Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 315: Son of Xiangyang

It is also very simple to say. Just as Xiangyang just walked into Chunlei Palace with Xiao Hua, he met a disciple in the middle of the foundation. The disciple apparently knew the sun, and asked with a smile on his face: "To the brother, What about your son? Why didn’t you see him coming to Chunlei Palace?,,

Xiangyang’s face did not change, and he waved his hand: “It’s still early, this kid’s naughty has not yet fallen to the lower bounds. When he comes later, cultivation becomes a monk of the gods. The poor road will naturally bring him to Chunlei Palace to see the teachers and brothers!

The Tsukiji monk smiled and arched his hand and hurried away.

A mid-term monk called Xiangyang as a brother, and also talked about a child. Xiao Hua’s heart has long been awkward. I think this may be a private matter of the master, and I have not seen it in the cave. I am sorry. Ask more.

However, in the partial hall of Chunlei Palace, there are several disciples who have met the foundation period. Each of these people sees Xiangyang as such a question, and Xiangyang’s answer is the same, except that some disciples are A kind smile, some disciples are ridiculous, even ridiculed!

Therefore, at this time, Xiao Hua couldn’t help but ask.

"Oh, nothing.

The sun of the sun is as plain as water: "The few disciples that I met just met with my brother. They lived in this wooden house that year. They have good qualifications and soon they will be built into the foundation. I have never been able to build a foundation, and I have been practicing for 50 years before I am lucky enough to step into the foundation!,,

"However, for the brothers to think that the quality of the brother is not good, but the brother of the brother may not be impossible. For the son of the brother, it is not suitable for cultivation. If he is suitable for cultivation, then he must be a monk of the gods!,,

"Ah? Master... can't you?", Xiao Hua is a bit stunned. He finally understood that he had thought of his child as a **** in heaven. As long as he cultivated, he would become a **** monk!

Speaking of my own ideals, I was a little bit excited about the face of China. I laughed and said: "Do you know? Little brother, think of the child's name for the brother!,,

"What is it?, Xiao Hua is very curious.

"To the ceremony!!!, Xiangyang is very proud to say: "A **** of the gods who know the book! ,,

"Good! Good name!,, Xiao Hua put his thumb up and said: "The little brother quietly waits for the little teacher to come!" ,,

"Hey~,, after listening to this, this is a bit of a sigh" and the sigh of the sun is sighing and said: "Let's go, the little brother's wooden house. ,,

Xiao Hua knows that Xiangyang has some unspeakable secrets, so he no longer asks more questions, and goes to the wooden house with Xiangyang.

When there is three feet from the cabin, Xiangyang will hand a token in his hand, and a green glory will be released from the token. It is shot on the wooden door. "The brush, the one, from the wooden door. At first, a circle of blue light circled around the entire log cabin, and the wooden door disappeared, revealing an open house door, and from the door of the house shot "The brilliance of the moon."

Xiao Hua went in with Yang Xiang and took a look. This is a simple cottage, except for a chair, a desk, a futon and a shelf, all of which are empty.

Looking at Xiaoyang in Xiangyang, the hand is another point. The same Qingmeng Mengguang is the place where the door is shot. The whole cabin is covered by a layer of prohibition.

"Little brother, brother and tell you this law!", Xiangyang handed the token over, and told the law to manipulate the token to Xiao Hua. This said: "Go, later. Before you build your foundation, you are afraid to live here. For your brother, you will quickly take you to the Thunder Palace and implement your errands! ,,

However, Xiangyang and Xiaohua have just stepped out of the cabin, just as dozens of refining disciples have come back from the outside. It is Wang Yunqi who is on the way.

Seeing that Xiao Hua was actually with his neighbor, Wang Yunqi was awkward. First, after giving a gift to Xiangyang, he was also thinking with Xiao Hua. Some strange words: "Xiao Shidi, the brother of this house is surrounded by the disciples of the thunder palace. It’s hard to be... the younger brother is also being included in the thundering palace? But I don’t know..., which is the master?

"Hey? Wang Shixiong is actually a disciple of Zhenlei Palace?, Xiaohua’s face is also full of smiles, and he said: "The younger brother’s master is Wanlei Valley helpless, this is the younger brother’s master Xiangyang! ,,

"Xiangyang???, Wang Yunqi is a slight sigh, with a smile in his eyes, but the smile was immediately disguised by Wang Yunxiao, and once again he said: "It turned out to be a generation of seniors...,,,

Where does Xiangyang know the meaning of Wang Yunqi’s eyes and smiles: “Which is the little brother’s master? Is it afraid that when you teach you today, don’t you mention the name of the poor road?”,

"Where, where!", Wang Yunqi quickly waved: "The younger brother's name is on the mountain, and his old man only mentioned the older generation when he talked about the difficulty of building the foundation. Master also praised the spirit of the older generation, and perseverance was the first. ,,

"Heng.,, ​​Xiao Hua’s heart is sneer first. He doesn’t quite understand it. Although Sun has used the foundation for 50 years, it can be..., after all, it is also a foundation. It is not stronger than those who have no foundation. Countless injuries? Why..., in the Royal Leizong..., such a big reputation?

"Oh, yes, I don't know what kind of miscellaneous work that Xiao Shidi took in the Jinglei Palace? It is the refining of the Huangfu for the brothers. It is said that if you cultivate well, you can practice the charms!,,

"The younger brother has not yet gone to the thunder palace, this is not, to the brothers are about to bring the younger brother in the past!,, Xiao Hua laughed.

"Well, Xiao Shidi has the heart to come to the temple to refine the temple? For the brothers to know the deacons who are in charge of the Bailian Temple, it is possible to say a few good words for the younger brother!", Wang Yunqie has some meaning of showing off, seems to be pulling Xiaohua.

"Ah? 制 ???,, Xiao Hua listened, and quickly shook his head, it was a headache: "Don't, don't thank Master Wang, good brother, when the younger brother sees the head, it is big, refining one, Burst one, never succeeded, if I go to the system, where is the time to practice? ,,

Wang Yunxi was very elegant and smiled: "Well, let's refine the yellow character after the brother, if there is anything that Xiao Shidi needs, he can tell the brother, who let us live together?,,

"Thank you so much to Wang's brother!", Xiao Hua's face is overjoyed, very happy to hand over, and then with Wang Yunxiao, and followed the Xiangyang flying away from the young Lei Feng.

Looking at the dialogue between Xiao Hua and Wang Yunqi, Xiangyang seems to have something to say. He can hesitate for a while, but he is flying in the air to remind him: "Small younger brother, if you are... lack of Huang Fu, you can talk to your brother. This... Zhenyue is a little bit wrong with our Master. If you take the things of his disciples, one Master will be angry, the second one..., take a short hand!,,

"Oh...,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Besides, the master is a monk who built the foundation. How do you not know how to refine the yellow? The younger brother asked you what you want! ”

"This...", Xiangyang’s face is awkward: "It’s true that the brothers will not refine the yellow characters! But your teacher is better at comparing the yellows!"

"General, general!" Xiao Hua smiled from his heart: "The younger brother just said that he was playing with that!"

"That's good!" Xiangyang let out a sigh of relief, look around at no one, whispered: "You just got too strong in the limelight, actually hit the jade, the guardian disciples of the temple, worry about your income for the brother! And..., This Royal Leizong is not a piece of iron!"

"Ah? What does this mean?" Xiao Hua yelled.

"Hey, let's talk about it, the words of Shi Niang are really right, there are fights in some places!" Xiangyang sighed and said: "I don't want to say that the battle between the eight thundering palaces of the Royal Leizong is a disciple within the thunder palace. There is also some strength between them!"

Xiao Huaqi said: "The Battle of the Eight Great Thunder Palaces is also a matter of fact. Why is it within a Thunder Palace?"

"First of all, let's not talk about the ordinary competition between disciples. That kind of competition can show the strengths and weaknesses of individuals. It can be recognized by the teachers and can get high-level exercises, medicinal herbs and scorpions. These are the cultivations of monks. It is very important to talk about it; let's say that you have just graduated from Yu Leizong's disciples. First, you have two levels from the body, one is the comprehension of the family, the other is the separation like the younger brother. Of course. Yu Leizong recruited and scattered very few, but after all, in the family of the repair, it is divided into three or six according to the size of the family, and then divided into different small spheres according to the distribution of the disciples of the family in Yu Leizong!"

"So complicated?" Xiao Hua was a bit stunned: "However, the master said that the younger brother is somewhat confused. Since the disciples of the family have entered the royal sect, it is naturally a disciple of Yu Leizong. There is another relationship, then... How does Yu Leizong restrain these disciples? Don’t be afraid of being swallowed by those families...?

"Ha ha!" Xiangyang laughed: "What is this complicated? These are just disciples who have been recruited. You have forgotten that I have a disciple in the Royal Leizong! Their power is the greatest!"

Seeing Xiangyang’s answer to his question, Xiao Hua carefully understood it and smiled. “It’s the original force in Yu Lei Zong, the biggest force is to sing them! In this way, it’s not afraid of the disciples of the family!”

"How? Do you think that all disciples are registered in the jade palace to leave a jade card, is that just a form?" Xiangyang smiled: "With the jade card of the jade temple, the lord has 10,000 kinds of methods to constrain the door. disciple!"

After listening to this, Xiao Hua’s heart sighed and said: “Hey, it’s not... what kind of goodness!”

Looking at Xiangyang seems to think of something, open to ask, Xiao Hua afraid that he asked the jade card above the golden brilliance, and quickly asked: "So, ordinary disciples should be divided into Yu Leizong's own disciple, the disciple of the comprehension family And is there a mess?"

"Well, this is the case. This is also a rough division. There are still many subdivisions. There are not many brothers to know!" Xiangyang smiled bitterly: "There is limited achievement for the brothers to cultivate, and there are as many as they are. More thoughts?"

"Oh, I am afraid that I have to have such a mind to get more?" Xiao Hua smiled.

"Master also said this!" Xiangyang nodded: "Unfortunately, for the brother and the master are not such people, only know that one heart cultivation, do not know the trend of inflammation, but also do not know people say people, ghosts say ghosts !"

"Haha, Master, are you not talking about the younger brother?" Xiao Hua saw the helpless performance in Chunlei Palace. He understood the meaning of Xiangyang and smiled.

"No, I want to have a talent like a younger brother!" Xiangyang Cheng said: "It is too weak for the brother, too indecisive, ... it is ridiculed!"

"Hey? The master said... It seems that there are some allusions!" Xiao Hua asked in a heart.

Xiang Yang sighed and said: "In fact, it is also simple to say, when the brother is similar to you, although it is also a family of self-cultivation, it can be long gone, no difference with the repair, it is easy to enter the Royal Leizong and no one is accepted as disciple.

It seems that it is similar to your situation. In the end, Master will collect me into Wanlei Valley. At that time, the brother was already the peak of the eleventh layer of refining, and the speed of cultivation was not slow. However, when the brother entered the peak of the twelve layers of refining, Master and Shi Niang had something to go out of the Lemo Mountain, and The mistake was made. It was a long time to go. The situation at that time was similar to that of today’s Green Fire Master. Life and death are unknown. At that time, my brother had not yet doubled with your teacher. Zhen Lei said... A teacher wants Kailuan Wanlei Valley... It will be the income of the brothers. If the brothers leave Wanlei Valley, then there is no one in the valley. People, when Master was born and died unknown... Wan Leigu could be given to others! ”

"For the brothers and Master's hou, I dare not answer, and stay in Wanlei Valley, even if the teacher Xu helped me to repair the foundation, I did not leave..." That Thunder Valley is very small The younger brother must have known that the repair of the foundation period cannot be close to too long! And because the brother is guarding Wan Leigu...so..."

Looking at the old face of Xiangyang, and listening to Xiangyang Road, Xiao Hua is very warm, and thumbs up: "Master, this is where the righteousness! The younger brother is really admired!"

"Appreciate? Hey!" Xiangyang shook his head: "In the face of cultivation, everything is nothing! What is righteousness? What is right? What is honesty? What is shame? It is not a way!"

"唉~" Xiao Hua sighed long and looked at the mountains that were getting closer in the distance. He said: "Yes, the people who cultivated the Tao are only one word. As long as they can improve their cultivation, as long as they can live forever, what? The means can come up! But this kind of practice, even if it is a longevity, even if it is made up of Yuan Ying, distraction, then... what fun?"

“Is the fish not knowing the fish?” Xiangyang shook his head: “Maybe they are right, we are wrong!”

Xiao Hua stopped: "Maybe they are wrong, are we right?"

"Who is right or wrong, I am afraid that only God can know! And thousands of years later, they may laugh at our dead bones!" Xiangyang said very profoundly: "Know these... you know why you are such a brother." Was it ridiculed? Don’t take the opportunity to build a foundation, but you have to practice hard...” (To be continued)


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