Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 352: Xiaoyu Continental

Flying Astronomy Chapter 352, Xiaoyu Continent

It turns out that this Xiaoyu mainland is not only a country of the Xiguo country. There are Laos and Mongolian countries in the four countries. The borders of these three countries are intertwined, and there are many places that border each other. There are many exchanges. On the west side of the Xi State is the Shu State, and the territory of the Lao State is semi-circular, bordering the Xi State, the Mongolian State and the Lao State. Among them, Xiguo, Shuguo and Mengguo focus on the cultivation of "Tao", and the instruments, magic weapons and other things are only auxiliary, and are only used at the time of fighting. The Shu Kingdom focuses on the cultivation of the "device", that is, while practicing, by means of foreign objects, such as flying swords, musical instruments or spirit beasts.

Because the Tao is different, it is the reason why the Three Kingdoms, such as the Shu State and the Xi State, are both monks, but there is very little exchange, and there are even conflicts in many times!

The reason why the country is dominated by "the instrument" is that it is bordered by the west and the south of the country. It is a million mountains! This million mega-mountain is different from the four countries of Xiuzhen. In addition to the secular people in the four kingdoms, it is a monk who repairs the true monks. In the millions of Mengshan, there is no monk who is a true monk. In addition to the barbaric mountain people, it is the soul repair, also called The soul of the soul! As the name suggests, these soul repairs are the cultivation of souls, completely different from the repair of the truth. Millions of Mengshan areas are vast, and there are countless bad mountains and waters. The living environment is extremely difficult, and the original mountain people are in a semi-open state, and the development of the soul is not easy. Therefore, the soul repair often harasses the country and wants to expand to the East. It is precisely because of this reason that the monks of Laos must cultivate the law of struggle, and every monk in Laos is also a warrior! To resist the attack of the soul.

Of course, in addition to the cultivation of the four kingdoms and the millions of Mengshan, in the north of the Xiaoyu continent is a vast desert, and the north of the desert is the northernmost land; in the east of the Mongolian and the Laos is the 嶈阖The sea area is vast and boundless, and there are countless dangers. It is not a secular person, and the person who cultivates the truth does not dare to go easily.

The east of Million Mengshan is a huge alliance of comprehension, called the League. The degree of self-cultivation of the League of Nations is even higher than that of the four countries. Not only do the cultivists have a lot of high-ranking monks, but the ordinary family of comprehension is also no less than the strength of the martial art! Of course, there are still a lot of scattered repairs in the League, and the status of the Scattering is higher than that of the four countries. Moreover, it is said that in the League of Nations, all kinds of cultivating practices are available, and they do not want to be so poor in the country! Why is it said? That is because there are millions of Mengshan in the middle of the four kingdoms and the four countries. This area is too sinister. It cannot be easily passed without a supernatural power. The repair of the four kingdoms will not take risks. Because it is very likely to be killed in it; and the ability to pass through the League, people have not come to the backward places like Xiguo! As for the transmission array, because the distance is too far, the ordinary transmission array method can not be reached. The comprehension of the four countries does not have the strength of this array method or there is no such formation, and the alliance will not take the effort to do it. Such a thing.

Unfortunately, Xiaohua heard that Shenhua was fascinated by the fact that there was still a place where the sects and the sects of the sects were squatting. There were still places where the practice of the martial arts was not necessary, but there were still soul repairs, instrument repairs, sword repairs, etc. It is magical!

"Right, Master, what is the spell? Is it the same as that of the soul?" Waiting for the helplessness, the silence inside the cave, Xiaohua thought for a moment.

"Character?" Helplessly frowning, shaking his head: "It is said that this is the cultivation method left by Taikoo. It is not understood by the teacher. However, the soul repair is only a general term for the cultivation of souls. People are human beings. There are three souls and six hexagrams. It is said that there are three souls and six hexagrams. There are three souls, one is the soul of the heavens, the second is the soul of the earth, and the third is the soul of life. The other is the seven, one 魄天冲, the second 魄 慧 慧, the three 魄 魄 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Fine, seven 魄 is English, every soul can be cultivated, and as for how to cultivate, that is not for the teacher!"

"In addition, spiritual repairs include spiritual repairs, autopsy, ghost repairs, yin repairs, etc. However, this is a rumor, and the teacher is also a hearsay!"

Xiao Hua jumped in his heart and suddenly remembered something. He turned his eyes and asked: "Which...what is the Buddha's cult?"

"Buddha? Which comprehension martial art?" Helpless, a look on his face, whispered: "Xiao Hua ... How do you know this Buddha?"

Xiao Hua listened, and his heart snorted, and quickly lost his smile: "The disciple just told people to talk about it before, where is the specific, the disciple does not know!"

"Oh, husband, don't be nervous, you didn't listen to Xiao Hua and asked the Buddha who is the martial art? Where does he know those things?"

"Well, it is also!" Nodded nodded, thought for a moment and said: "Xiao Hua, you remember, the Buddha is not a martial art. As for what, you don't ask too much, just when you never listen. Said the name is!"

"Yes, the disciple knows!" Xiao Hua nodded quickly, like a chicken glutinous rice. How did he dare to speak about the cultivation of Buddha relics? ? ?

In order to open the topic, Xiao Hua asked: "The disciples still have a problem!"

Helpless to look at him, flipped his eyes: "You have a lot more problems than your master!"

"Oh, the disciples have a shallow knowledge, of course, they have to ask!" Xiao Hua smiled and said: "My Royal Leizong also has a method to ritualize the instrument. It is also the use of the instrument. Why... It is different from the repair of the country. ?"

"This is very simple!" He said with a smile: "Have you seen the flying sword?"

Xiao Hua nodded: "The disciple has seen it." He said with a hand and took out a flying sword.

"Well, have you seen Feijian yet?" Reluctantly asked.

"The disciple had the privilege to see it once!" Xiao Hua thought of Li Zongbao's flying sword.

"Well, what do you think is the difference between Feijian and Feijian?" He shook his head.

Xiao Hua smiled: "Despite the disciple's not knowing the flying sword, the flying sword and the flying sword are still far apart. How can the disciple not know? The flying sword is a yellow character and how can it compare with the flying sword?"

"Well, since you know the difference, the sword of Jian Xiu is compared with the flying swords like me, that is the difference!" He laughed helplessly.

"Ah? The gap is so big??" Xiao Hua was stunned.

"Well, Jianjian's flying sword is planted in Dantian from the time of refining. It is cultivated with its own fine blood, and the life **** is associated with this flying sword. The flying sword is like a baby. And as the sword repairs grow, grow up slowly! I can only use the flying sword for attack, maybe it can be used as a simple flight, and there are also flying instruments, attacking instruments. The sword that can be repaired by Sword is everything! Fly with the sword, the sword, and so on!"

"No, this flying sword... can you grow up?" Xiao Hua is almost unbelievable! Is the weapon a flying sword, a magic weapon or a flying sword?

"Ha ha ha, younger brother, the repairing world is bizarre, Feijian is quite orthodox. I also have a martial art that uses Feijian in the three countries of the comprehension. It is said that the magic weapon of this life is a ring, reprinted, um, I heard. There is also a beast repair from the millions of Mengshan, the spirit of the beast as their own magic weapon, enhance their cultivation, you say strange?"

"Beauty repair?" Xiao Hua screamed, unconsciously thought of his own dragon, this cultivation of dragons and dragons ... do not know if it is a beast repair?

"The husband said that it is extremely!" Yan Qingyi has never spoken. At this time, he said: "I also have powerful people in the three kingdoms. Although they do not bother to practice the beast repair, they can also learn from the truth. The animal skin is introduced into the system of the game, thus creating the so-called animal spirits. What are the giant animal beasts, the celestial flying characters, etc., all change the blood of the monks to borrow the animal power of the spirit beast!"

Xiao Hua nodded secretly and thought of the deformation of Kanmingwei. He said: "It turns out!"

"Well, Xiao Hua as a teacher and your master brother have already told you about the event of the Yuxian Conference! It is an honor to participate in this fairy conference. It can not only cultivate, but also increase experience, and can also follow the three kingdoms. The other monks have made great contributions to the future cultivation. Just before you arrived, the teacher had already asked about the management of the earthquake hall. Besides you, only the disciple of Zhenyue’s disciple called Wang Yunqi’s participation. Qualification, if you don't go..."

Speaking of this, I can't help but say nothing!

At this time, Xiao Hua finally understood why he had no choice but to participate in the Hanxian Conference. It turned out to be Zhenyue! The late monk who built the base with helplessness, the guy who took Wang Yunqi away!

Zhuo** also said at the right time: "Maybe Xiaohua still doesn't know, because every disciple attends the Yuxian Conference represents the Royal Leizong, so every disciple has the opportunity to get the qualification. Choose one of the instruments used in the Treasure House of the respective Thunder Palace!"

"Ah?" Xiao Hua heard the eyes shining!

"Forget it, since Xiao Hua has decided not to go, then there is no need to go!" Helplessly shook his head: "I don't have any good instruments in the thunder palace, but they are all left by the predecessors. Still throw it there! Nothing is wrong, the key is to repair, Xiao Hua will be repaired to quickly upgrade to the foundation, how many implements can be used? I can not lose the long-term because of short-term!"

"The husband said that it is reasonable, I can't wait for the reputation of Wan Leigu to delay the repair of Xiao Hua!" Zhuo ** smiled and nodded.

"No way... Master, that is the instrument of the Thunder Palace. I used to want it all the time. Today, the younger brother is easy to have a chance..." Xiangyang was anxious, and quickly said.

Next to the 阎 阎 涟 涟 涟 涟 涟 涟 涟 涟 涟 涟 涟 涟 涟 涟 涟 涟 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边

When I saw the lovely master who sent the ladder over, Xiao Hua could let it go, and immediately stood up and revive the voice: "Thank you for your guidance. Since I am for the face of Wan Leigu, the younger brother even delayed the cultivation. Be sure to earn a sigh of relief for Master and Master, um, and the ancestors!"


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