Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 256: track

Chapter 256 Tracking

"Now it has been three days, is it difficult to transfer the array or not to the people who go to the shallow language city?" Xiao Hua out of the inn, the secret said: "It is not a success, the young master has only spent money"

Thinking, Xiao Hua went to the central square of Yanyuan City []

"Hey, isn't this the storefront of Yudanmen? How does it look different?" Xiao Hua went to a shop where he frowned and thought about it. Then he looked around and walked in.

When Xiao Hua just walked to the door, there was a mortal-looking shop guy who was very clever and smiled and said: "Is this fairy long, still want to buy elixir?".

“Xian Dan?” Xiao Hua smiled lightly: “When can the Royal Danmen refine the elixir?”

The guy’s face was red, and some were overwhelmed. One hand pinched his own corner and screamed hard. Xiao Hua saw it and smiled. “You don’t want to say hello, or call a Yudanmen. The Taoist friends come over, otherwise the poor road says something, you are afraid that you can’t understand it."

"Yes, I know little, but at this time, the fairy in the store is not there for the time being, and only the small one is waiting for the fairy." The guy said this in one breath and only took a long breath.

"Oh? This way," Xiao Hua nodded and looked at some empty stores. He said: "The poor roads have been here since half a year ago. It seems that there are a lot of medicinal herbs. Why are they suddenly gone?"

"It’s good to know that Xian Chang knows that the small is also coming before the month. The specific situation is small, I don’t know.” The guy answered honestly.

"So, this shop... seems to have reopened just a month ago?" Xiao Hua tried.

The buddy thought for a moment and hesitated: "If you know what you are small, when you change the shopkeeper, the things of the princes are not the same as the small ones. The small ones don't dare to break."

Seeing nothing, Xiao Hua said: "Since there is no knowledge, the poor road will not stay much."

"Xianchang is slow, afraid that it will be another meal, the immortals will be able to come back, when the fairy grows again," the man lost his smile.

"Well," Xiao Hua responded and turned and went out.

Xiao Hua thought as he walked: "This Yudanmen has gained a lot of money at the auction meeting half a year ago. How could it suddenly disappear?"

"Hey, isn't it..." Xiao Hua suddenly had a layer of cold sweat on his vest: "Isn't it seen by Yan Yuancheng, or Yan Yanjiao and other big forces?"

At the bidding meeting, Xiao Hua was also a bit of a move, and he was not surprised.

Just thinking, not far from the Royal Dan shop, there is a tea pot, at this time the tea pot sits a lot of monks, some are sitting alone, in front of a cup of Ling tea, a plate of fruit, slow Slowly; some are a few monks together, while eating and eating the fruit.

"Miao Wei, this is an excellent place." Xiao Hua saw that there were also a few confused people in the tea pot, and they went in without hesitation.

I had a cup of so-called Yunxi tea, and there was a famous drunken fruit. Xiao Hua also sat alone in front of a table.

"Daoyou" asked a monk who was on the second floor of the refining to put Lingcha and Lingguo in front of Xiaohua. Xiaohua nodded and handed Lingshi over. Then, I picked up a drunken fruit and put it in the mouth. When the familiar taste came from the mouth, Xiao Hua suddenly thought of Xue Xue, the beautiful woman who tasted the drunken fruit in front of her face.

"Listen to the monk of the undercover Lingjia, Xue Xue seems to want to worship a famous martial art martial art, and I don't know which martial art. It is very easy for the disciples of their comprehension family to worship the martial art. Maybe this Xue Xue It’s the same as the 浔 雁 教, even if it’s not arranged well, it’s similar to the cloud of Xu Yan’s family. It’s often said that all the monks in the world are fair in front of the heavens, but where is fair? When I tried my best, I couldn’t find a comprehension that I could worship."

Thinking, Xiao Hua sighed, took a sip of Lingcha, and took a hand, in exchange for the buddy just now, and asked: "The Taoist friend invited, the poor road wants to ask, the shop opposite the samovar is the dandanmen shop. Isn't it a substitution? The poor road bought the marrow-washing Dan in the shop half a year ago. Why is there only one mortal welcoming guest today?"

"Oh, the friend of the road has a heart." The guy lost his smile, look around, whispered: "The Taoist friends don't know, that Yudanmen... seems to have offended what a prestigious martial art, overnight. The city guard of Yan Yuancheng rushed out of Yan Yuancheng as to what sects had been offended. For what, the poor road could not know."

"Hey? Is there such a thing? Royal Danmen opened a shop in Yanyuan City, isn't it protected by Yan Yuancheng?" Xiao Hua pretend to be a stranger.

"That also depends on the estimation of the poor road. This Yudanmen is afraid that Yan Yancheng will also offend it." The guy once again looked around and lowered his voice: "Daoyou may not know, half a year ago in Yanyuan City. At the auction meeting, there was something very rare."

"What?" Xiao Hua asked "surprised".

"One is that there is a martial art that has produced a lot of medicinal herbs that can increase mana, and the other is that there is a whole set of refining period exercises."

"Strange, strange, which martial art is this, which martial art got this practice?" Xiao Hua asked.

"Hey, what about you? Naturally..." The man took a look at the Yudanmen shop.

"It is Yudanmen that sells the medicinal herbs. It is understandable. It is difficult to achieve... Is the martial arts method also obtained from Yudanmen?" Xiaohua asked lowly.

"If the Taoist friend finds the practice, who does it feel like?" The buddy dismissed: "Who can do so well in addition to Yudanmen?"

"Hey, man, give the old man a cup of spiritual tea," a voice called, and the guy took a cry from Xiaohua.

"Oh, I can't think of it... Yudanmen actually suffered for Xiaoye." Xiaohua smiled. It was the tea bowl that was picked up and ready to drink tea. When she touched her lips in the tea bowl, Xiao Hua suddenly stopped.

"The voice just now?" Xiao Hua suddenly awake in his heart, this voice is not in Yunxiaoze, with the old man who is in line with the speech?

Xiao Hua thought, he would turn back, but he just stopped half of it and stopped. He smiled and said: "Who is he who he is? The revenge that meets has nothing to do with me."

Later, Xiao Hua quietly drank tea, and after nearly a meal, the monks in the samovar became more and more, there were refining periods, and there were several early foundations. Many monks were passing on. The voice talks, and the more is the loud voice. Xiao Hua listens clearly at the side, and does not feel a smile in his heart: "This is a good place to inquire about the news."

Just thinking, a monk stood up from the seat and went straight outside.

"Daoyou, where is the rice garden in Yanyuan City?" The monk walked to the door and asked very casually. Xiao Hua slightly looked up, this monk is in line with the speech, at this time Xiao Hua see clearly, is a short stature, gray hair, a bit of a bitter face on the face of the six-layer old man

“Good Taoist friends know that the rice garden is not in Yanyuan City, and the Taoist friends walked along the street to the west. They went out from the west gate of Yanyuan City, and then they went for a dozen miles.” The guy smiled and added: “The rice garden is the beauty of my beauty in Yanyuan City. However, the season is not right. All the trees in the road are flowers and flowers. The friends are gone, but they are disappointed.”

The old man gave a slight glimpse, and he smiled jokingly: "No... the old man does not often come to Yanyuan City. Since he is here, let’s go and see, there is always an impression."

Said, the old man lifted his legs and went to the west of the city.

Xiao Hua sat quietly, but there were some waves in the heart. In Jinhua Mountain, Ming and Ye Xuguang’s words were ringing in their ears. After a while, Xiao Hua grew up and said: “But it’s gone. The heart of the victim is indispensable, and the heart of the person is indispensable. The old man has a conspiracy with the match, and the match is that he knows that the young man has actually seen him in Jingbocheng. The little man went to see if there is nothing better. If there is anything that is not good for Xiaoye... then Xiaoye can’t sit still or not?”

Xiao Hua had a tea sorrow, and he went forward without waiting for it. After waiting for Yan Yuancheng, Xiao Hua took a shot and was about to take out the earthy charm. He suddenly smiled and said: "What kind of earthy character is used by Xiaoye? Isn't the ready-made bandit technique used?"

Afterwards, the whole body was immersed in the ground and disappeared quickly.

In the west of Yanyuan City, there is a large piece of bare jungle. This jungle is different from the usual woods. It is not a common tree in the forest, but a rice garden with a thick thumb. This rice garden has a high height, often Several rice garden trees grow together. There are many branches of rice garden trees, all of which are stretched into the air. If it is the season, the fire of the rice garden flowers on the rice garden is like a burning flame. It is very beautiful. Now, the rice garden flower has long withered, and there is nothing left. Only the grass that grows in the rice garden swings in the breeze and follows the breeze in the rice garden. The aroma of the rice garden wood unique to the rice garden. , a faint dispersion around the rice garden.

At this time, on the east side of the rice garden, the old man holds the yellow character in his hand, and his eyes are constantly swimming around. It seems very vigilant. "Hey, hey," the sound of the birds screams, and the silence is slight. The rice garden is very abrupt, but the old man listens, likes the brow, and looks up through the body, the upper body is exposed from the lush branches.

Sure enough, in the source of the bird's call, the match is also revealing half of the head is looking around. Seeing the old man is also happy, then look around and slowly fly over.

"Xiangshu" meets the recent visit, and still pays tribute to the bridegroom, and Xiang Shu also smiled and helped, and asked: "Little Master, this trip to Jinhuashan, can it be smooth?"

In line with getting up straight, there is no urgent answer, but a careful look around.

"Oh, the young master is really grown up." Xiang Shu is very pleased: "This old slave has been inspected for a long time, and there is no trace of humanity."

But in the voice of Xiang Shu, just a few feet away, a few rice garden trees, Xiao Hua’s half-brained head is exposed.

Chapter 256 Tracking

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