Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 401: Actually, he won the first place.

Xiao Hua saw and looked at the jade slips of the town’s Yunyin ritual. Until I have confirmed that I have completely remembered it,

This will be the jade Jane income within the space, and then closed their eyes to think, after a long time, I saw Xiao Hua will wave a hand, the little town cloud prints flying in the air.

Looked and watched this broken, there is no brilliance of small things, Xiao Hua secretly said: "If this thing is put aside, I can't think of it as a practice treasure!" Thinking, put your fingers out, When the game was forced, I wanted to force a drop of blood. However, the mana was mobilized several times, and the blood could not flow out of the fingers!

"Hey? What's the matter?" Xiao Hua is very strange. It seems that a few years ago, he easily forced a drop of blood in the jade palace of the Thunder Palace!

Suddenly, Xiao Hua remembered the record of the powerful King Kong legal body just now!

"Is it the poor body that is really like the body of the law, can you get rid of it?" Thinking, he took a hand, the black iron meter took it out, and then gently pierced his ring finger.

Sure enough, the black iron needle only touches the surface of the finger, as if it hits an extremely hard iron plate, it can no longer stab!

"Haha, wonderful!" Xiao Hua almost jumped up and said: "This is just a three-layer repair. If you are going to practice the nine layers of the King Kong body, then it is not even a magic weapon." What?"

"But, if even the mysterious iron needle can not pierce the finger, how does the town cloud print also blood sacrifice?" Xiao Hua was a little worried, then picked up the black iron needle to spur the fingers inside, but fortunately, finally finally squeezed from the inside A drop of blood.

Xiao Hua sighed with a sigh of relief and pointed his hand. The blood dripped into the air. Xiao Hua’s hands on the fascinating pop-ups were not in the blood. With the entry of the scorpion, the blood was gradually pulled. Long, thin, and finally form a similar to the town cloud print.

"Go!" Xiao Hua pointed his hand, and the floating cloud of the town next to it flew into the blood drop. Then, Xiao Hua’s hands then entered the law, and the blood dripping slowly into the town. in!

With the entry of Xiao Hua's blood drop, another drop of blood was gradually forced out from the other side!

Xiao Hua stopped the law, and waved his hand. A glimpse of the fire would go out, burning on the blood, and immediately burned without traces!

Then, Xiao Hua served a Juyuan Dan, closed his eyes, and exercised his strength, while the different laws were all entered into the town cloud seal, the town Yunyin was under the sacredness of Xiao Hua Slowly tumbling in the air, gradually showing the brilliance of the silk!

One day, two days... Until the fifth day of the second stage of the Yuxian Conference, Xiao Hua has never closed the door, and sacrificed the town cloud seal in the quiet room!

At the time of the square, there is only one huge magical array. There are two monks in each of them to compete for the first place in each of the feather fairs!

One of them is Zhuo Qingyuan, a disciple of the late 12th floor of the refining qi, and the other is also familiar with Xiao Hua. It is the disciple of the 12th floor of the refining qi hu ya.

The fight between the two men is now nearing the end. I saw that both faces are pale, and the mana cost is huge. Zhuo Qingyuan’s top flying sword, swallowing a half-foot long sword, staring This cloud chong is like a snake! The opposite of the cloud chong chong above the top of the instrument is a bamboo-like green things, this time also flying in the air, yue yu try!

"Disease!" But listening to Zhuo Qingyuan six roars, the flying sword suddenly flew out, the rapid thorns to the cloud 孑 chong xiong before, Yunxiao chong does not hesitate, the index finger and the **** together, in midair Draw…

After that, from the bamboo tube, "Peng" spurted out a bundle of water-like brilliance, with the command of Yunxiao chong, the front half is blocked!

Seeing Feijian is going to stab Zhonghua, Zhuo Qingyuan's index finger of both hands suddenly slams, and the flying sword is actually split into two, bypassing Guanghua's sides and pricking from the side to the waist of chong!

This mutation is unexpectedly unexpected, but Yunhong chong is not slow when he is surprised. A waistband, a four-finger wide belt emerges from his waist, and then flies out countless runes from the belt. Rotating in front of the flying sword, the flying sword hits these runes, it seems to fall into the quagmire, only softly penetrated into the three inches, if you want to puncture in half an inch, then it is not!

Zhuo Qingyuan saw the shape, slightly biting his teeth, and took a hand, showing a sparkling charm in his hand, urging the mana to stick to his forehead, "吼~" from the mouth of Zhuo Qingyuan, only to see Zhuo Qingyuan's forehead The gradual bulge on the top reveals a one-inch long horn, and the faint outline of the arm and the back gradually emerges!

"Giant charm!" The people around watching the war were shocked. This charm is of great power, but the required mana is also very high. Usually, only the true elements of the foundation-based monks can support, and the refining monks have few dare to try. Unless you feel that your mana can be compared with the foundation monk!

The body of Zhuo Qingyuan gradually became bigger with the role of the giant spirits, and gradually higher than the previous two! What surprised everyone was that the cloud chong in front of Zhuo Qingyuan did not panic, just silently watching Zhuo Qingyuan's physical changes, thoughtful! 

Seeing Zhuo Qingyuan's giant spirits will be successful, I saw that Yunxiao Chong is also a hand to shoot, laughing: "Since Zhuo Daoyou has a heart-to-heart test, then Yunmou is also accompanying!"

Between the words, the hand shows a sparkling charm, also shot on the body!

"Hey!" Almost the same screaming voice, the body of Yunxiao chong also began to change, but the shape of the change is slightly different!

This is good, everyone in the square is full of excitement and admiration on the face.

Since both of them use the giant spirits, then the final fight is directly compared to the test force, who repairs deep and strong, and the mana is strong, then who can illusion the greater the power, who can knock down the other side!

This is a real competition, without any instrument!

"Hit!" Zhuo Qingyuan waited until the giant spirits came into full force, and couldn't wait to make a high-sounding voice. He swung his fist and the whole huge body rushed toward the sky.

Although Yunxiao Chong is a half-step slower, his giant spirits are different. The whole beast is a little smaller than Zhuo Qingyuan. Seeing that Zhuo Qingyuan’s fist is bigger than the drum, it is also Raising the fist of the big fight should be gone!

"Booming!" A burst of sound, the entire square is shaking, everyone's ears are shaking!

"Hey, how is it so powerful?" The people in the square were shocked and didn't know what to say! This illusion is a bit of a benefit. The images in the illusion can be seen clearly, but the sound is small and pitiful. It is almost inaudible. The two illusionary giant beasts can actually plaza outside the illusion. It’s shaking, this... what a magical power!

But then everyone standing on the edge of the square felt that something was wrong. It seemed that the vibrations and sounds came from behind them. When they looked back inadvertently, they saw that the pavilion where the royal priests lived had collapsed. Most of them, in the ruins, Xiao Hua's gray face... slowly got out of it!

"Grandma's, this town cloud printing... really worthy of the name!" Xiao Hua took the soil off his body, while the excitement and the annoyance of the dark road: "Little Master is just a little test of the power, how ... accidentally The room will be quiet, oh, no, the ban on the half of the building has been defeated?"

Yes, Xiao Hua is in the sacred town of Yunyin after the success, very casual to the wall of his own quiet room, so a slight shot, is a very light shot, absolutely no other meaning, really ! As a result, the prohibition on the wall is like a paper paste, and the walls are also pressed with the mud, and they are successively collapsed!

The Taiqing disciple who was guarded in front of the pavilion was very sad and looked at Xiaohua, who was awkward. I wonder if I should go up and apologize? Still should ask if he is a ghost!

Just when Xiao Hua made a noise, the comparison within the magic array also saw the difference. I saw that Yunxiao Chong took the cold and used his elbow to hit the back of the Zhuo Qingyuan. Zhuo Qingyuan had a burst. Dizziness, the body's infuriating stagnation, the mana can not be timely introduced into the giant spirits, Zhuo Qingyuan's entire body is like a blistering blisters, rapidly shrinking, the scales of the body are also rapidly annihilated, etc. Reverted to the original state, Zhuo Qingyuan's face was pale, and he took a medicinal herb. He said: "The cloud road friend has a strong mana, a poor road, a poor road... a fate!"

Hearing Zhuo Qingyuan said this, Yunxiao chong only took the giant spirits, but also gradually restored to the original, arched: "Zhuo brother is deliberately want to let, Yunmou dare not dare!"

"But! A new generation of old people for the old man, Zhuo Mou!" said, Zhuo Qingyuan urged the French card to fly out of the illusion, and returned to his own quiet room.

Seeing that the first place of the Yuxian Conference has been separated, and everyone is relishing it, it is still very weird to look at the collapsed pavilion of Yu Leizong, I don’t know what happened.

"Well, all the disciples, at this time, have been dusk, and everyone will return to their quiet rooms to rest. In the early morning tomorrow, I will be awarded the rewards to the first few disciples according to the old example." Ren Zhu is flying in the air again. Lang said: "And, tomorrow, I am too clear that there is a surprise for the former thirty-two disciples!"

"Hey? There are still surprises tomorrow? What is it?" At this time, the monks did not feel the road that had previously greeted themselves to the place. The monk who loves to sell the customs seems to be the time to open this gate tomorrow!

As for the collapse of the Royal Leizong, Taiqing did not ask too much. After all, Xiao Hua is practicing, which involves some secrets, that is, his own disciple of Taiqing, and occasionally such things happen, but the sound and momentum are not It’s so big! And within the dilemma, there are more pavilions, just look for some. And Yu Leizong disciple, in the new quiet room, closed eyes and quiet repair, waiting for the next day's surprise, Xiao Hua is sitting in front of Yan and Qian Diheng to listen to the two people telling the excitement of these days! ! .


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