Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 290: Magic array

Looking at the crowd not far away, Xue Xue hesitated for a moment, sighed: "Forget it, the poor road will listen to you once! However, Xue Daoyou is responsible for the poor road!"

"What?" Xiao Hua yelled, "There is nothing else in this..."

This is very embarrassing. Xue Xue said that he immediately realized that he immediately awakened. "If it is dangerous, those monks will only manage their own safety. Who will manage the poor road? It is better to walk behind!"

"Well, Xue Daoyou understands, that's good!" Xiao Hua nodded, then looked at the near left, smart not only the two of them, they were around ten feet, and there were also dozens of monks or hands. Chest, or standing with hands, or hanging in the air, are cold and watching the crowd flying away.

"Xiao Daoyou... How do I wait?" Xue Xue also asked to whisper.

"See the machine!" Xiao Hua mysterious smile.

"Seeing the opportunity to act? Isn't this the same as saying nothing?" Xue Xue slammed his mouth, took a hand, took some yellow characters from the storage bag, handed it to Xiao Hua, and said: "I don't want to say it, don't say it. Made yourself very high!"

But what? When this is an export, Xue Xue has some regrets. It seems that he has not figured out that Xiao Hua is now a monk in the late tenth floor of refining. It is not a low-level monk who has seen the four layers of refining before. Can it be so big or not?

Fortunately, Xiao Hua didn't care, and didn't pay attention to Xue Xue's low-browed eyes. He looked at the yellow letters that came over and took out two words: "Fly signs, etc... don't need the poor road. You use it yourself. Let's go!"

"Ah?" Xue Xue micro-slip lips, my heart is a sharp turn: "Do not fly, isn't that just flying? Flying... Can you be a ten-layer refiner? Can you practice it? The disciples of the twelve-layered gas are afraid that they may not be able to master it? Xiao Hua, Xiao Hua, one of the scattered repairs, actually have such magical powers?"

I know, Xue Xue just thought so. Xiao Hua took out a few yellow characters from the storage bag and smiled: "There are few yellow characters in the poor road. There are a lot of flying characters, which is used for escape!"

"You..." Xue Xueyu laughed, but there was a disappointment in my heart! It seems that... Xiao Hua is supposed to be flying!

"Well, Xue Daoyou, the monks in front have disappeared. These are still dry, I will take a step first, and look at this Thunder Valley... What is the danger!" Xiao Hua will put a hand, flying character Hit the body, the figure fluttered and said.

Xue Xue also took the photo and nodded: "But listen to Xiao Daoyou!"

Said is also behind Xiao Hua.

The beautiful scenery of the Thunder Valley. Numerous flowers are planted on the ground, and numerous odd-shaped trees grow obliquely on either side of the valley. Even occasionally, a few streams flow out of the caves in the valley. Flowing down the slopes of the valley, you can only hear the sound of the water, and you can't see the end of the stream!

At this time, it has already been twilight, and Thunder Valley is the direction of things. There are countless clouds in the western sky that are like shredded cotton wool, which will spread the entire sky. The bleak sunset is blocked by thick clouds, and the clouds are in time. The dark red that passed through was not in the valley. It is filled with the night!

"It's a bit strange!" Xiao Hua is very careful about the scenery around, but in addition to being beautiful is beautiful. I haven't seen any sinister dangers, and I don't feel whispered: "Xue Daoyou. Are you sure that this is the trial of the high-ranking disciple of Yu Leizong?"

"Xue Daoyou?" Xiao Hua asked a few words, no one answered, and did not feel turning around and asked.

"Ah?" and other Xiaohua turned his head and saw no one behind him, and he did not feel the countdown!

"Just... just didn't follow you behind? How could you not see it?" Xiao Hua took a deep breath and calmed down, looking around!

However, there is only the wind behind him. Only the scenery that has just come, can you see the half silk Xue Xue?

"Xue Daoyou? Xue Daoyou??" Xiao Hua amplified the sound and shouted a few times, and turned and flew back to the back!

The stillness in the valley is still there, no one is seen, no see...

"Oh, not good!" Xiao Hua suddenly found out that the paragraph that he flew back seemed to be exactly the same as the one he saw when he flew forward!

"Bad, it won't be a magical array!" Xiao Hua immediately thought of what he encountered at Baizhangfeng!

Sure enough, when Xiao Hua turned around and flew forward, the scenery around him was the same as the scenery he had just turned around! Waiting for Xiao Hua to look up to the west again, the sunset has sunk, and the starry sky gradually began to reveal. "Oh, I am afraid..." Xiao Hua thought, and then turned to look at the other side of the valley, absolutely strange, that The starry sky in the valley is also a faint starlight!

"哼~" Xiao Hua sneered, and grew up, the mana was reminded, and the flying technique was displayed. The whole person was like a meteor, and the speed of the valley was flying fast...

According to Xiao Hua’s thoughts, when he was on the second floor of the refining air, he could break the foggy beast of Yulian Mountain by the speed of flight. If this is the magical array of Thunder Valley, it can also be quickly broken with flying. ?

It’s a pity that Xiao Hua flew very fast. When he saw that the scenery around him was a little confused, it seemed that when he was torn by Xiao Hua, the space around Xiao Hua would be alive. I don’t know why, the surrounding scenery is clear, just like Xiao Hua. There is no flying at all!

"Oh... this illusion of Thunder Valley is really powerful, it is the place where the refining peak monk trials!" Xiao Hua saw it, stopped, frowned and said: "No need to say, Xue Xue must also follow I am the same, oh, all the monks must have fallen into this illusion!"

"However, how to break this magical array?" Xiao Hua fluttered in the air, his hands clasped to his chest, frowning and thinking: "Magic array... Magic array..."

"Hey, why have you forgotten? Isn't Xiaoye still aware?" Xiaohua suddenly thought of releasing his own feelings immediately!

Sure enough, in Xiao Hua’s perception, although there is no prohibition, the outline of the Thunder Valley can be felt. So Xiao Hua slowed down the speed of the flight and slowly followed the direction of the thunderstorm in the perception. However, when he flew a few feet straight, he encountered a ban. In his perception, he flew half a foot forward. The figure of the front line was suddenly returned to the place, as if... What is the space for the ban!

"Oh, that's it!" Xiao Hua fell down and stepped forward. He saw the naked eye. In this step, he was walking down the ground. In his perception, this step was only shaking in the air and falling. In the same place!

"The place where the formation is found is! But how can we break the ban?" Xiao Hua only practiced the law of the system and the method of alchemy. The way of this law... still has no chance to contact!

Xiao Hua stood on the ground, frowned, and let out the perception. He touched his nose and walked back and forth. After waiting for a while, Xiao Hua found that this space was only about a hundred feet. Moreover, this prohibition also has the effect of isolating the mind. Even if Xiao Hua is a perception, it is blocked and cannot pass.

"Oh? It’s a strange thing! If it’s this magical array... That Xue Xueyan shouldn’t be in a distance with me, but... Why don’t I have four or so, just don’t know if I’m behind me?” Xiaohua’s puzzled: “ Besides, how many thousands of people are there? How?"

"Ha ha" Xiao Hua suddenly smiled, striding to the whereabouts of the ban, the release of the perception, with the feet kept going back there, one step, two steps ... every step back to the original place.

"Hey, is it wrong for me?" Xiao Hua scratched his head, but when he hesitated, he felt that his foot really went out!

"Ha ha ha! I will say it? This prohibition is definitely not spiritual, otherwise I will be with Xue Xue!" Xiao Hua laughed and released the feeling, and sure enough, within this hundred feet, Xue Xueyu If a headless fly is in general, flying around, the panic on the face is abnormal!

Xiao Hua will fly up and walk to Xue Xue, laughing: "Xue Daoyou..."

"Ah? Xiao Daoyou...you...what are you coming from?" Xue Xue said with a very pleasant surprise, but when she looked at the voice of Xiao Hua's voice, where was it actually a blank?

"Hey? What is going on here?" Xiao Hua will take back the perception. Sure enough, the position of Xue Xue is not seen!

"***, this magical array... It’s really amazing! I can meet and can’t see it!” Xiao Hua’s heart sighed and released the feeling. He thought about it and smiled: “Xue Daoyou, Mo Pan, poor road, this is Pulling you in the past!"

"Okay, good!" Xue Xue said in his mouth, a taste that could not be said in his heart.

However, when she felt that there were **** to hold her sleeves, there was no trace of disappointment.

"Xiao Daoyou... Can you see me?"

"Well, I can see a little vaguely!" Xiao Hua vaguely said: "This is a magical array, you go with the poor road!"

"Good!" Xue Xue answered, following the strength of Xiao Hua's pull slowly!

At this moment, the sound of the fireball bursting behind Xue Xue’s body shook the surrounding valleys. It is estimated that Xiaohua’s later monks also fell into the magic circle!

"Xiao Daoyou is going quickly. This magical array is forcibly broken by the force. However, if it can't be broken, its counterattack force is even worse. This is the trial of the high-level disciple of Yu Leizong. It is quite me. If you can't break it, you can't let other people break the good things I wait for!"

"***, this is just entering the valley! There is such a powerful fantasy array, but also people can not live?" Xiao Hua could not help but smashed out!

After listening to Xiao Hua’s words, Xue Xue’s heart moved, whispering: “Xiao Daoyou, front... can you see other monks?”

"It seems that there is no!" Xiao Hua seems to think of something...


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