Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 384: Xiao Huang helps out

The 384th chapter Xiao Huang helps out

Xiao Hua, who had seen the disciples of Ling Lingzong in Nancaiping, used the Chu Ling bag to release Fei Qing, and never saw a monk using the storage bag, naturally knowing the rareness of this storage bag. Moreover, he also saw the power of Feiqing, knowing that if a monk uses a beast, it must be the most powerful one, and he must not be vigilant.

But seeing that the worm flew into the air, it became bigger and bigger in a group of black air. Xiao Hua saw clearly that this worm is like a cockroach with a dozen bodies, but there are not so many feet. And on the head of Xiao Huafei, the black lacquered group, like a very hard shell, can not distinguish the face, the most striking, is the two tent-like tentacles above the head.

The tentacles are very sharp, and the tip shows a cold light, which is straightforward!

The strange insect twisted the waist, the faint black gas volatilized, and made a kind of "deaf and dumb" sound, but in the blink of an eye it was flying within three feet of Xiaohua.

"This..." Xiao Hua did not dare to neglect, waving three long-handed fires to find the long rope, the other hand took the magic gun out, waved his hand and went in the direction of the strange insect!

However, his hand just came out of the dusty yellow brilliance, and the long rope was like the tail of the snake, and the arm of Xiaohua was rolled up. Not waiting for the real roll, Xiao Hua could feel himself. The mana above the arm has condensed!

"Hey! What is this instrument?" Xiao Hua yelled, although he used the magic gun without force, but he was afraid to be tied by this long rope, and quickly took his arm back.

"Boom" sounded, Xiaohua retracted his arm at the same time, the strange insect flew to the side of Xiaohua, all of a sudden placed on the khaki mask!

The force of this strange insect is extremely strong, and the tip of the tentacles is also sharp. Under a collision, the dust sways slightly, the khaki mask shook violently, and the light of the impact actually showed a small black point! Obviously the defense of the dust has been broken through a small point! ! !

“Strongly breaking the law?” Xiao Hua was shocked: “This strange insect can actually break the law!!!”

Xiao Hua was shocked and stunned. He has always been regarded as a means of killing, and he appeared in this strange insect, and also... attacking himself with this means is really a bit of a mess!

However, what surprised Xiao Hua was that the strange insect actually borrowed after the impact and turned around. After the whole body became a group, it rushed over again, and it was no less than just a little force hitting its own mask. on! The same black point is on the mask! Surprisingly, the U-point is the same as the black point just now, and it stays on the mask. It can't be recovered. It looks very small and can be neglected. If it is a long time, or the strange insect is more alert, Going all the way to force, then... Xiao Hua’s defensive mask will be broken!

"How can this be good?" Xiao Hua was a little chilly, looking at the middle-aged monk who was standing in the air, looking awkward and pale, and Xiao Hua seemed to have no countermeasures, just in the moment of Xiao Hua's thoughts. The strange insects have been attacking dozens of times without any pains. Isn’t this means that Xiao Hua used to bully others? At this time, I was taken by a strange insect to deal with Xiao Hua!

"Ha ha ~ Royal Lei Zong children, know that my Changbai Zong means awesome?" The middle-aged monk said very arrogantly: "If you want to run, run now! I will not chase you! I know that you are Hey!"

"Hey, you and my Changbai sect disciple are in a group. I don't accept you today. There are other brothers who will accept you tomorrow! I don't believe it. You are a disciple of the early 12th floor. Turn up the sky!"

"***, you have a worm, Xiaoye also!" Xiaohua knows that this middle-aged monk is a radical method, afraid of his own escape, but he also has the means to take it out, how can it be easily stopped?

Xiao Hua’s mind entered the space. In the space, Xiaoyin’s big belly was just like a full stomach. He slid and played casually in midair. However, when Xiao Hua noticed it, Xiaoyin was very busy. For the bright-eyed mouse, the whistling turn seems to find Xiao Hua's trace within the "inch light".

"Mother Kiss..." Xiao Huang also flew in the air, very affectionately calling, it swallowed the **** of Kanming, the injury has been restored to the majority, it looks very good!

"Mothers fight with others! There is a strange little thing, the mother does not know how to deal with it, do you help the mother to see if it is not? If there is no way, then come back quickly, if there is a way..." Xiao Hua hesitated This strange insect attack is very similar to him, and his heart does not feel greed!

"If there is a way... don't take it for life, just subdue it!"

"Hit fight?" Xiao Huang listened, his eyes brightened, and said: "In the past, the children often played with Xiao Hei, and Xiao Hei was not a child's opponent!"

"That's good, be careful, this thing is not black, it can be very powerful...." Xiao Hua listened to Xiao Huang with a little black fight, and his heart was slightly relieved.

"Small silver, go, fight with the mother, let you see the mother's pros!" Xiao Huang greeted, the little silver flew to Xiao Huang's back, there is no feeling of "timid as a rat" !

"Remember, Xiao Huang, just hit it and hurry back!" Xiao Hua took Xiao Huang and Xiao Yin out of the space. Before leaving, it was still Xiao Huang.

Xiao Huang is also a bit sullen for a long time. The small body flies up and down in the air. It is very eager to try. When Xiao Hua puts them out of the mask, the long rope actually did not attack Xiao Huang!

In addition to the mask, the monster is still attacking the mask. The number of attacks by the monster is much higher. The black point is also increased. Many of them are also overlapped. In the place where the palm is big, Guanghua is extremely bleak. After a while, it will be broken!

The middle-aged monk mobilized the mana. When he faced the spirit of the crow fire net, he drove the long rope. At this time, he saw the sudden appearance of the scorpion and the squirrel. It was also a slight glimpse. Then he smiled and said: "You have a child. Lingbao, I am lucky to be alive!"

It seems that this little scorpion and the squirrel, including the sacred bag he has not seen, is already his general.

But when he saw the little cockroaches and the treasure hunt, he was surprised: "You are a spiritual pet? What... What? And what other treasure hunters are also used?"

"Ignorance of the old, Xiaoye, this spiritual pet is you can know?" Xiao Hua said with a hand: "If you are interested, you can escape now, the young man can spare you a life! Otherwise, wait for the young master. Pack up your ugly things and screw your head away!"

"Ha ha ha!" The middle-aged monk seems to see the world's most ridiculous things. If you want to push the mana, you almost have to laugh and bend: "I was afraid that you would escape from the illusion, you are good, but I am afraid that Laozi will escape. Go out! Don't worry, don't kill you in the illusion, I will never go out!"

The middle-aged monk also seemed to let go, and actually announced his intention to Xiao Hua.

Xiao Hua smiled and said: "How? Is it also let Xiaoye say the same thing? Dreaming! Xiaoye will not escape if he looks wrong!"

"Hey~" The middle-aged monk's face was cold, and there was a word in his mouth. The strange insect left his head and turned to the small yellow to fly!

"Be careful..." Xiao Hua didn't have a reason in his heart.

"Reassuring mother, this thing is tender and tight!"

"Tender tight?" Xiao Hua stunned, he did not expect Xiao Huang actually said such a thing, it seems that ... this little yellow has grown up somewhat.

However, Xiao Hua was not able to think about it, and he was very concerned about Xiao Huang.

I saw the black worm flying to the front of Xiao Huang, a pair of pointed tentacles straight into the belly of Xiao Huang, but a small yellow big tail, very agile flashing, and flashing At the same time, the left claw was slightly scratched, and the "stinging" sounded softly. The shell of the strange worm was immediately torn open with a small mouth. The strange insect hurts to form a small ball in the air, the whole body. They are shaking.

"Ah!" The middle-aged monk yelled, his face changed sharply, and his mouth rushed more quickly. After a while, the strange insect slowly stretched out and writhed toward the middle-aged monk. Where is Xiao Huang? Will let it go, Huang Ying flashed, actually chased the past, the middle-aged monk was in a hurry, the hands of the law smashed out, Xiao Huang hurriedly flashed, taking advantage of this gap, the strange insects flew back to the middle-aged monk.

"Go, attack the man's mask!" Xiao Hua saw Xiao Huang so clever, his heart was overjoyed, and said: "Right, let Xiaoyin come over and help me deal with this... long snake!"

Sure enough, Xiaoyin was very obedient to fly to Xiaohua and chased the long rope outside. There was a bite on the long rope!

Xiao Huang flew to the middle-aged monk's side, while avoiding the attack of the spell, while sticking out the claws, the defense against the middle-aged monk's defense Huang Fu, just as Xiao Hua expected, Xiao Huang's attack is very powerful. Just a few times, the brilliance of the middle-aged monk began to shake, and the defense of Huang Fu was to be broken!

The middle-aged monk changed his face and changed his teeth. A bit of blood was sprayed on the worms that were wilting on his side. The strange insects flashed a **** color, and immediately the spirit was shocked. The black body converges, shaking his head and going to Xiao Huangfei. ......

When the middle-aged monk used the worm to temporarily open Xiao Huang, and looked up at Xiao Hua, he felt even more shocked. He saw that the squirrel was biting in the middle of the long rope, and the whole small body followed the long rope. The swimming and flying, the long rope is now nothing, biting time is long, there will be problems!

Then look at his own green wood array and Xiaohua's spirit crow fire network is just the same, the flag is quite equal, if they have no means, fear is ... really want to be reversed by this little monk who can not see in the eyes!

Thinking of this, the middle-aged monk licked his teeth, his eyes twitched slightly, and he took a hand and took out a thing from the storage bag...



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