Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 382: Two people who have died together

The 381th chapter of the two people who died together

In addition to gratitude in the blink of an eye, there is more to worry about, and there is also a trace of ... uneasy!

Xiao Hua saw that everyone pushed all the credits to himself, and put all the faults on Liu Weigang’s face. Even why Liu Weigang was so violent and chased out from the illusion that he wanted to kill, he did not ask, so he touched Touching the nose and paying a smile: "This is what the disciples should do. The teacher is the teacher and sister of the poor, and the teacher of the poor road. If the poor road is not saved, it will be destroyed! But this is the meeting of the feathers. Today, there are still two rounds of fighting, all of which are vital to life and death. The poor roads are repaired, and the brothers are still ready to find a good opportunity to build a foundation!"

I heard Xiao Hua mentioning the fight, and everyone’s face is awkward. No, it is necessary to care for the same door. I have to have the opportunity to talk to others. Nowadays, every game is about life, how can we not let them pay attention to it? ?

The people comforted a few words, each sitting next to each other, taking the drug to close the eyes.

Xiao Hua is about to go away and whisper: "Xiao Shidi... Thank you again!"

"Oh, nothing!" Xiao Hua smiled: "The poor road still thinks about the benefits of the sister to the younger brother!"

I don’t think so, Xiaohua didn’t think so. She smiled hard and rushed Xiaohua’s nod. It’s also taking out the medicinal herbs. The third round is about to start soon.

"巽师姊..." Looking at the sly look, Xiao Hua took a half-step whispered: "The teacher is seriously injured. If you can't, then the next waiver is just right, why bother..."

He smiled bitterly: "All the disciples who come to the Yuxian Conference are able to understand the moment when they are at the moment of life and death. Going all out? Who can step on the foundation under pressure? It is only one time that this Xian Conference has abstained. That is to withdraw from the Yuxian Conference. The poor road has just passed two games... It is too early to withdraw from this time. It!"

Then, look at Xiao Hua again and say: "I heard that the disciples who are fighting with you in the first round are fortunate enough to build a foundation. The poor road is very envious, so smooth and smooth, stepping on the foundation, not going through the test of life and death, several times There will be no one in the Yuxian Conference!"

"What!" Xiao Hua said in his heart: "If you are not poor and kind, what foundation is it built? I am afraid that I have cultivated it under Jiuquan!"

However, he did not explain, pointing to the **** clothes on the body: "That... the teacher must at least change the clothes?"

"Okay... okay!" The female practitioner has always loved beauty and cleanliness. How can it be an exception? However, at this time, she was both devastated and ill-conceived. She wanted to resume and return to the pavilion to change clothes. At this time, she listened to Xiao Hua’s words and looked at the dilemma of the work. She smiled and said: “Please also help Xiao Shi’s help. I!"

Xiao Hua’s face was smiling and he raised his arm and said: “The teacher has a life, how can he not?”

“Hey!” He almost covered his mouth and smiled: “It’s sour!”

Said, he supported Xiao Hua’s arm and stood up. “The teacher is moving, the younger brother will send you back!” In the waist of the squat, he lifted slightly, and his feet were off the ground. Xiao Hua took the squat and walked back to the pavilion.

"Actually... the younger brother should adjust the interest rate more. You just didn't say it yourself..." I feel a little uncomfortable, I have nothing to say, but when I say it, she feels a little different. Xiao Hua’s attention seems to be no longer Here, when she looked at her side, she saw Xiao Hua’s eyes looking far away, and her expression was slightly dazed.

"Well?" 巽纾大奇, when looking up, I saw the inside of the square, and two people came out. The two men are a man and a woman. The man’s spirit is like jade, and the woman’s appearance is like a fairy. The two people have also seen it, it is the Yunhua School and the Hongxia Fairy.

Hongxia Fairy and Yunxiao are also playing Xiaoyuan and seeing Xiaohua and Hey, Hongxia Fairy first looks at Xiaohua, then his eyes are swiftly swept away, then the eyes turn and look elsewhere.纾 very sensitive to the perception, there are ... so a trace of hostility in the eyes of Hongxia fairy!

At the moment when the eyes of Hongxia Fairy flashed, he also noticed that Xiaohua’s rock-solid hand had shook a little.

This shake does not matter, it is directly into the heart of the sly.

"He...she..." 巽纾Inexplicably, there is an unspeakable feeling.

The eyes of Hongxia Fairy swept away, and the eyes of Yunxiao naturally followed. The eyes of Yunxiao were still harmonious, just like the rising sun, but he did not come forward to say hello, only nodded slightly, that look In addition to warmth, it is still warm, without the horror of half silk, without the joy of half silk...

Did not speak, Xiao Hua did not speak.

The red-faced fairy looks coldly at the front, and the cloud smiles and looks at the front.

The four people almost passed by, but they didn't even touch their eyes.

Going back to the pavilion, I opened the door of the quiet room. I whispered: "The poor road is changed, and the clothes are ready to be adjusted in the quiet room. If Xiao Shidi mourns the third game, he can go back first!"

Xiao Hua nodded slightly and turned and left.

With the hand holding the door of the quiet room, there is a kind of eagerness in my heart. I long for Xiao Hua to stay outside of her quiet room. It seems that with him, he has a kind of safety!

When Xiao Hua’s back disappeared, he smiled and shook his head, and he said in his heart: “What happened to me? And not to mention this red glow fairy, Xue Xue... the poor road seems...”

Subsequently, he broke into the quiet room and opened the ban.

Xiao Hua couldn't tell what his mood was. He always flashed the gaze of the red glow fairy from his face. It seems... he is an irrelevant person, a...transparent person!

"I... What is this about me?" Xiao Hua was scratching his head. The more he didn't think about it, the more he ignored the red glow fairy, the more he remembered the beautiful face, which was a concern before.

There are already a lot of disciples in the square, but they still haven't started the third round of fights. Xiao Hua looks at the disciples who have been sitting cross-legged and closed their eyes, and secretly said: "Maybe it is a chance for the disciples to rest." !"

Therefore, Xiao Hua also found a place, closed eyes and practiced, seeing the time and little by little, that is, Xiao Hua, who did not want to fight, also began to feel a little restless.

"What's the matter?" Frowning, with some of the previous rules of the Yuxian Assembly, Hume could not be such a long time!

Sure enough, after Xiao Hua stood up, it took another moment. Not far from the right front of Xiao Hua, the illusion of a lattice made a dark red brilliance, and there were countless riots from there.

"What happened?" Xiao Hua secretly swept away the Buddha who had been afraid to release it. He saw the dark red plaid. In the middle of a group of disciples, two **** bodies were falling on the ground.

At this time, there were three monks standing before the corpse, one was Renzhu of Taiqingzong, one was Shang Huazong leader Li Mingcheng, and the other was the literary leader of the genre. The three faces were dignified and only saw Renzhu. I read it on both of them and swept it. I looked up and said: "Li Daoyou, your disciple...has no life! Look at it?"

Li Mingcheng nodded and did not answer.

“What about Daoyou?” Renzhu turned to ask for the emblem: “The disciples of your school... there is no life!”

"Oh, yes! This child..." 斫 微 sighs: "It’s important to build a foundation, but... you have to have a life! The time limit for the half-column is too early, and they will give up first. Why is it so dead?"

"Yeah, the original intention of the meeting to hold the Yuxian Conference is to let all the disciples find a chance to build a foundation in the fight, but not to let them fight for their lives!" Li Mingcheng also sighed.

The disciples around him are also full of pity, but more, it seems to be the sorrow of empathy, and the rabbit has been sorrowful and sorrowful. .

"Actually, sometimes... expecting is not a burden, a burden that is overwhelmed!" Ren Zhu, who was still law enforcement, also sighed: "Sometimes, the pressure on my disciples is too big. ?"

Li Mingcheng, Yan Hui and others are silent, and the lyrics and Xiongfei who are looking for them are also thoughtful.

"But... If you don't build a foundation, can you be a monk? If you don't build a foundation... The decades of hard work of cultivation, isn't it a waste?" A voice came out, and Xiao Hua looked at it. Li Zongbao of white hair.

"I wait for the monk, this is against the sky. If you don't go upstream, you will be rushed into the bottom of the valley. To seek the truth, to ask the sky, is not the pursuit of my generation? If there is no such thought, why Seeking, what is Jin Dan’s request, and what is Yuan Ying’s?”

Li Zongbao's voice is not big, it can be thrown into the ground, and Renzhu and others are also awakened. At this time, it is the Yuxian Conference. This disciple of the philharmonic monk and the Huazong two sects is regrettable, but if hundreds of disciples are discouraged, they are practicing. There is no tree on the road, isn't it a basket of water? The sins of the monks of the Golden Sands are great!

Therefore, Ren Zhu smiled and said: "Li Zongbao, Li Zongbao, really is the unparalleled intelligent person in my comprehension of the Three Kingdoms, and only these wise to seek the wisdom of the "Peace of Love", the poor road heard this, I believe In the near future, in the ranks of my Jin Dan monks, Li Daoyou must appear!"

"Li Zongbao... He is Li Zongbao. It is said that now in his twenties, he is already a predecessor of the foundation period. He... is really amazing!"

"No, it is said that "The Love of the Poetry" is also a well-known practice of the Lele, and it is the best way to achieve the best in the world!"

"Only... Why did the hair of Li’s predecessors get white so early? It seems that... when I first came to the dilemma, there was no whiteness!"

"Nature is the cultivation of "The Love of the Poetry"? Without the secular **, what is the use of the external skin of the skin? Only these innocent hearts can ask!"

All the disciples talked about it all the time. The low mood was suddenly encouraged again. Ren Zhu saw the time was ripe and quickly waved: "The disciples will start in the third round. I hope everyone will follow the example of Li Zongbao. Think carefully, learn more, and strive to build a few more foundations!"



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