Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 311: Teacher and teacher

"I am kind to a fart!,, helplessly said: "I just want to be a helper, but other people have been chosen, have to pick you! You are good, don't give up the old [] son, it takes 50 years to cultivate a foundation, now..., forget it! Fortunately, Xiao Hua has come, and the old [] son ​​can finally be proud! ,,

"Five..., fifty years?" Xiao Hua also secretly spit out his tongue, but if he used to build a foundation for 50 years, even if he went to Yu Leizong only thirty-five years old, now At least eighty-five years old, after the foundation of cultivation? It's no wonder that it looks old.

"Yes, yes, with a younger brother, Master no longer has no face!" Xiangyang was not angry at all, said with a smile.

"But let go, heart", but the big sleeves swayed: "I am afraid that you are waiting for your teacher!"

"Yes, don't use a disciple to send them a message?" Xiangyang still smiled.

"Sister Niang? They?" Xiao Hua said, "Don't be a master...and a waiter?"

"哎哟" thinks of the acolyte, Xiao Hua suddenly did not come to a call, think of something.

"What's wrong?,, helpless, some strange look at Xiao Hua.

"That... Master, the disciple asks you, how do you call a disciple of the Jindan period monk?" Xiao Hua murmured.

"Crap, it depends on what the disciple is repairing!" Helplessly screamed, his eyes turned, and he also thought of something, laughing: "If it is the same refining as you, of course, it is to be a sister or a sister; if it is built Base, it may be called uncle!"

"Fortunately!" Xiao Hua Xin Li Xiang "" is solid, looking at the helpless and somewhat warm eyes, the face is somewhat unnatural.

"How? Is there a Jindan period master to go to the Thunder Palace to recruit disciples?" Xiangyang said with some horror: "This is extremely rare, the boy who was seen is a bit of luck!,,

"Stupid, is a hoe!,, helpless, can be helpless and then slap a head, said: "Hey, his grandmother, today's things are too much, the boss" actually forgot to bring Xiaohua to the jade temple !,,

No, Xiao Hua thought of it at this time. He hasn't gone to this jade temple yet. He hasn't registered it yet. No wonder he always feels the shortcomings and children!

"Forget it, forget it, go to Dongfu first!" I thought about it for a moment: "Wait for a while, let your master take you over!",

"Yes, the disciple must respect the teacher!" said Xiang Yang.

For the respect of the sun, helplessness seems to be used to enjoy, not to say, put your hand: "Let's go, Xiao Hua, let the teacher see, whether you really understand the law of lightning protection!"

"Yes, Master!" Xiao Hua is not afraid of anything. After he has no choice but to fly away, he also asked Xiang Yang to go first. He followed behind the two and saw that Xiao Hua is very respectful to himself. Xiangyang is also happy and slow. Slowly flying, accompanied by Xiao Hua, quietly also help to help Xiao Hua.

Xiao Hua’s heart is warm, and he doesn’t say anything. He only rushes to the sun and nods his thanks.

When I came to the place last night, I stopped and looked at Xiao Hua and told him to fly forward. Xiao Hua was very comfortable. He flew away from the front, and there was some worry about Xiangyang behind him.

"Oh...", a few fierce heartbeats, Xiaohua Lianxiang "" was busy with the mana, and the law that he had learned yesterday was displayed. Sure enough, the voice disappeared immediately, and then Xiao Hua secretly released the feeling. The thundering thunder wave is coming again. However, with the accelerated display of Xiao Hua's law, Xiao Hua's perception is like swimming in a small boat in Leibo, and there is no suffocation!

"Big good!" Xiao Hua's face showed a happy color, and he recovered his mind. He turned his head and smiled: "It is a good use, Master!"

"Ha ha ha." The helplessness was originally worried. The heart relaxed and smiled. "I said, this time, the old man will never leave the eye! I will be in the Thunder Valley, no, in the country." Make a big splash!"

Xiao Hua grinned, it seems to be in the Chun Lei Hall, but she has no choice but to accept her apprentice several times.

"Hey, are they coming too?" He was helplessly laughing, and looked up and said in the distance.

This time, Xiao Hua didn't use God to read it. He just silently followed the helplessness. He flew a cup of tea in the distance. In the distance, he flew two women in the air. The look of the age of fifty, can be fair-skinned, black hair like a cloud, it is quite elegant to raise a hand, a colorful dress is very appreciative. And this person followed this person is a woman in her 60s, her hair is white, probably in the middle of the foundation, the body is blue and the robe is not beautiful.

"Hey, this..." Xiao Hua’s eyes flashed in the heart.

Sure enough, I waited until recently, and the honest and ceremonial sun went up to salute: "I have seen the teacher!"

The female repair in front of her smiled and nodded. The female repair behind her flew to the side of Xiang Xiang and fell on the side of Xiangyang.

"Xiao Hua, a disciple, has seen the teacher!" Xiao Hua immediately went to the court.

"Oh, you call Xiao Hua? It looks like a young child!" The woman smiled and held Xiao Huayu with her hand, and looked at her helplessly: "Congratulations to the husband who received a wishful disciple!"

"Ha ha ha ~" helplessly touched the beard on his chin, very proud, will be a little female monk: "Xiao Hua, this is your teacher, the name of Zhuo Zhuo, then that year"

"呸" waited for helplessly, Zhuo ** was a sip, his face was reddish: "You old things, these words have been said for hundreds of years, do not know bored!"

"Oh... the old man is certainly not bored!" Helplessly narrowed his neck and whispered.

Xiao Hua smiled in his heart. After he got up, he turned to another woman who practiced the ceremony: "The disciple Xiao Hua met the teacher!"

"Don't dare, the younger brother please!" The woman saw Xiaohua young, but also smiled on her face, stretching her hand, but looking at the sun.

"Xiao Huacai is twenty-five years old! It is a child!" Xiangyang understands the meaning of his double-pair partner while the woman is talking and speaking to Xiaohua: "This is the brother's double-repair partner, named Qing Qing."

Hearing Xiao Hua was twenty-five years old, and Qing Qing’s eyes were horrified. Then he did not evade. He reached out and lifted Xiao Hua. He took a hand and took out a jade bottle from the storage bag. He handed it over and smiled.没There is nothing good here, this building Kedan you hold, it is easy to use when you build the foundation!"

Xiao Hua’s heart was warm, and he picked it up with his hand. He smiled and said: “With the teacher, this building Ji Dan, the kid is afraid to build a foundation? [香香” is otherwise a wrath!”

"Ah? Hahaha" is not just a cover-up, but Zhuo** is also a cover-up and laughs, saying: "This child is much stronger than Xiangyang, and we will not be boring again!"

Afterwards, some apologetics said: "Xiao Hua, the singer here is also preparing to build Jidan, but the Qing dynasty has already been given, the teacher is not good to take out the hand, and then go back to Dongfu and say it!"

"Oh, okay, Shi Niang, your old disciples like it!" Xiao Huamei smiled, something better than building Kedan, he would naturally like it!

"Let's go..." I couldn't help but put my hand on it. I went with Zhuo**. The two couples in Xiangyang did not worry. Xiangyang waved his hand. Just like now, Xiaohua was brought to the right. On the left side of the yang, a line of five people flew away from the Dongfu of Wanlei Valley.

After flying for almost two hours, there was a tall mountain in front of it. In the middle of the mountain, a strong mountain was standing in front of a cave house.

Helpless people and others fell from the sky, the mountain jumped to helpless waving this arm, pointing here is pointing at it, seems to be talking about something! Helplessly reached out and touched the head of the mountain, with a hand, took out a medicinal herb and threw it to the mountain. The mountain was very sharply picked up and thrown into the mouth, and then it was very satisfying to retreat. Then, I looked at Xiangyang and others who were slowly landing. It looked at Xiao Hua’s eyes... It was very vigilant.

"Hill, this is the younger brother of the poor road. You can be close to you later!", Xiangyang took Xiaohua's hand, very affectionate, and said "Xiangxiang" to the mountain.

The mountain did not know whether it was true or false. He nodded his head and touched Xiaohua’s arm. He was familiar with him. Xiao Hua scratched his head and had to say the same to Xiao Bailong. "Hello, hill!"

The eyes of the hills and the red eyes seem to understand, Xiao Hua is happy, I want to say again, I know that the mouth of the hill is called "吱吱", and I went to the mountain forest next to Dongfu...

"Oh, I am afraid I will see what pheasant!" Xiangyang said with a smile: "This goods like barbecue things...,"

Xiao Hua perceives it, but the mountain is chasing a fat pheasant!

As the Xiangyang couple walked into the Dongfu, Xiaohua didn't feel a slight nod, this is the place where he cultivated in his mind!

I saw that the helpless Dongfu is quite large, and there are many moonstones around the stone wall. The whole Dongfu is vividly finished, and the entire Dongfu is clean! Inside the cave house are jade tables and jade chairs, and there are some seemingly ordinary things. There are two brilliance mirrors on both sides of the corner, which seems to be the entrance to the back of Dongfu.

"Xiao Hua, you are free to sit!" Frustrated and Zhuo** sat on the top seat, Xiangyang was also on the chair next to him, and Xiaoqing said to Xiaohua, and then went to the corner of Dongfu. Going, waiting for it, a step is to disappear above the stone wall.

Xiao Hua took a look and took a look at Xiangyang’s hand, but for a long time, Qi Qingqing came over from the stone wall, holding a jade and stone tray in his hand, a teapot on it, and a few small cups and teapots. There are also two dishes next to it, which are the fruits that look green.

Putting the fruit and the cup of tea in front of helplessness, Xiaoqing smiled and came to Xiaohua’s face: “Little brother, come to taste Master’s cloud tea, and my Thunder Valley’s green thunder fruit, this is other places. Can't eat anything!"

"Thank you for your teacher!" Xiao Hua smiled and took over the green thunder fruit, and smashed a feeling that he felt like a lightning strike in his mouth. "It’s coming from his mouth...


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