Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 133: Escape and harvest

Chapter 133 Escapes and Harvests

"This..." Li Yuwen and others looked at each other and they were all puzzled. I saw Li Xiaowen smiled bitterly: "Not only Xiao Daoyou Nahan, but also the poor road is scratching his head. This is the injury... It should be Digging into the heart and dying. But... poor people and other people have a shallow knowledge, and they don’t know what the beast or the enemy is!”

"Li Daoyou, look at the injury of the chest of the Taoist friend, it seems that the chest is cut off by the sharp..." Looking for the flying smoke, looked down and looked at the edge of the wound.

"Well, the seeker said that it is, is it a deadly enemy in this Nancai Ping?" Li Yuwen handed his chin down and said: "Or, in addition to the ice worms in Nancaiping, Have……"

When Li Xiaowen said this, he suddenly thought of something, his face changed greatly, and his panic was abnormal. When he turned to look at other people, except for Xiao Hua, he was somewhat ignorant, and the other four were equally white.

"Come on!" Li Xiaowen whispered, the voice did not fall, he first put out a flying character on his body, the sky is flying, the other four people are not slow, one after another is flying.

Xiao Hua was strange, but he could think a little, but he was also shocked. He followed it and flew up. The five people even slandered the corpses and ignored them.

The five people have been flying for more than half a day. Seeing that the mountains are far away, the talents will slow down the flight and give a slight breath. Taking this opportunity, Li Yuwen will open some distance with the crowd. Xiao Huafei is at the end.

"Xiao Daoyou, your poor road is so tight!" The people in front of him couldn't hear their voices. Li Xiaowen said very deeply to Xiao Hua.

Xiao Hua’s heart was tight, and he quickly handed it to him: “Li Daoyou... The poor road is very Nahan, don’t know what the Taoist friend said?”

"Hey, Daoyou Mo and the poor roads are confused and confused!" Li Xiaowen said with a disdain, "The previous Taoist friends escaped from Nancaiping. The poor road is somewhat doubtful. How can the flight speed of the second layer of the gas escape the siege of the ice worms? Even if there are weird fireballs... it is impossible to kill all the ice worms!"

"And the most important thing is that the poor road is the manufacturer. Of course, knowing that this world is a top-notch flying character, it is impossible to raise the flying speed of a refining two-layer monk to the top or the best flying character. The five layers of refining are as fast! Xiao Daoyou, other friends believe in your words, poor... oh... but don't believe it!"

"This way~" Xiao Hua thought sharply, but his face was unchanged. He said: "Li Daoyou is really a good eye, like a torch, a poor road... I have practiced a light-weight method, when I use the flying character. , increase the speed!"

"Oh? Is there such a magical practice?" Although Li Weiwen's mouth was amazed, but his face did not seem to move, I thought I had to understand it.

"Unfortunately, the poor road has not been well versed, only can be used!" Xiao Hua looked embarrassed.

"It's already ok, your flight speed can catch up with me, it's definitely a jaw-dropping thing!" Li Xiaowen shook his head.

"Right, Li Daoyou, what do you think about Daoyou... What do you think?" Xiao Hua was very humble and asked: "The poor road is shallow and the knowledge is small, or you should ask Li Daoyou!"

Li Xiaowen listened, his brows were wrinkled, his face was slightly scared, and he whispered: "Actually... the poor road does not know what is going on? However, according to the speculation of the poor road, this is probably another A very powerful monster, only the monster will take the human heart away! Oh, think about it, I’m escaping with me, and listening to Xiao Daoyou’s saying that the place where the sorrowful friend was killed Taniguchi is not too far away. It is estimated that when the demon beast kills the sorrowful friend, I will definitely be near the left! So close to the distance... I don’t have any awareness, Xiao Daoyou, you said that if this monster is eyeing me, etc. I wait... is there life?"

After listening to this, Xiao Hua is also a creepy, very natural look back, casually asked: "So powerful, what can be a monster?"

"Who knows!" Li Yiwen reminded the flying character, but also casually said: "Not a monster, maybe a ghost repair and a magic repair!"

"Magic repair?" Xiao Hua has heard the word for the second time. He is very curious and asks: "These monks can also be more powerful than Li Daoyou?"

"Hey, magic repair and ghost repair can not be regarded as a monk!" Li Xiaowen said with a smile: "The magic repair is the practice of practicing the devil world, feeding on the flesh and blood of my human monks, when I am the enemy of life and death." Ghost repair is a very strange way of cultivation, feeding on the blood of the monk, and the poor road is also unclear. However, watching the fatal wounds of the Taoist friends is also the means of magic repair and ghost repairing and killing monks. One!"

"Oh, this way!" Xiao Hua nodded.

It was a moment of flying forward. The people fell in a beautiful place to rest, the faint wind, the soft clouds, and what they saw in Nancai Ping were really different. The six people sat on the ground, closed their eyes and adjusted their interest. They first filled Xiao Hua’s mana, and this was more. “The first place, Nan Caiping, met the extremely powerful ice worm, we Destroyed the Taoist friend; the second place, Yulianshan, is even more sinister, maybe I will have more damages, and if there is another accident, this sac can be inconsistent. How can I get there?" Fu Forou complained.

"I don't think it's a good idea to pay for a friend....Is the silk sac that I waited for?"

"The poor road is just to talk about it, let the poor road surrender the silk sac, the poor road is also unhappy!" Fu Shu repeatedly waved: "The poor road just feels that this treasure hunt... seems to have some problems, not with the previous Too much!"

“Nothing is different!” Li Xiaowen said faintly: “The same is true of the previous times. Even at the end of the day, the dispersal in the abandonment is very much damaged. And those who can stay are also Very good person!"

"Yeah, there are so many exercises and treasures, everyone has gone, not enough points!" Fan Daomao laughed.

The people said for a while, and they just vented their nervous emotions. Li Xiaowen got up and said: "They are friends, this is far from Yulian Mountain. You may have to go five days away. It’s no danger, but I still have to be careful!”

Then the five people were full of energy and flew up into the sky and flew to another Yulian Mountain.

Xiao Hua doesn't know where Yulian Mountain is, and I don't know what the Yulian Mountain is. I can see what the people are nervous about and what they are talking about. I also know that it is a dangerous place that is no worse than Nancai Ping!

After another half-day flight, the night came, and everyone found a large cave. When Li Xiaowen put the warnings on his mother, the talents sat down and closed their eyes.

Xiao Hua, like before, took a secluded place and sat in the middle of the heart. From the outside, Xiao Hua seemed to be practicing. But in fact, Xiao Hua had already immersed himself in the space. In the morning, he would squat. The things in the wound bag are thrown into the space, and I haven't had time to look at it!

In the bruised storage bag, in addition to some bottles and cans, there are some yellow characters, a lot of Lingshi, and a booklet!

"Is this the practice?" Xiao Hua saw the booklet, and his ecstasy in his heart turned the booklet up in the space. Before he could see the contents, a book page fell from the booklet. come out.

Waiting for Xiao Hua to see the falling things, I was a little surprised. This is also a gold foil. It looks exactly the same as Zhang Zhihao’s. Xiao Hua put the two gold foils in the space together. I can’t see the difference between them. What is the difference!

"Quirks!" Xiao Hua said: "What kind of good thing is this gold foil? How is Zhang Zhihao's hand, and there is also a wounded hand? If it is a good thing, some people have more, and it can have something good. What?"

"Oh, maybe Li Yuwen, Fu Shu and others also have it!" Xiao Hua thought, throwing the gold foil aside, then looking at the booklet, the booklet was extremely thin, and there were some dense mouths. Xiao Hua read it carefully, and there are probably thousands of words. Unfortunately, the cover of the booklet still does not mention the usage of this slogan. Therefore, Xiao Hua does not know what this is.

However, after Xiao Hua mourned for several times in his heart, he knew that the practice was not the basic law used in cultivation, and had no effect on the growth of mana, but each time the meditation could make Xiao Hua calm. It is refreshing and refreshing, and it is easier to enter the state of cultivation!

"Obviously, this is an auxiliary method!" Xiao Hua was disappointed, but he still kept his mind in mind, keeping the mind clear and sorting out other things. There are many things that are brutally wounded. There are more things than Zhang Zhihao and Yan Lingzong’s disciples. Xiao Hua will pack up Lingshi and other things, and Huang Fu and other things are also packed up, and then they will cast their eyes on the bottles and cans. On the top, the bottles and jars are mostly different medicinal herbs, which is very complicated.

"Hey? This... Is this a marrow wash?" Xiao Hua slowly sorted it out. When he saw the four bottles, he didn't feel guilty, and then the joy was to climb his brow!

"Ah!! This... there is also a building base Dan?" The last jade bottle really made Xiao Hua crazy! He really didn't think that there were so many rare remedies in the eyes of the inconspicuous bruises, even the legendary building of the base.

"I must have prepared these medicinal herbs for a long time. I want to take it for a long time. I want to take it when I break through the repairs. I think it is so regrettable! It’s sad!" Xiao Hua didn’t feel secretly sighing: "If it is He did not participate in this treasure hunt, relying on these washing of the marrow, and the medicinal herbs used in the construction of the foundation, the wounds must be future and the future is boundless. And now... make people!"

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