Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 235: Re-enter the tiger

Text] The 235th chapter re-enters the tiger xue


The 235th chapter re-enters the tiger xue[]

"Reward? That's natural." The voice laughed: "Otherwise the old man doesn't know you, how can he reach out and save you? Open your mouth."

"What?" Xiao Hua stunned, wondering if he had misunderstood, but when he asked, the pressure of the monk was released, and Xiaohua could not move when he was on the road. A green shadow flashed. A thumb-sized Dan yào is invested in Xiao Hua’s mouth. The Dan yào entrance is immediately turned into a sweet yào liquid flowing into Xiao Hua’s body, but what happens next is to let Xiao Hua Nahan’s. That yào liquid into the body, as he used to take the flow of Qing Dan Dan is the same as the yào force into the meridians, can be different from the yào force of Qing Dan, this yào of the yào force is actually rapid Flowed through Xiaohua’s meridians and turned into a thin film that was attached to Xiaohua’s meridians.

At this time, the pressure exerted by the monk was also withdrawn as a practice, and Xiao Hua’s body was restored to its original state.

Xiao Hua slightly checked, and there was nothing strange about other parts of the body. Some of them were frightened and asked: "Before...predecessors, this... Is this Dan yào poisonous?"

"Hey, who is the old man, how can you force you to take poison?" The middle-aged monk walked out of the mountains. 3∴35686688

"哎哟" saw the appearance of the monk, Xiao Hua was a little shocked, only to see that the monk was far from the calmness that Xiao Hua saw earlier, but the sallow on his face, the wilting of his face, the special robes on his body. Tattered, and even some blood on it

"This is the predecessor..." Xiao Hua finally understood why the monk had not come out directly to face Cai Hongfeng.

"How can the old man not control you?" The monk turned his eyes and said: "You still care about yourself first."

Xiao Hua smiled bitterly, scratching his head, and quietly explaining the monk.

"The old man is not giving you poison yào, but Ming Huadan." The monk stood there and said with a long stretch.

"Ming Hua Dan?" Xiao Hua did not hear the name.

"It's no wonder that you don't know, this Dan yào is ordinary, but it is also the yào" that the monks of the Imperial Regents took the foundation to say.

"Ah? Then...Thank you for your predecessors," Xiao Hua said, thanking him.

"Thank you?" The monk's face seemed to smile and laugh: "You haven't understood it yet?"

Xiao Hua’s eyes turned, suddenly awakened, his face changed greatly, and there was no blood sè. He said: “Predecessors, younger generations thank you for saving a life, seeing what can be rewarded if the predecessors have nothing to do with the younger generation, let the younger generation Going, if there is anything to do, despite the opening. But why... Want to limit the younger generation to life and death?"

During the speech, Xiao Hua wants to mobilize the mind and expel the yào force in the meridian.

"Hey, if you are an old man, you don't do anything now. This yào force is banned by the old man. If you use the infuriating spirit, you can't rush out. If you really want to force a ban, Minghua Dan's yào force leaks out, Mo Say it’s all, that is, 50% is enough to blow your meridians."

Xiao Hua was stunned and stopped.

"Well, the old man doesn't have much time, and he won't scare you any more." The monk waved his hand: "The old man will gradually break out after two years of ban. In the past two years, you can rest assured that despite your cultivation, you will be there. The cultivation of the child's end, must not break the old man's ban. Of course, if it is within two years, this ban does not break the law of my royal ancestor mén. Hey, how is your end, how is it clear?"

"Hey, the younger generation understands, what is the predecessor's premise?" Xiao Hua nodded.

"Well, you are still very embarrassed~" The monk smiled and swept the gods around, and then took a shot of the storage bag. A fist-sized bead was taken out by him. The bead was thick purple. There seems to be infinite lightning inside, and it keeps flashing. The most weird thing is that once the beads are taken out, all the heavens and the earth's auras are explained to the beads, and above the high sky, yin clouds instantly Is born, there is a faint flash

The "fast income storage bag" monk handed Xiaohua to him, anxiously shouting.

"Yes," Xiao Hua did not dare to neglect. After receiving it, he was sent to the storage bag.

"The old man is the Royal Lei Zong dry fire, this bead... You have to help the old man to go to Yu Leizong." The sound of the green fire speeded up: "But, in the first year, you must not go, wait for this time next year. , it’s not too late."

"Predecessors... Why?" Xiao Hua worried that Ming Huadan in his veins would naturally want to go earlier.

"Stupid egg ~" dry green fire said: "Although you are a small thing of refining, but it has also appeared in this neighborhood, although they will not care about you, but you will appear in the vicinity of Yu Leizong, how to not let People are suspicious? The old man gives you something, that is, you can’t help but watch the wind and will not attract attention.”

Xiao Hua nodded, and his heart sighed softly: "Take a low... It becomes a chess piece that you are free to instruct? If you fix it, let you fish."

Ou? ”

Seeing Xiao Hua, I whispered: "My Royal Leizong wants to come and have a good time. Although the old man gives you Ming Huadan, it is a threat, but it is also a reward for you." Just send this bead to Yu Leizong. Naturally, the elders in mén will break your ban, and yào force will help you slowly refine. You can take the yào, you take it. A small refining monk is used, think about what kind of changes will happen to your cultivation."

Xiao Hua smiled bitterly: "The predecessors saved the lives of the younger generations. The seniors told me that the younger generations would definitely do it. These rewards... don't stop the poor road."

"Do you want to do it, can you rest in peace?" The dry fire is cold and cold: "If the old man is being used

I have no choice but to meet you, the old man..."

Speaking of this, the face of the green fire is slightly changed. From the arms, I take out a four-party token and throw a Xiaohua. I am anxious: "The enemy is coming. This is the old man’s token. You have received it... Just go into the underground and remember, you must send the beads to Yu Leizong even if you don’t look at the old man to save you, but also consider your own xing life."

Seeing that the green fire is tense, where does Xiao Hua dare to care? After taking the token, I immediately hit the earthworm on myself and quickly disappeared into the mountains and disappeared.

"Xiao Hua... I hope... the old man can't read you wrong." The green fire looked at Xiao Hua's disappearing figure, and his heart silently recited it. That is, a monk with four layers of refining can actually be in the early stage of foundation building. The monk fled in his hand, how can he not pay attention to the desperate fire?

At this moment, the aura of the heavens and the earth in front of the mountain was a transient, and the yin cloud suddenly appeared again on the sky, and the green fire was shocked: "Hey? This is... no..."

But then, all of this disappeared indifferently.

"Which Xiaohua sells which mén sub-yào? Is it difficult to take it out and look at it?" Dry green fire doesn't understand Xiao Hua's meaning, sweeping the gods, his face is sneer, his figure is immediately pulled up. Going in the other direction is to fly

What can Xiao Hua, who is kneeling on the ground, do? However, it is just that the beads and tokens are sent from the storage bag to the space. He has already thought clearly, no matter who the opponents of the green fire are, their goal is to use the beads, and they just put the beads into the space. There is absolutely no danger. What he has to do now is to do the same little unknowingly as before.

After a moment on the ground, Xiao Hua recovered the speed of the four layers of refining and drilled out from the ground. At this time, it was already afternoon, and the sun had no previous splendor. Xiao Hua looked at her eyes. It was already ridiculous. Where did it come out?

Just as Xiao Hua scratched his head, the two gods swept over the direction that Xiao Hua had just flown.

"Bad, how come so fast?" Xiao Hua was shocked, think about it, but the green fire is a foundation monk, can his opponent be weak?

The two gods soon discovered Xiaohua, but they swept away in Xiaohua and immediately swept away in the distance.

“Well,” Xiao Hua’s heart is overjoyed: “It’s a good idea to do this!”

However, for a long time, the two foundation-based monks flew in from the air. Xiao Hua was very respectful waiting in the middle of the air. The two monks did not even look at him. They had to fly from his head... ...

Xiao Hua’s heart moved and hurriedly screamed. “The seniors have a thing to ask about.”

One of the two monks looked at Xiao Hua and seemed to whisper something to the other person. He stopped his body and said coldly: "What do you have?"

"The younger generation daring to ask the predecessors, that ... Lin Yuzhen where ... the younger generation mi road" Xiao Hua was very shy to ask.

"The other side" the monk's nose was almost mad, and he put his finger in one direction, his body shape floated, catching up with his companion, and then ignore Xiao Hua.

Xiao Hua’s heart opened his heart, but his face was smooth and tight, and he waited for the two monks to fly far away. Then he got up and flew in the direction of Linyu Town.

Xu is far away from Xiaohua. It was only a dozen days from Linyu Town to Luzhen. He actually used it for nearly 30 days. In the 30th day, Xiao Hua was in a normal way, rushing during the day and practicing at night. It is exactly what the dry fire said, his cultivation is not related to the yào force of Ming Huadan, which is closely attached to the meridians. Whether he is tempering the infuriating or cultivating the dragon, the layer yào The force is not affected by the prohibition of the late monks in the foundation.

However, there are two things that make Xiao Hua both happy and worried. What is hilarious is that when Xiao Hua was chased by Cai Hongfeng, in order to desperately use Hualong with the practice of refining aura, Xiao Hua’s blood shadow It seems that there is a small success, and the dragon is actually starting to run. It is no longer driven by Xiao Hua as before. In this case, Xiao Hua is practicing fire dragon almost every moment.

But what is Xiao Hua worried about? That is the bead he put into the space~

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