and then, a complete light curtain picked up from the lake next to it, blocking the front of the monk, a mirror Pocheng disciple flashed out of the light curtain, standing in front of the monk.

The monk's respectful gift, the disciple's arrogant wave of sleeves, is not a gift, then, the two seem to start talking in a low voice, Xiao Hua knows that he can not go forward, but look at the left and there is no martyrdom, had to stand there. Fortunately, the monk only said a few words to the disciples of Jingbocheng. The Jingbocheng disciple seemed to be angry. He pointed his finger at the monk and said something loudly. The voice followed the wind: "... live How many times have you said the poor road, these things are less done... less to do... can't see... this time finally..."

In the face of the swearing of the disciples of Jingbocheng, the monk can only be continually prayed, seemingly apologizing.

Subsequently, the Jingbocheng disciple took a hand and flashed into the light curtain. The flash of Guanghua was not seen, and the monk chased a few steps. Unsuccessful, he also stopped!

Seeing that the two were scattered, Xiao Hua went forward, and when he was near, the monk seemed to hear the footsteps, turned his head and glanced at it, and saw the face of the monk, Xiao Hua stunned: "Hey? Is it really home?" How can he be here if he doesn’t gather his head?"

That monk is a frequent practice!

Chang Feng glanced at Xiao Hua and a few monks next to the four scattered, swearing: "What do you look at? What is good-looking? Believe it or not... I will pinch you?"

Xiao Hua’s eyes have shrunk, and this is a reversal. But it’s a turn of thought: “This is just a junk. In this mirror, the city is familiar with the mirrored disciples, and engages in bullying.哼 哼 别 别 别 别 别 别 别 别 别 别 别 别 别 早 早 早 早 早 早 早 早 早 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 早 早 早 早 早 早 早 早 早 早 早 早 早

As a result, Xiao Hua seems to ignore the whispers of the constant wind. He walked two steps and asked: "Can this Taoist friend tell the poor road, where is the Xiqiao Gate of Jingbo City?"

"Hey? If you have the ability to come in, you will not have the ability to go out?" Chang Fengtou twisted and did not see the same, and went away!

Xiao Hua looked at his back coldly, and he didn't know what to think. After a while, he snorted from his nose and looked around. He found a monk to ask for directions.

At this time, it was early in the morning. Most people entered Jingbo City. Xiao Hua went out to Xiqiaomen. Before he looked up, he saw someone calling his name in the distance. Needless to say, it was the day. Abandoned horses.

Xiao Hua followed the sound of the horse's voice in the rapid past. At the edge of the bluestone pavement of Jingbo City, there were six monks who were repaired in four layers of refining, waiting quietly there.

Xiao Hua approached and quickly gave a gift: "You seniors, the younger generation is late, it is a redemption!"

"Ma Daoyou, you only said that you have to wait for a day to abandon the Taoist friends... The poor road sees everyone is the four layers of refining, thinking that the Taoist friends here are also four layers of refining, but I did not expect... but it is a refining The second floor boy, you...you will delay our trip!" There is a monk with a skull-shaped scar on one face, and Xiao Huaxiu is low and shallow, and immediately said coldly.

Not waiting for the horse to open, another monk also asked: "Ma Daoyou, this arrangement, but because of the poor road?"

Xiao Hua listened to this voice very familiar, waiting for the person to turn out from behind others, Xiao Hua can understand, it is the former founder Li Yiwen.

Li Xiaowen’s voice is as cold as usual, and his face is also a stranger.

It seems that Li Xiaowen had a glance at him. Ma’s face was awkward and he said: “Li Daoyou... I don’t have much of a teacher who abandoned it. Li Daoyou’s impression of Xiao Daoyou is good, and Xiao Daoyou also needs someone to point some, so..."

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