Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 398: Lottery

Chapter 398

“Is it?” Xiao Hua smiled and picked up another medicinal herb, and sent it to the front of the bamboo in a respectful manner: “The seniors pointed to a lot of younger generations. This medicinal medicine is a filial piety of the younger generation!”

Han Zhu looked at Xiao Hua and nodded: "Whether, the old man really needs this remedy, and he will not be tempted with you! If the fruit of this fascination is too difficult to find, the old man must refine himself!" Feel free to accept. . . Com(_"》)

"This Run Shen Dan is only repairing the gods of the Taoist monks, but for the Buddha, it is a relic!" Han Zhu did not keep whispering: "When you are repaired to Jin Dan, you also Can take it and try it!"

Xiao Hua took the medicinal herbs into the storage bag and smiled bitterly: "The disciples have not dared to expect to build a foundation. How dare you think about Jin Dan at this time?"

"Hahaha, the old man doesn't say much, you know it naturally!" Han Zhu laughed and waved, indicating that Xiao Hua left, and when Xiao Bamboo opened the ban in the quiet room, Xiao Hua's eyes turned and smiled: "Predecessors, younger generations take the liberty One sound..."

"What? What else?"

"That... the Danfang predecessor of Run Shen Dan must have it? What is this fascinating fruit? If so, can the Danfang predecessor of Run Shen Dan be given to the younger generation?" Xiao Hua said with some hesitation: "If the younger generation is again In the future, I can also redeem my filial piety!"

"Oh, okay, this Danfang is nothing remarkable. It was the old man who got the hand of a Changbai Zongjiji monk in his early years!" Hanzhu did not hide it. He waved his hand and a jade slipped out!

Xiao Hua took over, and this was a good time to leave the room.

Outside the quiet room, Ke Xingyu was waiting for him. When he saw Xiao Hua coming out, he hurriedly greeted him and smiled: "Xiao Daoyou..."

Xiao Hua had already seen it, and immediately smiled and said: "Ke Daoyou, the original Han bamboo predecessor was a predecessor who met in the early years of the poor road. I didn't know his old name before, but now I am really happy again. ”

"Xiaodao friendly opportunity!" Ke Xingyu's face envy: "Hanzhu Master's ancestors want to come to the school to be famous, easy to approach people tight, Xiao Daoyou was afraid of getting a lot of guidance in the early years!"

Xiao Hua nodded: "It is exactly that the poor roads of the past did not know that the predecessors of the Han bamboo were the monks of the Jindan period, and thought it was the foundation monk!"

Then the two said a few more words, Xiao Hua gave a speech.

When Xiao Hua walked out of the Kunlun faction, Yuan Bo and Yu Ge, who had been waiting outside for a long time, immediately followed up and wanted to see where Xiao Hua was going. Who knows that Xiao Hua Trail has returned to his own quiet. Room, I didn’t see it all night, until the second morning...

Not waiting for Xiao Hua to open the ban of the quiet room, the light on the wall of the quiet room flashed, "Who visited so early?" Xiao Hua opened his eyes, some unhappy thought, returned to the quiet room yesterday, He told the Buddha about the cultivation of the Buddha's relic, and in his mind, he carefully remembered the words and words in it, and thought about it over and over again. At this time, he still relished his own Buddha. She is not very happy when she sees someone coming to visit.

When he opened the ban in the quiet room, but listened to the sound of screaming out: "Xiao Shidi, fast, fast, will soon announce the second stage of the fight against the battle, some disciples have gone out to wait, Xiao Shidi is in the bureau Don't you worry?"

"Anxious?" Xiao Hua shook his head slightly. The twenty-third was actually a little over. According to his previous thoughts, he did not plan to enter the first thirty-two! However, after seeing the greetings, Xiao Hua smiled and said: "Yu Shizhen, the poor road can enter the top 32 is already a fluke, the second stage of the fight is more intense, the poor road can not expect!"

巽纾 招 招 招 : : “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ ?"

"What? With Dan?? The legendary medicinal herbs that can increase the chances of building a foundation?" Xiao Hua blinked and said, "This thing... We don’t know what kind of spirit grass we use." They are too How can there be Qing Dynasty?"

He smiled and smiled. He shook his head and said: "Where is the poor road known? It is said by others! But since someone said it, it is naturally the source of the news. Ning believes that it is not credible!"

"Exactly!" Xiao Hua also came to the heart, and quickly stepped out of the pavilion. At this time, there were already a lot of people in the square, all of whom were sent to watch the situation against the disciples. .

Xiao Hua and others stood and waited for a cup of tea to see the midair in front of the square. A loud bang, a fireworks-like signal burst open, and then a huge place appeared in the place where the fireworks were born. The light curtain, the light curtain above the radiance, the various colors stirred each other, just like the same mouth opened the pot of porridge.

“You are a little friend!” Ren Zhu showed his figure in front of the light curtain and said with a smile: “The Yuxian Conference has been successfully held more than half. In the first stage of the competition, one and twelve disciples have successfully built Base, this is the most prominent disciple in the previous Yuxian Conference! This also proves the correctness of the Suxian Conference held by the Three Kingdoms! The experience of the ancestors has proved that the retreat can enhance the cultivation, but for the breakthrough The realm of the realm is that there is no grasp of the power. The monks who have stuck to the bottleneck for a long time should also experience more and more, and realize the life and death in order to temper the Taoist heart and improve the realm!"

"The first stage of the Yuxian Conference has selected 32 disciples. These 32 disciples will be eliminated in the second stage by the fight, and the top four will be decided. Of course, if any disciple is building a foundation in the fight, It’s time to leave and quit, and count the opponents to win! The top four rewards are not to say! This time, I’m too Qingzong, I’m especially pleased to send the Eight Leagues to Dan, this time. The top eight, get another one with Dan!"

"Boom", all the disciples in the square are talking about it. They came here to confirm the news of Dan. Although the number of Dan is not the same, it can be avoided by Dan. Are they excited?

"Xianmeng?" Xiaohua in the square is a slight sigh, said: "What is this Xianmeng? Why haven't I heard of it?"

"How? Xiao Daoyou, if you can enter the top eight, with Dan, you can improve the grasp of the two foundations!" Envy of the face.

Xiao Hua’s heart moved, and he said: “Yu Shizhen, this Xianmeng...what is it?”

"Xianmeng?" is a bit strange: "Xiao Daoyou does not know Xianmeng?"

"If you know, you can ask your teacher?" Xiao Hua shook his head.

"That... Xiao Daoyou knows the battle of the fairy magic? Royal Valley?" asked.

Xiao Hua still said: "Slightly heard, not particularly clear!"

He is about to talk, and Renzhu in the air is Yang Yang’s voice: "Please ask the leaders of the various factions to come and arrange for the situation!"

Hearing, the face was excited and whispered: "I will talk about it later, see who your opponent is?"

Xiao Hua looked up and saw that the light curtain in midair was divided into two parts. The lower half was still a radiant, chaotic one, the upper half calmed down, and a row of thirty-two small ones appeared at the bottom. The square above the block is a row of sixteen squares, and then there are eight, four, two and one!

Xiao Hua understands that these thirty-two squares must be the name of thirty-two disciples, and the sixteen squares in the second row are the names of the first round to win the disciples! The top one, it should be the first place in this fight!

Sure enough, with the voice of Renzhu, the golden buddhist monks of the 12 martial arts, such as Yu Leizong lyrics and Chang Baizong Liao Zhouquan, flew to Renzhu.

Renzhu smiled and said: "I am too Qingzong to hold this feather fair, so I am too Qingzong to participate in the schedule, and all the friends are scheduled, and the rest of the seats are my Taiqing disciples. Which one? Do you come first?"

"The poor road comes first!" Yang Fan, a monk in the Jindan period of Shengxianmen, stepped forward and smiled: "The three disciples of Xu Fu, Wu Qiming and He Shouzheng entered the top 32!" A brand of sparkling crystals, Yang Fan will wave his hand, three brands fly into the lower half of the radiant air in the air, only see the entire Guanghua scattered, three shiny crystal brands visible in the random fly, after a moment Each flies into the upper grid, but sees that Xu Fu’s name falls on the sixteenth, Wu Qiming falls on the fifth, and He Shouzheng falls on the eighteenth!

"Big good!" Yang Fan smiled and said: "The poor road is good luck!" said to retreat to one side.

"It's the turn of the poor!" Xianle sent Jin Dan, Tian Wei, a gentleman, walked forward and said: "I only have two disciples in the Xianle School to enter the top 32."

Yang Fan, next to him, smiled and said: "You have a female disciple who has set foot on the foundation, what else is not satisfied?"

"Ha ha" Tian Wei haha ​​smiled, and raised his hand, two shiny crystal brands are also put into the air, but for a long time two brands appeared, one is Zhong Tianxing fell on the eleventh, the other is Li Yue fell in the first Thirty one!

"The luck in the poor road is not bad!" Tian Wei smiled back and took a step back. He said, "I have three disciples in the Royal Leizong, and I am looking for luck in the poor!" In a moment, it is now known, but the lyrical face is a little lost, shaking his head slightly, and smiles bitterly: "It seems that the poor road is not as good as you!"

Everyone in the square is also talking about it, but the brand of Qianmo is in the third, and the brands of Xiaohua and Kunfei are in the twentieth and nineteenth, that is, in the first round. In the middle, Xiao Hua is going to fight against Kun, and the two disciples of Yu Leizong can only enter the second round!

This is equivalent to the situation of the door. It is still rare on the Yuxian Conference. It must be said that the sensational luck is really bad!



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