Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 326: Baye Lingjing

This Sanskrit really works, and it is like a kind of rain that nourishes Xiaohua's meridians!

In the Xiaohua meridian, this is the method of running the law of the heavens and the earth, tempering the flames of the remnants of the sacred crystals. This sacred sound can not increase the speed of Xiaohua's quenching, but the number of flames that Xiaohua can temper is large. increase!

Day after day, one night after another, Xiao Hua still holds the exquisite tower in his hand, sitting cross-legged, a pair of treasures solemn!

The exquisite tower in Xiaohua’s hand still shrouded the Buddha’s light. In the next four layers of golden light, the golden Buddha’s lotus slowly rotates with the sound of the Sanskrit, and actually escapes from the golden light, circling the eyebrows flying into Xiaohua’s eyebrows. Where! Although Xiao Hua did not have any movements, but in his eyebrows, with the infiltration of the golden Buddha, he actually gave birth to a "卍" word. This "卍" word was first faint, then it was gradually clear, just this The word "卍" is not complete. Except for the completeness of the bottom and the right, the third is established a lot, and the fourth is completely absent! The whole word "卍" appeared only faintly at the time of the initial flash!

When the golden buds of the exquisite tower are all gathered together to form the word "卍", it has been a full two months! During this period, Xiao Hua's body shape did not move, but the whole body had mysterious fluctuations. The alien stars in the sky always wrapped him tightly; within the meridians, the flame remaining in the vitreous crystal was thoroughly refining. Of course, the practice of "Fa Tian Xiang Di" is still running, but the instinct of refining and refining at this time is very rare. Xiao Hua's cultivation is only fixed in the middle of the eleventh layer of refining!

The golden Buddha of the Linglong Tower disappeared. The four layers of golden light below the Linglong Tower gradually disappeared, followed by the Sanskrit! Da Yan Ling Yu Tower has restored the previous ordinary look!

Moved, Xiao Hua’s eyes finally moved slightly, seemingly with an extremely reluctant meaning, Xiao Hua opened his eyes. In an instant, the traceback in the space begins to rotate again. The alien star is suddenly missing!

"唉~" Xiaohua's eye movements, looking at the big Yan Linglong tower in his hand, some eager eyes, sighed: "This ... thing really is a treasure! But with a voice can bring the poor road into a mysterious In this realm, it seems to be full of peace. It seems to be full of compassion. It is the opposite of the tyranny and wildness of the evil way of the poor road; this method of heaven and earth is in harmony with this voice. Complementing each other, only 60 days and nights can be used to repair the poor road from the mid-term of the 11th floor of the refining gas. It is really wonderful!"

"This Buddhism...what is the comprehension of the martial art? I feel that from the role of this Da Yan Ling Tower, it will not be worse than Yu Lei Zong! The ruins of them...? It has not been destroyed by the Miao people. ?" Just thinking, the token in Xiaohua's storage bag is a little different. Xiao Hua took a shot and the token of Dongling Medicine Garden was taken out. "Hey? Is there someone who has a message?" Xiao Hua was slightly stunned, and then he took a hand. The faint Huaguang flashed on the token, and four red-red crosses flew in from outside the Dongfu!

"Oh, there are actually four!" Xiao Hua put the token on the side, and the Da Yan Ling Tower earned space, it is to reach out to the message. At this time, Xiao Hua’s heart was slightly rotated by the word “卍”, and Xiao Hua’s mind was suddenly pulled into a strange place where the Buddha’s light spread. There is nothing but a Buddha statue in the middle of the place.

"What is this?" Xiao Hua feels that this statue is like the whole world. Can feel like grass mustard again. Although the entire Buddha statue is not particularly clear, but. The Buddha statue is one finger and one finger. The kind of eyes in the eyes seems to be a slanting world. It seems to be the momentum of infinite compassion. It is deeply imprinted in Xiao Hua’s mind.

At the time of Xiaohua Nahan, there was a plausible flower in the hands of the still-moving Buddha statue. The flowers were like dreams, and the flowers were full of brilliance. The expression of Buddha’s compassion also appeared with the appearance of flowers. Suddenly, there was a lot of things in Xiaohua’s mind!

It was an instant, Xiao Hua’s eyes were bright again, his mind returned to the body, and his fingers were still about to hold the message carrier! The word "卍" in his eyebrows gradually disappears and hides into the skin!

“乖乖~” Xiao Hua was shocked: “What is this?”

Immediately, Xiao Hua did not pick up the message, closed his eyes, and a fragrant work, Xiao Hua opened his eyes, his face could not tell what it was, but his brows were slightly wrinkled: "Bai Ye Ling Jing Jing"? This is The Buddha's cultivation of relics is the supreme method. Others practice the relics of the relics or the spheres, or the colorful colors! Only the relics made by the "Bai Ye Ling Jing Jing" are a statue of Buddha! ! It is called Buddha relic!"

"But...what is this relic? Who is the Buddha?" Xiao Hua was a bit stunned: "The most weird thing is that this place where Buddha relics are made is in the mud pill palace? That... isn't that the **** of the gods? Is it the place where God is born?"

"Right, talking about the mud pill palace, my mud pill palace seems to be no! There is no mud pill palace, how do I cultivate the gods? How can my gods come out?"

"And, what is the name of the Buddha's supreme mind, how is it similar to the unnamed mouth that I used to practice? I used the nameless mouth to cultivate a different perception of the gods. It is hard to be... the nameless mouth What kind of mind is the Buddha's heart?" Thinking of this, Xiao Hua's heart jumped, but if it is as "Bai Ye Ling Jing Jing" said, this kind of magical power is a Buddhist knowledge. Listening to the name is different from God's thought, it is difficult. ...have you made a mistake?

“Well, stop, stop!” Xiao Hua immediately shook his head: “There are only the first four layers of this “Baye Linglong Sutra”, and the last five layers are all incomplete, perhaps waiting for the poor road to take the eleventh one. Gold foil gets it and says it!"

"Hey, it’s fun to smile with this flower of the Buddha’s sect. There is no text at all. If you smile, you will pass the exercises to the poor road, and the real mystery!" Xiao Hua thought, pinching his hand, the front A message is broken, the voice of the sun is coming: "Little brother, you have been in Dongling for 30 days, come to see you before the death of Master, you will open the circle!"

"Oh, Master and Master are really concerned about me!" Xiao Hua smiled and shattered another message.

"Xiao Hua, the poor road is shocking, and the deacon of the deacon of the thunder is coming to pick up the sputum, please open the circle!"

Xiao Hua slightly frowned, said: "Is it time to pick the sputum? The master only said that it was picked every year, and did not say any moment! Hey, this message does not know when to come, afraid to delay The thing of Shuo Lei Temple!"

The third communication symbol is still the voice of the sun, but at this time there is already some anxiety: "Little brother, this is the second time for the brother, it has been fifty days, are you retreating? Hey, you just Getting started, medicinal herbs and other things are still not there, why are you in a hurry to retreat? If you are going out, send a message to your brother, and wait for you for a hundred days. If there is no reply, please go to the Shuo Lei Temple for the brothers. The deacon opened the ban!"

Xiao Hua’s heart was warm, and when he reached out, he took out the notes left by Xiangyang and said a few words to the notes. Then he took a hand and the voice suddenly turned into a thunder and flew out!

The fourth messenger was both a surprise to Xiao Hua and Xiao Hua’s surprise. It was Xue Xue.

"Xiao Hua, where are you now? I am doing a chores in the alchemy room of the Thunder Palace. I wanted to find you, but Master said that before the foundation, the disciples of the Thunder Palace and the disciples of the Thunder Palace. I can't just meet each other. I am afraid that I am afraid of the bad mood! Master is very good to me, saying that my physique is suitable for practicing the practice of her old man, but since I can only get the guidance of her old man after building the foundation, so for the time being, I only Can stay in the palace."

"However, Master said, she is a Jindan period monk, the professor disciples will be a little special, maybe I can wait for a long time, I can go to the Thunder Palace. Of course, Master will not directly point me, some of my foundations I will point me! Well, you have to step up cultivation, don't let me catch up with you!"

"Hey, Master said, if it is going well, I should be able to build the foundation within twenty years! What about you?"

"I?" Xiao Hua saw the voice of the message without a voice, grinning, and said to himself: "You have been building a foundation for 20 years? The poor road is afraid that it will be built next year!"

However, think about it, Xue Xue is only a seven-layer refining of the refining, and the general monks of the Royal Leizong have no obstacles to practice. The peak of the twelve layers of refining has also been twenty-four years. Xue Xue used twenty years to build the foundation. It is also good!

After thinking about it, Xiao Hua also took out a message, whispered a few words, still sent out, he finally got the opportunity to cultivate, but did not want to be disturbed by anything, so did not say himself Where is it, I only say that I am also practicing hard, and I hope that I can build a foundation earlier. I think Xue Xue will understand what he thinks and will not find him specifically!

Subsequently, Xiao Hua did not dare to delay, picked up the token of Dongling Medicine Park, carefully checked it, flew out of the Dongfu, found some jade in a medical park not far away, and quickly picked up enough Yan Yancao, flying to the thunder palace!

Xiao Hua’s flight skills are extremely fast. There is no eye-catching person from Dongling to Zhenlei Palace, so Xiao Hua does not have to worry. It took only three hours to reach the Shuo Lei Temple!

Seeing the disciples of Shuo Lei Temple, Xiao Hua smiled and said: "Well, brother, who is Zhen Ming brother?"

Watching the disciples look up and down Xiao Hua, faintly asked: "What do you think of Zhenming's younger brother?"

"Oh, the disciple is doing the chores in Dongling Medicine Park, the last time..."

After waiting for Xiao Hua to finish, the disciplinist smiled and said: "Oh ~~ The poor road understands! You are the chores of Dongling Medicine Park!"

“How?” Xiao Hua’s heart was not good, and he hurriedly asked: “Is it difficult... Did the disciples delay the alchemy in the door?”


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