Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 377: Compassion

The 377th chapter compassion

"The poor road is still afraid that you will not be?" Xiao Hua is also slightly angry, seeing his hand, the dust gradually accelerates, and the periphery also flashes a circle of shadow.

He Fangyuan is sneer at the side while recovering mana. Other people who see him in this pile of ghosts are all confused by the use of the device. In fact, He Fangyuan knows that these dozens of imaginary shadows are extremely mysterious. Contact, you can block all the dodge angles of the other party. If you can't find the cockroaches, you can break the key phantoms. The other party can only be in a hurry, take care of this and lose one. Finally, you will end up being killed by a "sticky stick".

Xiao Hua’s hands and feet are not slow, and he frequently spurs the dust. From the dust, he grabs a lot of Guanghua. Every brilliance can break a virtual shadow, but it’s exactly how the source is expected. Shadow Xiaohua can't find anything, only the khaki brilliance can be greeted by different sticks.

"Oh..." A series of sounds, under the control of Xiao Hua, dozens of smashing out of the dust will block dozens of sticks, to Xiaohua’s current knowledge of the Buddha, it can be considered for!

"Hey? Xiao Shidi is extraordinary!" Seeing the first round of the stick shadow was broken by Xiao Hua, He Fangyuan is even more shocked, this is dozens of virtual shadows, Xiao Hua can see a lot of Guanghua response in a moment, it is obvious that God is not ordinary.

"Look at the poor road!" He Fangyuan once again urged the mana, can not Xiaohua counterattack, then dozens of sticks are emptying out, like the waves of the overwhelming call.

"哼~" Xiaohua saw that he knew that the counterattack of the dust would be effective for a while. If it was a long time, he could only be on the defensive, and he would not be able to take advantage of it. So I didn't push the dust, I took a hand, and dozens of the best fireballs were taken out. The mana was reminded, and under the guidance of God, I rushed to the dozens of ghosts.

The sound of "Booming" and the heat wave around Xiaohua, the amazing scene appeared. After the heat wave, the shadow of the sky was not much defeated by the fireball. There are still many sticks from all directions. Xiao Hua flew.

"Bad!" Seeing the shadow of the hitting in front of him, Xiao Hua’s heart is cold, but he doesn’t know. This is too Qingguang, it is the gold, the most sharp, the dusty soil, and the instrument. Its brilliance can block the shadow of the stick, but the fireball is powerful, but after all, it is a yellow character, the attack can not be concentrated, and the Taiyi Qingguang can easily flash.

"How can this be good?" Xiao Hua was shocked, and the law in his hands rushed again and again. The dust above the head once again sent out the khaki brilliance to cover Xiao Hua, and at the same time, the number of He Fangyuan Ten sticks have been shot.

"噗噗噗..." is connected, and the shadow of the stick hits the brilliance of the dust. Every time it hits, Guanghua has shook a little, annihilating a trace, and when the shadow is hit, Guanghua has already annihilated 30%. . This is not the worst, just the virtual shadow of the Taiyi Qingguang stick has just disappeared. The instrument of He Fangyuan has already waved. The third round of stick has already hit Xiaohua’s eyes. Xiaohua has no chance at all. Then spur the dust to fight, only passive defense!

Xiaohua’s strength lies in melee attack. Although he is more than a mana source, but the instrument is not comparable to others, it is a lost opportunity. One move is wrong, and the third wave is hit, Xiao Hua I made a decision in an instant, and I didn’t pay attention to the stick shadow. I let the stick shadow "噼里啪啦" hit on my body, but the figure was flying, and I waved my hand, I was about to take out the "Linghuo Fire Net". At this time, the light and shadow of a bowl of mouth was born out of thin air. It was the dust that hit the top of Xiao Hua’s head. The dust was shaking and the two sides of Xiaohua’s body were suddenly swayed. In the middle, Xiao Hua was suddenly exposed to the shadow of the stick.

"He Fangyuan is so embarrassed... Actually, there is still this hand!" Xiao Hua was shocked, where can he still take out the fire net? Quickly pointed his hand to the dust again, "噗", a virtual shadow hit Xiaohua's vest, Xiao Hua's previous yellow characters were broken, Xiao Hua figured out, it seems to have lost balance, and this At the same time, another phantom hit another corner from Xiaohua’s waist!

"哼~" Where is the source in the distance, I don’t feel a hint of joy on my face, I bite my teeth, and the Taiyi Qingguang stick in my hand is waving a few times. Many virtual shadows are born, and the former rushed to Xiaohua. .

"A small boy in the early stage of the refining of the 12th floor, dare to come to the Yuxian Conference, can make the poor roads such a serious treatment, it is also your honor!" He Fangyuan seems to drive more of the instrument, from the storage Taking out a medicinal medicine in the bag, he was about to let his eyes shut and adjust his eyes, but everything in front of him made him stunned.

I saw Xiao Hua, who lost his balance, and he was hit by a virtual shadow on the waist. At this critical moment, Xiao Hua’s figure was very strange and twisted. He did not push any mana at all. It was very easy. The virtual shadow escaped, and then, Xiao Hua's body shape is more elegant, more free, in the middle of the air, as if in a leisurely walk, the overwhelming sticks will be avoided one by one, in the eyes of He Fangyuan There is no gap in the shadows, and the birth of Xiao Hua is a step, the right step, the previous step, the next step, to find countless gaps, and Xiao Hua's pace from raw, smooth, more and more easy.

"Liaobu!" The name of such a footwork appeared in Xiao Hua’s mind. This step seems to have been recalled by Xiao Hua in Jingbo City. It is gradually remembered in the future fights, and until today, He Fangyuan's strange stick method has finally recovered completely!

"This.....this..." He Fangyuan has never seen such a magical footwork, and in the mind of God, there is no trace of mana fluctuations in Xiao Hua.

Xiao Hua came out of the shadow of the stick, and swept the gods, and snorted: "He brother, have you seen your means, should you look at the means of poverty?"

When the voice did not fall, Xiao Hua flew away and flew to the source of He Fangyuan at a very fast speed. He also explored his hand. A dark stick was taken out and the face was covered.

Although Xiao Hua is a casual stick, it can be different in the eyes of He Fangyuan. This stick seems to solidify the surrounding heaven and earth aura. . . . . . This stick is born for the forehead of the source of the source, a kind of horror born from the source of the source! Without thinking, He Fangyuan is also a wave of instruments in his hand. Dozens of ghosts are swaying and welcoming Xiao Hua’s magic gun!

"Well come!" Xiao Hua shouted, the magic guns in the hands of the same momentum, "噗噗噗 ~" a dozen dozens of sounds, the shadow of the Taiyi blue light stick is like a blisters are generally defeated by the magic gun," "Dangdang" sounded loudly, and the magic gun hit the body of the Taiyi blue light stick.

A huge force came from nowhere, and He Fangyuan’s hands were hot. He couldn’t hold the Taiyi Qingguang stick anyway, and his hand was loose, and he was shot by Xiao Hua!

He Fangyuan was awkward, his body was swung, and he quickly rushed to escape the mana. At the same time, the other hand was not slow. A ring was held in his hand. Under the force of mana, the three colors of glory collapsed. I want to cover him in it.

Where does Xiao Hua let him protect himself?蛰 雷遁 遁 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 遁 遁 遁 遁 遁 遁 遁 遁 遁 遁 遁 遁 遁 遁 遁 遁 遁 遁 遁 遁 遁 遁 遁 遁 遁 遁 遁 遁 遁 遁 遁 遁The gun is also on the back of He Fangyuan.

"Hey, I am also!" He Fangyuan yelled, a blood spurted out of his mouth, and the whole figure was beaten out by Xiao Hua! To say that mana and magical instruments fight, He Fangyuan can still make a win or lose with Xiao Hua, and now Xiao Hua is close, He Fangyuan... can only be the end of Xiao Hua's freehand!

"I will eat a little master again!" Xiao Hua sneered, and the magic gun was played as a stick. This time it was hitting He Fangyuan's forehead. He saw Xiao Hua's dark stick stirring the air and the heaven and earth aura hit, instantly in front of his own eyes. Magnification, He Fangyuan's eyes are not shrinking, a kind of involuntary birth of the liver and gallbladder! At the same time, at this moment, He Fangyuan feels that death is so close, only between breathing, his decades of hard work will be turned into water, and all his ideals will become a bubble...

He Fangyuan has a feeling of powerlessness in the face of Xiao Hua! The heart is ashamed! !

But at this moment of life and death, He Fangyuan suddenly had a strange feeling. The true spirit of the whole body was suddenly stagnation with his heart, and then there was a phenomenon of condensation!

"Building a base..."

He Fangyuan... Actually at the time of dying... there is a harbinger of building a foundation!

"Oh, unfortunately it is already late!" He Fangyuan smiled, because Xiao Hua's magic gun has been attached to He Fangyuan's forehead, and He Fangyuan can almost feel the ruthless cold on the gun!

At this time, Xiao Hua stopped, and at the moment when the magic gun hit the forehead of He Fangyuan, Xiao Hua’s hand was stopped like a copper cast iron!

Subsequently, Xiao Hua's warm words were introduced into He Fangyuan's ear: "He predecessors, the younger generations just came to the Yuxian Conference to see, there is no plan, now you believe it?"

He Fangyuan survived and escaped, and it is the key to building a foundation. Where can I delay a moment? I only had time to say "thank you", and quickly sent a building base to the entrance, followed by a group of three-color Caixia descended from the sky, wrapped in He Fangyuan group, sent him out of the magic array!

"Hey!" Seeing where the source came out of the illusion, Xiao Hua sighed and saw He Fangyuan’s gaze, and then saw the eagerness in the eyes of He Fangyuan. Xiao Hua couldn’t help but think of the master’s sun, could not help I have compassion and can't help but hold the magic gun in my hand! After all, he couldn't bear to kill a monk who had been working hard for decades, and who was about to build a foundation.

"The loss is big!" Xiao Hua shrugged: "I don't know if this source will hate, otherwise the young man will find himself a deadly enemy!"

"Right, the embarrassing piece of the instrument has not been taken away, the young master stunned naturally to the young master, so I am afraid that there is no face to ask the young master to recover!" Thinking of Xiao Hua quickly released the knowledge of the Buddha The illusion of looking for the Taiyi Qingguang stick that was hit by the fly, and Xiaohua’s mud pill outside the palace, the finger is one finger and one finger, it is still a vain silhouette of the Buddha relic, the heart is out of thin air. The birth of a Buddha light did not cause Xiao Hua’s attention at all! ! !



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