Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 298: Xiao Hua has some thoughts.

"Repairing the family... It is really unfathomable!" Although Xiao Hua looked at the roaring monster gradually disappearing, but his heart has long been like a river: "Don't say that there is a means to be in the refining period." Drive the instrument, not to mention the complete method of teaching the disciples, just say this monster, what 觅 符, what kind of dementor bell and other weird means, you can not make people stunned! Well, the mirror of the city of Zhu Home, perhaps it was the wind that was too much in the past, and it was able to incite the cultivation of the martial art. This was the innocent disaster, and people were planted with curses!"

Thinking of this, Xiao Hua feels that his hand is holding his chin, and some think far!

In the past two years, Xiao Hua’s painstaking cultivation has also brought out the exercises that he can cultivate. The Zhu’s book is basically finished, and the records in it are all followed. Now the Xigong’s practice of the realm of the realm of the country is not the same. It’s not the same as the soul and the spell. It’s not the same as the mantra that Xiaohua got the filial piety. The Xiaohua looks at it. Understand, more or more confused! Of course, there is no detailed spell in the book. It is only that the spell is the magical power left by Taikoo. There is a weird written record, nothing more! Then, it is the whole story about the unsuccessful breaking of the Zhu family. Of course, from the only content of this, Xiao Hua feels that these things have great use, but where they can be used and how to use them, Xiao Hua has no clue.

"Maybe... wait until you learn the spell, and then you can find the secret of this book, you can find the reason!" Xiao Hua patted the brain. Quite a smile for my own thoughts.

At this time, Xiao Hua has won twenty-six number plates, plus his own, that is twenty-seven number plates, more than double the number of his previous estimate of the number plate, this harvest in this time Yu Leizong’s disciples have been more than enough, and Xiao Hua does not want to introduce too much attention. It will also fall down on the red rock. Prepare to wait for the arrival of the early morning!

However, Xiao Hua just sat down and suddenly felt that it was wrong. "Hey, how do I forget Xue Xue?" It is a sloppy look that Xue Xue just entered the Magic Array. Xiao Hua did not think of the beautiful and beautiful eyes of Hongxia Fairy! Well, in front of Cai Hongfeng, Hongxia Fairy decided to prepare for Xiaohua’s heroic style!

"Maybe... she... has already entered the 浣花派? This two years, her repair is definitely a breakthrough, um, when it is refining eleventh!" Think of it. Xiao Hua seems to be full of pride in his heart. He can no longer sit down and stand up with his hand. He laughs and says: "***. The poor road is also the tenth layer of refining! From today, it is no longer what you are... Hey, White swan... can you eat the poor meat?"

At this moment, Xiao Hua seems to have changed another person, and the face once again brought out a trace of laziness and self-confidence, and even the point in the eyes, which is far worse than the previous Xiao Hua’s serious look. A different kind of temperament. Let Xue Xue plant in the heart of an instant... Love!

This... can be more lethal than any little white face!

"Attendant, double repair; double repair. Acolyte..." Xiao Hua's heart did not know how to suddenly think of the fairy door in Xue Xuekou, the shadow of Xue Xue and the face of Hongxia fairy appeared in his mind!

"Hey. Isn't this a myth?" Xiao Hua quickly took the photo and said: "Xue Xue doesn't know, I thought I was restored within two years, but I can really do it. The layer has been cultivated to the tenth floor of the refining gas. There is no bottleneck and sluggishness in the middle. This is the devil's saying... I still have to pay attention to it!"

"Well, let's not say anything, or go find Xue Xue, always come with others, don't... hurt the hearts of others!" Xiao Hua urged the mana, flying and showing it, just flying In the upper half of the sky, the two gods read each other in no particular order. They all swept them from the direction of his left hand. When they saw Xiao Hua, they immediately locked it tightly!

"Hey, I really don't want to die!" Xiao Hua also swept away, and immediately understood that this is also a two-decker monk on the eleventh floor. There are dozens of monks around the nine or ten layers around the two. Follow, although Xiao Hua’s thoughts can’t be seen clearly, it’s easy to see the repairs of everyone!

These two people are obviously prepared, and the minds have just been locked. The two men took out two different yellow characters, and the blood in the mouth was sprayed on their own body, a rather weird wave. Born from the blood of the two, I saw that the meridians were stimulated, so the mana of the two suddenly rose, more than 30% higher than before!

"Weird!" Xiao Hua perceives, suddenly thinking of the secrets of the self-cultivation family that he still remembered, and he does not feel that the dark road is not good. He is not afraid of refining the eleventh-level monk, but the problem is that this is two refining ten. On the first floor, there are also esoteric instruments. Look, one is a braided one, and the other is a small tower. They are all under the force of two people, with different light, along the gods. It is to fly to Xiaohua.

Moreover, the monks around the dozens of refining ninth and tenth-level monks are also like the hungry wolves who see the little sheep. All kinds of hands are swaying the yellow characters, and they are flying the flying bees. These are not Xiao. China is willing to fight!

"Hey, isn't it more than 20 number plates? Xiaoye lets you watch, that is, you can't eat it!" Xiao Hua snorted, and the law was smashed, and the figure went underground! In the face of the four foundation-based monks, Xiao Hua can easily escape. At this time, facing the eleventh-level monk, Xiao Hua has no burden at all!

"Yuan Daoyou, this is a singularity!" A monk with a baby face, with a baby face in his hand, drove the little cockroach, and screamed with some horror.

"Hey, hey, friends, poor roads, not one step ahead!" Another square face, it seems that some gentle monks drove the small tower, took a hand and took out a clay track from the storage bag. : "There are just a few earthy symbols on the poor road!"

"Yuandaoyou is slow!" The sorrowful friend said with a frown: "Listen to the words of the Taoist friends, this is a bit of a supernatural power, and the lotus goddess Jiang Mingzhen and Guangxian Wang Qiming are eliminated by this. I will not be able to join hands. Be careful and be careful!"

"This..." The Yuandao friend was slightly stunned, and he took a handful shot. He took out a squatting character and threw it to the buddy friend. He said, "Hey, you are a poor friend, and you are a poor person." brand……"

"Haha, no!" Yuandaoyou took a handful, and the earthen cockroaches flew back to the side of the Taoist friend. Yuandaoyou turned his head and said: "Which Taoist friends have extra earthworms, the first one is poor. Which number is the number plate!"

"The poor road has!" Yuandaoyou’s voice just fell, a monk took out a few earthworms from the storage bag and handed it over. This monk just followed the one next to the lotus ring Mingjiang Minghao!

"Well, Fan Daoyou, if the poor road has a number plate, your two must not run!" Yuan Daoyou was overjoyed, reached out and grabbed his hand, then took a hand and then pointed it with his hand. In the hands of Yuan Daoyou, he looked at the Taoist friend and smiled. "I will wait for this?"

"Hey, please!" The Taoist friend also took the small tower, and the two men swayed and chased them from different places!

"How do I wait for myself?" Fan Daoyou still had some earthy symbols in his hand, asked loudly.

"If you want to come, come over! Who can make a contribution? Who can get more! This is more than 20 number plates!" Xiaodao Youlang smiled, the figure has fallen into the soil!

However, Fan Daoyou and other monks, you see me, I see you, no one dares to fly away. After all, there are not many monks with a terracotta warrior, less than 40%, let these monks team up and sneak into the ground to chase one Can destroy the monks who repaired the eleventh layer of refining, and then give them ten courage, they are not willing!

"I will wait... I will wait here. If Yuandaoyou and Shudaoyou can succeed, I will wait... I also have some rain and dew. If it is not, I will wait for another way!" Fan Daoyou hesitated and whispered. .

"Any other way?" When everyone listened, they were all in one heart, look around, and quickly flew to somewhere else!

What else can I do? In order to protect themselves, all the people first sought the shelter of the 11th floor of the refining monk. Then these group of monks helped the free monks in the 11th floor of the refining monk, and the killing was of course more , OK... After all, it is still limited. The number plate of the eleventh layer of refining monks is all together. They are still in their hands. At the end, there are no monks who can kill them. They can only kill each other! For example, this Fan Daoyou, if not to take out the news of Xiao Hua, his number is afraid that he has been stolen by others already?

Everyone is on alert, holding a yellow character in his hand, not only looking at the other side, but also staring at the ground, waiting for the summons of two refining eleven layers of monks.

At this time, the environment is still clear, and there is a slight whitishness in the sky. It is a precursor to dawn. If it is not unexpected, after a meal, the squid will appear. This time, the selection of Yu Leizong’s disciples will be End……

Seeing that everyone has some worries in their hearts, some people with active minds have other ideas, but at this time, suddenly, from the land under the feet of everyone, a black brilliance is drilled out, and it’s lightning-fast. It was the foot of Fan Daoyou, and Fan Daoyou had no time to react. The iron plaque on his body was punctured, and the brilliance of the brilliance was flashing. Fan Daoyou had only had a horror on his face. It started to sway and gradually disappeared!

"啪" a number plate appeared in the air while Fan Daoyou disappeared!

"Ha ha ~" A fat big monk from Fan Daoyou has already buckled some yellow characters in his hands. When he saw the number plate appearing, he grinned and shook his hand, and the monks around him were forced to retreat. A few steps, the explorer will grab the number plate!

However, his hand just touched the number plate, and a cold voice sounded in his ear: "Do you dare to do something about Xiaoye?"


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