Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 323: Go to Dongling Medicine Park

Seeing that he had not been returned to the Yuliang Temple by Yan Liang, Xiaohua was hesitant to face Yan Liang’s question. I don’t know how to answer it. He only listened to Xiangyang and said that he is a disciple of the refining period, and he has to go back to the Lei Palace every day. However, it is ignorant that there is no punishment for returning to the Lei Palace.

After thinking about it, Xiao Hua vowed: "Good teacher knows that the disciple knows that the disciple went to the thundering palace to receive the errands yesterday. When he came back, the disciple lost his way, and he did not dare to fly at night. Departed. Well, I was also met by a former uncle who was building a foundation. It was his old man who sent his disciples back!"

According to Xiao Hua’s thoughts, Yan Liang will definitely take care of his own mistakes. He will give himself a lesson and he will not be able to compile any reason. Only tell the truth!

I don’t know, there is a weird look on the face of the good people. Looking up and down Xiao Hua, I snorted from the nose and said: "It’s no wonder that other disciples went to the Yuxi Temple to register on the first day. Book, get the identity token, but you are late to come to the second day, and the coming is very imposing, do not give me the equal face of the disciples; then rushed to the thunder of the palace, how to think of The token? That token Since I am waiting for the vouchers of the Royal Leizong disciples, there are also pictures of the palaces of my Royal Leizong and other dangerous palaces. If you don’t take the token, how can you not get lost in the Lemo Mountain Range?"

Xiao Hua was stunned by Yan Liang’s face. He really didn’t know, and the timid sun was afraid of losing his sense because he saw Xiao Hua’s teaching of the jade disciples. Have you forgotten this thing?

"哼~" I saw that Yan Liang took a hand and took a token from the storage bag. A thin booklet was handed over and sneered: "The poor road called the disciple to find you at your residence last night. Actually not. No reason, the poor road had to be sent in person today!"

Said. With a wave of his hand, the token and the booklet flew to the eyes of Xiao Hua.

Xiao Hua reached out and reached. I said to him, "Thank you, brother, yesterday..."

"But! Things are over, don't mention it!" Yan Liang waved his hand and turned away, saying as he walked. "The token is to confess the blood, the booklet records the use of the token! You see it!"

"Yes, the disciple knows!" Xiao Hua did not expect to cross the border so easily, with a smile on his face and a good smile.

Waiting back to the young Lei Feng, Xiao Hua’s own cabin. Xiao Hua sat cross-legged. He wanted to take stock of something that was self-destructive. In addition to Lingshi, Lingcao and Dan medicine, there are several artifacts and several jade slips that seem to come from some sources. Xiao Hua knows that these things must not be used in the refining period, and he can never use it! So if you think about it, you will give up first! I took out the token and the booklet I used first. The booklet was very thin. Xiaohua’s meal was finished, then I closed my eyes and thought about it. A drop of blood is forced out of the finger and then drops on the token. As in the case of Yuxi Temple yesterday, the blood does not penetrate into the token. Only under the drive of Xiao Hua's perception, gradually infiltrated, and with the infiltration, the entire token emits a faint golden color, and then disappears and restores its original appearance!

"***, Xiaoye's blood seems to have problems!" Xiaohua sighed: "Don't reveal it casually!"

Then, Xiao Hua’s hands slammed the law and spurred the mana to hit the token. A brilliance flashed over, and a rather large topographic map emerged from the token. The light spot is very eye-catching!

"Well, these eight spots are afraid of the Eight Thunder Palace? Then, where am I?"

Take a closer look, and sure enough, in one of the light spots, a small golden dot is also flashing.

"Oh? Is this the Thunder Palace?" Thinking, Xiao Hua will hand a little, the light gradually enlarges, there are three small words that appear in the "Yu Lei Palace", and then look around the eight major thunder palaces, some places are Dim, some places are gray, and there are a few places that are red!

According to the records of the booklet, the reddening should be the forbidden place of Yu Leizong. The graying should be less people, while the dim is the scarcity of heaven and earth...

"Haha, it really has a teacher's door. Unlike the dispersal, these things don't need a piece of Lingshi to get it. After the young man is not afraid to get lost!"

Subsequently, Xiao Hua was again changed by the law, and the token in the hand was slightly shaken. Then Xiao Hua put his hand on the token and grabbed it. A token identical to the token in Xiao Hua’s hand was actually caught by him. In the hands!

"Ha ha ha, fun!" Xiao Hua sent the token in his hand to another token, and the token actually disappeared into the token. Immediately, Xiao Hua was again grasped by hand, and one identical token was born out of thin air!

"Oh, what are the younger brothers doing?" I was having a good time at Xiaohua, and the voice of Xiangyang came from outside the cabin.

Xiao Hua threw a few tokens on the table of the wooden house and prayed to the sun that entered the door: "I have seen the master!"

"I have heard you laughing when I haven’t entered the door..." Xiangyang asked happily.

"The token that the younger brother just received is holding hands!" Xiao Hua smiled at the pile of tokens on the table.

"Hey, look at me!" Xiangyang patted his forehead with his hand and woke up: "Yesterday, I forgot to take your identity token in the Jade Temple!"

"Forget it, forget it!" Xiao Hua took the token back and smiled. "The younger disciple of the Yuxi Temple in the morning sent him to the younger brother!"

"Well? Did they send it?" Xiangyang whispered, then nodded slightly: "Hey, it seems that there are some good ones!"

"What can the younger brother have to come to? But just got a so-called lord order!" Xiao Hua dismissed.

"Hey, my little brother, a so-called sect, you said it is really light. How many monks of my royal sect, no matter how advanced, can there be several masters? Then again, refining The disciples and the disciples of the foundation period are afraid that there are only a handful of people who have a lord's order?"

"Oh, don't say this!" Xiao Hua smiled: "What is the urgency of the master yesterday? Is it done?"

"Oh, nothing!" Xiangyang took a shot, took out a booklet and a token, and smiled: "This booklet is the first layer of the Thunder's cultivation method, which was copied to you by your teacher last night!" ”

"Oh, thank you Master, thank you Master!" Xiao Hua rejoiced, first took the book, and then very strangely looked at another token!

"Oh, this token was last night when Master took time to go to the thunder palace to find the palace owner to help you find." Xiangyang smiled and handed the token to Xiao Hua.

"Help me find it?" Xiao Hua took it over and looked around.

"Let's go, you can go to the spring thunder hall with me!" Xiangyang is rarely seen selling a pawn, when the first out of the log house.

At the Temple of Chunlei, the disciples who are on duty are the former roots. Xiao Hua naturally knows that the roots are not talking to Xiangyang, but just look at Xiao Hua, and wonder: "Xiao Hua, is your helpless master, you are a mess. And don't want you?"

Xiao Hua grinned, did not dare to say anything, next to the Xiangyang archer: "Xiao Hua's qualification is excellent, it is a rare disciple of my thunder palace, how can my master not want it? The poor road came here, it is In the life of my demon clerk Qi Qiaoge deacon, Xiao Hua is guarded by Dongling Medicine Garden. It is too far away from the Leigong Palace. It is hard to work hard every day. Therefore, Xiaohua is required to practice in Dongling Medicine Park.艮雷宫 reports!"

"Oh, this way!" He did not have any special reaction. He waved his hand. The token in Xiaohua’s hand was taken by him. He swept his head and nodded. "Well, the poor road is known, and it is poor for a while." The road will use this token to report."

"It seems that it is not uncommon to report to the Thunder Palace every day!" Xiao Hua suddenly, but immediately, Xiao Hua is touched by the heart, but not from Zhen Lei Palace to Wan Leigu, then from Wanlei Valley went to Zhenlei Palace, and then rushed to the Lei Lei Palace in the early morning of this morning. Among them, Xiao Hua has already known, especially in the evening, he also asked the palace to order, fearing that the master would also go to the earthquake palace in person. of. From the busy yesterday to today, Xiangyang is working for the younger brother who just saw one side, but also helpless... Hey, Xiao Hua sighs, this world is in addition to intrigue, life and death, but also touching warmth and care!

"Let's go, younger brother, take you to Dongling Medicine Park for your brother!" Xiangyang arched his hand and said goodbye to Xiao Hua.

"Don't you? Master, the younger brother has a token here, and there are topographic maps on it. The younger one can go there!" Xiao Hua said.

"Don't, let the brother take you first!" Xiangyang smiled and said: "Dongling Pharmacy is far away. There are quite a lot of forbidden places and dangerous places. If the younger brother accidentally enters, don't say Master, it is you. The teacher will also ask for his brother!"

"That... there is a master of labor!" Xiao Hua was warm in his heart.

Dongling Medicine Garden is really far away, and the technique of Xiangyang Thunder is not successful. Although it is already the initial repair of the foundation, it can set off the speed of flight. It is really better than Xiaohua, so they will come to Dongling Medicine Park. At that time, the time is almost noon.

Of course, in the middle of the road, Xiangyang pointed out the position of several forbidden places and dangerous places. One by one, Xiao Hua took the token and saw it in his heart. The place where he was in distress last night was on the topographic map. The color of gray and black, called the evil scorpion, should be the apocalypse of the heavens and the earth and the rare presence of people. Xiao Hua wants to ask about the situation there, but it is stopped at the mouth, and he plans to ruin his life last night. In my heart!

"Look, the front is not far from Dongling!" Xiangyang pointed his hand, and the mountains in the distance were one after another. The mountains showed a pale yellow color, which looked very dazzling under the sun!


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