Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 368: Goodbye Li Zongbao

Chapter 368, Goodbye Li Zongbao

"What is this?" Looking at the usual flat land, Xiongfei was naturally looking at the place where the ban was covered in the east, and asked casually.

"This ... for the late generation to sell a Guan!" Dao Jing also said casually, but his words just said, everyone's face is a smile like a smile, the road immediately feels wrong, the face is reddish, paying a smile Dao: "This thing is exactly what is related to the Yuxian Conference. For the time being, it is impossible for the predecessors and the friends of the Tao to watch it. Everything is known at the beginning of the Yuxian Conference!"

"Isn't it ambush?" Xiao Hua said in his heart, and Xiongfei also looked at him with a sigh of relief. "You are too clear... don't you have any other thoughts?"

The road is a bitter smile, and the hand is said: "The heroes of the predecessors are cautious, and the famous sects of the three countries of the three countries are all participating in the Yuxian Conference. What am I going to do?"

"Oh, forgive you, don't dare!" Xiongfei waved his hand, but his eyes did not leave the ban, and he always swept away with the gods on the ban. Unfortunately, the ban is very strong, no matter how Xiongfei looks, can't see what is inside!

Of course, Xiao Hua and others are also curious.

"Is there still a few of these feather fairs?" Wei Chongxi removed his gaze from the ban and looked at the disciples of some different costumes in the pavilion. He whispered: "Which other ones have not come?"

Dao Jing smiled: "Nature is still the few. Shang Shangzong, Yan Yanjiao of your country, as well as the bliss, sacred Tianzong, Kunlun, and Nanzong of the Shu Kingdom; Changbai Zong, Sheng of the Shu Kingdom Xianmen and Xianle School. Because the distance between the three factions of the Shu Kingdom is close, it is afraid that it will come tomorrow. Other factions, in addition to the Kunlun School of the Shu Kingdom, the South Mingzong, and the Shanghuazong of your country, other sects also yesterday. coming!"

Then, the road was clean for a moment, and it was whispered: "In addition... the younger generation seems to hear... there is a martial art to participate in! But which one is specific, the poor road is unknown!"

“There are other sects?” The lyrical, Wei Chongxi and Xiongfei are very surprised to see each other.

"This...but it is not a late generation to sell off, it is the younger generation really do not know, maybe two days after tomorrow ... can see the difference!" Road net muttered.

"Oh, I have said so much. In fact, there are a total of 13 sects. I only went to Yan Yan, bliss and Xuantian, and today I have more than half of Yu Leizong, Qi Qiaomen and Huanhua. "Children!" Xiao Hua glanced at the coldness, leaving only Xiaohua a side of the red Xia fairy, and thought in his heart: "The bliss? I don't know which ancestor is the predecessor! Unfortunately, Li Zongbao just built the foundation for several years. Even if it is only genius, it is impossible to enter the late stage of building a foundation. I am afraid that I can’t come here to participate in the Yuxian Conference!"

"Well? Are they also living here?" The sorrowful brow raised and asked: "I don't know which of their lords are their lords, and the poor roads think of visiting!"

“It’s good to teach the predecessors to know that Yan Yan’s teaching is Jiang Changhong’s predecessor, and Xuan Tianzong is a predecessor of Jing Haojing. The bliss is the predecessor of the 斫 斫 。.” Tao Jing thought for a moment: “However, the bliss The predecessors went to Renling Peak to meet friends yesterday. They have not yet returned. Only their deputy Li Zongbao Li Daoyou is here. If the predecessors want to visit their predecessors, the younger generation will send a message to the disciples in the past!"

A smile on the lyrical face, waving hand: "No, these few are familiar, do not have to specifically communicate, wait a while I will wait together!"

"Big good ~" listened to the words of the Tao, Xiao Hua's heart was overjoyed, Cai Zhuoxia entrusted him with things and those words he never knew how to properly pass to Li Zongbao, now come to the Yuxian Conference, is not the most Good opportunity?

"Tell this thing to Li Zongbao, the poor road is also a perfect explanation for Cai Zhuoxia! Hey, red face, isn't it?" Xiao Hua glanced at the distant red glow fairy, and thought of Cai Zhuoxi's lying The lifelike face of the bluestone coffin.

"The predecessors and the friends of the Dao, according to the convention of the former Yuxian Conference, the places where the various parties are resting are not in one place, and the factions are separated by a squad, and only their own cards can enter and exit freely. The array does not block the communication. If you want to go to another martial art, you can use the communication symbol. Only the squad opens and enters!" said the net, and handed the sect of the sect to the vices of the three factions. Make.

"In addition, when you are resting, you are also invited to stay in this pavilion. It is best not to go far in other places." Tao Jing thought about it and said: "This dilemma is the place where my Taiqing disciples practiced, and there are also The place where you experience is based on the power of magic weapon. Many places are not well controlled. If any Taoist friend wants to come out and visit, please ask me to be a gentleman and lead the way. I will go out at random and encounter something. I am too Qingzong. Can't afford this responsibility!"

"Oh, I know, every year, the feather fair is the old way, who does not know?" Xiong Fei said.

"It's so good, the younger generation is going back to the mountains and returning to the mountains, please take a rest for the predecessors! Tomorrow's meeting, I will have some foundations and refining disciples coming over to the Taoist friends!" With a wave of his hand, he said to a few seven- and eight-layer disciples who had already flown from the side: "Bring the predecessors and brothers to rest!"

"Hey? There will be a meeting of the collection tomorrow?" Xiao Hua listened to a happy heart, he had not gone to the collection for a long time, but he missed the time in Jingbo City. "It seems that at night, I have to refine some fireballs!" Xiao Hua thought to himself, but this thought has just risen. Xiao Hua himself is secretly concealing himself: "It’s really stupid, exchange fireballs with others, let others Do you have your own fireball to symbolize yourself?"

The place where Yu Leizong rested was naturally different from the 浣花派. Xiao Hua and the Hongxia fairy were separated, and from beginning to end, the people of Hongxia Fairy did not even look at Xiaohua here!

Yu Leizong allocated a row of quite large pavilions. There were many rooms, and each room was banned. It was necessary to enter with the corresponding legal cards. Xiao Hua held his own card and found his quiet room. Very close, Wang Yunxiao's quiet room is next to Xiao Hua, seeing Xiao Hua open the ban, Wang Yunxiao smiled: "So very good, for the brothers still have some cultivation experience want to communicate with Xiao Shidi, wait a while Can you come to the brother room?"

"I am afraid that there is no time today, the younger brother has some other things! Wait for tomorrow!" Xiao Hua shook his head.

Wang Yunqi Daqi, asked: "Isn’t Xiao Shidi the first time to come to Taiqing?"

"Oh, the younger brother is naturally the first time to come to Taiqing!" Xiao Hua smiled, did not answer Wang Yunqi's question positively, stepped into the quiet room, and opened the ban.

Watching Xiao Hua walk into the quiet room, Guanghua flashed, Wang Yunying's eyes narrowed, staring at the door of the quiet room, if thought for a while, then also entered his own quiet room, just, Wang Yunxiao's quiet room The door was not closed and the ban was not opened!

It was only half a column of incense, Xiao Hua came out of his quiet room, glanced at Wang Yunxiao's quiet room, and stepped out of the row of pavilions where Yu Leizong was.

Before the pavilion, it was natural that there was a disciple of the Qing dynasty, and Xiao Hua asked the pavilion where the elelent was located. After Xiao Hua’s figure disappeared, Wang Yunqi also came out of the pavilion and smiled at the defender’s disciples: “Where did the Tuen Mun’s younger brother go? The deputy leader of the Tuen Mun team asked something!”

The disciple only refines the six-story, and dare not answer Wang Yunqi’s words. He respectfully said: “The brother of the past asked the location of the bliss, and the direction is also to go to the bliss. The brother can send a message to find him. If the brother is not convenient, the disciple can help find it!"

"Forget it, forget it, I am afraid that he will go to find a bliss disciple of acquaintance, wait for him to come back and say it!" Wang Yunyi waved his hand and turned back, but his heart was secretly swearing: "Xiao Hua, what... When I was with bliss... Hey, he... wouldn’t it be a masterpiece of bliss?”

However, immediately, Wang Yunqi first shook his head. "If it is really a fine work of bliss, it is so unclear that it has not been done. How can it be swaying to find people?"

"It's also uncertain!" Wang Yun's face showed a sneer that was always rare. "Some people think that they are smart, and they feel that they will not be suspected because of such a big swing. Well, Xiao Hua is a mess. If there is no great chance, how can it be cultivated to the tenth floor of the refining? There must be something hidden in this body. This secret... must be related to the bliss!"

After thinking about it, Wang Yunqi couldn’t sit still anymore. He stepped out of the quiet room and followed the direction that Xiao Hua had just gone.

And said that Xiao Hua asked Tai Qing Zong to be a disciple, it is easy to find the pavilion assigned by the bliss.

Sure enough, as the Tao said, he could not enter before he walked to the pavilion.

In front of the pavilion, it was also a Taiqing sect. When he saw Xiao Hua trying to come in, he came over and said, "This brother, you can send a message or a note. If it is not convenient, the disciple will also Can help you obey! I don’t know who the brothers are looking for?

After thinking about it, Xiao Hua vowed: "The poor road is the sorcerer of the Royal Leizong, Xiao Hua, and also asked the Taoist friends to sue the literary Li Zongbao Li predecessor, and said that the poor road has something important to tell him!"

"Oh, it turned out to be Li's predecessor, Xiao brother waiting!" The value of the disciple turned and went in.

After a short time, Li Zongbao with a look of surprise on the face followed the disciple out of the pavilion. When Li Zongbao saw Xiao Hua, his face was even more incredible. He looked up and down, left and right, and looked at it: "You... ......" Talk about it here, the eyes of the disciples of the Qing dynasty, vaguely said: "You are the former Xiaohua?"

Xiao Hua swears at the ceremony: "The disciple is Xiao Hua, I have seen Li predecessors!"



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