Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 241: Advance

Text] Chapter 241


Chapter 247

"Xiao Hua, still do not hurry to worship the good intentions of Xie Fu?" Beside the Fu Xi, not to be outdone, and quickly told Xiao Huadao. []

Xiao Hua naturally knows the meaning of the match. My heart is dark and confused: "Is this missing?" The good intentions of the brothers, I hope that the younger brother will not disturb the cleanliness of the brothers here."

"Where, where" is consistent with the smile: "You and I will support each other and make progress together."

Fu Wei also said: "Exactly, when Xiao Hua is fine, he has to ask for more talents. Just now, the teacher also read the yellow characters of your refining. To tell the truth, the basic skills are even worse, even if it is really imprisoned now. The method of writing is for you, and you may not be able to make it into a ban."

"The lesson of the teacher is that" Xiao Hua’s face is respectful, but his heart is disdainful.

Fu Wei is also a lesson: "The side of the attic is a special quiet room for the system. If it is okay, Xiao Hua can practice a lot."

The three divisions holding Xiao Hua in line with the performance in front of the performance, nong Xiaohua is not a taste, in line with the smile: "Three teachers, time should not be early, this mountain ... still have to inspect?"

"Oh, no," said the singer, "Come on, otherwise the family is mainly angry."

Said, the mana reminded, flying in the air, then it was extremely elegant and turned back and smiled: "Hey, younger brother, you wait for a break, wait until the teacher is finished, then come to see you"

"The teacher went and went, the days after... are still growing." In line with the return of the Sven, then the three teachers are all heart-warming.

Waiting for Fu and others to go, the disciples of Chaotiange led the two into the house, jiāo on behalf of a little, but also left

In line with the look around, smiled: "Xiao Shidi, how do you feel that you are familiar with your brother? Have we met before?"

Xiao Hua’s heart has long thought of it, frowning and pondering, and said: “Hey brother, you said very much, the younger brother also feels that the brothers are good, just like a younger brother who has seen a copy of the Jingbo.

"Is it?" The singularity of the face does not change sè: "It’s a coincidence that the brother is from Jingbo City."

Xiao Hua shook his head slightly and said: "The name of the friend of the Taoist is forgotten, but he is a refiner. He does not understand the system and the Taoist friend is a repairer of seven or eight layers of refining. Five layers of gas, no matter how to say it is not the same friend that the younger brother has seen."

"Well, that is why the brother is also very interested in this Taoist friend. If there is a chance in the future, you can introduce it to the brother."

Xiao Hua still shook his head: "The younger brother hasn't been to the mirror for a long time. Who knows if he can still meet it?"

"Look at the fate" is in line with the pat on Xiao Hua's shoulder: "If you repair it is not enough, there is no skill in refining Huang Fu. You can only refine the fireball in the short time. This contribution to Fujia is still If you have the opportunity to teach you the best way for your brother or more."

"Thank you for your brother," Xiaohua said with great joy.

"Well, this pavilion has two floors above and below. For the brother to live in the upper class, you will be wronged below, and it will always be stronger than a small house."

"Exactly, the younger brother is also such an idea." Xiao Hua echoed.

Subsequently, Xiao Hua was settled down in Jinhuashan's Fujia, while retreating in the pavilion, while Chou was empty, he made a fireball in the quiet room next to the pavilion.

In fact, as a peripheral teacher of the Fu family, it is purely for the Fujia refining the Huang Fu, but if you are refining the Huang Fu outside, you have to go to the Yi Ji to go easy, but also to buy Fu Mo and Fu paper, etc. Things, and in Fujia, you only need to refine enough yellow characters every day. Fujia will give you the corresponding records according to the number of your yellow characters. These records can be converted into Lingshi, Dan yào, or you can The method of redeeming the character of the family.

The key point of Xiao Hua is the Fu Qing Fu, which is the category of the charm. If there is no special means, Xiao Hua is impossible to succeed, so he has no action for the time being. Look at the match, but it is with a qualified clerk. Every day, like Xiao Hua, chou has a certain time, and comes to the static room of the system, and does not carry Xiao Hua, using the five-star lianzhu method. Refining a fixed number of Huang Fu, and then, while Xiao Hua refines the fireball, he gives instructions to Xiao Hua, but it makes Xiao Hua’s technique of refining Huang Fu with a pen to be greatly improved. a lot of skills

Unfortunately, Xiao Hua has never really used the pen to refine Huang Fu. These improvements are of little use to him. Of course, many subtle skills and different ideas are also beneficial to Xiao Hua. At least Xiao Hua’s ice thorns can be successfully refining to Chinese products after one month of concentrated training.

However, this is not the biggest gain for Xiao Hua. The biggest thing that Xiao Hua has gained is that the five-star lianzhu is in line with what he thinks. The skills of the five-star renju must be learned in the case of the five elements of Huang Fu, and he has always been a little bit like water. Xiao Hua can't see clearly and Xiao Hua doesn't really see it. Xiao Hua doesn't see it, but does Xiao Hua have that kind of perception? The static chamber of the system is so large. Although Xiao Hua’s perception is not as good as God’s, the change of the heaven and earth aura is still clear. He also knows the refining of the fireball, which is used as a reference. Hua will completely learn the refining of the five elements of Huangfu as for those skills. After Xiaohua will refine the five elements of Huangfu, he will abandon the pen and use the ten fingers to try it again. It is easy to refine and succeed. Hua’s understanding, this five-star renju is a gimmick. In fact, the method of writing with the ban is the same thing, but in the refining process, only the last force of the five elements of Huang Fu is slightly stagnation. The yellow characters of the gram are also drawn in the air. These runes are floating in the air, just waiting for his usage to break into the paper.

However, when Xiao Hua really used the five-star lianzhu method to completely refine the five elements of Huang Fu, his disdainful gimmick gave him an unexpected joy. Because of the five elements of the five-star lacquer refining, the aura of the heavens and the earth is very uniform, and the quality of the five yellow characters is exactly the same.

That is to say, Xiao Hua is of course only the middle product, and the wooden character is also a middle product. However, under the leadership of his best fireball, all the five elements of Huang Fu have reached the realm of the top grade.

"Hey~ Xiaoye is still a small person." Xiao Hua saw that he had refining the lower-level five elements of Huangfu to the top grade, and suddenly realized that the refining method of the five elements of Huangfu is rare. Compared with the five-star lianzhu technique, it is not worth mentioning because the five-star lianzhu method can overcome the problem of the physique of the clerk, and divide the quality of the yellow qi, which is best at the clerk, into other huangfuzhong. In the low-order Huang Fu may not be conspicuous, but if you use the five-star lianzhu method to refine the high-order five-line yellow charm? Even... the five elements of the charm? That’s a bad thing, no wonder Fujia’s owner, Fu Yun.

o I was surprised to see that I was able to use the five-star lianzhu.

"This is also a weird, self-revenge, and accidentally disguised the identity? So where does the limelight cover people's attention?" Xiaohua did not understand the manner of conformity.

However, Xiao Hua does not understand that it does not matter. In this month, the relationship with Fu, Fu and Fu is both clear and confusing. When the time comes, all three are very hardworking, and they have some tacit understanding. The same, different time to come, later, the number of times the three people come is a little different, Fu Xi and Fu Yi are still often come, and the number of Fu Yu is gradually less, but still come over.

In a dozen or more days, Fuxi came more and more, but Fuxi often came, and every time it was blushing, the eyes were full of sweetness.

"Hey, this is also the difference between the treatment of the younger brothers." When I came to Jinhuashan, Xiaohua, who was left out by the three divisions, often looked at the Fuxi flying, jumping into the courtyard, not knowing. Mo has a nose and a bitter smile, and every time these teachers come to visit, Xiao Hua is very interesting to avoid, or go to the static room, or go to other manufacturers to ask for advice.

Of course, Xiao Hua’s interest is also in line with the retribution, and occasionally when he refers to the ignition ball, he also refines some high-grade iron clothes and diamonds to Xiao Hua, even once after Fu Xi’s departure. It is unsuccessful to conform to the refining and taking off the sword in the quiet room. It also makes Xiao Hua open his eyes and remember the rune of the flying sword. He also gradually understands that it is consistent with these. The reason why the sergeant played the excitement was that with the guidance of these cheap masters, and the law of the rare Huang Fu refining system was told, how would the law of conformity not progress? That is to say, when Xiao Hua mastered the technique of five-star lianzhu, people also conformed to the realm of the five elements of Huang Fu refining to the top grade.

On this day, Fu Wei came again. Xiao Hua just shunned out and wanted to find the teacher who was next to him. He could see the disciple of Chaotiange, Fushan face sèyin.

"Xiao Hua, you are not in the static room, run out of what?" When I saw Xiao Hua, Fu Shan was drinking.

Xiao Hua’s brows on his face are slightly wrinkled. He has been getting along with the left-handed clerk in this month. He has already understood the position of the clerk in the Fu family. If it is not a high-ranking clerk, it’s not a low disciple. The attitude of Fushan is also common in Fujia.

"The work of the poor road has been completed today, and the fireballs required by Fujia are refining. Why do we have to be poor in the quiet room?" Xiaohua faintly distinguished.

Fushan sneer: "Hey, I know that you are the one who can't help you on the wall. Why can't you get the refining of Huang Fu? You can only refine the capital of the imprisonment. You will always be a clerk who does not enter the stream"

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