Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 317: Dispatch errand

Chapter 317 Distribution of errands

"The palace owner valued the people?" Xiang Yang suddenly remembered Xiao Hua's lord's order, and did not feel a bitter heart: "No, he has always been used to low-key, Xiao Hua has a master order in his hand, what are you still guilty?"

Xiao Hua's face is unchanged, faintly said: "Don't dare, the younger generation just saw the sovereigns and several faces, can't talk about what to value. (dukan,)"

"Oh, a few face! Xiao Shidi said that the real is simple!" The wind is still full of smiles: "The palace owner has sent me a deacon to the demon temple, and I am a brother of the thundering palace, let Xiao Shidi arbitrarily Picking, isn't that important?"

The sun next to "Silk~" is secretly sucking air, which he has never heard of.

Xiao Hua didn't even lift his eyelids and said: "The arrangement of the predecessors is exactly what the younger generation is. I don't know which medicine garden is the most deserted. The younger generation only took the errand of the medicine garden!"

"Don't..." The storm was in a hurry, and he cried quickly...

"Xiao Shidi, the poor road has taken the deacon's life, and has already arranged the position of the younger brother. It is the errand of the system. This is the arrangement of the dozens of brothers and uncles. The younger brother can be satisfied!" said the wind and anxiously.

"No!" Xiao Hua shook his head slightly: "The younger generation still feels that the errand of the medicine garden is good!"

"Little teacher~" Xiangyang whispered: "At this time, it is not a time to rebel. The medicine garden is far away. Every day, I have to work hard, and I have to work hard to get back. It is not good for practice! Little teacher If you don't like the system, it's better to find the alchemy master and give them an alchemy boy. It's also a reward!"

"Alchemy boy?" Xiao Hua's heart was moved, but then it was relieved. At this time, he was able to refine the medicinal herbs, and the technique was quite different from that of Xiaoyu. Even if he found a teacher who could make alchemy, he would watch it. Then... isn’t it also for yourself to find yourself uncomfortable?

Xiao Hua shook his head firmly: "Thank you for your predecessors, the younger generation wants to go to the medicine garden!"

"To the brothers..." The wind turned and the title changed.

Xiangyang sighed and pulled Xiao Hua aside and whispered; "Little brother, what are you doing in the medicine garden? You can’t see any results when you are bitter and tired. It’s better than the guards of Wan Leigu. To be seen!"

"Hey, Master, the younger brother has no idea. We just offended the disciples of the Yuxi Temple. Don't hurry to find a remote place to hide? What is it in front of others? More than one thing is less, this is not Did you just say that?"

"But...the drug garden of Zhen Lei Palace is really ridiculous, that is what happened, no one knows, people... oh, it’s not easy for the brother to tell you, the teacher said it is good, some people have it. Fight, but what if there is no one? What's the matter?" Xiangyang seems to be worried about Xiaohua's future, anxiously said.

"Oh?" Xiaohua certainly understood that his eyes narrowed slightly and then smiled: "Thank you, Master, reminder, the younger brother has understood!"

"Oh, that's good!" Xiangyang sighed, but Xiao Hua's next sentence made him stunned: "The younger brother still wants to go to the medicine garden!"

"Okay... okay!" Xiangyang looked at the neck and sighed with a sigh, saying: "This is your own choice, and it is not good for your brother to interfere!"

"Well, the master can choose, the younger brother can also choose." Xiao Hua smiled.

Waiting for Xiangyang and Xiaohua to come over, the shock wind lost the smile: "How?"

"Oh, the brother of the earthquake is overworked. My younger brother has to go to the medicine garden. What can I say as a brother?" Xiangyang said: "Please also shake the brothers this slightly convenient place!"

"Hey, what do you say about the poor road?" Zhen brother is also puzzled. Look at Xiao Hua and look at Xiangyang: "How do the disciples who have been obedient have gone to your Thunder Valley?"

Just take a hand, take out a jade card, put a hand, the jade card on the green brilliance, flash some graphics, the wind looked at it, and pointed his hand: "I am the medicine of the thunder palace There are thirty-four in the park, and there are still six people who are not in charge. It is a little closer to my Shuo Lei Temple... Oh, if Xiao Shidi is willing, he can wait a few days, and the poor road will be the nearest medicine to the Shuo Lei Temple. The park was transferred to the younger brother!"

"No, just six places!" Xiao Hua shook his head. "I don't know the difference between these six places."

The wind glanced at the jade card and smiled. "These six places are where the heavens and the earth are not enough. One of them is the abandoned ground fire. It is because of this that no one is going, the other is the same as other medicine gardens. !"

“Abandoned ground fire?” Xiao Hua’s heart was overjoyed, but it’s also unspeakable. “The troubled seniors will refer these to the younger generation!”

"No problem!" Seeing Xiao Hua is still a predecessor, the shock wind will lose the mind of the draw, just face, will point out their respective places!

"Well, presumably this drug garden with abandoned fire is a little closer to Wanlei Valley?" Xiao Hua looked at him and smiled.

"It is true, but it is not much near!" The wind brows are slightly wrinkled. The medicine garden is the most barren. It has long been the herb itself, which is really not a good choice.

"Oh, this kind of medicine garden ... is not much to pay the Lingcao?" Xiao Hua smiled.

When the wind and the wind turned, he smiled and said: "Nature people can't be less, can Xiao Shidi? Naturally, another!"

Xiao Hua arched his hand and rarely smiled at the wind: "So many thanks to the brothers!"

"I don't appreciate, thank you!" The wind was immediately a little happy. He turned his hand and the place of the medicine garden became another color. He immediately said, "Xiao Shidi waited a little, and this gave you a token." !"

Finished, hurried away!

"***!" Looking at the back of the hurricane, Xiaohua felt funny: "Small master called this goods so many seniors, but he is not happy, how to call a brother, he is happy." Is the token of the dry Thunder so easy to use?"

Just thinking, Xiangyang is taking a hand and taking out a thousand-mile notes and handing it to Xiao Hua: "Little teacher, this is the melody of your teacher's refining system, which is much slower than Ray-Light. You can only use this for your cultivation! You have collected it. If there is any difference in the medicine garden, or if there is something wrong, send it out quickly!"

Xiao Hua’s heart was warm, and he took the income storage bag and smiled: “Thank you so much!”

However, for a long time, the wind and the wind came back, and a brand was handed over. He smiled and said: "Please ask Xiao Shidi to collect it. This brand is the certificate to open Dongling Medicine Park. As for the method of use, please contact me. Like the cards!"

"Well, thank you, brother Feng Feng!" Xiao Hua took a smile.

"You're welcome, Xiao Shidi, that Dongling Pharmaceutical Park's poor road is very familiar, when are you going to bring you to the past!" Zhenfeng face is very enthusiastic.

"No, the wind brother, the younger brother is going!" Xiao Hua arched his hand, and told the earthquake, the shock wind actually ignored the eyes of others, sent Xiao Hua out!

The isotonic wind turned back to Shuo Lei Temple, and Xiao Hua turned to ask Xiangyang: "Master, where is the place of my martial art and the place where the power is passed?"

"The martial arts brothers are teaching the martial arts every day in Yan Lei Dian, and the daily essence is different, sometimes it is the basic law, sometimes it is in and out of the exercises, and in many cases there are explanations of alchemy and syllabus! The syllabus is naturally placed in the Yan Lei Hall! However, the younger brother, you go to listen to the law, why do you want to find the classics of the martial arts?" Xiangyang's patient explanation is somewhat strange.

Xiao Hua smiled, but did not explain, said: "Right, Master, what do you have to do to see what you can't see?"

"I?" Xiangyang smiled bitterly: "For the brother only had the master's teaching, the old man's things for the brothers can not fully understand, other exercises are good, but the brothers have never thought about it!"

"No?" Xiao Hua really didn't understand the mentality of Xiangyang, which he did not see. He was trying to find a way to enlighten himself outside Yu Leizong!

"Greedy is not bad, little brother!" Xiangyang smiled: "When you practice to build a foundation, you will know this truth. As long as a kind of practice can be cultivated to Jindan, why should we find more waste? What time is it?"

"Oh, this way!" Xiao Hua stunned, and also understands that the people who have done the tokens to themselves, this token can see the classics of the Eight Thunder Palace, but ... have you cultivated?

"However, your teacher always wanted to get the refining method of the invisible character. Unfortunately, the thing was collected in the Kunlei Palace. It has never been able to come out. The younger brother is afraid of being powerless?" Xiangyang casually said.

"Hey, what does the younger brother think is it?" Xiao Hua listened to the music, took a hand, and took the revelation method of the invisible character. He handed it over and said: "Do not kill what Kun Lei Palace, the younger brother has it! ”

"What? Invisible??" Xiangyang Da Le, do not believe to take it out, but unfortunately where can he understand? Another question: "How can you have this?"

"Do not ask this brother, first take this thing to the teacher to enlighten, and wait until the practice is completed and give it to the younger brother!"

Xiangyang looked at Xiaohua with some complicated look. He nodded and took the booklet into his arms.

"Let's go, Master, trouble to bring the younger brother to Yan Lei Temple, the younger brother really want to find some classics to see!" Xiao Hua smiled.

"You... really go?" Xiangyang Qidao said: "You just had a refining period, you are not qualified to view the classics of Yan Lei Hall. You can only go to Master's Dongfu to see the exercises!"

"That's nothing to do with it!" Xiao Hua waved his hand, as if he was a master, saying: "You should bring the younger brother to talk about it in the past!"

"Okay!" Although Xiangyang was suspicious, he still went to Yanlei Hall with Xiaohua.

Along the way, Xiangyang still met a lot of disciples who built the foundation. Those disciples who saw Xiangyang were also smiling. The first sentence was also to ask about the ceremony. The sun was also good, and the face was calm and coping. At the end of the day, even Xiao Hua almost believes that Xiangyang, the early master of the foundation, will definitely have a son of the gods!

Seeing a steep cliff, a large antique palace half floating in the clouds, Xiao Hua smiled and said: "This is Yan Lei Temple? How is it better than the Ben Lei Temple?"

"Miao?" Xiangyang was in the air, almost laughing and exporting: "The little teacher's wonderful word is also very good!"

"Oh!" Xiao Hua lost his smile, suddenly remembered something, whispered: "Right, Master, is that jade Jane read and write with God?"

"Yeah?" Xiangyang said: "Although the monks in the refining period have a thought, but they can only see it. If it is written, it can only be built, um, or the refinement of the peak of refining is particularly powerful!" ”

"Does the master have these laws?" Xiao Hua thought for a moment.

"Of course, this thing is just the common law of the foundation-based monks. I have a master of the royal family." Xiangyang took a shot and took out a thin booklet and asked: "You ask this. What?"

"Nothing, the younger brother is curious about the mystery of this method, want to see the embarrassment of it." Xiao Hua stared at the booklet and asked: "The younger brother holding the law will not add any trouble to the master?"

“How is it possible?” Xiang Yang handed Xiao Hua: “This thing is in the Royal Lei Zong is waste paper. Is there any trouble?”

"That's good!" Xiao Hua took over and carefully collected it.

However, for a long time, Xiao Hua and Xiangyang came to the front of Yan Lei Hall. At this time, it was not a moment of passing through. The entire Yan Lei Hall was covered by a layer of light purple brilliance. The entire Yan Lei Hall is under the water!

Xiangyang walked to the front, waved his hand, and a red brilliance flew into Guanghua. After a moment, the brilliance was tearing out of thin air. A mid-term monk walked slowly and looked at Xiao Hua and Xiangyang, frowning. Road: "At this time, it is not a moment of communication. What are the two things?"

"Hey brother, the poor road is Wan Leigu Xiangyang, this is the poor brother Xiaohua!" Xiangyang went to the front of the hand.

"Well, I naturally know that you are sunny!" The disciple did not mention anything to pay tribute to him. He nodded slightly: "Isn't it necessary to go to the teacher to enter the mission to enlighten other exercises?"

Xiao Hua quickly stepped forward, took a shot, took out the lord's order, and smiled: "It is not a matter of the master, it is the younger generation to enter the mission!"

"You?" The monk sneaked a hand, and the master took a hand, and the master ordered it in his hand. With a deep reading of the gods, the monk showed a trace of surprise, then returned the lord to Xiao Hua and nodded: " Since it is the order of the chief of the head, you can naturally watch it! However, Xiao Hua, this token only allows you to view it in the Gonggong Pavilion, and all the books and other items can not be taken out of Yan Lei Hall! ”

"Good!" Xiao Hua smiled and said: "That... With this token, can the other seven thundering palaces be able to watch it?"

"The order of the chief of the lord is to be sent to the deacon of each thunder palace. You can naturally rely on this lord!" The bastion monk restored the previous plainness and said: "Xiao Hua, you must enter at this time." See?"

"No, thank you for your predecessors!" Xiao Hua thanked him with a heart.

"Well!" I know that Xiao Hua just wants to see if this master order is effective. The Zhuji monk did not scorn the Xiaohua and nodded.

"Right, please also let the seniors stay." Xiao Hua suddenly remembered something, anxious.

"Xiao Hua, what else do you have?"

"The younger generation came to the first time and wanted to ask, are there any five elements in the mission?"

"The Five Elements Law? Naturally there is!" The Zhuji monk nodded: "When you arrive at the foundation period, your teacher will naturally pass this five elements to you!"

“Hmm?” Xiao Huaqi said: “The Five Elements Law... Isn’t it five ways?”

"Oh, nature is not, my Royal Leizong only has five lines of martial arts, there are no separate five ways!" Zhuji monk smiled and said: "As long as the five elements of the law, the five elements of the world can be carried out, why should one by one practice ?"

"Oh, the predecessors said it makes sense!" Xiao Hua nodded: "The Thunder's technique... can the poor road see it now?"

"Nature! You have to go in?" The foundation-based monk nodded.

At this time, Xiangyang was pulling the sleeves of La Xiaohua...



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