Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 380: Second bone

The 380th chapter of the second bone

"Xiao Shidi, the teacher is afraid that this instrument can not be given to you, and the merits are not expected. However, there are some building bases in the storage bag, and there are a lot of Lingshi, but you can send it to you!" Zhu Xi said carefully. \\\\9v k . Com starting \\\\

"Great good!" Xiao Hua smiled and said: "The younger brother of Zhuji Dan will not want to, and will not disturb the plan of the teacher to build the foundation. What is the spirit stone, the younger brother is guilty!"

Zhu Xi listened, and his heart was overjoyed. He could use the stone to change his life. This is a good thing that can't be found with a lantern. "Xiao Shidi, the teacher in the storage bag, should take it. Zhu Xi said very docilely.

Xiao Hua looked at Zhu Xi, who was left in his hands. He has no chance to look back. He can’t say the taste in his heart. Yes, he is a murder of the Thunder Valley’s method of lightning protection, but he’s pretending to be The means are also really inferior, and Zhu Xi actually pays attention to it. Zhu Xi is also too high on his own instrument! I don’t think too much about my imprisonment. Well, even if he is really being restrained, Zhu Xi should not go too close to himself. At least he should use a few more imprisonment characters and play more than a few imprisonment techniques. Right?

"It seems that no one can guarantee who is the winner in the last moment!" Xiao Hua glanced in his heart and warned that he would not make such a mistake in the future.

"And... the low realm is not a shameful thing, at least... can you confuse your opponents and let them take it lightly?"

Xiao Hua’s thoughts are also natural. His own realm is indeed the beginning of the 12th layer of refining. As for the strength of the mana, the amount of infuriating is not reflected in the realm. Others use his realm to calculate his mana, which is a thousand miles. Now!

Thinking, Xiao Hua untied Zhu Xi's storage bag, and took the medicinal herbs in it, except for the building of the base Dan, and the Lingshi was also swept away!

"Hey? This is..." When he saw a half-inch long bone, Xiao Hua felt a move and asked: "Zhu Shizhen, what is this?"

"This thing is said to be something on the side of a million whith mountains! The teacher does not know what it is!" Zhu Xi said honestly; "It is also a teacher... I got it from others!"

"Can this thing be given to the younger brother?" Xiao Hua smiled.

"Oh, if you follow the rules of the Yuxian Conference, Xiao Shidi naturally can't take it!" Zhu Xi smiled and said: "However, you and I are so sympathetic, Xiao Shidi asked this, how can the teacher not answer?"

Xiao Hua listened, did not hesitate, turned his hand into the space, and smiled: "Thank you so much!"

"Well, let's talk!"

"That... the younger brother released a little strength, but also asked the teacher to motivate the French card. How do you see it?" Xiao Hua said. &*. "". Com fastest update**

This is what I heard in Zhu Xi’s ear, and I immediately turned my head to the chicken.

"Teacher please!" Xiaohua let go of a little strength, and estimated that the infuriating power in Zhu Xi's meridians can force the mana to be enough to stimulate the French card. He is not willing to fall into the same negligence as Zhu Xi! Seeing Xiao Hua's cautiousness, Zhu Xi did not dare to do anything else, urging a hint of mana, inspiring the French card, a brilliance flashed, and Xiao Hua's hands were empty, and Zhu Xi's figure disappeared from the magic circle!

At the same time that Zhu Xi’s figure disappeared, the heart of the Buddha’s relic outside the Xiaohua Muwan Palace was born with a Buddha’s light, but this Buddha’s light was slightly dim than that of the previous one!

Zhu Xi had a magical array, and naturally it was a surprise to the disciples of the Taiqing dynasty. After all, the time limit of the semi-column was just passed. Within the square, after a monk from Yu Leizong came out, no other disciples came out. With the repair of the late 12th layer of refining, there is no reason to be eliminated now!

Seeing the disciples' eyes, Zhu Xi was a little bit irritated, but then she was a peace of mind. She lost her family Xiao Hua's heart and heart. She also lost herself to see Xiao Hua Xiu as shallow and soft, and then saved her life. Think again that Xiao Hua actually under the sound attack, and easily escaped under his ban, so far she does not know what Xiaohua is using to take her own. I think that the unrivaled strength, Zhu Xi is not shrinking. Neck, the heart has a lingering sorrow, seeing the illusion is brilliance, Xiaohua seems to be coming out, Zhu Xi quickly left, and walked toward the position of the leader of Xuantianzong.

Sure enough, waiting for Xiao Hua to fly out of the illusion, once again ushered in the sorrow of the Qing Taizong disciples, but a disciple in the early 12th floor of the refining can actually defeat a 12-layer disciple of the refining, this ... in their recognition I know that I have never had it before! However, everyone only thought a little bit, and immediately squeezed their eyes and eyes. The lonely man and the widowed woman were in a magical array, and they were so bizarre to lose. Whoever... would be a fantasy?

"***, is there any good-looking? Xiaoye won!" Xiao Hua was quite a chest, and he stunned several disciples around him. The disciples grinned and continued their inspections. Not far away, the dry Diheng of the Royal Leizong Ganlei Palace saw that Xiao Hua actually won, and immediately ran over the fart, and squinted: "This younger brother seems to be very familiar. Have you seen me at Qin Lei Hall?"

Xiao Hua arched his hand and smiled: "The brothers are not very good! You and I are all disciples of Yu Leizong. Naturally, they have seen it in Qin Lei Hall. The disciple is called Xiao Hua!"

"Oh, Xiao Hua, which thunder palace are you?"

Xiao Hua’s look is just like the disciple of Taiqing’s disciple. He grins and says: “Yu Leizong has only a few thunder palaces. Everyone has seen it in the Chunlei Hall. This is not to know which thunder palace is Xiaoye. Oh, it’s some great!"

"Good teachers and brothers know that the disciple is the Jing Lei Palace!"

Dry Di Heng took a forehead and pretended to wake up: "No, Xiao Shidi is the Jing Lei Palace, and now the brother is thinking of it!"

"Oh," Xiao Hua smiled and asked: "Don't the two brothers have a good time?"

"Where can you compare with you?" Dry Di Heng squinted, very wretched and laughed: "You a 12-story early monk can actually conquer the late 12th-level female repair, and the brothers are envious! ”

This "conquest" word bite very heavy.

Xiao Hua said with no anger: "The brothers are joking, the younger brother is almost killed!"

"Hey, peony flowers are dead and ghosts are also very romantic!" Dry Di Heng smashed his eyes.

"This honor is still given to the brothers!" Xiao Hua smiled: "The left and right brothers should also be with her, and maybe they will meet later!"

"Hey, don't mention it!" The dried Di Heng waved his hand and sat down casually. He was powerless and said: "I am afraid that I only have a life, she wants my life, and I have to practice for a few more years!"

Xiao Hua’s eyes turned, and he said: “Why is this?”

“Why?” said Dry Di Hengbai, he said: “Are you the last of the twenty disciples of my Royal Leizong?”


"Well, that is the second is the last brother!" said Dry Diheng, patted his chest and said: "I didn't want to come, but my grandfather did not let me come, but also a blood sacrifice. The magic weapon was given to me, but with this magic weapon, only the monks who built the base period can break my defense. You said... Your female repair is just a 12-layer refinement. Can she hurt me?"

"Get ~" Xiao Hua secretly despised, he is coming to the eyes of the fish, I can't think of another more experienced fish, and people have moved out the magic weapon!

"Xiao Shidi, you have to hold on, the rules of my Royal Leizong, as long as you have participated in the disciples of the Yuxian Conference, return to the Zongne, there are rich rewards! If you can win any ranking, hey, fear is Kunlei Palace, the female disciple of the Thunder Palace... will be favored by you!"

"Dean brother, you are old...not because of...all?" Xiaohua asked in surprise.

" Nonsense, of course not, for the brethren to save high..." Dry Di Heng will raise his head, just to defend, the squad of the ball behind him violently shakes, Guanghua flashed from the inside, only Seeing the white coat, the upper body has been soaked with blood, and a two-inch wound from the neck is still bleeding.

Seeing that he fell on the ground and did not have the slightest strength to get up, Xiao Hua's body shape flashed, and he had to squat in front of him, and at the same time he took a hand, and a royal remedy's healing medicine was sent into the mouth of the cockroach. However, Xiao Huagang sent the medicinal herbs into the mouth of the mouth. Behind him, the brilliance of the illusion flashed again, and another middle-aged monk wearing a brown robe flew out. The monk’s body was also stained with blood. When you see the illusion, you will get smashed out with a sharp sword in your hand!

"Stop!" Taiqing’s disciple saw it clearly, and immediately yelled.

The middle-aged monk did not stop at all. Seeing that Feijian was going to stab the shackles, Xiao Hua was just beside him. He also didn’t expect the monk to take out the illusion, but how quickly Xiaohua’s hands and feet Yeah, when I grabbed the backhand, I grabbed it on the flying sword. "哼" The middle-aged monk sneered, and the sword was flashed half an inch above the brilliance. It looked very sharp, and Xiao Hua grabbed it. Fingers may not be able to keep it!

"This..." Xiao Hua was slightly hesitant in his heart, and immediately decided to change his palms. When Xiao Hua decided to take the shot, the third Buddha light appeared in the heart of the Buddha’s relic. It is the same light as the first Buddha light!

"When ~" sounded, it was incomparably swiftly flashing a purple brilliance from Xiao Hua’s eyes. It was the sword that hit the sword, and the sword was blown by the purple brilliance and fell on the grid. On the ground, deep into the ground. Then, the purple brilliance was like a snake, and the head flew to the place.

Xiao Hua is very close to the purple brilliance. He can see clearly that this purple brilliance is a small sword of three inches long!

"Sword repair..." Xiao Hua's eyes are slightly stunned, and the heart is dark.


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