Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 304: Finally apprentice

"Yes? Twenty-five years old? Refining the tenth layer late? Who... Which??" After listening to the roots, there was helplessness. Some of them couldn’t sit still, and they would jump out and look at the high platform. At this time, under the high platform, several people on the eleventh floor of the refining gas have long been picking away. The rest is not the ten layers of refining or the nine layers of refining, and the faces look young. Besides, in the realm of comprehension, who May look at the age of the surface?

And Xiao Hua’s obvious refining ten-layer repairs, the obvious 18-year-old slightly childish face, let some knowledgeable monks look at the food in the past, but they will not see him in the eyes. of! That is, the 18-year-old refining ten-story monk was a high-ranking monk under the door of others. How could he come to Yu Leizong to worship again?

"You?" Helplessly set his sights on Xiaohua's distance. He is a disciple of a certain age and cultivation, and Xiao Hua is not slow. Hearing that he is calling himself, he will immediately step forward, but others will be helpless. The action is faster, and I have not waited for Xiao Hua to jump out.

"Xiao Hua, a disciple, has seen his predecessors!" Xiao Hua stepped forward and took a gift.

"You?" Helpless to see Xiao Hua blinking, asked: "Do you confirm that the age is twenty-five?"

Xiao Hua is dumb. When he told the founding monks who tested the bone age, he said that he was twenty-three years old. It was three years of his own in Huanghualing and two years of retreat. He actually turned himself away. In those two years, I have forgotten everything, and it is no wonder that the monks said that he lied!

"Yes, the disciple is indeed twenty-five years old!" Xiao Hua respectfully answered.

"You look so young. Are you afraid of taking the spiritual grass in the face?" There was a slight disgust in the face of helplessness.

"Oh, no wonder the monk swept the gods several times, but he ignored me!" Xiao Hua understood, and then lost his smile: "The disciples themselves do not know. By the time they were eighteen, they became like this... ...has not changed!"

"Oh ~" The helpless face clearly showed a smile. Nod; "Well, the old man hates the male disciples who are comprehending the real family to take care of the spiritual grass in the face. The female is taking food for beauty, and the man is beautiful for a fart!"

"Helpless teacher!" said the frown on the high platform.

"Oh, the disciple is unreasonable!" The helpless mood was great. After rushing, he turned his head and said, "Which family are you?"

Not waiting for Xiao Hua to speak, the singer on the high platform said: "I am helpless. This time you are blind, Xiao Hua is not a martial art, he is a mess!"

"Ah? Scattered??" After listening to the roots, it is not only helpless, but even the other monks in the audience, including the aunt. The refinement of the tenth floor of the refining gas is still at the age of twenty-five, which is really rare in the Xi’s repairing world!

But then, you are a slight sigh.

really. Unfortunately, I also sighed, and shook my head slightly; "Unfortunately, Xiao Hua, if you are not a mess, the old man will get you started. But... you are just a mess, the old man can only bear the pain!"

Xiao Hua Daqi, arched his hand: "The predecessors do not accept disciples. The disciples do not complain, but ... why the disciples are scattered training ... can not worship the predecessors as a teacher? The predecessors are not scattered. When I do not know the pain of scattered repair, Disciples have no exercises and medicinal herbs since the second floor of the refining. The disciples have gone through all the hardships before they get some scattered exercises. On the one hand, they have to search for medicinal herbs while they are working hard. Now they have spent a lot of effort to cultivate. Ten layers of gas, and passed the selection of the disciples of Yu Leizong. The predecessors of the single sentence will be shut out of the disciples... Is this too cruel to the disciples?"

"唉~" sighed and said, "Whether the old man is not a scholastic repairer, he can be a disciple of a small repairing family before he went to Yu Leizong. How do you know the old husband who is in the process of meditation? And... the old disciple ... is also similar to the scattered repair, you have to say that the old man is different from the dismissal, but it is unfair to the old man!"

Looking at Xiao Hua’s angry face, I couldn’t help but see what I used to be, and I sighed again: “Have you just said it? You have no complete practice since the second floor of refining, all The exercises are all incomplete, and the old man asks you, how many different exercises have you changed to the tenth level of refining?"

"Three kinds!" Xiao Hua honestly answered.

"What about you?" Suddenly asked a monk with a ten-layer refining.

"The predecessors, of course, are one kind!" The monk is very proud of himself: "There are a complete set of refining exercises in the younger generation family, from the refining layer to the refining twelve layers!"

"Xiao Hua, can you understand?" There is no explanation, but some pity to ask Xiao Hua.

"Hey, my disciples understand!" Xiao Hua’s face is also Xiao Ran, the boundless loneliness in his tone: “The different methods of quenching the meridians are different, the degree of quenching is different, and the quenching is performed with different methods. Order, the meridians certainly do not have a thorough method of boring from beginning to end, tempering... complete! The meridians are so, the infuriating is also general, the infuriating of different exercises is the last, always impure, for breakthrough It’s not good to build a foundation!”

"Great good!" 巽茗 高 高 高 高 高 高 高 高 高 高 高 高 高 高 高 高 高 高 高 高 高 高 高 高 高 高 高 高 高 高 高 高 高 高 高 高 高 高 高 高 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧of!"

"Yeah, make people, Xiaohua, if you are the second floor of the refining, if it is only fourteen or five years old, but with your understanding, the poor road says everything will be under your income!" Nodded nod: "Meridian And the truth is so, the realm and cultivation are even more so. What kind of practice is to be cultivated in one layer, what is honed, is fixed, and what is not done in this realm, in the next realm. There must be no omissions. Even in every layer of realm, there will be a bottleneck. This bottleneck is a great opportunity to sharpen this layer of cultivation, not to break through the bottleneck, and not to repair this level. Do, this kind of practice feels that you will not let you enter the next level of realm! Xiao Hua, do you have a bottleneck from the second floor of refining to the tenth floor of refining?"

"Yes, there are few bottlenecks in the disciples!" Xiao Hua nodded.

"This is exactly the case! Because you practice several kinds of exercises, every realm has flaws, the foundation is not solid, and the exercises are not advanced, but under the utmost qualifications, these defects are covered up. So you don't notice the bottleneck, but the bottleneck will appear when you break through to the foundation..."

"Disciple... understand!" Although she did not finish the talk, Xiao Hua already understood that the bottleneck of the twelve layers before the refining will appear at the end, forming an unsustainable peak, building the foundation... is his life. Sad threshold!

"So... Xiao Hua, you don't blame the old man..." said apologetically.

However, before I couldn’t help but finish it, the roots on the high platform laughed and said: "Being helpless, and slowing down this conclusion, there are still some things in the poor road that have not been read!"

Helpless to turn over the white eyes, said: "If you say a smallpodge, there is only one promising disciple under the door of the poor road, and then do not want to collect more and more!"

"嘿嘿~" 艮根 ignored him, read: "Xiao Hua, smoldering physical, fire and arrogance, in the first test of disciples, the fire in the body will test the disciplinary attributes of the disciples!"

"Ah? Hidden fire physique? This...this...how is it possible?" I was so shocked that my eyes released a very pleasant surprise, almost awkward: "Which disciple is this test? When...not serious ?"

"Haha, good teachers and younger brothers know that Xiao Hua will destroy the spirits, or I will personally identify the thunderous priests of the thundering palace. This record is also written by the sorrowful uncle!"

"Ha ha ha, good, good, good!" I couldn't help but listened to my head and laughed: "I said how a piece of dispersal can be cultivated to the tenth floor of refining at the age of twenty-five with three kinds of incompetent exercises. It turned out to be a rare hidden fire physique! And the fire is just overbearing, and under the impetus of this fire physique, any bottleneck is not a problem!"

"That... Xiaohua, this disciple, are you either? If you don't accept it, other brothers are afraid to start?" asked the roots with a smile.

"Haha, isn't this nonsense? The poor road has always been a hard work for Yu Leizong. I just chose a disciple and was robbed by others. God is opening his eyes this time, so that all the old things are stunned, such a The body of the smoldering fire, hey, actually they have looked away from them, and they are cheaper in poverty! The disciples given to God, can you avoid the poor road?"

"Disciples... The disciples meet Master!" Xiao Hua was also overjoyed, and went to the court.

"Good deeds, good deeds!" Helplessly lifted Xiao Hua and said: "You can also register with the teacher Yu Yu Temple, and you can practice it in the future, and I will be proud of my Thunder Valley!"

"Yes, the disciple must!" Xiao Hua said with a smile.

"Big good, helpless, since you have received a proud disciple, the old body should also go, you and I will go to the Yuxi Temple together!" He said, and Xue Xue over there is also beaming, watching Xiao Hua’s eyes Out of infinite friendship.

"Uncle Shi please..." Helpless step back and said.

However, at this time, Xiao Hua, who was full of joy, was also in the middle of his body. When he was in the middle of his body, he suddenly felt that the faint "咔嚓" in the meridians was lighter than the fire. More than a few times, but the purity is less and a lot of liquid medicine appears in his meridians, only the entire meridian will grow up in an instant!

"Bad, Ming Huadan's ban is broken!" Xiao Hua suddenly realized that he immediately flew away from the sky, and then ignored the rituals. He shouted in front of him and shouted: "Master saves me!"

"What?" The helplessness is very unpleasant, but when he turns back, he sees the redness on Xiao Hua’s face. It is also a big shock. When he reads it, he understands it, and he has no time to ask more questions. I broke into Xiao Hua’s body...


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