Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 150: Hand in hand

The 150th chapter

Xiao Hua saw the water-grained butterfly flapping its wings and chasing it. The speed was actually chasing the six-layered monk. The corner of the mouth showed a smile, and flew sideways to the sky. The speed was also controlled to a certain extent. It just flew. Water butterfly, but not much faster, a little bit of water butterfly to the swamp next to the boulder...

The water-grain butterfly can't catch up with it. I don't know how to flap the wings frequently, the rune Guanghua fan on the wings, and the rotating aura sticks fly out one after another, not only the hills and stones that hit the hills. The clouds in the swamp are also disturbed. Unlike the winds that Xiao Huaping often sees, this stick-like aura not only does not disperse the clouds, but because the clouds are chaotic, Xiao Hua’s vision is even worse!

After the last reiki stick was issued, the rune on the water butterfly was a bit bleak. It seemed to be hurting, unable to re-issue the reiki stick, and the water butterfly would flash its wings and actually wanted to turn around.

“Hey?” Xiao Hua was very surprised: “Is this water butterfly too psychic?”

It is easy for him to take the water butterfly away, and where will it turn? Immediately, Xiao Hua was no longer polite, turning his wrists, and a few fireballs that had already gained momentum had been swept out, surrounded by the water-grained butterfly group, and began to burst up. At the same time, Xiao Hua never dragged the water, the mana urged, and went all the way to the place where the rainbow was just flying. When he was close, he immediately applied the law and took the whole rainbow to the inside of the swamp, waving a hand. Send it into the space behind your head! ! !

Later, the shackles within Xiaohua’s driving space began to dig in the corner of the space, preparing to plant the rainbow in it...

Just as Xiao Hua just sent the rainbow to the space, the water butterfly was extremely embarrassed and escaped from several bursting fireballs. The dark wings had a slight anger, and there were some black smoke and even wings. Some places on the beginning began to have some cracks... However, at the same time that the rainbow scorpion disappeared, the water butterfly seemed to feel something. It was a bit of awkward wings, and it swung violently. The water butterfly quickly chased the place where Xiaohua was.

Xiao Hua naturally pays attention to the movement of the water butterfly. When I see the water butterfly flying out of the fireball group, I can still fly faster than I just saw it. Look at the posture... It seems that I have to work hard with myself, and immediately laughed: "You still honestly stay in Yunzawa, and Xiaoye doesn't play with you!"

Immediately, the figure flies high and flies away.

What surprised Xiao Hua was that the water butterfly was actually more crazy than just now. While waving its wings, he tried to beat the aura stick, while he was chasing after him! Fortunately, Xiao Hua flies a lot faster than the water butterfly, a few twists and turns, around a few circles is to get rid of the water butterfly.

When flying far away, Xiao Hua was very strange looking at the clouds behind him, which was confusing by countless big and small enemies. He said to himself: "Isn’t it just a rainbow? This is not your kind, dry. Why are you chasing the little guy like your home?"

Then, Xiao Hua took the time to wait for a big pit to be dug. He got some water and mud from the swamp and put the rainbow in it. It seems that Xiao Hua wants to try to plant the rainbow. Hey!

However, what Xiao Hua can't think of is that there are two rice-sized eggs in the stem of the rainbow, which are stuck to the top. As Xiao Hua takes the rainbow into the space, he also comes in!

I made the rainbow of the dragon, and Xiao Hua flew for a while, only to take out the notes, and the mana reminded me. The notes actually screamed and flew away in one direction... "Hey, I don't know who Daoyou is still alive, ten *** is Li Yiwen!" Xiao Hua thought, speeding up the speed to catch up!

The even notes were flying outside Yunxiaoze, and Xiaohua flew to a slightly deviated cliff. Li Yiwen and the smoke-seeking hurriedly greeted him, only listening to the smoke and laughing: "The poor road says, Xiao Daoyou has a strong mana and a fast flight. How could it be taken by the martial arts disciples? If Li Daoyou gambled with the poor road, wouldn't this be immediately seen?"

Xiao Hua originally wanted to face the condemnation of finding a flying smoke. When he saw the attitude of finding a flying smoke, he first saw it, and then he also handed it to him: "Seeking a friend and praise, how can the poor road repair compare with the two predecessors?" It’s too far!”

Li Yuwen is also a face of harmony. It seems that there has never been a scene of Yun Zheze. He laughed: "Xiao Daoyou is modest. How do I have Xiao Daoyou's magical power when I am on the second floor of the refining? I am afraid that Xiao Daoyou will practice cultivation. When I was on the fourth floor, I was not the enemy of Xiao Daoyou!"

After listening to this, the face of the smoke-seeking smoke changed slightly, but then it was covered by a smile.

Xiao Hua saw that the two people did not mention the previous things, but they also understood that their eyes turned and smiled: "The poor road is just a rare practice, and it only flies a little faster. But if this is Others know that there is no advantage in the poor roads. It is not as true as the reality of the two Taoist abilities, and they are not afraid of being known!"

Li Yiwen and the smoke-seeking smokers all looked like a pair of chests. They all nodded: "That is... this is the unique magic of Xiao Daoyou. I can wait for the two to guarantee that Xiao Daoyou does not reveal. Others will definitely not know!"

Xiao Hua arched his hand: "Thank you two friends, Haihan!"

Li Xiaowen looked at the smoke and looked at Xiaohua: "Xiao Daoyou, I haven't changed the silk capsules of both of them, I don't know Xiao Daoyou..."

"Hey, the silk sac from the bruises has changed!" Xiao Hua said, taking out the silk sac that had become ordinary.

"Haha~ Great!" Li Xiaowen and the smoke-seeking smoke were all laughing and laughing. "I don't know where the next place is?"

"Fire Valley!!!" Xiao Hua said without hesitation.

"Fire and melt the valley???" Li Yuwen and the search for flying smoke listened, and there was no frown or horror that Xiao Hua thought, but it was just plain in the chest.

"Is it difficult... Two friends have already known?" Xiao Huaqi said.

"Oh, I don't want Xiaodaoyou, I just waited to escape here and have already negotiated it!" Li Xiaowen said with a smile: "The two poor people got the reminder of Xiao Daoyou, think about Nan Caiping, Yulian Mountain and Yunzawa, according to their characteristics, feels that this fire is afraid of being within the arrangement of Qingdaoyou!"

"Oh?" Xiao Hua understood.

"So... if it is Xiao Daoyou... I can't come out in time, I will wait for the two to wait for the next day, maybe I will go to Huo Ronggu to try my luck!" Looking for the flying smoke said: "Of course this is just a backhand, since Xiao Daoyou Come out, I have waited for three people to gather together, and there are a lot of three remaining silk sacs, which is naturally the best!"

"I will go to Huo Rong Gu now?" Xiao Hua nodded and asked.

Li Yuwen shook his head: "Today we can't go. We have offended the fire sects, and we don't know if they are outside. The clouds are certainly big, but if they have the heart, they are afraid to look for me outside. Wait. If we scream at the West, we will rest here for a day, waiting for them to catch up, and go out no later!"

Xiao Hua listened and nodded frequently. This is exactly the trick he took out from Huanghualing to play with the grass.

"There are hidden caves in the mountains. I will wait and go in. I will go tomorrow morning!" Looking for the flying smoke to fly first, and at the foot of the mountain, they found a cave and adjusted their interest.

Xiao Hua sat alone in the cave, thinking about the attitude of Li Yuwen and the smoke-seeking, and he was sneer at the corner of his mouth. He knew very well that Gai was because he himself revealed some magical powers more than ordinary monks, so that the two would He treats it equally, and because of the common goal of treasure hunt, the three talents are temporarily in a balance, after the treasure hunt, I am afraid that no one can say it!

As for whether Li Yuwen and the smoke-seeking smoke will suddenly attack themselves and take away the silk sac, Xiao Hua is not too worried. After all, what he is good at is flying. If they do not have full control, they will certainly not do it. Besides, there are still suspicions between the two, who will risk offending a monk who is flying faster than himself? As for whether the two will explode their fast flight, Xiao Hua is not afraid. "When the young master's repair is to catch up with you, are you afraid of making irresponsible remarks?" Xiao Hua thought, and It is to take a wash of the marrow, to calm down the refining and medicinal power, and to immerse the mind in the space, to understand the heavens and to study the heavens!

In the next few days, if the three of them had the help of God, the progress was very smooth. In the Huo Rong Valley, next to a large piece of boiling magma, the silk sac of the smoke-seeking was opened by the rich and hot fire aura, and the next place was found. ---- Hurricane Canyon; the three people rushed to the hurricane gorge in an emergency, braving the hurricane that could easily blow away the bodyguard Huang Fu, in the case of the three-person alligator, Jin Gangfu and other bodyguards. Next, Li Weiwen’s silk sac was finally opened in the hurricane, and the hurricane that could break up Huang Fu couldn’t take away the unloaded silk sac, and Qing Fengmin’s voice was also condensed in the hurricane. Do not disperse, "All the friends, congratulations, congratulations, the following is the last test! Presumably, the hearts of your friends have been quite vocal! However, the poor road still has to say to the Taoist friends, this time there is a complete set Gongfa, and... there are also instruments, medicinal herbs, etc., but I have abandoned a lot of friends, and I want to give this opportunity to everyone in a poor way. So... I have to test this out, I hope I can go. The last Taoist friend can understand the pains of the poor road!"

This Qing Fengmin’s words, I heard that the three of them were only stunned, while they were struggling to hold the yellow scent that was to be blown away by the hurricane, and erected their ears... Waiting for Qing Fengmin to “sudden cave” When speaking, the three of them no longer pay attention to the silk sac, all of them are rushing out of the hurricane canyon!

However, when the Hurricane Gorge came out and came to a safe place, the face of Li Yuwen and the smoke-seeking smoke could not be seen...

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