Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 306: Thunderbolt

"Oh, yeah, Xiao Hua, what do you want to do with this helplessness?" Thunder really nodded.

"Please also ask the teacher to lay a mute!" Xiao Hua said.

"Oh ~" Thunder really took a hand, a silent ban, and smiled: "You are cautious, with the general appearance of the mine hole!"

However, when Xiao Hua said the words "dry green fire" from his mouth, the real face of the Thunder changed greatly, and he waved his hand: "Xiao Hua, who did you say about this matter?"

"Good teachers know that the disciples only told Master that the other people have not revealed a word!" Xiao Hua said respectfully.

"Okay, okay, good!" Thunder's real person even called three sounds, and waved his hand. The surrounding mute ban was broken instantly: "This is a major matter, you don't have to say the second time, or you personally Report the lord!"

"The lord is not in the giant thunder hall for the time being!" said helplessly.

"Oh, this is a good thing to say!" Thunder's real person waved his hand, and the method of thunder and light was used, and a thunder was flying very quickly to a place in Leixianfeng.

"I will wait a moment here!" Thunder really looked at Xiao Hua, the more he saw it, the more he liked it.

"Yes, but listen to the ancestors!" Xiao Hua had a good impression on Thunder, and at this time he was also his disciple, and he was satisfied, replied respectfully.

The helplessness next to me, my heart was fortunate, and said: "Look at this, it seems that the ancestors have a good impression on this Xiaohua. Fortunately, I will have Xiaohua’s income under the door, otherwise I will be under the income of the ancestors. Did Xiao Hua become my uncle?"

"Banglong" a slight thunder roar, several figures are flying out from Lei Xianfeng somewhere, as the thunder and rolling generally quickly rushed to the front of the giant thunder, and then showed the figure, it is the dry thunder Zi and Hyun Hua Fairy and others, the thunder of the face is full of joy. As early as possible, the gods were sprinkled, and the lock was firmly in the strange Xiaohua.

It’s near. The dry Lei Zi’s hidden thunder smashed Xiao Hua’s eyes and was full of pressure!

"Hey, this is a master who is more powerful than Thunder!" Xiao Hua trembled in his heart, and he quickly went to salute, but he was still late. Thunder's real people and helplessness were early in the body, and they listened with disrespect. "Wan Leigu has no choice but to see the sovereign!"

Fortunately, Xiao Hua’s sentence “Xiao Hua’s disciple saw the lord” shouted out after the helpless words, but it also allowed the Lei Leizi to understand!

"Disciple?" Dry Leizi slightly stunned, but then laughed: "Ha ha ha. Dry green fire this goods, really smart once!"

Then, turning to the disciples of the giant thunder temple, he said: "Go, call the 艮雷宫艮笙宫! This is also a great achievement!"

The disciple nodded. Immediately outside to communicate, the dry Lei Zi waved: "Let's go, Xiao Hua, I will go in and talk!"

"Yes, the disciples obey!" Xiao Hua's respectful gift, hiding behind the helpless.

Dry Leizi and others are naturally advanced, helpless and Xiao Hua at the end, do not look helpless just in the spring Lei Hall. But here... but respectful, be careful than Xiao Hua’s caution.

The style of the giant thunder temple is not too different from the spring thunder temple. Only the space inside the temple is bigger, and two huge pillars will prop up the temple. The pillars were glaring, and countless strange patterns emerged one after another. The surrounding jade and the top of the temple were also purple, and they showed infinite means.

There is no high platform in Julei Temple. There are eight futons floating in the air. The dry thunder and the heads of the palace are sitting on their own futons. The dry thunder will wave their hands and a lavender scorpion. Concentrating on the pillars in the center of the main hall, the pillars were lit up with a brilliance of three colors. The Guanghua went straight up the pillars and rushed to the top of the temple and then spread rapidly around the temple. However, in the twinkling of an eye, the entire hall was covered.

"Xiao Hua, and you will meet with the sect of the green fire!" Dry Leizi is very calm, after seeing the ban of the giant Lei Temple came into effect, he asked slowly.

"Yes, disciple..." Xiao Hua stepped forward. Although she was a little bit afraid, she still resisted the excitement and prepared to sue.

"The lord, or is it still waiting for you to come and talk about it? The child is thinking about giving help to the gang, thinking about recruiting a disciple, and being beaten by you. If he didn’t hear it, how can he Peace of mind?" The Hyun Huan fairy said with a chuckle.

"When did this sect them?" Dry Leizi was in a good mood and smiled: "This day also encouraged him to recruit more disciples!"

"Xiao Hua, what can you bring back to the green fire?" Thunder really did not ask the Lei Zizi, he was not polite, after Xiaohua was his rumor, and there is no need to talk about any demeanor.

You don't worry about it, you can hear the truth of the Thunder real person, the ears are also erected, and the eyes have a slight expectation to look at Xiaohua.

Seeing six Yuan Yingxiu's twelve pairs of eyes all look at themselves, although there is no pressure, but Xiao Hua's cold sweat is still dripping from his forehead. "***, this Yuan Yingxiu is really powerful! Can kill me this small period of refining period..." Xiao Hua secretly sighed, took a hand and took the bead out of the storage bag.

As soon as the beads were taken out of the storage bag, they immediately flashed countless tiny purple lightnings. The thunder light was lingering around the beads, and it was gradually enlarged. "The rumbling" is just the work of the electric phoenix. At the same time, there are two huge pillars on the top of the temple, and there is an infinite amount of thunder. At the same time, the lightning around the beads flashes synchronously. Then there was just a flash, and the thunder and lightning brushed around the beads, and the naked eye was sucked in by the beads! ! !

This is not over yet, and then the second wave of thunder is born from the Great Thunder Hall, still to be absorbed by the beads!

"Ah, ah, Thunderbolt!!!" Dry Leizi and others saw it, and his face showed an extremely horrified expression. Xiaohua only heard the voices of everyone, a flower in front of him, and a light hand in his hand. The Thunderbolt is not seen.

Xiao Hua was not surprised. He sneaked out his hand and touched the cold sweat of his forehead. He looked up at the figure and floated in the air, holding the thunder of the thunder.

At this time, the infinite horror on the face of the dry Leizi, endless surprises, and endless... shock!

The thunderbolt that flashed purple thunder was blocked by an invisible ban, and the thunder could not escape the half of the palm of the dry thunder. The ban on the thunder was restored to the previous appearance, and it could not be seen. What is the difference.

Look at the thunder and other real people, like the dry thunder, can no longer sit still, the body shape is floating, surrounded by the dry thunder, the eyes are looking at the Thunderbolt, the eyes of the six are Reflecting the flashing of Rays.

After a while, I saw that Lei Leizi had a hand, and it was a sniper in the pillar. The same tri-color brilliance flashed, and Xiaohua was somewhat inexplicable.

At this time, the dry Leizi is bowing: "Xiao Hua, this sect... some embarrassing, there is something to tell you!"

Xiao Hua stunned and said: "The Sovereign has something, but please tell me that this thing is indeed brought back by the disciple of the sorcerer, and nothing else!"

"Oh, my child, this is not this!" Lei Leizi said with a smile: "He has never returned to Yuzong, and his life card has not been damaged. As far as this article is concerned, he probably Using the secrets of the secrets of this door, you will hide your vitality and breath. You must also know that Shang Huazong, Yan Yanjiao and Qi Qiaomen are still looking for him..."

Hearing here, Xiao Hua has understood that he has not hesitated at all. Xiao Hua smiled and said: "Lord, please rest assured. Since the disciple has come to Yu Leizong, he has already offended the three factions. Besides, now the disciple is a disciple of Yu Leizong. I am afraid that they will do the three factions. Even if they have any means of pickling, can the disciples believe in the lord?"

"Good, good, good!" Dry Leizi called three sounds, and took a shot. The ban on the thunderbolt was broken. The thunder that lingered around the thunderbolt was magnified. At the same time, because There is no isolation of the giant thunder palace, the sky above the Lei Xianfeng, the sky above the Lemo Mountain Range, there are countless black clouds under the black pressure, a trace of thunder light flashing in the dark clouds, like a swimming python, is gaining momentum to the giant thunder The temple is hit!

Moreover, there are not many bans in the Lemo Mountain Range. All of them have begun to bloom with the appearance of dark clouds. Many of the runes have gradually shimmered and gradually merged into a ray of light, just like the prohibition of Julei Temple. If you are eager to try, you should invest in the far-reaching Thunderbolt!

"Hey, luck!" Dry Leizi sighed and waved his hand. A powerful and banned ban was spread around the Thunderbolt. With the introversion of Raytheon, the ban on the Rama Mountains returned to normal, and the clouds above the mountains. It is gradually disappearing!

Under the Remo Mountain Range, many disciples of Shang Huazong, Yan Yanjiao and Qi Qiaomen did not relax their vigilance because of the end of the Royal Lei Zong's selection of disciples. From the place where the Lemo Mountain is less than a hundred miles away, several foundations were built. The monks were sitting cross-legged between the mountains of a mountain. Two of them were the two men and one woman, Shang Huazong, who Xiaohua met in Xihuang Town.

It is also the same as the male to see the peace of the party, Yang said: "Qi Shimei, what can I have under the Lei Feng?"

"Senior brothers, these days are those who have not passed the test of the Royal Leizong down the mountain, can you have any news? Up the mountain is not blocked, if the Xiaohua really goes up the mountain, he can still stupidly go down the mountain ?" Qi Shimei's face is not good-looking.

Needless to say, Qi Shimei and Gao Shixiong blocked Xiaohua in Xihuang Town that day, but they did not see traces of Leifang from Xiaohua, and it was extremely easy to let Xiaohua go. Later, things changed, especially Xiao Hua escaped from the hands of the three factions, and let Shang Huazong re-recognize the difference of Xiao Hua. This high brother and Qi Shimei did not dare to conceal and told the story to Shang Huazong. The teacher, I heard that Xiao Hua had been blocked by his own disciples, and the teacher of Shang Huazong almost violently thundered. So, these two unfortunate masters of the late stage of the foundation were taken for granted by Yu Leizong.


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