Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 157: Ten tokens

In the Baizhang Peak, in a cave near the top of the mountain, Xiao Hua entered the cave with Li Zongbao and Cai Zhuoxia, and saw that the pale green sè jade fell on the ground of the cave, and there was no brilliance!

“Hey?” Xiao Hua saw Cai Zhuoxia picking up the strange-shaped jade beast. He didn’t know how to say: “This thing...how can it only guide the cave and fall? The younger generation thought that...following it, you can find the Baizhang old man. What about the clothes! If anyone is looking for a cave, come in!"

"Hey, Xiao Daoyou thinks too simple!" Cai Zhuoxia put the jade beast into the storage bag and smiled: "I don't want Xiaodaoyou, this jade beast is the poor road in the imitation of the mountain, and it is It was chased and killed by the Indigo Double Bears and others. On the same day, he did not tell the truth to Xiao Daoyou. He also hoped that Xiao Daoyou Haihan!"

Xiao Hua smiled bitterly: "Cai Daoyou has a lot of heart. Daoyou tells the poor time and place, and also leads the poor road into Baizhang Peak. Isn't that the truth telling the poor? How can the poor road not know the weight? ”

"Xiao Daoyou said that the poor road does not know the identity of the Taoist friends, and I am afraid that there will be any gaps with the Taoist friends. Please come to the Taoist friends and also be a friend of the Tao!" Cai Zhuoxia nodded and explained: "Presentation Xiao Daoyou also knows that the Baizhang old man is good at alchemy and refining. Before he went to Xian, he hid his clothes in Baizhang Peak and refined some strange jade beasts. These jade beasts are really fake, only among them. One can bring a good person into the real treasure cave and get the clothes of his old man. This jade beast is said to function not to bring the monk into the real treasure place, but to give some guidance at the crucial time. For example, there are hundreds of caves on the Baizhang Peak. The inner and middle mountains must also be vertical and horizontal. It is very complicated. This jade beast only points out the location of this cave. After I entered the cave, I relied on myself. ""

"The old man of Baizhang has been degraded for about a thousand years. But many monks have always got this green beast, but... I have never heard of the old man’s clothes being inherited!

And... this jade beast appears every year! Li Zongbao said leisurely: "This legend is really wonderful. If it is not a poor teacher, there is a complete martial arts in the singer, and it is said that the poor road will also be awkward!" ”

"Zongbaodaoyou can come with the poor road, how can you let the Taoist friends return empty-handed? If you can find the clothes of the Baizhang old man, if there is a friend who can see it, you can take it away!" Cai Zhuoxi smiled .

Xiao Hua listened, and his face did not change, but his heart was also slightly awkward. He thought that this Li Zongbao was accompanying Cai Zhuoxia and would not care about Baizhangfeng. He might also have something to do from Cai Zhuoxia. If Li Zongbao wants to split up, I am afraid that I can't get any benefit!

"Forget it, the left and right are also following people, what can you do if you can get it!" Xiao Hua comforted himself.

“Thank you for the love of Zhuo Xia’s friends.” Li Zongbao said with a smile: “However, treasure hunt is all based on it.

Although I am waiting for the three people to come together, it may be different for each person. If the three things are in the Baizhang Peak, if I have met the three people together, if the poor road is taken, I will definitely compensate the two friends! ”

"Where, where, on this road, we must also take care of the Zongbao Taoist friends, or first ask Zongbao Taoyou to decide!" Cai Zhuoxia quickly replied, Xiao Hua smiled in his heart, did not speak. Seeing the two men pushing, it seems that he is an extra person, very embarrassing.

Isn't that true?

Li Zongbao does not seem to want to talk to Cai Zhuoxia in this respect. He took a look at Xiao Hua and looked at the dark cave in the distance. He took out three months of Huashi and gave it to two people. He said: "It is said that the long road in the cave is long. Xiaodaoyou, if there is nothing wrong with it, and for the past six months, the situation of Daoyou and the poor roads and other people have said that the poor road is very curious.

"Yeah, yeah, the poor road is also curious. Xiao Daoyou first asked for a layer of refining that has never been broken. How do you break through the three layers of refining after you get out of it?" Cai Zhuoxia is also a good appetite.

Xiao Hua brows, this thing he really does not want to be outside, but then he moved: "Maybe follow Li Zongbao, cause his sympathy, maybe good for revenge! And Qing Fengmin Pingbai jade The beast gives Jiang Huanchi a bit of weirdness, saying that it may cause them to be alert!"

So, leading the way in front of Cai Zhuoxia, Xiao Hua is in the middle, Li Zongbao is behind the temple, when the three people walk slowly to Baizhang Peak, Xiao Hua will take his own things, slowly to the Baizhang Peak, within another cave. Jiang Huanchi of Shang Huazong is also a surprise. He picked up the green beast from the ground and took a look at it carefully. He whispered: "The old things abandoned this day are really not visible. Sè, I can only do the scattered goods for a lifetime, and the hundred hundred old people’s tokens are all in their hands, and they can still be sent to others by others! The poor road has the opposite of the heavens, and it has the exquisite grass and the opportunity. If you get the Jindan Gongfa, if you take these things back to the teacher's door, are you afraid that the teacher will not reward you?"

Afterwards, I also carefully took the jade beast away, took out the moonstone, and walked slowly along the mountain road under my feet...

Many other caves, the same thing is happening, every monk has a happy face, as if he is the real one!

Outside the Baizhang Peak, Ma Rong came to Qing Fengmin with forty or fifty scattered repairs. He sang: "Qingdaodaoyou, the poor road will open the last silkworm friend who brought it, please also Daoyou told me!" "Well" Qing Fengmin nodded, very satisfied to see the people behind Ma Rong, said: "You friends hard!"

Then turn around and point to another squatting road that the horses don't know: "Before we enter the Baizhang Peak, we will introduce a new friend who has recently joined me, Luo Jiaxin Luo Daoyou!" Withered yellow, it is also the repair of the five layers of refining, flying to Qing Fengmin, and bowing to the ceremony: "I have seen friends!"

After everyone returned to the ceremony, Qing Fengmin smiled and said to everyone on the face: "In fact, the poor road should have been explained to the public. It is because of the addition of Luo Daoyou, I wait. Only then have the opportunity to enter the Baizhang Peak!"

"Oh? This is" is not only a horror, but the Ma Yi, which is abandoned in the sky, is also a disrepair of the old man.

"Haha, I think the friends are strange!", Qing Fengmin laughed: "Luo Daoyou came to Jingbo City two months ago. It is really a matter of returning from the poor road and Ma Daoyou! "Luo Daoyou joined me to abandon it. It is conditional. He does not have to contribute any exercises, nor does he have to use the characters or alchemy, just because he can come up with this," said Qing Fengmin, who will store the bag. Shoot, take out a green beast.

"Hey? Qing Daoyou, this thing, did not have a friend before?" Ma Wei saw the jade beast, did not feel a glimpse, exclaimed.

"No, the poor road has also been this before, but the poor road did not expect, this thing is actually ... Baizhangfeng's token!" Qing Fengmin smiled and nodded, it seems that there is no frustration.

"Qing Daoyou Gao Yi, actually for me to wait for Xing, lost one of his own opportunities! I am very grateful!" Han Fei saw more and more people, it is very sensible to say, and Qiao Fengyue Did not show up.

"Haha, the old man didn't know that day, and Luo Daoyou took it out and said that the poor road is also awkward." Qing Fengmin said with a smile: "The poor road did not expect that ordinary things are actually the tokens of the legendary Baizhang old man!"

"However, there is nothing to regret!" Qing Fengmin waved his hand and said: "The poor road lost one, and Luo Daoyou actually sent ten more!"

"Ten ???" everyone listened to the big scorpion, these things are often fortunate to get one, this Luodaoyou actually got ten, this is really incredible!

"Cough, the poor road is also a coincidence!" Luo Jiaxin arched: "The ten strange jade beasts are found on the very small collection of the poor country! Because they have no special effect, Therefore, it is treated as an ordinary jade, and it must be a monk of the Shu Kingdom. I don’t know the old man of the Baizhang country. I don’t know the monk, and the poor road only buys a Chinese stone.”

"Ah? Hahaha~" Everyone listened. First, they were yelling, and they immediately laughed.

"The poor road knows that it is not enough, and this jade beast, the poor road itself can only be one piece. Later, I heard the good reputation of the abandonment, so I found the Qingdao friends." Luo Jiaxin said a little embarrassed.

Everyone realizes, but no, this is a good thing, one is the most appropriate, two are troubles. If you take ten, you are afraid to be hot!

"The good fortune of Luo Daoyou is also the good fortune that I abandoned. The joining of Luo Daoyou is an opportunity for me to abandon. His good fortune will make my strength of abandonment a new level!" Min Xiaodao said: "If any of the Taoist friends can get the clothes of the Baizhang old man from Baizhang Peak, that is one of the masters of my future, and don't forget that I will give up, and don't forget Luo Daoyou! "Well, oh~~" everyone is loud and it seems that they all need to get the clothes of the old man of Baizhang.

"Well, the Taoist friends are not too happy. The legend of Baizhangfeng has been for thousands of years. I have never heard of someone succeeding. I just have a chance."

"Oh, Qing Daoyou, who used to find the clothes of the Baizhang old man, are all scattered people. I have hundreds of thousands of people this time. Even if it is a bit difficult, it is not so easy to be overcome by me?"

"Ha ha ha, Ma Daoyou said that the meaning of the poor road is also the creed of my abandonment. People are crowded, isn't it the advantage of me?" Qing Fengmin laughed: "Luo Daoyou, trouble will Other tokens are sent out, Ma Daoyou assists, every two teams enter a cave!"! .

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