Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 340: Chuan Gongge

Xiao Hua went into the inner hall with the Zhuji monk, and took a bag of cigarettes. During the period, there were several gods who swept through Xiaohua’s body. However, they did not stop.

Seeing that I turned to a corridor, it was a small wall. There was a huge picture hanging above the wall. The picture above was a quaint pavilion. The door of the pavilion was half-covered. There was a plaque on the door. The book "Preaching the Pavilion".

Seeing that the monk stopped moving to the picture before, Xiao Hua was a little worried, and said: "It is difficult to be... This is the Gonggong Pavilion?"

Sure enough, I heard the monk hand in his hand: "You will take your identity token out and put it into this picture!"

"Yes, the disciple knows!" Xiao Hua took out the token and hesitated, throwing the token into the picture!

I saw that the token touched the picture on the shadow wall, and the picture gave a glimmer of electric light. It was also strange to hit the token. It was also a flash of electric light from the token. It was a follow-up. The electric light that came in came together, the two electric lights disappeared at the same time, and the token was not in the picture.

After a while, the whole picture released three colors of brilliance, Guanghua flashed, and the picture disappeared. It appeared in front of Xiaohua’s eyes. It was a courtyard door of the size of the picture. Through the courtyard door, not far from the front, there was A pavilion that is exactly the same as in the picture just now stands in the middle of the courtyard!

Just as Xiao Hua looked straight, a mid-term monk came out of the courtyard door and held Xiao Hua’s token in his hand to see Xiao Hua ask: “You are Xiao Hua?”

"The disciple is!" Xiao Hua did not dare to neglect.

"What are you going to pass the Gong Pavilion?"

Xiao Hua did not answer. Turning to the Zhuji Masters who brought him: "Thank you for the predecessors to lead the way!"

"Oh, you're welcome!" The monk smiled and turned his sleeves and turned away.

When the monks walked far away, Xiao Hua took a shot and took out the master order and handed it over: "The disciple has something to go to the mission hall to check the classics. Also ask the seniors to check the token!"

"Oh?" The master of the building was first stunned, and it was a slight surprise when he saw the lord's order. After repeated inspections, together with the identity token, he handed it back to Xiao Hua, saying: "According to the lord's order, you can check it in the Gonggong Pavilion. But you can't bring out the tribute."

"Yes, the disciple understands!" Xiao Hua answered the lord's order.

"Well, you come in!" The monk turned into the courtyard door, and Xiao Hua followed him, waiting for Xiao Hua's figure to turn over the courtyard door, and a tri-color brilliance flashed. The picture appeared again, and the entire screen wall was restored to the way it was!

The true Chuange Pavilion is different from the picture, surrounded by the disciples of the foundation period, and the Zhuji monk led Xiao Hua. Instead of going to the Gonggong Pavilion, he took him to a small house next to the Gonggong Pavilion.

"Zi Shibo, there is a refining disciple holding the lord's order, to come to pass the tribute to view the classics!" The master of the building base went to the door of the house but said respectfully.

A very powerful **** read out from the hut, and turned a few turns in Xiao Hua, a lazy voice sounded: "Can the master order have been seen?"

"Zhu Shibo, who has experienced it, is the one issued by the Sovereign!"

"Yeah. Let him go in!"

"Just... this disciple's lord's order is a bit special. It seems that the lord is awkward. The sects of the Eighth Thunder Palace are all accessible!" The monk said cautiously.

"Oh, this disciple is called Xiao Hua?"

"Good teacher Bo knows. He is Xiao Hua!"

"Well, let him go in, the Sovereign has already passed down the Fa, the one-level exercises and the law are higher than him, but you can't bring out the mission!"

The monk’s eyes flashed a glimmer of color, and he said, “Yes, the disciple knows!”

Then, whisper; "You come with the old man!"

Xiao Hua nodded, then rushed to the lodge and said: "Thank you for your predecessors!"

The cabin was quiet and silent, but it didn't seem to be heard.

Seeing no movement, Xiao Hua turned around and followed the monk to the pavilion. He walked to the door and the monk pointed his hand: "You go inside with your identity token." Then he turned and walked to the pavilion. Not far from a place, there is a futon on the ground, sitting cross-legged, and then ignore Xiao Hua.

Xiao Hua did not dare to neglect, and the respectful monk's back was thankful. This took out the token and stepped into the attic.

The door of the attic is not high, it is carved from bronze wood, and it looks like there is not much difference from the study of the secular people. Xiao Hua looked up and saw that it was easy to pass through the door, there was no prohibition!

"Quirks!" Xiao Hua Daqi: "It's so strange outside the ban, it's inside..."

Still not waiting for him to give birth to this idea, suddenly, from within the pavilion, a large swath of lightning flashing the net is rushing to Xiaohua! Xiao Hua did not even see the scene inside the pavilion, and was wrapped by the Thunder.

"***~" Xiaohua's vest was a cold sweat. Fortunately, he also believed that the net would not be harmful to himself. Although the mana was pulled by the thunder, it seemed to be transparent. Still forced to suppress by him.

Sure enough, just when he was not moved by the thunder net, the token on his hand gave a very light thunder, just like the one he just entered, the thunder was very small, but it touched the thunder net. Just like the illusory general, just flashing it is not seen!

Waiting for the thunder net to disappear, Xiao Hua only saw everything inside the pavilion, but Xiao Hua’s look was suddenly a stay!

This pavilion is not big, only a few feet. On the wall around the pavilion, there are many pictures of how many people are tall. The center of the pavilion is not like what Xiao Hua thinks. It is a bookcase, and there is no jade on the bookshelf! Some, just a large group of light fists, a small number, there are nine light groups, each light group rotates in a fixed place, and nine light groups seem to form a very mysterious The legal array.

"This..." Xiao Hua scratched his head: "Where is the practice... Where is it?"

Even though Xiao Hua walked through the entire pavilion and looked at the second floor that seemed to exist, there was no ladder to lead to it.

Just when Xiao Hua turned and wanted to go out and ask, on the wall next to Xiao Hua, one of the pictures suddenly burst into a faint thunder, and the thunder swayed on the ground of the pavilion, from the picture, Shi Take out a monk who can't see it!

Xiao Hua was shocked and took a few steps back. He looked very respectfully. He saw that the figure of the monk was nothing but gradual solidification. When the light and shadow formed a real person, the light was projected onto the ground. Immediately recovered within the picture.

"Well?" The monk slightly sideways, looked at Xiao Hua, walked to the side of a light group, with a hand, the light group zoomed in, the monk took a hand, took out a jade, and then put light The group, and then a little, the light group shrinks and still returns to the previous position.

"Zhuzu~" Xiao Hua saw that the monk was walking and hurried, and quickly called: "Dr. Xiaohua, disciple, would like to ask the teacher!"

"Oh, what's the matter with you?" The monk turned his head and asked very faintly.

"The disciples came here for the first time to check the books, do not know how to consult, but also ask the teacher to teach!" Xiao Hua asked respectfully.

"Well? They didn't explain the usage to you?" The monk's brow wrinkled, very unpleasant.

"This ... the disciple did not ask!" Xiao Hua saw the monk unhappy and quickly lost his smile: "I am afraid that the uncle is that they think the disciple knows?"

"Oh, you are thinking for someone else!" The monk snorted from his nose and pointed his hand: "These halo are the places where I have collected the classics. You only have to be your identity." The token is put into it, and the halo will naturally lead you in."

After that, the monk did not stop, and he left the passing house!

"Oh, this way!" Xiao Hua handed the farewell to the monk, and looked at the nine light groups around him and didn't know which one was. I wanted to go out and ask, but I could change it again, but it was nine, one by one. It became?

Thinking, Xiao Hua took out the identity token and tried to put it into the light group next to it.

I know, after the token was put in, the light group swiftly rotated, and slowly emitted a layer of orange-red brilliance. Guanghua remained shortly, and Xiaohua’s token was thrown out again!

"Oh, the good thing about the poor road is not to be done!" Xiao Hua understands that his token should be the glory of the foundation and the qigong method, as the predecessors who had never met before.

Sure enough, waiting for Xiaohua to go to the door, and after trying to put in the token, the light group rotates to emit a green brilliance, and immediately, a step that extends from the light group gradually extends to Xiao. Hua's feet.

"Miao Wei!" Xiao Hua almost has to raise the palm, and then stepped on the steps, the step is really automatic retraction, Xiao Hua's body shape is shrinking more and more, as the stairs actually fly into the light group disappeared, Within the entire pavilion, the previous calm was restored.

After a short time, the light group that Xiaohua entered suddenly began to rotate again, and then expanded. In Guanghua, a step was also extended from the light group. A monk in the middle of the foundation held a jade in his hand. From the top down, I saw an inch of small people gradually become bigger as the steps pushed, and when they landed on the ground, they are already the same as ordinary people.

Then, the steps did not shrink. Xiao Hua walked out of the light group and walked to the monk and smiled and said: "Xie Shishu pointed!"

"Yeah!" The monk did not speak much. He took a hand and took out a token. He threw himself on the wall. A blank scroll, only on the scroll, he projected a brilliance of light. The monk stepped forward and the brilliance was convinced. The monk flew into the picture and disappeared.

Looking at the picture again, it gradually reveals a picture of ink splashing. The mountains in the picture look very embarrassing!


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