Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 288: Finally passed the first pass

“What? Scattered?” Yan Yeming was stunned at the time. Some accidents said: “This... how is this possible?”

Xiao Hua smiled bitterly: "The poor road is of course a loose repair, otherwise... how come you want to worship Yu Leizong?"

"How old is the friend?"

"Poor road... It’s about twenty-three years old!" Xiao Hua didn't dare to lie, according to the facts.

"Oh, that Xiaodaoyou is afraid to take any medicinal herbs in Yanyan?" Yan Yeming is not surprised. Look at Xiaohua’s smile: "Daoyou is good luck! The remedy in Yanyan is in the comprehension. The world is hard to find."

"Well... yes..." Xiaohua replied very vaguely, but his heart was a move. He said: "I said how my face is always the same. It turned out to be a remedy for Yan Yan! It seems that it is hard to find. Otherwise, the poor road should have been known for a long time!"

"Yan Yan's medicine?" Xue Xue's face is also envious of the color, some staring at Xiaohua's young face! No, youth is forever, that is the highest realm that no matter what Xianfan’s women are pursuing!

"Right, Xiao Daoyou just said... What kind of martial arts practice has been cultivated?" Yan Yeming asked: "Xiao Daoyou, in his identity as a scum, will be trained at the age of twenty-three to practice ten layers of refining. The summit of the mountain can be said to be a peerless wizard. The poor road is somewhat interested in the Taoist practice!"

"Fire the fire!" Xiao Hua smiled.

“Hot fire and burn the sky?” Yan Yeming thought for a moment, it was very strange: “The poor road... It seems that I have never heard of such a practice!”

"Good teaching and learning friends know. This is a superficial practice!" Xiao Hua said with a smile.

Yan Yeming’s eyes looked at Xiao Hua, and it seemed that he was thinking about the truth of Xiao Hua’s remarks, but the real thing was that he’s in the bottom of his heart.

No attributes! No five lines of attributes! ! What does it mean?

As the saying goes: Jump out of the three realms is not in the five elements! The happy fairy, the life and the heaven!

There is no five-line attribute, it is not the meaning of not in the five elements!

Of course, this Xiaoyu mainland's comprehension community has never heard of a monk without the attributes of the five elements. It does not mean that there are no legends without the five elements of the property!

No, it can't be said to be the same as the legend! Because the legends of the five elements are all stories of great supernatural powers and great masters. But there has never been a record of low-level monks! And the small scattered repairs in front of you, there are no attributes in the five elements, what can this explain? Perhaps it is the wizard of the monasticism, or it may be the waste of monasticism!

"Forget it, no matter what. This Xiaohua is also a strange person! My Royal Leizong is more reserved, even if it is a waste, I am afraid I have to stay on my Leifeng!" Yan Yeming made up his mind to see Look at the dozens of monks who want to come together. I waved: "The things here are not related to you. You wait and let go. Hurry and find a place to adjust your interest. The second test will begin soon! Recruiting a hundred disciples, although the number of places is ten times more than before, the real test is still behind!"

"Yes~" The monks around him have to recruit hundreds of disciples. There are surprises on the face. Where is the identity of Xiao Hua?

"Xiao Daoyou, please come with the poor road!" Yan Yeming smiled and put his hand on the side, indicating that Xiao Hua stood by his side, waiting for Xiao Hua to go over the words, and screaming at the eyes: "Hey brother, the disciple also passed. What?"

"Oh, against Ling Shimei. Your work has already been done, the brothers will report your affairs to the ancestors. You will go back with the other brothers of the Thunder Palace!" Yan Yeming explained the matter and waved. A flash of light with a slight thunder was played, and the two flashed a brilliance around them, and then a brilliant glow was shot from the nearest ball, and the two disappeared in place!

Xiao Hua only felt that when he opened his eyes and then opened his eyes, the figure appeared in the middle of a mountain peak. He saw the palace towers in front of him, and the various cloisters decorated with cloisters. Fog transpiration in the middle of the mountain...

"Oh... the real fairy school!" Xiao Hua looked at the eyes, and did not feel secretly praised in his heart.

Qi Yeming sent a message, and saw that the message path flew away from the palace. Yan Yeming smiled and said: "Xiao Daoyou...and come with the poor road!"

"But listen to your friends and tell you!" Xiao Hua said.

Later, Yan Yeming led Xiao Hua through several corridors, passing through a few clusters of exotic flowers and plants, and gradually entered the white mist!

The white mist of the silk was like a smoke, and it was pulled through Xiao Hua’s sight. The strange fragrance was scattered from the blossoming flowers on the ground. Xiao Hua’s ear actually remembered a melodious flute...

Xiao Hua’s eyes turned and looked at the steady footsteps of Yan Yeming. It seems that he turned a deaf ear to it. He knew that he was used to it. He did not feel that Xiao Hua was curious: “Who is this who plays the flute?”

"Ye Ming, is there anything?" The flute came to an abrupt end, and a clear voice came.

"Zhu Shizu, the disciple today presided over the first test of the selection of disciples, and found a monk without the attributes of the five elements!" Yan Yeming is very respectful and courtesy, saying concisely.

"There is no five-line attribute?" The voice also looked awkward, and asked unexpectedly: "Are you sure?"

"Of course, the disciple can be sure that the monk is holding the spirit in his hand, and the spirit has no reaction!" Yan Yeming said in a word: "And, the monk poured the mana into the spirit, and the spirit was actually supported. exploded!"

"How is it possible?" During the speech, a figure appeared in the white mist, standing straight outside the opening of Xiao Hua!

"Ah! Jindan period monk?" Although Xiao Hua was already prepared for the time when he was called the ancestors, but when he really saw the repair of the monk could not be detected, his heart was not suddenly! I had seen Jindan monk on the way to Jingbocheng. But after all, I just met and didn't face it, and Xiaohua didn't have any intuitive understanding of the Jindan period monks. It was ignorant. After three years of tempering, Xiao Hua saw the power of the peak of refining, and saw the greatness of the monk in the base period. The superintendent of the Jindan period monk, he only used the heel to think about it.

Without hesitation, Xiao Hua said to him: "The younger generation Xiao Hua has seen the predecessors!"

The monk was fifty years old, and his body was thin. The blue robe was very ordinary. The monk’s face was white and his eyes were slightly sad. Half of the long black hair on his head was white, and the white hair not only did not let the sword It’s eclipsed, but it adds a bit of charm! I saw the monk waving his hand and said faintly: "Well~" is a gift, and on the slender fingers, the pointed nails are divided into eye-catching!

"Hey~" Xiao Hua’s heart was awkward, and he had never seen a man’s nails so long!

"Ye Ming, give him the spirit!" said the monk.

"Yes, Shizu!" Yan Yeming did not dare to neglect, and quickly handed his own spirit to Xiao Hua.

Xiao Hua took over and looked at the unsettled spirit and looked at the Jindan monk.

"Sure enough?" Jin Dan's eyes flashed a strange look in the eyes, and then waved, without any dusty phase, Xiao Hua felt that the whole body is tight, the body's infuriating is blocked!

"Oh, this spirit is really not responding!" Jin Dan monk is also a wave of hands, Xiao Hua's body ban disappeared.

"You will also inject the mana into the spirit!" Jin Dan's tone is unquestionable.

"Yes, the younger generation..." Xiao Hua wants to remind him, but then he can stop his mouth and carefully pass a mana into the spirit! Sure enough, as it was just now, a sly purple color is flashing, and suddenly rushes to the top of the spirit, it is impossible for Xiao Hua to remove the mana!

Seeing that the spirit is going to burst, Xiao Hua’s holding in his hand is not to throw it, nor is it very embarrassing.

After all, it was a monk in the Jindan period. I saw that the people would put their hands on the side. Xiao Hua felt the volatility of a mana. A ban on flashlight was arranged around the spirit, and it seemed to have a kind of force, from Xiao Hua. The hand will take away the spirit.

Xiao Hua took the opportunity to loosen his hand, seeing the ban on the glory of the glory, and another Jian Ling was destroyed by Xiao Hua!

When Guanghua flashed, Jindan’s monk swept his eyes with the eyes of the inner spirit, and nodded slightly, and smashed his hand, forbidding the electric light to flash all the wreckage was turned into nothing!

"Zhuzu..." Yu Yeming saw this and reminded: "Is Xiaohua the first pass? The second level of today's selection of disciples is about to begin!"

"Crap!" The Jindan period monk smashed Ye Ming, and said: "Zhen Ling shows that Xiao Hua has no five elements, but this is a low-level instrument. The result is only for reference, not true. The identification of Xiao Hua is no attribute! But you have not seen it too? Xiao Hua's martial arts practice is very good, and the spirit can not determine the purity of its fire attributes! These monks can not pass the first pass test, difficult Isn’t it a disciple who only recruits Lei’s attributes?

"Yes, yes! The disciple understands!" Yan Yeming quickly responded.

"But... If there is no attribute, it seems that the practice of practicing the firepower should not be so pure?" The Jindan period monk waved: "I will record this matter, and you will choose a disciple!" ”

"Yes, the disciple knows!" Yan Yeming turned his head and said: "Xiao Hua, and come with the poor road!"

Xiao Hua’s thoughts turned sharply. It was just considering whether to inform the Jindan monk about the things of the beads. He took the monk and turned around, leaving the loneliness of the land, and his body gradually disappeared!

"Well, wait until you say it again!" Xiao Hua squatted, followed by Ye Yeming, who was back to the building. Yan Yeming took a shot and took out a number plate and handed it over: "Xiao Daoyou, this is your number. Card, please collect, do not earn income in the storage bag, the poor road is looking forward to the performance of the friend, early into my Royal Leizong!"

"Take a good friend to say goodbye!" Xiao Hua arched his hand, and with the 艮叶明掐动法, Xiao Hua returned to the thundering peak!


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