Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 371: The true origin of the Yuxian Conference

The 371th chapter of the true origin of the Yuxian Conference

"Cooperation?" Xiao Huayi heard these two words, but it was not the big one. He had cooperated with Cai Zhuoxia, although it was also rewarding, but the price was obvious. &*. "". Com fastest update**

“巽师姊!” Xiao Hua said: “I must know that the poor road is originally a loose repair. It runs wild outside, and there is no time to practice. Now it’s easy to worship Yu Leizong and have a practice. With the medicinal herbs, there are also the instructions of the master and the brothers. The poor roads cherish the opportunity of cultivation now. Therefore, they are not interested in what travels, etc., just want to practice quietly."

"Oh ~ poor road to understand!" I can't think of the secret of the Thunder's law can not impress Xiao Hua, apparently Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao was a hard time to disperse.

"However, since Xiao Shidi does not want to travel, why... Come to the Yuxian Conference?" He blinked and smiled.

“Is the Fairy Fair the same as the tour?” Xiao Hua asked.

"It turns out!" Hearing, he grinned. "It seems that Xiao Shidi does not know the origin of the Yuxian Conference! And, no wonder... when you choose, you will admit defeat when you see the poor road. Xiao The younger brother is afraid that he has no plans to come to Taiqing."

“Really!” Xiao Hua said helplessly: “It’s a coincidence that the poor road comes here!”

However, his face was solemn and solemnly said: "Since Xiao Shidi did not intend to come here, then... don't come. Since it is here, it must be... to build up the spirit and keep your life! ”

"What? Keep your life?" Xiao Hua yelled, and some stuttered: "The poor road... the poor road... I thought it would be a turn to complete the round!"

"Wan Leigu does not know how many years no disciples have participated in the Yuxian Conference, and my Royal Leizong... and exaggerated the role of the Yuxian Conference, never mentioning death and injury! Well, even if it is dead or injured, it is also for me. Zong Zhengguang, who can remember for a long time... This fairy tales was the first means of competing for resources among the comprehensible countries?" Cold and cold: "Even now, this fairy assembly is also a late stage of refining. A kind of experience in which the disciples set foot on the foundation!"

"Since it is experience, there should be a price! If there is no danger, if there is no life and death, how can the disciples in the late refining industry break through? What is the difference between this and the foundation training every five years? Of course, the Yuxian Conference and the Five Once a year, the experience of building a foundation is different. In this fairy meeting, if you are enough to make a good place, you can get the reward of the feather fair, which is rewarded or the foundation of the top grade. Law, or the remedy for improving the opportunity to build a foundation, or a powerful weapon, even a magic weapon!"

"And live, and live!" Xiao Hua quickly waved: "Yu Shizhen, what is the five-year foundation training experience?"

"This... Xiao Shidi doesn't know?" Yan Daqi, smiled and said: "This common sense, even if the master and the brothers don't say it, the talks of the disciples of the Lei Lei Palace are also discussed in the ordinary talks? There will be earth-shattering stories happening in the experience, and it is also a topic that the disciples talk about in their leisure time!"

Xiao Hua smiled bitterly. He has been in Dongling Medicine Park since he entered Yu Leizong. He has closed his doors and practiced. He doesn’t know anything about the window. Where do you know this?

Master's helpless temper is a little anxious, and he wants to build his own foundation, spurring more than enough and lacking strength; as for the master brother Xiangyang, he is asking for a sentence to explain a spell and ask ten common sense to answer your sentence. &*. "". Com fastest update** There are such masters and brothers, how can Xiao Hua understand this? I was afraid that it was helpless, and I was tempted by the teacher of Yu Leizong. I was forgotten that this fairy assembly was a 12-layer refinement and it was forgotten to break through the barriers. I only knew that it was for the Thunder Palace and for the face of Wanlei Valley. Is it right?

"The poor road is a loose repair, so it is easy to have a stable cultivation place, and it has always been in the East Ridge, that is, Yan Lei Temple's passing power is less!" Xiao Hua muttered.

He is close to Xue Xue and knows what Xiao Hua said. He nodded: "The calm cultivation can improve the cultivation, but if the bottleneck cannot be improved, it can only go out and practice. In the late stage of the 12th floor of the refining, Each Lei Gong disciple has to go out and practice once every five years, in order to find a breakthrough bottleneck in the experience and step into the basic opportunity of building a foundation!"

"This way!" Xiao Hua nodded slightly. He listened to the sun and said that he built the foundation. He thought that the foundation was similar to the layers of his own refining. Just retreat, then think about it again. I have only fought hundreds of battles, not only the skill of the law, but also the growth of mana. It seems that this experience is also necessary!

Look at Xiao Hua’s look and then say: “Since Xiao Daoyou is going to come out and practice in the future, why can’t he consider cooperating with the poor road?”

"This..." Xiao Hua had some words, touched his chin and thought about it. He smiled and said: "Don't you think that you can build a foundation through the feather fair?"

Hearing, sighed, and smiled bitterly: "The poor roads are all dreams! But... is it so easy to build a foundation? Although I have heard that some disciples can participate in the Yuxian Conference, they can build a foundation. Yes, that's all legends, and the poor roads don't dare to expect. And...not only the poor roads, but the disciples of the two villages of Gan and Kun may have some hope, and the other ten disciples are absolutely impossible!"

"There is some saying that the teacher is full. People like Wang Yunqi, Yan Ge and Yuan Bo are all in the same way with the poor roads. They have made rapid progress. They have set foot on the 12th floor in a few years. If they can't build a foundation, the first one is not to believe!"

"Xiao Shidi is also a bad word!" He shook his head. "Building a foundation is not to see who is practicing fast, but to see who is practicing perfection! And in addition to these most important things is the opportunity!"

"I don't want to talk about it. Xiao Daoyou said that these people, Xue Xue also said that they have talked with the poor road. According to the observation of the poor road, it is precisely because these people entered the Royal Leizong and practiced too quickly. Instead, It has created obstacles for your own foundation! Don't say that it is impossible to build a foundation this time, that is, another five years... It may not be able to build a foundation!"

Looking at the very affirmative tone, Xiao Hua stunned: "Yi, you are old... Is it too arbitrary?"

“Hey!” He said with a smile: “This is what Master said, and the poor road is just that!”

"Zhu Shizu... It seems that everything is said to the teacher?" Xiaohua thought.

"This..." The eyes turned a few times and smiled: "Master has a blood relationship with the poor road!"

Xiao Hua is amazed. If there is no such relationship, how can I know so much?

"How? Xiao Shidi, poor road, but said so much, how do you think about it?" smirked.

Xiao Hua touched his chin and slowly nodded: "The poor road knows that this matter is related to the teacher's practice and does not ask too much. When the teacher thinks that the time is right, if the poor road is just to build a foundation, then the poor road will be How about going with the teacher?"

"Big good!" 巽纾 掌 : : : " So I waited for a swear, and waited for the opportunity, the poor road to inform you!"

Xiao Hua nodded, so the two sweared.

Subsequently, Xiao Hua got up, it was necessary to go, inadvertently asked: "How can you have a meeting of the collection tomorrow?"

"Oh, but it's just exchanging things with each other. It's really useful. Who will exchange it here? I'm afraid that tomorrow will be something unusual, or something weird, something that others can't do!" He laughed.

Speaking of inattention, the listener is intentional, Xiao Hua's heart moved, his Da Yan Ling Tower has more than a dozen gold foils not found, maybe there will be any surprises tomorrow!

"Actually..." He said, "Some words are said to stop and say: "Forget it, don't say it. Today, I have talked too much with Xiao Shidi. If I said it earlier, it would be annoying like my master!" ”

"Oh, then the teacher will say it later!" Xiao Hua arched his hand and went out of the quiet room.

There was nothing in the night, the next morning, the sun was shining, and the disciples of Yu Leizong and other disciples packed up good things early and came to the square. Today’s square is different from yesterday, and many squares are divided on the flat ground. Each grid has about four feet, which is enough for a monk to sit inside. When Xiao Hua stepped into the square, many of the disciples of the Taiqing dynasty sat cross-legged, and there were some medicinal herbs, jade slips or other things in front of them.

In addition to the grid occupied by the Taiqing sects, there are still a lot of free plaids on the ground. Later, some disciples will find a plaid to sit down and put things in front of them, waiting for others to ask. price. With the entry of various disciples such as Yu Leizong, the square gradually became more and more lively.

Xiao Hua was not in a hurry. He just looked at it with his eyes open and looked at it for a while. Xiao Hua gradually understood that it was exactly what he said, and the medicinal herbs that were really useful to the disciples during the refining period did not appear, even In those jade simplifications, the shallow refining exercises are also recorded. On the contrary, there are a lot of strange gadgets, or strange styles, or spiritual fluctuations. In short, no one can afford anything. Most of the things!

"Hey? What is this?" Xiao Hua was walking, not far from the plaid, something similar to the necklace caught his attention, this thing is iron gray, with a mottled rust on it, a piece of it, Really inconspicuous, even the slight fluctuations in spiritual power are intermittent. Xiao Hua is not aware of the way of this thing, but it is the gaze, the first impression feels that some way!

Xiao Hua took a few steps and wanted to get the necklace, but when he was about to walk a few steps to the front of the necklace, a Taiqing disciple at the beginning of the foundation took a step forward and crossed the front of Xiao Hua. Pick up the necklace and say a quiet voice: "This friend, don't you know that you have to exchange Lingshi, or something else?"

The disciple is a Qiqiao door. When someone sees a necklace, his face is happy. He also voices the same voice and says what he wants to exchange with the Taiqing disciple in the early days of the building...


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