Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 454: 栾记店

The 456th chapter of the shop

The spirit camel car is extremely fast, and the weeping moon city is great. Obviously, the dry Diheng has a fixed plan. After the devil camel car, he said the name of an inn with the monk who drove the car. The eyes did not refute, and the spiritual camel took half an hour before coming to a look that was quite expensive!

Dry Di Heng took out Lingshi to pay the bill, Xiao Hua glanced at it, and did not feel some rou pain. He did not expect to take so many Lingshi in the Lingtuo car, but think about the half-hour journey if it is really walking. headache! This rou pain and headache seems to be the same.

As for accommodation, Gan Diheng is equally generous, and there will be four rooms for each room, one for each person!

Waiting for the second and second eagerly sent the four people to the room, Xiao Hua took the French card. The random look was thrown on the table in the house, sitting on the cloud chuáng, waiting for the dry Diheng.

I don’t know, after a long time, I didn’t see the figure of Di Diheng. Xiao Hua didn’t feel surprised: “Is it difficult to become a brother to turn xing?”

At this time, the footsteps sounded outside the house, and the sound of screaming came: "Xiao Shidi, can the poor road go in?"

Xiao Hua jumped up from the cloud chuáng and smiled: "The sergeant invited you to enter, the ban on the poor room did not open!"

I broke into the house, looked around, and apologized: "The poor road is trying to set another inn in the city of Weeping Moon. I don't think that the younger brother is coming here. The conditions here are a bit worse. I hope that Xiao Shidi will not care. !"

Xiao Hua knows that he is interested in it. He smiled and said: "The younger brother is a spoiler. It is used to the ground. These younger brothers are already very satisfied! Is there anything wrong with this teacher?"

"Well," nodded, looked around, and said: "I am waiting to cry the moon city, although it is a cover-up, but the bargaining session in the moon city is also going to go. The previous poor road did not elaborate, this weeping The negotiation of the price of Yuecheng is also very special. Many of the unknown instruments and even magic weapons have been brought here to change. I think the younger brother chose this place, which is directed at the bargaining meeting!"

"The poor road has just been inspected. After three days, there is just a bargaining session. If Xiao Shidi is interested, let me go together?"

Xiao Hua listened, his face showed a happy sè, and he said: "Dashan, the younger brother has not traveled for a long time, it is to find some good things to go back!"

"That's the way to say it. In these few days, Xiao Shidi can retreat here, or go out to see the style. After three days, the poor road will call the younger brother!"

Xiao Hua nodded: "The teacher is very well arranged, the younger brother has no opinion! The younger brother is rehearsing in the house, waiting for the teacher to summon!"

“嘻嘻” 巽纾 巽纾 笑 巽纾 巽纾 巽纾 巽纾 巽纾 巽纾 巽纾 巽纾 巽纾 巽纾 巽纾 巽纾 巽纾 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧

This seems to have meaning, Xiao Hua's face is reddish.

However, after a few steps, I went back and said: "Yes, this kind of spirit grass with special products is used by the monks who built the base period... Xiao Shidi, if you have leisure time to go out and try your luck, maybe What will be gained!"

"Yu Shizhen said that it is the lotus green fruit!" Xiao Hua smiled.

"Hey? Xiao Shidi is a fan of broad knowledge. This is a dry climate in the vicinity of the city, and the soil is very strong. It is a good opportunity for the growth of the green fruit. Many monks who come to the city of the moon are also directed at this special product. "Oh, some strangely said, after all, when Xiao Hua first went to the feather fair with her, it seems that many things are not known. She is also a kind reminder. I don’t want Xiao Hua to read a lot of books in the past five years. Although there is no travel, I can understand a lot.

Xiao Hua scratched his head and did not explain it. He shook his head slightly: "It is good to rely on the lotus green fruit, but it is used to improve the structure of the real yuan. It is used for the breakthrough of the monks in the early stage of building the foundation. It seems to have no effect on me and other refining monks. ?"

It can be said that Xiao Hua’s heart is fretting, and he is now constantly improving. It is different from other stagnation of the twelve-layer refining monk. Is this Yilian Green Fruit useful to himself?

"Oh, the poor road just thinks that Xiao Shidi has failed to build the foundation. However, after Xiao Shidi’s qualifications, he can definitely build the foundation. Does the ancients have a cloud? The heavens will be reduced to the people of Sri Lanka, and they must first bitter their minds. Bone-bone, hungry for his body, lack of body, do you know what it is? Xiao Shidi can only gain the heart and can not gain anything, what is the foundation, Jindan only raises the ear!" Living in Xiao Hua, I am sincerely saying.

Xiao Hua heard it, but also looked up, looked at her gaze, saw the pure gaze full of trust, and did not have a slight contempt, Xiao Hua smiled: "Thank you for your teacher, the younger brother will not be a teacher." Look high!"

"Well, the younger brother is retreating, the poor road is gone!" The face is inexplicably red. Although she is trusting Xiao Hua, she can also encourage her to see Xiao Hua’s unparalleled self-confidence. I have seen many of the foundations that are not a monk's decadence. I don't know how many times I am strong.

When he left, Xiao Hua sat on the cloud chuáng for a while, but he did not see the dry Diheng coming over. He was not in a hurry. There are four-phase wheels and hundred in the storage bag from Zhenhao and Zhenhao. Duiyun and Mo Yunjia, there is also a spear-like implement, the instrument and the four-phase wheel are gone, the attack is not as good as the town cloud print, but the hundred stacks of clouds and Mo Yunjia are the magic weapon of defense. The magic weapon of this defense is much less than the magic weapon of attack in the realm of comprehension. It is rare that Yanleiling is the inheritance of the refiner, and suddenly took out two defense magic weapons to deal with Xiaohua’s town cloud seal. Xiao Hua didn't know that this can be re-trained in the city of Weeping Moon. Now that I know, how can I not give birth to ideas? After all, Xiao Hua’s rou body is sturdy, but it’s always better than the magic weapon. There is no magic weapon for protecting the body. Isn’t it not wearing a robes with rou?

However, when Xiao Hua came to the room of Gan Diheng, Gan Diheng would lift the ban and listen to Xiao Hua’s request. He did not feel the mysterious smile: “This is Xiao Shi’s brother, I’m not going anywhere. I can't go at the same time. There are still three days to go to the bargaining. I wait for the brother to explore the road first. Nong understands the twists and turns and tells Xiao Shidi, how do you see it!"

"Well, the younger brother understands!" Xiao Hua was very touched. He also made a magical look for how to avoid the face of Gan Diheng. This arrangement is exactly what he thought!

Later, Xiao Hua went back to the house to see the furnishings in the house, knowing that it was not suitable for his own cultivation, frowning, taking out the simplification of the refiner, and carefully looking at it.

After a long time, Xiao Hua did not calculate the time. I don't know where to see the refiner. Xiao Hua’s heart moved from the top of the cloud chuáng, took out the French card and opened the house’s ban, and walked out of the inn.

"Where is the guest officer going?" Seeing Xiao Hua from the high-priced room, the small shop outside the store rushed up and looked at the shop with auntie's shop. Xiao Hua felt the heart, this shop's second-level refining two-layer repair was However, a few years ago, I was in the realm of 殇华冥, and I have been pursuing it in the sky. Nowadays... This second layer of refining is not worthy of giving shoes to myself. It can only be lowered in front of oneself. It is not unreasonable to pursue the realm and cultivation. Master's spurs and supervision are also true!" Thinking of this, Xiao Hua is reminded of the helpless encounter on the Lei Fengfeng. If he is not worried about himself, how can he help from Wanlei Valley? Run to Lei Fengfeng?

"Unfortunately, my disciple who can't be a weapon... I have to be a master of his old man's disappointment for a few years!" Xiao Hua looked a little erratic.

"Guest official..." Seeing Xiao Hua did not answer, the store Xiao Er did not dare to say, whispered a moment to retreat aside.

Xiao Hua glanced at it, and there was a trace of pity in his heart. It was like seeing himself a few years ago. He took a hand and took out a piece of Chinese stone from the storage bag. He handed it over and smiled: "Small two The poor road thinks about the location of the refiner. I don’t know if there is any good store recommended?"

"There is no need for Lingshi." The store did not expect Xiaohua to give him Lingshi, and quickly pushed to lose the smile: "There is a store in the east of the city. It is the famous old shop in the city of Weeping Moon. The owner is also the inheritance of the millennium. The most authentic is the real thing, if the road leader goes, you can mention the small name, it can be cheaper!"

"You are a second child, but it is a paste nong. Who doesn't know that there is a mén shop in Qichen Mén in the city of Nianyue? The mén shop is also close to here. You let this friend go to the store, afraid that it is a heart." "A red-faced monk just walked out of the room and listened to the store's second child. It was very ridiculous."

"Good to teach this Daochang know!" The shop was second to red when it was red, and eagerly said: "Small people really know the shopkeeper of the shop, but his things are really good! Although Qi Qiao mén is close, it is more expensive than me. More than 30%! People are going to the brand of Qi Qiao mén, but..."

"Nothing is wrong!" The monk who refines the tenth floor of the refining squad, said: "It is the brand of Qiqiao mén, and the goods of others are reassuring. Who knows what you say about this road!"

Later, it was rushing Xiaohua to go to the hand: "This brother, the road to Qiqiao mén is under the know, can you have the honor to lead the brothers?"

Xiao Hua looked at the shopkeeper who was red-faced, and then looked at some of the diligent monks on his face. He smiled and said to the store, Xiao Er: "Little brother seems to have not said your name yet? How can the poor road be taken care of?"

"Small second brother?" The store was listening to the small 21st, and his face was even more motivated. His tone was a bit stuttering: "Small...small surname Fan, famous leaf, small with Jianming Ming from childhood..."

“栾建明?” Xiao Hua couldn’t help but feel a little frowning. Needless to say, this is definitely the owner of the store, and grew up with this Fan Ye. How many repairs can it have?

"Haha, the owner of the second floor of refining, what kind of implement can he refine? Daoyou, or go to Qiqiao mén!" The monk laughed.

“Zhu Jianming is a buddy in the store!” Fan Ye knew that he was wrong and quickly explained: “The owner of the store is the elder of his family.”

"Oh, thank you Xiao Erge!" Xiao Hua sent a hand, the piece of Ling Shi fluttered to Fan Ye's eyes, then Xiao Hua did not return to the shop, behind the Fan Ye holding Lingshi, The feeling in the eyes is clear.

At this time, within the Buddha's heart of Xiao Hua Buddha's relic, there is a little bit of light and nowhere, and the appearance is dull, Xiao Hua actually has no consciousness!



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