Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 331: intend

Chapter 331 is intended

"What is going on here?" There was helplessness and sullen face. Xiao Hua is his hope of Wan Leigu. How can Xiao Hua be wronged?

Xiao Hua was clearly stunned, and immediately understood that Xiangyang did not punished himself, um, even the things of Dongling Medicine Park did not say anything. (Genius can remember to read www.dukank in just 3 seconds.

Just when Xiao Hua wanted to speak, Xiangyang preemptively said: "Master, this is the case!"

"What?" Helplessly waited for a look at Xiangyang: "Your boy has made a self-assertion!"

"Oh, yes, I hope Master understands." Xiangyang said that he said things again, and finally said: "These things are not too much, so the disciples did not know Master, only the younger brother is retreating!"

"***!" Helplessly said: "This kid is indeed retreating, you are right!"

"嘻嘻" sees helplessness, Xiangyang is also happy, said: "It is not difficult for the ancestors to be a younger brother. Is this not going to happen? What is the case for one year? How can it compare with the younger brother? Two months, I will set foot on the eleventh floor!"

"No!" I couldn't help but look at Xiao Hua and ask: "Is it really hard for you to shock the uncle? He is an old man... but a little bit of a temper!"

"No, how can it be difficult for a disciple?" Xiao Hua smiled and shook his head: "The disciple is just getting started. Is it not normal to make some mistakes occasionally?"

"That's good!" Helplessly look at Zhuo*, and Xiaohua said: "Your teacher has always thought about giving you a face-to-face ceremony. She is so easy to find the medicine from the teacher who is familiar with Leigong. I want you to take a break through the eleventh layer of refining, you are good... let your sister be busy!"

"Thank you for your concern!" Xiao Hua was warm in the heart and bowed forward.

"What is your child, what kind of polite?" Zhuo* waved Xiaohua and said: "I am a child in Wanlei Valley, we don't want you, who are you thinking about?"

Xiao Hua sweats, some awkward, how do they say that they are twenty-five years old, and they are children in their mouths! Think again, people say that they are hundreds of years old, what are they not children?

"This photo Yuan Dan is taken by my Royal Leizong to the disciples who have been refining ten layers. Now it is not suitable for you to take it again!" Zhuo*’s eyes flashed a little bit of embarrassment, and then he smiled: "Wait a few Day, the teacher will go to the Thunder Palace to see if they have any extra Yuan Dan!"

"Photographing Yuan Dan? Juyuan Dan??" Xiao Hua secretly said: "***, it is really good to have a martial art. The poor road only knows Pei Yuan Dan, who knows people... Every level has different remedies, And also say that for example!!!"

Xiao Hua said with a smile: "No need to worry, Shi Niang, you will take Yuan Dan to your disciples. You don't forget, the disciples have been born, this Juyuan Dan has never taken it. At this time, it is also effective. of!"

"This..." Zhuo* turned to look at helplessness.

Helplessly waved his hand and said: "Give him, his experience in taking medicinal herbs is richer than me, so don't worry about him!"

Zhuo* took a shot and took out three jade bottles from the storage bag. He whispered: "Xiao Hua, you have not taken this medicine, you must take the whole one first, first..."

Nao Zhuo actually said a little bit about Xiao Yao’s taboo with Xiao Yuan. Xiao Hua listened to Luo Wei, but his heart was very useful. He smiled slightly and nodded from time to time.

At the end of the day, Zhuo* still apologized and said: "This photo Yuan Dan is ultimately unsuitable. The teacher is still Juyuan Dan. You will have to refine the 12 layers soon, and the remedy is indispensable!"

"Oh, unfortunately... the teacher will not refine the alchemy, Xiangyang and Qingyi will not alchemy, only your teacher slightly knows a little, otherwise..." Helplessly waved and said.

Xiao Hua felt a move and smiled: "I don't know if the teacher can have a Dan Dan or a Yuan Dan?"

"Hey? How come... Your kid will be alchemy?" A helpless look, it was a surprise.

"Master is too high to see a disciple!" Xiao Hua quickly waved his hand, and then whispered: "The disciple thinks... the disciple is on duty in Dongling Medicine Park, nothing else, that spirit grass... Hey, isn't that much? And disciple I have just received a lot of seeds from Shuo Lei Temple. The disciples first planted Dan Dan in the Yuan Dan and Ju Yuan Dan. When the teacher took the grass to change the medicine, it was not..."

"Ah? Hey..." There was no help but a glimpse. Then I saw Xiaohua laughing.

Only the sun, the brows are slightly wrinkled: "Little brother... Is this not appropriate?"

"What's wrong?" Reluctantly replied: "According to what you think, a hair can't be fished, who goes to alchemy, who goes to the system?***, when can Xiaohua build a foundation?"

"Master..." Xiangyang is very wronged: "The younger brother has just made a mistake, but don't make mistakes again!"

"You..." I couldn't help but jump up and anger. "It's you! You can only stay in the early days of building... people..."

"French!" Zhuo* also stood up with a "call" and angered: "The child in Xiangyang is right, what are you doing!"

"I..." I couldn’t help but glance at the old wife who was angry. The eyes turned and the face immediately changed her face. She said: "Is it just a matter of teaching the sun to change? Is the door bigger? What!"

"Well, Master is a disciple, you should sit down first!" Xiangyang also said quickly.

Zhuo* took a look at Xiangyang and sat back in the chair. He was sitting next to the sun, and his head was low, and he didn’t say anything!

"Oh, Master, Master, you don't have to worry about it. Dongling Medicine Garden is a sinuous grass. Other grasses are ridiculous. No one has ever noticed. Disciples will find a place to plant the grass first. ”

Zhuo* listened, thought about it, got up and went back to the back hole, and then came out for a moment, took a jade slip and handed it to Minqing: "Qingyi, this is the Danfang who took several medicinal herbs during the refining period. You will copy the copy out to Xiao Hua, let him get some Lingcao, and go to the teacher with empty hands, there is really no face!"

"The disciple obeyed!" Qing Qingyi only looked up at this time, and took Yu Yu respectfully.

"Okay!" Helplessly waved his hand and pointed his hand to the right side: "Xiao Hua, you will sit here later."

"Yes!" Xiao Hua waited for Qing Qing to take a chair and sat carefully.

Helpless is very satisfied to see Xiao Hua, said: "Now you are already refining the eleventh floor, it is to start building the foundation, one is the problem of God, if it is refining the twelve layers, it has not been When you give birth to God, you will immediately use the secret method of this door to give birth to God. The sooner you build a foundation, the smaller it will be! Of course, God does not have to give birth too early, those disciples who refine the eleventh floor, Although there are gods, you can have a limited future. You are a dissertation, and you don’t have any thoughts about the practice of "Fa Tian Tian Di". I am afraid that it is a little trouble."

After listening to this, Xiao Hua’s heart burst into a sudden, some anxious, but no, he did not have a mud pill palace, where did he give birth to God?

“Do you tell Master?” Xiao Hua was hesitant, but when he hesitated, he said helplessly: “The secret method of this door is different from other sects, but it can be said that it is related to the rainbow. The secret law is now For you, you are familiar with it in advance. As for things, when you refine the eleventh peak, let the teacher go to the earthquake hall to help you see, this thing should be there in the Qiqiao Pavilion. However, the year is not good to say. !"

"Master, the longer the year of the rainbow, the better!" Xiao Hua moved in a heart, put the things of the mud pill palace aside, and asked urgently.

"That is of course! The longer the year of the rainbow, the more likely it is that God will give birth." There are some thoughtful thoughts: "It’s just a lot of disciples who have come to my Royal Leizong this time, I’m afraid Qi Qiaoge’s rainbow is not enough, but it should be strong first!”

"If you can't go to the Da Yi City to buy from the disciples, I can't find such a big martial art." Zhuo* laughed and said: "No other grass can be used!"

"That's true!" Helplessly said: "For the husband is afraid of delaying Xiaohua cultivation, some suffer from loss!"

Xiao Hua also nodded secretly, and once again said: "Hey, it’s good to have sectarian support!"

I thought about it for a moment and said: "After the matter of God's thought, it is the problem of the practice. Xiao Hua, who is practicing for the teacher and your masters, is the practice of "Thunder and Thousand Miles". This method catches Wanlei Valley. The Tianlei’s entry into the country is very rapid, and it’s my medium training practice in the thunder palace!”

Zhuo* next to him asked: "Oddly, you don't let Xiao Hua cultivate "Thunder and Thousand Miles", what other exercises can he practice?"

"Hey!" The mystery of a helpless face, the hand pointed: "Xiao Hua, give your master to your teacher to see!"

"Yes, Master!" Xiao Hua sneaked in his heart and took the lord's order.

"It’s really a lord!" Zhuo* suddenly realized, laughing: "It seems that the lord is rewarding Xiaohua!"

"Oh, it is!" Helpless whispered: "The lord in order to reward Xiao Hua will be sent back to Yu Leizong, specially issued the decree, the eight major thunder palaces of the practice of Xiao Hua can be cultivated!"

"Ah?" Zhuo* and Yan Qingyi heard that they were all shocked for the first time.

"It's a pity! The old man's law of Thunder doesn't know when this kid can get it out to the old man!" A helpless sigh.

"Oh, Master is in a hurry, the disciple will go to the dry thunder palace and take the practice to Master!" Xiao Hua got up.

"Fart, sit down!" There is no way to know Xiao Hua's work, but also smiled and said: "When you go to choose the exercises, you can't find it later!"

"Well, since Xiao Hua has this kind of creation, then this method is a good choice!" Yan Qing nodded.

Oh, no, when there is no practice, Xiao Hua has to worry about finding a practice. Now that he has a practice, he has to worry about finding a suitable method. Therefore, each person has the sorrow of each person, and each family has a difficult experience, and it is true!



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