Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 155: Kill and commit

Chapter 155, strangled and deceived

And Zheng Chaoyang reached out to grab Li’s neck, and his fingers used force. He slammed his voice and twisted Li’s neck. A blood ran down from Li’s mouth, and Li Wenwen immediately Lost life!

Although Li Yuwen died, his eyes are still round and round. He really can't think of it. He did not lose his life in Nancai Ping and Yulian Mountain. Instead, he went to Baizhang Peak and met the abandonment. Taoyou, but was killed by this well-known Taoist friend!

At the same time that Zheng Chaoyang attacked Li Xiaowen, Meng Meng was also flying behind the smoke-seeking smoke. The fist was the back of the head of the smoke-seeking smoke. Like the ripe watermelon, the brain-splitting of the smoke-seeking, More inactive!

The two men cooperated with each other and attacked and breathed. Xiao Hua has already killed a lot of people, but... in front of the two people’s flashlight-like killings, they are just stunned!

Zheng Chaoyang and Meng Xian both killed Li Yuwen and Meng Xian at the same time, but ignored Xiao Hua, who fell straight to the ground. One was to tear down the storage bag on the body of Li Yuwen. In the sleeves of the two people, each has a storage bag!

"Ah? Chuan Ling Bao?" Meng Xiao almost laughed up and said: "This Li Weiwen really is rich and rich, it is not a shackle that I abandoned, even the storage bag!"

Zheng Chaoyang is also delighted to discard the corpse in his hand. It is just to open the storage bag. Xiao Hua, who fell by his side, suddenly moved!

I saw Xiao Hua as if he was stretching, and the slender arms slammed on both sides of the body. He heard a bang, a few brilliances flashed, then annihilated, and bounded by Xiao Hua. The character was broken by Xiao Hua. Immediately, Xiao Hua did not hesitate to push the mana. It was faster than Zheng Chaoyang and Meng Cang, and rushed to the two people! The two are very close to Xiao Hua, and Xiao Hua is only close to the side of the two in the breath!

"Ah?" Hearing Xiao Hua’s efforts to break the law, both of them turned back, but when they turned back, Xiao Hua had already rushed to the front of the two. "You..." The two couldn’t be surprised by Xiao Hua. The speed is not too much to think about how Xiaohua can break away from the bondage. One just wants to pick up his fist and wants to hit Xiaohua. One will take a shot and want to take the yellow character from the storage bag... But in the When the two just got some action, Xiao Hua’s arms suddenly went forward... ! !

"噗噗" two sounds, at the same time ringing on two people, Xiao Hua one hand a magic gun head, one hand a magic gun, respectively, inserted into the chest of two people from the armpit!

The two pieces of magical weapons are wound around the black light. The two people have no vitality. The corpse is falling with the corpse of Li Yuwen and the smoke-seeking smoke. The only difference is that Li Weiwen is dead and looking for smoke. The eyes are closed, and both of them are dead. They are just like Li Zhaowen, and they are full of unbelief and unwillingness. They did not expect that Xiaohua, who had not considered the three-layer refining gas, actually became the nemesis to kill them!

Xiao Hua’s body and mind followed the bodies of the four people, and looked cold and cold, watching some flesh-and-blood corpses on the ground, and I don’t know what to think! However, it was just between the fingers, and the four living and abandoning friends who had just said that they were laughing were killed! I also said that the four friends who are going to retreat together will start the Xiao wall in an instant, and will not die!

"Hey~" Xiao Hua sighed long. He didn't know what he could say. If he didn't say anything, if he didn't take the opportunity to kill Zheng Chaoyang and Meng Xian, they had to prepare to face each other and they were afraid of danger. tight! It’s the first reason to start with a strong hand.

"Forget it, dust to dust, soil to earth, hope for the next life, you still do not repair really good!" Xiao Hua said, the left hand mana reminder, a law is displayed, it is the basic spell small flame, the finger is slightly The bomb, four Mars flew to the body of four people, immediately ignited the corpse, but in a moment, the corpse was burned into fly ash!

Looking at the burning flame, Xiao Hua is slightly proud. This blaze is the basic spell of his enlightenment during the ten days. Other spells are gone. This is related to the fire-related spells. He will learn as soon as possible. Only today has a chance to try it!

Later, Xiao Hua took the two storage bags on the ground into the sleeves, and then took the storage bags of the four people separately, and looked at the contents of the four people in their own space! Lingshi, Lingcao and Dan medicine don't have to be said. What excites Xiao Hua most is that in addition to the search for flying smoke, Zheng Chaoyang and the lawful bag in the memory bag of Meng, the defective instruments, etc., in Li Yuwen In the storage bag, he actually found a fire practice called "Fire and Burn the Sky". Although there are only five layers of refining, it is definitely an unexpected harvest for Xiao Hua!

"Hey, Li Xiaowen... There is a practice in the storage bag. I also said that there is no such thing. The young master is just the second layer of refining. You are like this... Hey, let Xiaoye say you. What? Xiaohua thought that he had to exchange the Lingge bag with Li Yuwen at Nancaiping: "The loss of Xiaoye also spared many of your Lingshi! This is good, and they all return to small." Lord!"

Seeing the practice of cultivation, Xiao Hua had already had a good impression on Li Weiwen, and then he took the empty four storage bags and looked at it. ... is not made by Qi Qiao Men, the space inside is ten times smaller than the storage bags of the two Qi Qiao Men that Xiao Hua had before.

"It’s no wonder that the storage bag of Qiqiaomen should be calculated with the best Lingshi. It really makes sense. Li Yuwen and others’ storage bags, um, and the storage bag of Xiaoye’s waist now, there is no way to follow Compared with others!" Xiao Hua thought, there is no idea of ​​holding a storage bag.

Throw the four storage bags in your hand, and fly away, no love, and quickly flew in the direction of Baizhangfeng.

Without Li Weiwen and the search for flying smoke, Xiao Hua seems to be more free and flexible. When he flies away from Baizhang Peak, he falls down again and finds a hiding place. The probe carefully observes Baizhangfeng.

Probably another meal, and a dozen refinery monks came to see that the costumes should not be scattered. They are similar to Li Yuwen’s, and they fly to the Baizhang Peak. Take out the pale green things from the storage bag, those light blue things floating in the air, flying into different caves, and those monks are chasing in with the light blue brilliance!

"Weird, how... everyone has this kind of pale green thing?" Xiao Hua Daqi: "It's hard to be... isn't it?"

Just thinking, there are two people flying from the opposite direction of Xiao Hua, waiting for Xiao Hua's vision, Xiao Hua eyes bright, these two people are not others, it is he knows Cai Zhuoxia and Li Zongbao.

The two seemed to be using the double flying character. The speed of the flight was extremely fast, but in a moment, it was in front of the Baizhang Peak. I saw that the two people were parked in the air. Li Zongbao was extremely chic and left, and Cai Zhuoxi’s eyebrows were shining and his mouth was smiling. What did he say to him?

The two said for a moment, but they didn't want others to take out the pale things, but they looked far and wide and looked outside the Baizhang Peak. That Cai Zhuoxia was even more anxious...

"The two people...what is it? Everyone has already entered the hole!" Xiao Hua is very strange, secretly said: "Isn't you still waiting for someone?"

With this thought, Xiao Hua was struck by lightning and stood on the spot. Still use it? Who are you waiting for? Isn't it waiting for him?掐 掐 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

For a moment, Xiao Hua’s heart was warm, and the confidence that had just been defeated by Zheng Chaoyang and Meng Xian was a gradual recovery!

In the distance, Li Zongbao did not worry at all. He only said something in the ear of Cai Zhuoxia. Cai Zhuoxia had an apology on his face, as if to explain something. Finally, when Cai Zhuoxi had bitten his lips and wanted to speak, Xiao Hua Without hesitation, the figure flew up and flew toward the two.

Xiao Hua’s flight speed is not fast. It is still the level of five layers of refining. At the distance, Li Zongbao and Cai Zhuoxia are seeing it. Li Zongbao’s face is thoughtfully smiling. Cai Zhuoxia is somewhat happy. Li Zongbao's sleeves, the two together greeted.

"I have seen Li's predecessors, I have seen Cai Daoyou!" Xiao Hua's face with a sincere smile, far away is the gift.

"Xiao Daoyou... Sure enough, I have never said anything. The poor road thought that the Taoist friend might not be able to come! I don't know how the Taoist convinced the commander of the gate... Hey, the Taoist friend actually advanced the three layers of refining?" Cai Zhuoxia still waits for the ceremony, see When I arrived at the change of Xiao Huaxiu, I was extremely surprised: "Six months ago, Xiao Daoyou was still a layer of refining, this... In just half a year, Xiao Daoyou advanced into three layers of refining, and it was really gratifying. Really congratulations!"

Later, I saw Li Zongbao and sighed: "There are still disciples with a door!"

"Zhuo Xiadao friends, each person has their own way of law, nothing more!" Li Zongbao slightly shook his head and smiled.

"Oh, yes, Xiao Daoyou, the poor road to introduce, this is the bliss Li Zongbao Li Daoyou!" Cai Zhuoxia wakes up.

"Oh, Zhuo Xiadao friends, poor road and Xiao Daoyou met!" Li Zongbao laughed.

"Hey? Have you seen Xiao Daoyou?" Cai Zhuoxia was very strange, and turned to ask.

"That is of course, but the poor road did not expect that the monk who had not yet been included in the door wall and had a layer of refining could actually stand up and save a five-layered monk!" Li Zongbao’s face is full of laughter, and his tone is very subtle: “Actually... As early as when Zhuo Xia’s friends talked about Xiao Daoyou, the poor road was faintly felt... Xiao Hua, who was saved by the poor road, was saved. Xiao Hua of Zhuo Xia Daoyou!"

"Don't dare, the younger generation... just fortunate!" Xiao Hua explained quickly.

"Hey? Zongbao Daoyou, what is going on here?" Cai Zhuoxi Xi Qi, then immediately exclaimed: "Hey, Xiao Daoyou, Yan Huaming is not already full of doors? Daoyou..."

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