Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 217: Fire monkey

Text] The 217th chapter of the fire


Chapter 217

And the sizzling magma, the bare hand rips the ruins of the bastional monk who can't get rid of it, and the fire is smashed out. The unbeatable pressure is emitted from it, covering the entire basin in an instant, the earlier ones. The two disciples who had flew up in Cangjie had already flown to the edge of the basin. Under this pressure, there was no resistance. All of them fell from the air and fell to the ground.

Fortunately, these disciples were exhausted by the mana, and the force drove the flying characters. The flying was very low. This was a blessing in disguise. Except for a few unlucky ones, they fell on the sharp rocks and were stabbed in the spikes. Some serious injuries, most others are innocent

With the pressure of the fire, a violent, ruthless, angry God thoughts swept away, directly skipping those refining disciples, overwhelmingly spreading to Mo Guang, Pu Jianyuan and Ling Zhengyi.

Mo Guang, who flew up from the strength of the 金~金丹期, couldn’t help but yin in his heart: “There are things recorded in Feifengling and Miwushan... there are actually five spirits in this array. This...this is also rare on the Xiaoyu continent."

But then, Mo Guang’s heart is a little bad feeling.

When he looked back slightly, it was true that Ling’s justice and Pu Jianyuan’s face were replaced with a hint of surprise. The most chilling thing is that these two people are not like him. The same, the fate of the fate, but a little far away a distance, will take a shot, each take a gray vague rectangular implement from the storage bag, at first glance, with a big print with the big print Take out, on the ground, the two hooks also flew up and rushed straight into the two big prints.

"Two **** husbands" Mo Guang saw, where did not know that there is a huge embarrassment, but he can not care much at this time, just want to quickly escape from the five fires.

However, things don't follow people's wishes. The height of a few feet of fire blasphemy is swept away, hidden in the long máo, the red dragonfly's eyes are out of the joy, only the flames that linger around it rise slightly, the body shape is plucking As a fireball, it is like a fireball. Not waiting for the flight, Ling Zheng and the two took the instrument out.

"吼~" The fire screamed up and shook the sky, the long máo and the flames of the whole body were flying, but there was a trace of scruples in its eyes.

Seeing Ling Zheng and Pu Jianyuan want to raise the rituals, the fire will smash one's arms, and the two huge fireballs that are comparable to the best fireballs are flying toward the two. Although they are not afraid of any fireballs, they are not Dare to be slow, the law is instigated, an ice-cream hit the fireball in the eyes of the fire, there is a sneak sneak sè, and sure enough, the ice is hit on the fireball, only the flame above the fireball is destroyed, The fireball still screamed and rushed to the eyes of the two.

The two loud bangs of "Booming" are combined, and the power... is several times higher than Xiaohua’s fireball? It is directly to blow up the two monks in the early stage of the building, and where is the opportunity to sacrifice the instruments?

That fire took this opportunity, from the bursting flame, swiftly passing, chasing away in the direction of Mo Guangfei

Although Mo Guang has already flew away, he can always pay attention to him. When he sees the fire, he will blow Ling Zheng and Pu Jianyuan instead of killing it directly. The heart is half cold, and then wait for the fire to lock himself. Look at the speed of the fire faster than himself, Mo Guang sighed, stopped the flight, took a hand, took a small flying sword from the storage bag, turned and stood still in the air Among

The fire flew very fast, and a dozen breaths came to Mo Guang’s eyes. After watching the fire, there was a long trace of fire. Mo Guang’s two scorpions shrank slightly, and the mouth was a bit of a true life. Sprayed on the flying sword in the hand, the flying sword suddenly swelled, just like the spirit of xing, the sword mans stretched a few times, flying away from the hands of Mo Guang, it is very flexible to the fire

However, the speed of the fire did not slow down at all. When I saw the flying sword stabbed, I did not dodge at all. I only raised my hand slightly and grabbed the máo's claws. The flying sword went to it.

Mo Guang saw a big surprise and immediately drove the flying sword to avoid the flash. However, the hand of the fire seemed to have infinite suction. The sword of the flying sword was rapidly expanding, but it was impossible to hide. In the middle of the finger, the flying sword fell into the air. The hand of the fire, not waiting for Mo Guang to look carefully, gave birth to a group of three real fires from the hands of the fire, directly melting the entire flying sword

"噗" a blood spurted out of Mo Guang’s mouth, and his face was as pale as gold.

But things don't stop there. Everything that happened happened in the midst of the fire. Just when Mo Guangfei's sword was destroyed and the mind was damaged, the fire had already flown to Mo Guang's front. Mo Guang simply couldn't have time. Then I took out any artifacts and saw that the fire was a sneak peek. I grabbed Mo Guang’s Tianling cover. The defensive instinct of Mo Guang’s body was only slightly flashed, and it was broken. It seems that there is no resistance to live.

The sound of "噗嗤", the claws of the fire directly into the skull of Mo Guang, "ah ~" The severe pain will be unable to cope with Mo Guang, but under the pressure of Jin Dan, in the fire Under the thoughts of Momo and Qiangqiang, Mo Guang did not have the slightest resistance to rebellion like a velvet máo...

With the slight force on the hand of the fire, Mo Guang’s skull was opened and the brain was white.

The fire saw the brain, and spit out of the mouth, and found out the tongue, even... the raw brain is eaten...

"The cockroach..." and other Mo Guang's brains were eaten by the fire, and Mo Guang's death was not noticed. The corpse was burned by the fire, and a treacherous battle, and some excited voices rang from the fire, waiting for the fire. He was very impatient to look back, but in addition to dozens of feet, Pu Jianyuan held a magical instrument that turned into a ray of light. His face showed inexplicable excitement, and he quickly chased it over, and behind him, Ling Zhengyi is also trying to catch up, but looking at Ling’s slightly pale face, it seems to have been seriously injured, flying is somewhat far-fetched, behind Pu Jianyuan’s distance of a few feet

There was a trace of disgust in the eyes of the fire, and there were more 狠sè, but the Xiaguang fell in its scorpion, and there were a lot of jealousy and fear. At this time, just listen to Pu Jianyuan’s big drink. The instrument in the hand is like a rising sun in the air, from the Xiaguang shè out red and white two sè, the straight cover to the fire

The red and white light is very fast, and there is no reaction in the fire. It is the fire in the shè, and the red and white light is everywhere. The flame on the fire is extinguished by the "嘶嘶"

"吼~" The fire screamed up and shouted. It seemed to be a painful one. You can’t fight it. You have a somersault in the air, and your body is flying away.

Seeing this situation, Pu Jianyuan was overjoyed, and he was reminded of the gods, and the same method was used in the hands of the Fa, and the Xiaguang of the implements flourished.

With Pu Jianyuan chasing it, naturally there is Ling Zhengyi, but Ling’s face is far from the excitement of Pu Jianyuan. The eyes are full of doubts, and then I’m waiting for the fire to fly. There was a hint of enlightenment, so the flight was slower.

However, even if the speed of Ling’s justice is slow, it still follows, and has not given up... After all, this fire is... It’s the main purpose of Mi Wushan’s coming to Yanlin Shanze. I didn’t expect that the savage and sinister beasts were actually banned under this squad, and they were still comparable to Jindan’s five spirits.

Five-pronged beasts, can you give birth to Jin Dan, who has torn the mid-term monk in the foundation, how can he give up? With the family's special mén to surrender the rituals of the sacred beasts in the squad, even if there is a hint of hope, he is willing to try to stun the minds that Ling Zheng has not yet been recorded by the classics, only to follow... ...

At the same time, Xiao Hua and Cai Zhuoxia have already flown to the edge of Yanlin Shanze, looking at the red sand at the foot, as well as the clods and stones of the maroon, and the grass is not far from the distance, it is also a flaming sè Xiao Tongshan, Xiao Hua screamed, whispered: "Here... Yan Lin Shanze? How can I not even have a grass, what is Lin, what?"

“嘻嘻~” Cai Zhuoxia smirked and said: “Who said that only the double wood can become a forest? Do you see the Taoist friends, there are countless stone pillars on the other side, can you become a stone forest?”

"This... can you still say that? That... what about Zeze? It’s not a water show," Xiao Hua asked in amazement.

"Xiao Daoyou has taught, this is so hot, that is, the egg can be cooked on the ground, how can there be water? As for what Ze, wait for a moment and then Xiaodaoyou can see it?" Cai Zhuoxia eyes, Just don't tell Xiaohua the answer.

Xiao Hua travels around, this Yanlin Shanze in addition to stone shovel, or stone gravel, full of flaming sè, where can you see half a drop of water?

"But...the place known to the poor roads is of course the red mountains, but...there is no saying that all the places are red." Xiao Hua scratched his head.

"According to the poor roads, the red mountains are also the Yanlin Sanze. There are other places that I have never heard of. So when Xiao Daoyou talks about it, the first reaction of the poor road is Yanlin Shanze. As for the place names, maybe I will wait. Look for it, you can see it," Cai Zhuoxia laughed.

"The knowledge of the poor road is also vague. I am afraid that it is not easy to find it. It is better to look at the place where there was a burst. Maybe there is any discovery?" Xiao Hua suggested.

"The poor road is also doing this." Cai Zhuoxia nodded: "But still need to be careful, don't have any bad pool"

The two said that they were flying again. After a meal, Xiao Hua’s eyes appeared in a huge basin, which was the basin that had been broken by the former Ling Zheng and Pu Jianyuan. At this time, the red magma has stopped pouring out, and the basin is covered with a thick layer of magma. At first glance, it really looks like a fiery lake. Just two of Miwushan and Feifengling. Disciple, already disappeared

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