Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 388: To help people build a foundation

The 388th chapter is to help people build a foundation.

Zhong Xiaohan’s face changed slightly, and he did not hesitate on his hands. From the storage bag, he also took out dozens of ice letters, ice thorns and other brains scattered into the air. “咔嚓嚓” and “轰隆隆” ice fires are incompatible with ancient times. The yellow character of this ice attribute meets the yellow character of the fire attribute, and each other is gram, and a lot of heaven and earth aura are annihilated.

"Ha ha ha!" Xiao Hua laughed: "You are looking for a poor road!"

Xiao Hua will take a look at it, and dozens of fireballs will be sprinkled.

Zhong Xiaohan naturally did not dare to neglect, but also took out the ice thorns...

However, this is more than a dozen times, and gradually it is divided, and does not say that Xiaohua’s fireball seems to be inexhaustible, and does not worry about the quantity, but the power of his best fireball, and the Buddha-driven Wonderful, every time I hit the ice seal of Zhong Xiaohan without any help, but I had no choice but to wave the instrument again, and use the large pieces of snow to make up for the shortage of the ice letter!

Even so, the defensive mask on Zhong Xiaohan began to gradually weaken.

However, Zhong Xiaohan's heart is gradually relieved, because the time of the semi-column incense is coming, she can only retreat for a moment if she insists on it for a while!

At this moment, Xiao Hua seemed to have an insight into the thoughts of Zhong Xiaohan, and with a wave of his hands, there were dozens of fireballs, which were more than twice as much as before!

"Xiao Daoyou, why are you so ruthless?" Zhong Xiaohan saw the bursting fireball, and he couldn't help but cried.

However, she did not hear Xiao Hua’s answer, only the sound of a fireball in her ear.

"But it!" Zhong Xiaohan sighed in his heart, did not take the left hand of the instrument, and then took another shot. This time, he did not take out the ice seal, but took out a one-foot-sized fan, and a blood of "噗" was sprayed on the fan. A "green" brilliance of "brush" flashed, and then, Zhong Xiaohan was forced to move into the fan. With the infusion of mana, Guanghua gradually converges until Zhong Xiaohan injects 40% of the mana into the fan. Only Guanghua is full of convergence.

At this time, the fireball around Zhong Xiaohan burst completely, and the strong heat wave rushed to the brilliance of her body, and the brilliance of her body was very thin at this time, and it was shaken and broken!

"Call" Zhong Xiaohan lightly put a fan in his hand, and a hurricane was born from the fan. The hurricane was getting bigger and bigger than the fan, and the fireballs around the eyes were all fanned away!

"Hey!" Zhong Xiaohan was very determined in his heart, and he smiled and looked at Xiao Hua.

I know, Xiao Hua stood in a place that was less than ten feet from Zhong Xiaohan, and looked at her as coldly.

It seems that something is wrong! ? At the moment, Zhong Xiaohan suddenly felt that the defensive mask under his feet was violently slamming, the light of "啪", the brilliance of the robes on the robes, waiting for her to swept away, only to see the feet, a dark The black iron needle is flying straight, and it will pierce her sole!

Where does Zhong Xiaohan dare to let the black iron needle penetrate? In my heart, I was fortunate enough to rush my mana and fan the fan in my hand. The same hurricane was born, and the mysterious iron needle was blown away!

"呜~~~~~~" Zhong Xiaohan still waited for a trace of luck in the heart, and there was a gust of wind coming from the top of the head, like an incomparable force!

Zhong Xiaohan couldn’t look up, only swallowed the gods, and immediately it was a slap in the face, and he was shocked and scared. I saw Xiao Hua standing in front of her at this time, and a dark iron rod had hit her forehead!! !

"He... How did he fly to my eyes? How... So fast? I... I... there is no feeling at all!" Zhong Xiaohan’s heart is cold and cool, this purely powerful magic gun attack is attacking the monk. The ontology, its threat and shocking power is far more powerful than the attack of the magic weapon and the magic weapon!

I felt the wind of the magic gun, and the chill of the magic gun itself was close to the skin of my forehead, and even led to the smashing of the grain on the skin. At this time, Zhong Xiaohan had an unparalleled insight into everything around him, and felt unparalleled. The closeness of death, at the same time, is an unparalleled realization of the changes in my body!

For a moment, Zhong Xiaohan’s heart raised a kind of enlightenment, a kind of incomprehensible enlightenment. With this realization, the instinct of Zhong Xiaohan’s meridians and meridians began to have a liquefaction!

"Building the foundation! Building the base!!" Zhong Xiaohan's heart is ecstatic, the 12-layer peak of refining has been for a long time, and finally waited for this moment, but immediately, Zhong Xiaohan is a bitter smile... I am going to die soon, building a foundation... What is it?

But at this time, Xiao Hua’s magic gun also stopped, tightly attached to Zhong Xiaohan’s forehead, stopped, and stared at Zhong Xiaohan, a meaningful smile: “How? Zhongdaoyou?? Not yet Building a foundation? If you don’t build a foundation, there’s no way for a poor road!”

"What?" Zhong Xiaohan was stunned!

Xiao Hua took the magic gun and closed it. He smiled and said: "When you take Zhuji Dan, or what kind of charm?" This is the hard work of Zhongdaoyou. There is no trace of the poor road!"

At this time, Zhong Xiaohan naturally understood that he did not even thank him. He quickly took out the building of Jijidan, stuffed it into the entrance, and closed his eyes to prepare for the foundation.

"Brush" from the illusion of the sky, the same light column projected down, will cover Xiao Xiaohan, slowly take her out of the magic array.

"It's another merit!" Xiao Hua smiled and his figure flew up. It was also a slow illusion. Within the Buddha's relic, another unusually brilliant Buddha was born!

Out of the magic array, sure enough, the monk called Zhong Tianxing was not next to it, presumably to **** Zhong Xiaohan back to the pavilion of the Xianle School.

"Go, go, today, the end of the four rounds, Xiaoye is going to take a break!" Xiao Hua clap his hands and turn around.

“Xiao Hua?” shouted in the distance: “You came out so early? How is the outcome?”

"There is no victory, the disciples of the Xianle School suddenly built the foundation, and the disciples will follow it out!" Xiao Hua smiled.

"Ah? There is another building foundation today?" The more incredible it is: "I heard that it would be nice to have a foundation on the next day at the Xianxian Conference. How... The first day of the Fairy Conference , came out two foundations?"

Later, Yan Yue was awakened again: "And... are you still fighting against you?"

Xiao Hua scratched his head and smiled: "I am afraid that the disciples are lucky, and they are destined to enter the first thirty-two. These brothers and brothers are no match, so they have to let them build the foundation!"

"Oh, maybe it's true!" He smiled more and more, but it was obviously impossible to believe, and said, "Then you will go back to rest earlier, there are four rounds tomorrow!"

"Yes, the disciple knows!" Xiao Hua took the ceremony and went back to the pavilion alone. The entire pavilion of Yu Leizong was quiet, and there was no sound. Presumably... all the disciples were fighting in the magic circle, thinking Find the first line of the building.

Xiao Hua opened the ban on his own quiet room, and was about to step on it. Suddenly, he thought that Yuan Bo and Qi Ge would be eliminated one step at a time. It must be hurt. Do you want to visit it? Xiao Hua didn’t want to see it. I thought that everyone was involved in Yu Leizong. Yuan Bo and others also revealed some kindness. Although I don’t know why there are so many students, it’s a serious injury. From a moral point of view, still look at it!

Thinking, Xiao Hua turned and went inside. The rooms of Yuanbo and Yuge were not together, even far apart. When Xiao Hua found the quiet room of Xiao Ge, the quiet room did not have a ban, static. The door of the room opened wide, but listening to the inside of Yuanbo hoarse voice: "The goods must be a problem..."

Xiao Hua frowned, and the strength of his feet was put a little heavy. "Who?" The two men in the room immediately heard the sound, and they were shocked and angry.

"Little brother Xiao Hua, come and see the two brothers?" Xiao Hua stood at the door and looked at the pale face, the two men who were badly hurt, said with a smile.

"Xiao Hua ???" 闵 Ge strange, looked at Yuan Bo: "How ... so soon came out? This ... seems to have just passed the time limit?"

"Oh, how are the two brothers injured?" Xiao Hua avoided answering and walked in.

"Hey, Xiao Shidi is a good means! Actually can stick to the time limit, it is really hidden!" Ge Ge looked at Xiao Hua, sneer.

“闵师弟!” Yuan Bo replied: “Xiao Shidi is a city government! Where can I compare?”

He opened his mouth and sighed, and he stopped talking.

"The younger brother is also lucky, every time can be fierce!" Xiao Hua smiled: "The two brothers are much more mature than the younger brother, may be bad luck, met the master of Changbai Zong, this is defeated! ”

"No!" 闵 Ge loudly said: "I don't know what that cockroaches did, let people chase after smashing out from the illusion. And, also provoked the dispute between Changbaizong and my Royal Leizong! I wait It’s no worse than Changbai’s disciple. They suddenly attacked. I lost the opportunity and could barely resist it. It’s good to escape from birth. If Xiao’s brother is inside... It’s dead!”

"Well, exactly, it is!" Xiao Hua nodded slightly, and wanted to leave. She stood up and smiled. "Since I was hurt, the two brothers had a good rest. There was no fight between them. My heart..."

Just then, a loud voice rang from Xiaohua's back: "Hey, hey, younger brother, you are wrong! Xiao Shidi means where do you know? Xiao Shidi met in the third round, but Changbai Zong's master, after Fighting, Xiao Shidi succeeded in killing that, and really gave me a sigh of relief!"

"Ah?" Yuan Bo and Yu Ge are very eclipsed, looking up at Wang Yunxiao who walked slowly into the quiet room.

"Oh, Brother Wang, have you come out so early?" Xiao Hua arched his hand and asked: "Can you sing in the fourth round?"

"For the brother, it is far worse than you!" Wang Yun said: "The fourth round barely supported the time limit and immediately escaped from the inside!" Then, he took a look at Yuanbo and Ge Ge, and casually said: "Two I don’t know if the younger brother is afraid. Xiao Shidi won all four games today and took all 16 points. It is the first place in my Royal Leizong!"



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