Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 281: Seedlings

The Yanyan Mountain, which is taught by Yan Yan, has a towering mountain and is surrounded by mountains. There are countless exotic flowers on this mountain, and all kinds of rare birds and beasts walk leisurely between the mountains. Many clouds are like brocade. Many places in the mountains are covered, endless hustle and bustle, and occasional flying cranes are moving here. Let the mountain be like a fairyland.

This mountain is the main peak of Yan Yanjiao, Jin Yanling!

Under the cover of Xiangyun, there are many majestic palaces all over the mountains. At the highest point, it is also the place where Xiangyun is extremely strong. There is a magnificent palace, which is the Yanling Palace of Yanyan. !

At this time, the Yingtai fairy on the high platform in Yanling Palace was like ice, sitting in a gorgeous warm jade chair, eyes as electricity, cold and cold looking at the high platform. Under the high platform, there were more than a dozen monks sitting down and watching the nose and nose, all seemingly retreating.

"Elite Xuan, Leizhu's thing ... or no eyebrows?" Ying Zhuo fairy looked at the stage for a long time, sighed, coldly asked.

A young man with a thin face, a monk who was trained in the mid-Yuan Ying, raised his face slightly and moved his body. He said, "The good teacher knows... Lei Fang’s things, I know that the geese are late. Shang Huazong robbed the first, but... but was taken over by Yu Leizong’s dry fire..."

"These heads are all known. Two years have passed. What about the green fire? Is it true? The head does not ask if the head does not care about this matter!" Ying Zhuo fairy sneered: "Ray-Ban What is it, do you not know? If it is obtained by Yu Leizong, is it afraid that there will be some twists and turns?"

"Oh!" Essence Elders lost his smile: "There is a natural understanding of the genus, otherwise I don't have to intervene in the sacred religion! Just... the green fire has no news, and the Leizhu is still missing. On that day, there is The monk saw a squad called Xiao Hua who had encountered a dry fire. However, this Xiao Hua suddenly disappeared mysteriously in the pursuit of my three teachings. I must have taken this Leizhu away from this Xiaohua. It!"

"The problem is that Yu Leizong is now opening the door to start collecting people. Thinking of this is to take advantage of this opportunity to escape the joint blockade of my three factions and want to let this Xiaohua go up the mountain. This also means that it is not the imperial to pick up Xiaohua. Lei Zong’s disciple! Then... who is it?”

"And today is the last day that Yu Leizong received his disciples up the mountain. According to the fact that I sent those disciples who were in the Lemo Mountain Range, they did not find that the Sanshan went up. Oh, I am afraid that it is Yu Leizong... It!"

"Yu Lei Zongbai is busy. We are not busy with the three factions?" Ying Zhuo fairy sneered: "A few of the founding disciples, even a refinement of the refining can not be caught, let the seat how to say You! It’s not like a generation!”

There was no movement on the face of Elder Xuan, and he said: "According to the information, this Xiaohua is also estimated to be a trick of the green fire. How can he hand such a rare Thunderbolt to a refinery? It’s said that it’s been seriously injured in the hands of Shang Huazong’s disciples. If it’s not a retreat in a certain place, it’s a way to get rid of it, and you don’t know if the royal spirit of Yu Leizong’s life is already damaged!"

"If this is the case, then it is still more people to stare at this thing, but only two years of work, if the green fire is healing, how can it be ten years and eight years, this Ray-Pearl can not let him smoothly bring the Lei Fengfeng !"

"Yes, I am obeying the order!" said the elders of Yi Xuan.

"Yi Xuan real people have said, Elder Jie Qiong, what happened to you over there?" Ying Zhuo fairy turned and asked.

A young and beautiful woman next to Elder Xuan was slightly stunned and said: "I don't know what the head is talking about?"

"Hmm?" Ying Zhuo fairy brows slightly wrinkled. Not pleasing to the road: "Jie Qiong Xianzi, cultivation is of course important. But... the important customs in the martial art are also to be on the heart, otherwise... How can I teach geese in the tens of thousands of years without falling? ”

"Yes. Under the guidance of the subordinates!" Although Jie Qiong Xianzi did not agree, but also nodded: "For nearly a decade, I have been working on a kind of law, and now I am getting income, so I have less heart."

"Well, worth mentioning, this question is what is your ‘揠苗’ doing?” Ying Zhuo fairy sounded softly.

"Oh, the head is talking about that thing!" Jie Qiong fairy listened, and his face was disdainful. He said, "The seedlings are just an attempt, but the situation is not good!"

During the speech, Jie Qiong Fairy waved his sleeves, and in the middle of the air, a large mirror appeared out of thin air. Within the mirror, it was a cold cave! I saw a thick layer of ice in the cave. There are hundreds of huge ice thorns hanging down from the top of the cave. There are more than a dozen young monks of different ages on the ice. Sitting, the body keeps shaking, and the face is faintly flashing!

"Hey, the "Miao Miao" I sent ninety-nine disciples to participate, as early as the time when the fire marrow crystals into the meridians... that is, there are sixty-two disciples who are violently tempered by the fire Explosion...not only the meridians, but the whole ** is divided!"

"Isn't it... the fire crystals are too much?" Ying Zhuo fairy asked a slight frown.

"The head of the scorpion, the scorpion crystal has been divided into ninety-nine, it can not be divided!" Jie Qiong fairy replied: "And ... the subordinates believe that it is not in the temperament How much is the fire aura! The key is the aura in this scorpion scorpion... I am not the same as the fire aura that causes me to enter the body!"

"Well~" Ying Zhuo fairy looks faint, not okay.

Jie Qiong Xianzi ignored the reaction of Ying Zhuo Xianzi and said: "There is... the physical fitness of those disciples, or the meridians, the fire aura in the crystal of the fire is not reconcilable, the fire aura In the body, before they can operate the previously taught exercises, the meridians are cracked! And the ice aura within the cold hole... does not play any role at all!"

"That... what?" Ying Zhuo fairy put his eyes on the mirror.

"The remaining thirty-seven disciples, except for the three disciples on the left, the other thirty-four disciples are special! These disciples are headed to participate, subordinates... I don't know why they have nothing!"

"Hey? What are the strange things about the three disciples?" Ying Zhuo fairy is very small, very strange.

"The three disciples are Pan Hao, Feng Linbo and Xiao Mao. The first two were outstanding disciples of a certain sect of the sect before they invested in my sacred priests! Xiao Mao has nothing special, since childhood I am going to worship my geese, but I am not qualified. I signed up this time!"

"Well, the qualifications are not good!" Ying Zhuo fairy sneered: "It is not necessarily a bad qualification to cultivate unsatisfactory. This Xiao Mao can still come over when others are bursting and dying. How can you call the qualifications bad?"

"Yes! Under the subordinates understand!" Jie Qiong fairy nodded, and then opened his mouth slightly, and then stopped.

"Is there any problem?" Ying Zhuo fairy looked clearly and asked.

"Yes, my subordinates think... Ask, ask these 34 disciples brought by the head... Are they special?" Jie Qiong fairy answered.

"Oh, this seat does not answer you first! You also talk about how they differ from others!"

"The genius is ugly!" Jie Qiong Xianzi thought for a moment: "The thirty-four disciples ... seem to have traces of physical repair, but they are not physical repairs! Moreover, their meridians seem to have cultivated this door. Mystery is much wider than other disciples!"

"Well, Elder Jie Qiong said almost!" Looking at Jie Qiong Xianzi looking at his own eyes, Ying Zhuo fairy smiled: "Remember the Dragon Blood and Dragon Meat brought back five years ago?"

"It seems... some impressions!" Jie Qiong fairy looks blank.

Looking at the fuzzy look of Jie Qiong Xianzi, Ying Zhuo fairy smiled and laughed. "The 34 disciples are using the dragon blood to shape themselves and use the dragon meat to qi!"

“It’s like this!” Jie Qiong’s fairy said: “The head is far-sighted, far from being able to!”

Just saying, above the mirror, right in the hand, suddenly a disciple body lying on the ice, the limbs violently twitching, the face showed an extremely painful look~

"Not good! Fast..." Jie Qiong Xianzi saw it, and the road was not good. He would have a big sleeve for a while. Just want to have some action, he would hear the sound of "Peng". The whole body of the disciple is bursting open, flesh and blood. Turning into a blood mist is spreading around!

Right here, a dark red brilliance flashed, and the blood mist was blocked by this brilliance. Then the whole flower was light, and all the blood fog was collected, and it went underground and disappeared! There is no trace of blood left on the ground and around the crowd!

"This..." Ying Zhuo Xianzi just had some excitement, and the moment was destroyed by cold water, and some looked at the mirror in a daze.

"Hey, the subordinates believe that there is no shortcut to cultivation. You can only rely on your hard work and hard work to improve your cultivation. This is something that the seedlings encourage... I hope there is no hope! It is crystallized with fire. The secret law... fear is useless!"

The words of Jie Qiong Xianzi have not fallen, and in the mirror, one person has exploded and died!

Ying Zhuo Xianzi shook his head slightly and said: "At the beginning of the ancient times, there were no people who practiced the Tao between the heavens and the earth. They were all wild spirits. They were tyrannical and supernatural. And this sacred crystal is exactly their ** And the cost of the meridians!

"And... this is the secret method of crystallizing with fire, and this is a very reliable person, and it is useful!" Ying Zhuo fairy smiled: "This '揠苗' is still a seedling, and later... I am afraid that it will be used normally. Therefore, Elder Jie Qiong, but there are not some unnecessary things, delaying the development of my 浔雁教!"

"Hey? The head... What does this mean?" Jie Qiong is now yelling, asking.

"This thing... How do you say it? Jieqiong Fairy... Have you found the heaven and earth aura between the heavens and the earth.... It seems different from before?"


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