Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 205: Willow branches

Text] Chapter 205, Liu Zhi


Chapter 205

And said that the woman took the jade plate to go to the front of Xiao Hua, the hands will be lifted, the empty stone on the jade plate was sent to Xiao Hua's eyes before the full text of free reading. ("" free novels) This is the first time Xiaohua participated in the auction, of course, the first bid, he just thought it was fun, tasted fresh, I did not expect to really compete with this empty stone. Seeing that the woman will take the empty stone, knowing that she has to pay for her own stone. When the storage bag is about to be taken, eleven pieces of the Chinese spirit stone are taken out and placed on the jade plate, and they will be empty. Take it in your hand.

Sure enough, the empty stone is extremely light, almost no weight. Through the empty stone, Xiao Hua can almost see the woman standing next to me and nodded and will go back.

On the high platform, Ancheng ink went on to say: "The empty stone has already bidd out, and it is still the material of a refiner. This material is Wujin."

With the voice of Ancheng ink, another woman wearing the same costume appeared on the high platform, and her hand was still a blindfolded jade plate...

"Wujin is a common material for refining implements, which can enhance the sturdiness of the implement. This Wujin is different from the ordinary Wujin. The material is more delicate and harder..." Ancheng ink is simple introduction on the high platform. After a moment, the characteristics of this Wujin, and finally said: "This Wujin is the same as the empty stone, starting from the ten pieces of the elite stone, each time adding a Chinese spirit stone"

There is no use in empty stone or refining many instruments, but this is different. The harder the instrument is, the more it can accommodate more mana. The more powerful it is, the more it is. What the teachers know, it is, the voice of Ancheng Mo just fell, and a monk dressed in confusion called: "The poor road out of twelve Chinese spirits"

"Thirteen blocks"

"15 blocks"


However, several bids, that Wujin has already shouted as many as eighteen

"This... how much is this Wujin value?" Xiao Hua heard a bit stunned. He remembered that he had bought a piece of Wujin, but he had only three pieces of Chinese stone. This piece of Wujin is actually the price of his own. Times

Called eighteen, no one is bidding on it, Ancheng ink will shoot a hand, indicating that this Wujin returned to the monk who shouted at the beginning, I am the latest free chapter.

Then, there are different kinds of refining materials, and there are different quotations and bidding. The monks are the masters of the goods, but all the rare and commonly used are high prices, like some of the above, The use of ecstasy and so on is very low in material, the quotation is extremely low, and some even have no bidding at all. This cola breaks Xiao Hua, which is the favorite hobby, and... can not be said to be hobby, I like to collect these things that I can’t use for the time being, but I can use them later. "" free txt download"

Therefore, those materials that nobody cares about, Xiao Hua is laughing in the pocket. This is to let the Anbao ink of Jingbaoge sneak a sneak peek at the ordinary, like most of these materials will not be bidding, and finally can only be recovered, and this time... actually there is Xiaohua, a strange monk who has a brain full of income, but it is Let Ancheng Mo doubt that this is not the arrangement of the master of the city...

After the material of the refiner is bidding, it is followed by Lingcao, a hundred-year-old deforestation, and Jingbaoge is a middle-class stone. But because this deforestation is the main medicine for washing the marrow, it is actually a monk. Bidding to thirty Zhongpin Lingshi, "Odd, remember that when you were in Jingbo City, you clearly remember that this century-old Lingcao is just a middle-aged stone. How come to Yanyuan City, you can sell three Ten Chinese spirit stone?” Immediately, I saw that the monk who was fighting for the coffin in front of him was careful to put the grass into the storage bag. Xiao Hua immediately realized: “The main medicine of the hundred years... It may be a Chinese stone, but... It’s always rare to see that I’ve been in Jingbo City for a long time. It’s been a few decades of spirit grass, and those years are a little long, they are refining blood. I have seen the medicinal herbs such as Dan and Mo Jiedan, like the refining of Lingcao, which I have seen?

"Oh, no, the price of the middle-aged stone... is the price of the income of the people, and ... not the price of the monk sold to the monk plus another black glutinous rice and other pharmaceuticals, if The senior alchemist of the technique can refine a furnace of thirty-six pieces of marrow-washing Dan, one of ten to twenty pieces of Chinese medicine, and that thirty-six pieces of marrow-washing can buy at least three hundred. Sixty Chinese spirits, this alchemy monk can not make a profit."

"Hey, the market of Yishi, the millennial spirit grass, but a hundred pieces of top grade Lingshi, the exquisite grass in the space of this poor road, afraid that there are thousands of years, do not know how to bid, how many Lingshi can be changed "Xiao Hua's little favorite list of the latest chapters of the witch maze."

Then there were a lot of spirit grasses, one hundred years old, two hundred years old, and finally there was a yellow sorghum grass that was born in five hundred years, all of which were bidding at very amazing prices. Grass Xiaohua is not interested, and ... are also not able to bid for him, and they have been rushed by other monks.

"Well, everyone, the spirit grass of this bidding meeting, the last one will be successfully finished." Ancheng ink was full of red light, he took a hand and smiled: "This last one is somewhat strange. It is not the common grass of my rainy continent. My alchemist in Yanyuan City also checked the long-term classics, but they did not find their source. Therefore, the poor road put it to the last one."

Said, a woman still sent a jade plate, waiting for Ancheng ink to take off the silk on the jade plate, everyone did not feel a glimpse, I saw the jade plate, with a dried willow branch, willow There are also nine willow leaves on the branches, all of which are yellow

"An Daoyou...this... Isn't it Liuzhi?" A monk broke the silence of the hall and asked strangely.

"This Taoist friend asked well," Ancheng inked the palm of his hand: "Do you think that the Taobao Pavilion will admit a wicker?"

"This..." The monk was speechless.

"This spirit... Because I can't provide a name for the competition, then according to the friend, it is called a wicker."

"Boom~" everyone laughed.

Ancheng ink is also a big voice: "This wicker... the lowest bidding 50 top grade Lingshi every time to increase the price of ten top grade Lingshi"

"Ah? Fifty top grade Lingshi?" All the fans were shocked. After all, the five hundred-year-old sassafras had just bid for a hundred top-grade spirit stones. This is inconspicuous and even said that it is about to die. Liu Zhi actually wants fifty top grade stones

"Only fifty top grade Lingshi, which Taoist friends are willing to come out..." Ancheng ink was not nervous, only shouted.

Xiao Hua looked far away, no wrinkles, this wicker he could not see any clues, but An Chengmo said clearly that this thing does not seem to be the spiritual thing of Xiaoyu mainland. "Is it difficult to be... the devil's thing?" Xiao Hua suddenly thought.

"Yes, since it is the devil's thing, how can Xiaoyu live on the mainland? Is it not destined to die? Maybe I can feed it in my space. In this case, I can see what this willow is. ”

"Fifty top grade Lingshi, it's not a small number. I didn't come to buy this stuff?" Xiao Hua is a list of the latest chapters that hesitates to be a 24-hour personal secretary. At this time, in the cabins where no one has ever spoken, one voice sounded: "Yanyan teaches sixty top grades"

"Ah? Yan Yan teaches? Sixty top grade Lingshi?" Everyone is amazed, and many monks who have not concealed their identity have begun to whisper.

"Well, the Taoist buddies have sixty top grade Lingshi, and which of the Taoist friends have a higher price? If there is no such wicker, they will blame the geese." Ancheng ink immediately called.

The silence in the field, everyone did not feel a slight turn, want to see if someone really has a higher Lingshi

"Nobody? If there is no more friends to bid, this wicker will be given to..." Not waiting for Ancheng Mo to finish, Xiao Hua will take one move: "Seventy top grade Lingshi"

The "eighty" Yan Yan teaches his disciples to be cold and cry without hesitation.

"哼" Xiao Hua secretly sneered in his heart: "If it is a neighbor, since the young master does not know what this wicker is, he will naturally let it go, but... the geese want to be, the poor road... I want even the last fight. But you, too, let you spend more on the stone."

Xiao Hua seems to think of the bad breath he received in front of Yan Yan’s boy.

"Ninety" Xiao Hua said, raising his hand.

"One hundred..." Yan Yan teaches his disciples that the tone is still cold.

"one hundred and ten……"


Finally, Xiao Hua always called the price of the wicker: "200 pieces of Shangpin Lingshi"

This round of inexplicable bidding, not only the monks were stunned, that is, the Ancheng ink on the high platform is also a big eye, some overwhelmed, these ... obviously exceeded the expectations

"Ha ha ha, well, since the Taoist friends like the wicker, the poor road will let you." Yan Yan teaches the disciple suddenly laughed.

"What?" Xiao Hua stunned, and suddenly there was some feeling of being teased: "Is it difficult to... I steal the chicken and not erode the rice? Is it calculated?"

With the withdrawal of the sacred priests, Ancheng ink immediately slammed: "This buddy is wise, and it can be such a high price... Wicker competition, it is congratulations."

"Ha ha ha" with the sound of Ancheng ink, the monks in the field are also laughing, making Xiao Hua full of red, so obsessed with obscurity, otherwise he is almost looking for a seam, drilling underground

The woman took the wicker to Xiao Hua, and Xiao Hua threw it into the space without even looking at it, and just inserted it in one place.

"Well, under the enthusiasm of the friends, Lingcao has already bid for the price, and then there are some charms, as well as the materials of the stipulations." An Chengmo said with a smile: "The first charm is a sign of Lei."

Saying, the jade plate sent by the woman is opened, and only a bright and shining thing in the jade plate is seen. It is completely different from the yellow symbol used in the ordinary. Seeing the shape of the charm is exactly the same as the sticker on the head of Li Zongbao.

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