Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 364: Qiqiaomen, Xiaoyu

The third hundred and sixty-four chapters of Qi Qiaomen, Xiao Xiao

And said that Xiao Hua started to smash the thunder and grabbed the slender waist, and rescued her from the claws of the flying leopard, and then the body did not seem to stay, and immediately overlooked.

But even if Xiaohua's speed is already very fast, the tail of the flying leopard beast is faster than him. I saw a shadow of the shadow flashing over. The leopard tail of the iron rod is more than the iron rod. It is hitting the waist of Xiaohua from top to bottom. ! Xiao Hua was already planning to fly when he was flying. The tip of the magic gun was already in his hand. He was screaming at the leopard tail and immediately greeted him!

In the same way as the lyrics just now, the leopard tail is also slightly swayed, trying to avoid the tip of the magic gun, but Xiao Hua’s wrist is slightly moving, and the magic gun tip seems to be attracted by the leopard tail, slightly trembled, the same few gun tips. It’s also awkward, and the shadows are pierced with the leopard tail!

A loud bang, the leopard tail hit the tip of the magic gun, and a force that Xiao Hua had never touched before had rushed into the tip of the gun. At this time, Xiao Hua’s gun tip moved again, actually by The tip of the gun changed the direction of the leopard tail from top to bottom, and the direction of life came to the direction of lyrics!

This change was in a few breaths. The other people did not see clearly when they panicked and fled. Only a few disciples who flew away earlier, occasionally let go of the thoughts of God, have already seen Xiao Hua take advantage of the flying to the lyrical Beside me.

The lyrics were shocked. It was obvious that Xiao Hua suddenly flew out, and it was very strange that the flying leopard was flying to his side. When he was suspicious, his face also showed a relaxed look.

"Go!" The lyrical screams, "觅幽" speeds up again, and the sound waves on it are set in a circle to the flying leopard beast. The flying leopard beast is a bit violent at this time, and the beast head swings at a very high speed. It seems that this sound attack is very It is not suitable, then, seeing the flying leopard beast's limbs are a little stiff, no sound waves begin to work, the flying leopard beast screams, suddenly it is big, and it is hitting into the lyrics!

"Bitter!" Although the lyrics are not afraid of this flying leopard beast, Xiao Hua and Yu are on his side. He can't help but protect them. At this moment, a voice sounds: "Which friend in front?" "Following, a screaming, loud voice of birdsong came!


The sound of the birds was very loud, and there was a hole in the heavens and the earth. The flying leopard stopped in the ear, and suddenly it stopped the figure. It was very shocking to look at the sounds. Then, one fell into the body. Clouds, do not go back to the ground!

"Someone is coming!" Xiao Hua's heartbeat was also fierce, and the shock was undecided. Hearing the bird's voice and vocals, he was overjoyed, and he quickly released the cockroach, letting him stand on the side of the flying complex. At this time, although the danger has passed, like Xiao Hua, the mood can not be immediately calmed, and the towering chest is violently ups and downs.

"The poor road is the ruling of the Royal Leizong. I don't know which Taoist is coming?" The lyrical eyes saw that the flying leopard ran without a shadow, and did not chase it. He pointed his hand, and the "觅幽" fluttered over his head. On the face, with a trace of luck, look up.

I saw the clouds in the distant layers. At this time, I was blown away by the hurricane. After the hurricane, a big and incredible bird and beast appeared in Xiao Hua’s field of vision!

The birds and beasts are like cockles, slender necks, slender cockles, black and white feathers in the wind.

"Ah?" Xiao Hua almost blinked. He couldn't believe it was so big. Almost... It was the size of a lyrical thunder boat. On the back of the bird, a golden Dan, who had to be white, I am carrying my hand, I am looking at it like this!

"Smell!" The lyrical eyes are shrinking, and the mouth screams, then look around. At this time, Yu Yue has driven the Leizhou to fly in the air, and the disciples of the Royal Leizong who have just fled, have also gathered here!

"But the Taoist friend of Qiqiaomen?" The sensation was only heard at this time.

"Ha ha ha, Lei Zhou! It turned out to be a friend of Yu Lei Zong!" The Jin Dan monk laughed, and Xiao Xiao's wings spread to the front of the lyrical and stopped.

"It turned out to be Wei Chongxi Weidao friends!" Obviously, the lyrics were familiar with the Jindan monk, with a faint smile on his face, and smiled.

"Haha, don't you go to Taiqing to attend the Yuxian Conference? How come...what happened here?" Wei Chongxi smiled and looked at the thunder boat behind him, as well as the thunder boat. Asked by the refining disciple who was flying over.

"Don't defend the Taoist friend, just a flying leopard beast suddenly attacked me! However, under the resistance of my Royal Leizong disciple, the flying leopard beast escaped!" The sensation said faintly.

"Ah? Flying leopard beast?" Wei Chongxi's obvious pretense was amazed, shouting: "That is a five-character beast! You are a friend, your strength is almost the same as that of the flying leopard! But ... You don't seem to fly the leopard beast fast? Is there no power to fly the leopard beast?"

Then I was very curious to see the Royal Leizong disciple, and some grief said: "The disciples of your school... Is there anything wrong?"

The lyrical smile said: "Take the blessings of Qi Qiao Men, this scream is also a five-character beast, and this screams will scare away the flying leopard beast!"

"The flying leopard beast is so powerful that it will overturn the thunder boat of your door, and under the leadership of the singer, you can't drive away the leopard beast. How can a small watchful beast of Qiqiaomen be able to put it? Get rid of? The Taoist friends are a bit exaggerated!" Wei Chongxi was proud of himself, looking down at the following, and said: "This is the edge of the Black Forest, which is the place where the beasts and birds are infested. Don't give up, how about going to Taiqing Zong together?"

With a little sensation, he knows that there is a gap between Qi Qiaomen and Yu Leizong. However, who can say that there is no gap between Shang Huazong, Qiqiaomen and Yanyan? In any case, the two martial art schools are all from the Xi State. For the monks of the Mongolian and the Shu State, they should also be regarded as enemies. There will be no dissatisfaction on the way to Taiqing.

Of course, the five factions of the Xi State often go hand in hand. Therefore, the sensation only thinks about it, it is the archer: "Wu Daoyou are so passionate, can you refuse to agree with the poor road?"

"Well, then I am going to drive the Qiqiao door first, how is Yu Leizong followed?"

"If the Taoist wishes!"

"Good~" I don't see how the movement of Chongxi moves. The screaming in the air is long, and the wings of black and white are suddenly one. The previous few waves, the huge figure with a dozen on the back. The seven-door disciple of the 12th floor of the refining air first flew away.

Look at Xiao Hua and look at Xiao Hua. He will wave his hand: "Go!"

Then, the three flew over the thunder boat, and when everyone went to the thunder boat, the lyrics personally manipulated and chased the whistling in front!

巽纾 followed Xiaohua’s back on the thunder boat. Xiao Hua’s first foot was implemented, and he sat down on his knees. He closed his eyes and practiced. He saw it, some hesitated, waited for a moment, whispered: “Xiao Teacher... Thank you for your help!"

Then, not far away, I found a place around Xiaohua, sitting on the same knee and working hard.

In stark contrast to the two, there are 18 other refining disciples. Several of them are witnessing what happened just now. They are whispering with their own disciples. Xiao Hua’s flight speed is naturally taught. , but... the speed is still slower than the flying leopard beast. They are very puzzled why Xiao Hua is so disregarding his own life! Of course, only in the words of words, everyone is like a person in the market, and it is explained by "the color is not fascinating."

Naturally, Yuan Bo’s face is even more ugly!

What are the thoughts of Yuan Bo and Yu Ge? They are born in the world, and they are second-class in Yu Leizong. If they can find the re-education of the female disciple of Yu Leizong, they can't say anything. Later, they also have a solid foundation in Yu Leizong. Snow is a disciple of awkwardness, but it is a monk in the Jindan period. How can these two people not be hot? Don't say that Yan and Xue Xue are the first-class beauty. Even if they are salt-free, they will all use the handkerchief to squint their eyes and recognize them as beautiful women.

However, Xue Xue was involved with Xiao Hua in the Royal Leizong. He had also been left out by Yuan Bo and others. Although he felt that Xue Xue was close to Xiao Hua, he could think about his appearance, his origin, and My own cultivation, there is always a hint of luck in my heart.

As for Yuan Bo, he had already scored well with Ge Ge. He was staring at him. Although I can't see any connection with Xiao Hua now, Xiao Hua saved the shackles. At this time, he also sat in Xiaohua's cultivation near the "birds and people". These are in the eyes of Yuan Bo. Already feel wrong, how can I have no idea?

On the contrary, Wang Yunxi listened to the opinions of the people and looked at the face of Yuan Bo. He did not say a word.

Xiao Hua sat on the thunder boat, let go of the Buddha's knowledge, slowly sweeping through the crowds, and stopped around the lyrical feelings. The sensation did not have any sense, only the gods were put on a huge, non-stop sweep. Move, lest you encounter another attack of the beast.

Seeing the sensation of the Golden Age period, I could not perceive my own knowledge of the Buddha. Xiao Hua was satisfied with the recovery of the Buddha’s knowledge, and immediately looked at the eyes and looked at the meditation of the side, and looked at the many disciples on the opposite side, from the nose. Coldly screamed and cultivated.

It’s been a few days, I’ve seen the edge of the Black Forest, and there’s no danger. I’m so tired and tired that I’m handing over the thunder boat to Yu Yue’s control, and I’m doing it right next to Xiao Hua’s taking a medicinal herb. Close your eyes and restore your mana!

After waiting for an hour, I opened my eyes and looked at Xiao Hua. The voice said: "Xiao Hua, you used to show it, but what about thunder?"

Xiao Hua opened his eyes and looked at the sensation and nodded slightly.

Seeing Xiao Hua confirmed his own speculation, not only did not have joy, but more doubts, this Thunder is naturally not Xiaohua, this disciple can be cultivated successfully.

However, the sensation did not ask much, and the face smiled and said: "You are very good! The poor road owes you a favor!"

Xiao Hua shook his head slightly, thought for a moment, whispered: "If the teacher does not feel right, then play a song for the disciple!"



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