Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 295: Magical array

"I...when did I say anything else?" Xiao Hua smiled on the face behind Xue Xue and said, "I only said that if you are unhealed, take a rest. Since you have healed, nature. Can go forward together!"

"哼~" Xue Xue snorted, his body continued to fly.

"This person..." Xiao Hua said, a reminder of the mana is also keeping up, followed by Xue Xue and entered the valley!

Just after Xiao Hua entered, a slightly innocent voice was uploaded from the Thunder Boat: "They are friends. This is the last level of the selection of disciples. All the friends must enter, if it is in a moment. There is no entry inside, that is, the automatic abandonment of the selection will be transmitted to the thunderstorm!"

"Ah?" The remaining hundred monks were shocked when they heard it. They immediately climbed from the ground and did not dare to delay. One after another entered the Taniguchi!

When all the monks entered, they saw a brilliance similar to the previous one on the thunder boat. When the brilliance shined into the valley where everyone entered, the whole valley swayed and then rumbling, like The mountain shakes in general! Then, the thunderous boat slipped, but it disappeared into the night.

And said Xiao Hua, who entered the valley behind Xue Xue, but at the moment he entered, several different scenery swayed in front of him. Xiao Hua only felt that there was a flower in front of him, standing on a mountain! There is only a mountain in the mountains, where is the trace of Xue Xue?

"Ah? Fantasy?" Xiao Hua was shocked. He couldn’t think of it after passing the Magic Array. There is another magical array in this Thunder Valley! What makes Xiao Hua even more uneasy is that when he releases his mind and wants to find the reality after the illusion as before, he realizes that his perception is exactly the same as his naked eyes... exactly the same!

"This..." Xiao Hua thought about it, knowing that Guanghua was shot by the thunder boat. It is this illusion that is inspired, and this illusion is the real illusion of Thunder Valley. Absolutely not a refining tenth of his monks can see through!

"Xue Xue..." Xiao Hua thought for a moment and shouted.

The echoes echoed from the valley below the mountain, and no one responded!

"This illusion is afraid of a lot of parts. I didn't come in with Xue Xue. It must be divided into different areas. Well. Even if I come in together, I am afraid that it will be separated!" Xiao Hua realized Then, a urging force, flying, flying high into the air, looking up at the endless look of the lush green. The dark channel: "How can this magical array be broken?"

Just as I was thinking, the whole world began to violently oscillate. The figure that Xiao Hua stood was almost impossible to balance, and I still waited for Xiao Hua to fly from the cliff. The mountain range under his feet began to rise to the heights!

Look around, and there are also towering mountains rising from the ground. The surrounding mountains, the former lush forests rise with the mountains, some fall into the ground, a strand of The spring water poured out and formed a lake. Some of them are directly squeezed by the mountain to disappear the mud!

Xiao Hua was shocked, although he knew that it was a magical array. But I still can't help but be shocked by what happened in front of me!

"I don't know...what kind of realm can I cultivate, I can have such magical powers that I have lost my mind!" Xiao Hua is hot. Suddenly, I thought of the black spots, the light, and the evolution of the ground fire and thunder that I saw when I was in a coma. I didn’t feel the ripples in my heart: "This magical power that has moved to the sea has been so terrible. Feng Lei is afraid of the magical power of the Qiankun, and that... what is it... majestic!!!"

Xiao Hua’s chest couldn’t help but raise a kind of arrogance. The mouth was a long shout, and the sound of the “bang” sound could not suppress the sound of the shout. “Ha ha ha~Little boy wants to see, small When I was a man, I could make a difference in my life and change my mind!" Xiao Hua’s voice just fell, and “呜~” screamed loudly. From Xiaohua’s body, the newly rising mountain was suddenly divided into two halves, a hot place. The fire magma spurted out of the mountains and rushed straight to Xiao Hua’s body!

"Well come!" Xiao Hua shouted, the mana spurred, his body flashed slightly, and the fire was unfolding, his feet fell on the magma, and the whole body moved with the magma. It’s like a foot fire!

"You are friends!" Just as Xiao Hua stood on the magma, he walked forward with a dripping, a voice came, and as the sound of the sound started, the vibration between the whole world suddenly stopped. Xiao Hua The magma under the foot is also rapidly cooled and turned into a red rock!

"This is the magical array of the 12-layer disciple of my Royal Leizong refining! It is also the third pass that all the Taoist friends want to pass!" The voice is like a scorpio, and it sounds throughout the heavens and the earth.

"The 1,218 Taoist friends who participated in the selection of Tuen Mun disciples are now scattered in this magical array. There are absolutely no other monks within ten miles of each Taoist friend! Because this trick is to recruit 100 people. Disciples, it is the reason, this is going to eliminate 1,118 Taoist friends. From now on, no matter what means, as long as the number plate of the Taoist friend is taken away by others, the friend of the Tao will be Eliminate. Which of the Taoist friends has accumulated more number plates, the higher the rankings, the more the first time in the early morning sunrise, the Tuen Mun will open the magic array, according to the number of number plates, the top 100 friends Be a disciple of my Royal Leizong!"

After the sound is finished, the whole world is silent, there is no trace of noise!

Xiao Hua did not dare to care about it. He quickly released his feelings. Sure enough, he did not see any traces of monks around him!

"This rule is interesting!" Xiao Hua squinted and looked at the mountain that had just stood in the distance. He thought: "Small master thought that the last thing to fight is more than a hundred, who would like to be here." The last disciple is selected within the array! And... according to the tokens obtained, the 1,118 monks are eliminated. If you want to enter the 100, you must get at least twelve plates, then... To eliminate twelve monks!"

"Oh, it seems that there are a lot of monks in the middle of the refining gas that I just saw on the open space! It should be easy for Xiaoye to make up for twelve tokens!" Xiaohua smiled, his figure flew up, and he saw it. At a time, feel free to fly in one direction!

However, at this time, the left side of Xiaohua is not too close, a very splendid fireworks fly in the air, not long after, and then, in the distance or near, but also a dozen similar things are also Fly up.

“Hey? What is this?” Xiao Hua is quite puzzled. He said: “There are no hurry to hide, these people...”

"Oh, understand!" Xiao Hua suddenly realized: "This is the dozens of refining eleventh-level monks! They... They are greeting the Taoist friends who have just agreed together?"

"But... the number plate is limited. Those monks... dare to meet?" Xiao Hua was puzzled, then shook his head: "What do you do with the tube? Xiaoye first has enough 12 number plates to say Let's go!"

Thinking, Xiao Hua speeded up the speed, and sure enough, just flew for a moment, a seven-layer refining monk broke into the perception of Xiao Hua! The monk’s red robe is really conspicuous.

The red robe monk seems to be fleeing, and he looks back from time to time. When he finds Xiao Hua, he is already in the eyes of Xiao Hua.

"Ah~" When the red robe monk saw the repair of the tenth floor of Xiao Hua's refining, he almost screamed out and quickly changed his direction! It is a pity that he could fly through Xiaohua before he turned his direction. Xiaohua was laughing in front of him: "This friend..."

The sound of "啪" is crisp, and the red robe monk does not wait for Xiao Hua to finish. The sword in his hand is reminded to turn into a flying sword of more than a foot long. It is straight to the chest of Xiao Hua!

"哼~" Xiaohua brows slightly wrinkled, seeing Feijian flying to the chest with incomparable speed, there is no thought of dodging, just simply put the right hand in one fell swoop, toward the flying sword is to shoot!

"Hey?" The red robe monk yelled, according to his thoughts, although Xiao Hua was a refining ten-layer repair, he had to deal with this flying sword, and he also took out the high-order Huang Fu, how could he be bare-handed? Take the flying sword?

"The ten layers of refining! It is really a high-level repair!" Xiao Hua, the opposite face, is still indifferent, and my heart is still stunned: "Only when you have cultivated, you can know that the people of the day faced me with this four-layer refinement. When repairing the time, people look like they are dismissive! When Fu Fu’s Fu Lan faced Xiao Ye, it was such a breeze. The gap in this realm is really... huge!”

Xiao Hua sensation while urging the mana, the palm of his hand is displayed, and the half-foot-long thunder flashes out of the air sword in the air!

"咔嚓" sounded, the flying sword was done with the glass, immediately crushed by the palm of your hand, and then turned into a few broken pieces of paper flying in the air!

This high-order flying sword symbol, which used to look very powerful in Xiao Hua’s eyes, is now in the wave of Xiao Hua’s understatement...

"Ah!!!" The red robe monk is even more chilly, and he will take a shot, and a stack of fireballs will be taken out, wanting to sprinkle!

"Daoyou, poor road, as long as your number plate, do not want to take your life. If you are so recalcitrant, don't blame the poor road!" Xiaohua's cold voice sounded in the ears of the monk!

When the red robe monk heard it, his face showed a slight ease, whispered: "Do you really want this?"

"Hey, you love or believe it, the poor road is too lazy to explain to you!" Xiao Hua stood in midair, turned to look at the monk's place, said: "The time of the poor road is limited, only six times, if the Taoist friends do not Put the number plate on the ground and leave on your own, that's the poor road..."

"Yes, yes!" The red robe monk saw Xiao Hua angry, did not dare to scorn, took a hand, took a number plate from the storage bag, put it on the ground, said: "The poor road will be placed here, I also hope that my friends will talk and count!"

"Go..." Xiao Hua looked at the number plate on the ground and waved.

But when Xiao Hua waved his hand, one hand suddenly protruded from the ground, and the probe was to hold the card in his hand...


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