Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 309: Chores

Chapter 309

"Well, hey, hey, you wait for the disciples to work hard, let's go to rest first!" said Dry Leizi.

"Yes, the disciple retire!" He also quit after giving the ceremony.

When the two of them came out of the giant thunder hall, the dry thunder will look at the five people next to them, whispering: "There was a lot of reason that Xuanhua said just now. My Lei Zong's Lei Chi is based on the detonation of the thunderbolt. After all, this thunder pool is a fake, even if it can simulate thunder and thunder, but after all, it is not a natural thing, it will not self-regulate, and the thunder can not adapt to a slight change. Now there is a real detonator. I just use it, one can use the thunder pool to form the thunder water to moisturize the thunder beads, to promote the maturity of the thunderbolt, and the second can use the thunderbolt to deal with the change of the thunder!"

"The Sovereign said that it is extremely!" Hyun Chau fairy nodded: "The old body also feels that Lei Chi and Thunderbolt are combined to complement each other. More importantly, the Thunder and Thunder of Thunderbolt can be seen clearly, which is more conducive to the subject of the subject. The law."

"Of course, this sect also asks a few uncles to help each other, but don't make any mistakes!" said Dry Leizi solemnly.

Not to mention that Lei Leizi and others are in the Thunder Hall to discuss the royal affairs of the Royal Leizong, and said that Xiao Hua has no choice but to go out of the giant thunder hall, but he has no choice but to say that pulling Xiao Hua’s thunder is to go outside Leixianfeng. Fly away.

Along the way, there is no choice but to bow down and seem to be full of thoughts. Xiao Hua didn't dare to speak when he saw it. He waited for a long time to fly. He saw a remote place, and there was no Yu Leizong disciple who flew around. He fell helplessly. Xiao Hua is puzzled and thinks that it is the place where Wan Leigu is located. However, looking around, it is not like someone living in a house, and I don’t see any importance. This is to look up and helpless, but at this time, I am looking forward to Xiao. Hua, then helplessly frowned: "Xiao Hua, you really want to be a disciple of the old man?"

When Xiao Hua saw this, he said very respectfully: "If the disciple is not really sincere, why should he refuse it in front of the lord?"

"Well, since...you are a master when you are a master, then Master will treat you as your own disciple. Some words still have to tell you something!" It is very serious to say.

Xiao Hua’s heart glimpsed and made his head like a chicken.

"Well, Xiao Hua, do you think that it is in the limelight of Yu Leizong, how can you pay attention to it all the time? Or is it unknown, and it is better to improve it?"

Xiao Hua’s heart was loose, and he gave birth to a warm current. He smiled and said: “When you see Master, it’s natural to improve your cultivation!”

"So, do you think you have contributed a lot to my Royal Leizong?"

"The disciple is just bringing back the Thunderbolt. The real contribution is the Green Fire Master!" Xiao Hua shook his head.

"Hey, what is the green fire division, remember to call the green fire master!" Unexpectedly spit out and said: "If the old man is not worthy of the Thunder Valley, you can certainly make this big event!"

Then he was helpless and awakened, scratching his chin and saying: "Well, since you know that this credit should belong to you, you should return the token given by the lord back..."

"Can...". Xiao Hua is naturally puzzled: "This... What is the relationship?"

"Hey, did the old husband not say it in the Chunlei Hall? You are a loose man. You have practiced a variety of laws at the time of refining. It has created an insurmountable bottleneck for future cultivation. Now it seems that You may be able to break through this bottleneck and set foot on the foundation! After building the foundation, you can never repeat the same mistakes and practice a variety of exercises! You can hold this token in your hand, where can Can you stop the temptation of those exercises? Moreover, you always wander in other people's martial arts, how does this become a system? How can it not attract the attention of others? Since it is eye-catching, naturally someone will pursue your token. , you...how can you let your people know what you are doing? Can you still cultivate with peace of mind?"

Xiao Hua could understand that it was reasonable to know that there was helplessness. However, he was really scared. He didn’t want to go through the days when there was no practice. Besides, the things that I wanted to get him to change back, that... Is it harder than going to heaven?

"Good teacher father knows, disciples also thought about it at the time!" Xiao Hua explained: "A disciple feels that although the practice of this royal Leizong is different because of the different palaces, can it be branches after all? Should the exercises be the same? The second disciple also wants to see more of the law, and to cultivate some hostile magical powers....."

"Hey, it’s fundamental to improve the repairs. The so-called magical powers are all minor trails!" I can’t help but sigh: "However, what you said is also reasonable. The practice of Xiaoyu’s cultivation in the mainland is lacking. The law is also the realization of the ancestors of the predecessors, only related to the physique of cultivation, it is almost the same!"

"And, if the disciple returns the token, how can Master's Thunder's technique be completed?" Xiao Hua said.

"Oh? Can you??" Suddenly wake up: "The Thunder's method of the Thunder Palace is the most complete, the old man has long been blind!"

"Other spell masters don't see it? The left and right are the magic of the royal Leizong. The disciples can also sue the lord to see what can be revealed?" Xiao Hua is whispering.

"Fat! The Sovereign has warned you, you can not provoke the lord to be angry!" But the face is full of laughter, but the mouth is drinking.

"Well, let the disciples not say it!" Xiao Hua smiled.

"Hey, this kid is interesting, much stronger than your master!" Seeing Xiaohua's hippie smile, but no help, no surprise, but also laughter

"What happened to the master?" Xiao Hua seemed to think of Gong Mingwei.

"Hey, you know when you go to Wanlei Valley!" I didn't want to talk more about this master, and put my hand in the way.

"Hey, Master, the disciple has forgotten it, Green Fire Master... The uncle also gave the disciple a token. The disciple just didn't take it out!" Xiao Hua suddenly remembered and cried.

I thought about it and said: "Forget it, don't go today, wait for a chance later, look like that, the lord and the ancestors may be negotiating the thing of the Thunderball. If you go, don't bother them. ?"

"Disciples understand!" Xiao Hua nodded.

"Let's go, rush to Wanlei Valley today, let you recognize the door first, and wait for you to come back later!" Helplessly waved his hand and said.

"Hey? Master, how do you say this? Does the disciple live in Wanlei Valley?" Xiao Hua was surprised.

"Well, you naturally can't live in Thunder Valley!" Helplessly put his hand on it, and brought Xiao Hua to the city, and rushed to Wanlei Valley, while flying and explaining to Xiao Hua.

It turns out that in the Royal Leizong, the monks below the base period were living in the Lei Lei Palace and the Xiong Palace, such as Xiao Hua, who stayed in the Thunder Palace, and did some chores for Yu Leizong in exchange for the spirit. Stone and medicinal herbs, only when they encounter difficulties in cultivation or at a fixed time, can they have the opportunity to go to Wanlei Valley to accept helpless teaching. Of course, there are also special disciples who can also accept Xiaohua’s inquiries. .

As for the tune and alchemy, each Leigong has a special quiet room, which can be used only by paying a certain amount of Lingshi. Of course, the spirit grass used in alchemy is owned by Yu Leizong disciples. Those basic alchemy Huang Fu, Yu Lei Zong can also provide, but it is the Lingshi exchange.

"Haha, it’s great to have a teacher's door!" Xiao Hua almost jumped up in the air. He also remembered to find a place where there was a fire in the alchemy. This is good, and the family has a special The alchemy room has a special fire, you just need to take out the Lingshi! Really convenient!

"Right, Xiao Hua, every disciple has something to do in Yu Lei Zong. Of course, your discreet disciples don't have to do important things. They are basically chores. You have to think about it... "The helplessness is another martyrdom: "However, the lord told the trespassing of the Thunder Palace that you can pick it at will!"

"Hey? Master, isn't the disciple living in the Thunder Palace? Should it be the chores of the Thunder Palace?" Xiao Hua reminded.

"Oh, how many refining disciples are there in the Thunder Palace, how many martial arts do they have to do? You live in the Thunder Palace, but the chores are still to be done in the Jinglei Palace!" Helplessly explained: " You are my disciple of Zhen Lei, and naturally I have to do things for my thunder palace!"

Xiao Hua understood, thought for a moment, said: "Can we have a medicine garden in the thunder palace?"

"Yes, every mine has it!" Nodded nodded, but immediately asked: "Is it hard to think of planting grass? This is hard work, not much disciple is willing to go! I think, you should go to refine the Huangfu, but all the refining disciples like to go! On the one hand, you can improve and control the mana, on the other hand, you can practice many laws, and use it after building the foundation. Oh, it’s estimated that Thunder’s ancestors are also these ideas...”

Seeing helplessly, I used the Thunder to convince myself. Xiao Hua was even more enthusiastic and smiled. "The disciple has his own plan. The disciple has been in Fujia for a long time. He also learned a lot, wants to change the taste, and the medicine. No one went to the park, it was quiet and convenient to practice. Besides, anyway, it is a double medicinal medicine and a spiritual stone, and the disciples are not suffering at all!"

"These are all trails, you just choose it! It’s just a wake-up call for the teacher. The rule is that it can improve the cultivation, but the same thing is repeated every day, it is not very interesting, there is no extra time; medicine Although the garden is tired, it is time to finish it, it is really conducive to cultivation!" But helplessly said helplessly.

"Well, the front will enter the scope of Wanlei Valley, that is, the cave house for the teacher, you are careful, although this Thunder Valley is still far away, but the thunder of Wanlei Valley may hurt people!" With a wave, a reddish message was sent to remind Xiao Huadao.

"Yes, the disciple understands!" Xiao Hua nodded, but when he just nodded, his heart suddenly jumped, even like someone who hit the bar inexplicably!



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